# nested_markup.py
# Example markup parser to recursively transform nested markup directives.
# Copyright 2019, Paul McGuire
import pyparsing as pp
wiki_markup = pp.Forward()
# a method that will construct and return a parse action that will
# do the proper wrapping in opening and closing HTML, and recursively call
# wiki_markup.transformString on the markup body text
def convert_markup_to_html(opening,closing):
def conversionParseAction(s, l, t):
return opening + wiki_markup.transformString(t[1][1:-1]) + closing
return conversionParseAction
# use a nestedExpr with originalTextFor to parse nested braces, but return the
# parsed text as a single string containing the outermost nested braces instead
# of a nested list of parsed tokens
markup_body = pp.originalTextFor(pp.nestedExpr('{', '}'))
italicized = ('ital' + markup_body).setParseAction(convert_markup_to_html("", ""))
bolded = ('bold' + markup_body).setParseAction(convert_markup_to_html("", ""))
# another markup and parse action to parse links - again using transform string
# to recursively parse any markup in the link text
def convert_link_to_html(s, l, t):
link_text, url = t._skipped
t['link_text'] = wiki_markup.transformString(link_text)
t['url'] = url
return '{link_text}'.format_map(t)
urlRef = (pp.Keyword('link') + '{' + ... + '->' + ... + '}').setParseAction(convert_link_to_html)
# now inject all the markup bits as possible markup expressions
wiki_markup <<= urlRef | italicized | bolded
# try it out!
wiki_input = """
Here is a simple Wiki input:
ital{This is in italics}.
bold{This is in bold}!
bold{This is in ital{bold italics}! But this is just bold.}
Here's a URL to link{Pyparsing's bold{Wiki Page}!->https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/wiki}