# simple_unit_tests.py
# While these unit tests *do* perform low-level unit testing of the classes in pyparsing,
# this testing module should also serve an instructional purpose, to clearly show simple passing
# and failing parse cases of some basic pyparsing expressions.
# Copyright (c) 2018 Paul T. McGuire
from __future__ import division
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
import pyparsing as pp
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
# Test spec data class for specifying simple pyparsing test cases
PpTestSpec = namedtuple("PpTestSpec", "desc expr text parse_fn "
"expected_list expected_dict expected_fail_locn")
PpTestSpec.__new__.__defaults__ = ('', pp.Empty(), '', 'parseString', None, None, None)
class PyparsingExpressionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Base pyparsing testing class to parse various pyparsing expressions against
given text strings. Subclasses must define a class attribute 'tests' which
is a list of PpTestSpec instances.
if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'subTest'):
# Python 2 compatibility
from contextlib import contextmanager
def subTest(self, **params):
print('subTest:', params)
tests = []
def runTest(self):
if self.__class__ is PyparsingExpressionTestCase:
for test_spec in self.tests:
# for each spec in the class's tests list, create a subtest
# that will either:
# - parse the string with expected success, display the
# results, and validate the returned ParseResults
# - or parse the string with expected failure, display the
# error message and mark the error location, and validate
# the location against an expected value
with self.subTest(test_spec=test_spec):
print("\n{0} - {1}({2})".format(test_spec.desc,
parsefn = getattr(test_spec.expr, test_spec.parse_fn)
if test_spec.expected_fail_locn is None:
# expect success
result = parsefn(test_spec.text)
if test_spec.parse_fn == 'parseString':
# compare results against given list and/or dict
if test_spec.expected_list is not None:
self.assertEqual(result.asList(), test_spec.expected_list)
if test_spec.expected_dict is not None:
self.assertEqual(result.asDict(), test_spec.expected_dict)
elif test_spec.parse_fn == 'transformString':
# compare results against given list and/or dict
if test_spec.expected_list is not None:
self.assertEqual([result], test_spec.expected_list)
elif test_spec.parse_fn == 'searchString':
# compare results against given list and/or dict
if test_spec.expected_list is not None:
self.assertEqual([result], test_spec.expected_list)
# expect fail
except Exception as exc:
if not hasattr(exc, '__traceback__'):
# Python 2 compatibility
from sys import exc_info
etype, value, traceback = exc_info()
exc.__traceback__ = traceback
self.assertEqual(exc.loc, test_spec.expected_fail_locn)
self.assertTrue(False, "failed to raise expected exception")
# =========== TEST DEFINITIONS START HERE ==============
class TestLiteral(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc = "Simple match",
expr = pp.Literal("xyz"),
text = "xyz",
expected_list = ["xyz"],
desc = "Simple match after skipping whitespace",
expr = pp.Literal("xyz"),
text = " xyz",
expected_list = ["xyz"],
desc = "Simple fail - parse an empty string",
expr = pp.Literal("xyz"),
text = "",
expected_fail_locn = 0,
desc = "Simple fail - parse a mismatching string",
expr = pp.Literal("xyz"),
text = "xyu",
expected_fail_locn = 0,
desc = "Simple fail - parse a partially matching string",
expr = pp.Literal("xyz"),
text = "xy",
expected_fail_locn = 0,
desc = "Fail - parse a partially matching string by matching individual letters",
expr = pp.Literal("x") + pp.Literal("y") + pp.Literal("z"),
text = "xy",
expected_fail_locn = 2,
class TestCaselessLiteral(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc = "Match colors, converting to consistent case",
expr = (pp.CaselessLiteral("RED")
| pp.CaselessLiteral("GREEN")
| pp.CaselessLiteral("BLUE"))[...],
text = "red Green BluE blue GREEN green rEd",
expected_list = ['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE', 'BLUE', 'GREEN', 'GREEN', 'RED'],
class TestWord(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc = "Simple Word match",
expr = pp.Word("xy"),
text = "xxyxxyy",
expected_list = ["xxyxxyy"],
desc = "Simple Word match of two separate Words",
expr = pp.Word("x") + pp.Word("y"),
text = "xxxxxyy",
expected_list = ["xxxxx", "yy"],
desc = "Simple Word match of two separate Words - implicitly skips whitespace",
expr = pp.Word("x") + pp.Word("y"),
text = "xxxxx yy",
expected_list = ["xxxxx", "yy"],
class TestCombine(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc="Parsing real numbers - fail, parsed numbers are in pieces",
expr=(pp.Word(pp.nums) + '.' + pp.Word(pp.nums))[...],
text="1.2 2.3 3.1416 98.6",
expected_list=['1', '.', '2', '2', '.', '3', '3', '.', '1416', '98', '.', '6'],
desc="Parsing real numbers - better, use Combine to combine multiple tokens into one",
expr=pp.Combine(pp.Word(pp.nums) + '.' + pp.Word(pp.nums))[...],
text="1.2 2.3 3.1416 98.6",
expected_list=['1.2', '2.3', '3.1416', '98.6'],
class TestRepetition(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc = "Match several words",
expr = (pp.Word("x") | pp.Word("y"))[...],
text = "xxyxxyyxxyxyxxxy",
expected_list = ['xx', 'y', 'xx', 'yy', 'xx', 'y', 'x', 'y', 'xxx', 'y'],
desc = "Match several words, skipping whitespace",
expr = (pp.Word("x") | pp.Word("y"))[...],
text = "x x y xxy yxx y xyx xxy",
expected_list = ['x', 'x', 'y', 'xx', 'y', 'y', 'xx', 'y', 'x', 'y', 'x', 'xx', 'y'],
desc = "Match several words, skipping whitespace (old style)",
expr = pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word("x") | pp.Word("y")),
text = "x x y xxy yxx y xyx xxy",
expected_list = ['x', 'x', 'y', 'xx', 'y', 'y', 'xx', 'y', 'x', 'y', 'x', 'xx', 'y'],
desc = "Match words and numbers - show use of results names to collect types of tokens",
expr = (pp.Word(pp.alphas)("alpha*")
| pp.pyparsing_common.integer("int*"))[...],
text = "sdlfj23084ksdfs08234kjsdlfkjd0934",
expected_list = ['sdlfj', 23084, 'ksdfs', 8234, 'kjsdlfkjd', 934],
expected_dict = { 'alpha': ['sdlfj', 'ksdfs', 'kjsdlfkjd'], 'int': [23084, 8234, 934] }
desc = "Using delimitedList (comma is the default delimiter)",
expr = pp.delimitedList(pp.Word(pp.alphas)),
text = "xxyx,xy,y,xxyx,yxx, xy",
expected_list = ['xxyx', 'xy', 'y', 'xxyx', 'yxx', 'xy'],
desc = "Using delimitedList, with ':' delimiter",
expr = pp.delimitedList(pp.Word(pp.hexnums, exact=2), delim=':', combine=True),
text = "0A:4B:73:21:FE:76",
expected_list = ['0A:4B:73:21:FE:76'],
class TestResultsName(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc = "Match with results name",
expr = pp.Literal("xyz").setResultsName("value"),
text = "xyz",
expected_dict = {'value': 'xyz'},
expected_list = ['xyz'],
desc = "Match with results name - using naming short-cut",
expr = pp.Literal("xyz")("value"),
text = "xyz",
expected_dict = {'value': 'xyz'},
expected_list = ['xyz'],
desc = "Define multiple results names",
expr = pp.Word(pp.alphas, pp.alphanums)("key") + '=' + pp.pyparsing_common.integer("value"),
text = "range=5280",
expected_dict = {'key': 'range', 'value': 5280},
expected_list = ['range', '=', 5280],
class TestGroups(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
EQ = pp.Suppress('=')
tests = [
desc = "Define multiple results names in groups",
expr = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.alphas)("key")
+ EQ
+ pp.pyparsing_common.number("value"))[...],
text = "range=5280 long=-138.52 lat=46.91",
expected_list = [['range', 5280], ['long', -138.52], ['lat', 46.91]],
desc = "Define multiple results names in groups - use Dict to define results names using parsed keys",
expr = pp.Dict(pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.alphas)
+ EQ
+ pp.pyparsing_common.number)[...]),
text = "range=5280 long=-138.52 lat=46.91",
expected_list = [['range', 5280], ['long', -138.52], ['lat', 46.91]],
expected_dict = {'lat': 46.91, 'long': -138.52, 'range': 5280}
desc = "Define multiple value types",
expr = pp.Dict(pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.alphas)
+ EQ
+ (pp.pyparsing_common.number | pp.oneOf("True False") | pp.QuotedString("'"))
text = "long=-122.47 lat=37.82 public=True name='Golden Gate Bridge'",
expected_list = [['long', -122.47], ['lat', 37.82], ['public', 'True'], ['name', 'Golden Gate Bridge']],
expected_dict = {'long': -122.47, 'lat': 37.82, 'public': 'True', 'name': 'Golden Gate Bridge'}
class TestParseAction(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc="Parsing real numbers - use parse action to convert to float at parse time",
expr=pp.Combine(pp.Word(pp.nums) + '.' + pp.Word(pp.nums)).addParseAction(lambda t: float(t[0]))[...],
text="1.2 2.3 3.1416 98.6",
expected_list= [1.2, 2.3, 3.1416, 98.6], # note, these are now floats, not strs
desc = "Match with numeric string converted to int",
expr = pp.Word("0123456789").addParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0])),
text = "12345",
expected_list = [12345], # note - result is type int, not str
desc = "Use two parse actions to convert numeric string, then convert to datetime",
expr = pp.Word(pp.nums).addParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]),
lambda t: datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t[0])),
text = "1537415628",
expected_list = [datetime(2018, 9, 20, 3, 53, 48)],
desc = "Use tokenMap for parse actions that operate on a single-length token",
expr = pp.Word(pp.nums).addParseAction(pp.tokenMap(int),
text = "1537415628",
expected_list = [datetime(2018, 9, 20, 3, 53, 48)],
desc = "Using a built-in function that takes a sequence of strs as a parse action",
expr = pp.Word(pp.hexnums, exact=2)[...].addParseAction(':'.join),
text = "0A4B7321FE76",
expected_list = ['0A:4B:73:21:FE:76'],
desc = "Using a built-in function that takes a sequence of strs as a parse action",
expr = pp.Word(pp.hexnums, exact=2)[...].addParseAction(sorted),
text = "0A4B7321FE76",
expected_list = ['0A', '21', '4B', '73', '76', 'FE'],
class TestResultsModifyingParseAction(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
def compute_stats_parse_action(t):
# by the time this parse action is called, parsed numeric words
# have been converted to ints by a previous parse action, so
# they can be treated as ints
t['sum'] = sum(t)
t['ave'] = sum(t) / len(t)
t['min'] = min(t)
t['max'] = max(t)
tests = [
desc = "A parse action that adds new key-values",
expr = pp.pyparsing_common.integer[...].addParseAction(compute_stats_parse_action),
text = "27 1 14 22 89",
expected_list = [27, 1, 14, 22, 89],
expected_dict = {'ave': 30.6, 'max': 89, 'min': 1, 'sum': 153}
class TestRegex(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc="Parsing real numbers - using Regex instead of Combine",
expr=pp.Regex(r'\d+\.\d+').addParseAction(lambda t: float(t[0]))[...],
text="1.2 2.3 3.1416 98.6",
expected_list=[1.2, 2.3, 3.1416, 98.6], # note, these are now floats, not strs
class TestParseCondition(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc = "Define a condition to only match numeric values that are multiples of 7",
expr = pp.Word(pp.nums).addCondition(lambda t: int(t[0]) % 7 == 0)[...],
text = "14 35 77 12 28",
expected_list = ['14', '35', '77'],
desc = "Separate conversion to int and condition into separate parse action/conditions",
expr = pp.Word(pp.nums).addParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
.addCondition(lambda t: t[0] % 7 == 0)[...],
text = "14 35 77 12 28",
expected_list = [14, 35, 77],
class TestTransformStringUsingParseActions(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
markup_convert_map = {
'*' : 'B',
'_' : 'U',
'/' : 'I',
def markup_convert(t):
htmltag = TestTransformStringUsingParseActions.markup_convert_map[t.markup_symbol]
return "<{0}>{1}{2}>".format(htmltag, t.body, htmltag)
tests = [
desc = "Use transformString to convert simple markup to HTML",
expr = (pp.oneOf(markup_convert_map)('markup_symbol')
+ "(" + pp.CharsNotIn(")")('body') + ")").addParseAction(markup_convert),
text = "Show in *(bold), _(underscore), or /(italic) type",
expected_list = ['Show in bold, underscore, or italic type'],
parse_fn = 'transformString',
class TestCommonHelperExpressions(PyparsingExpressionTestCase):
tests = [
desc = "A comma-delimited list of words",
expr = pp.delimitedList(pp.Word(pp.alphas)),
text = "this, that, blah,foo, bar",
expected_list = ['this', 'that', 'blah', 'foo', 'bar'],
desc = "A counted array of words",
expr = pp.countedArray(pp.Word('ab'))[...],
text = "2 aaa bbb 0 3 abab bbaa abbab",
expected_list = [['aaa', 'bbb'], [], ['abab', 'bbaa', 'abbab']],
desc = "skipping comments with ignore",
expr = (pp.pyparsing_common.identifier('lhs')
+ '='
+ pp.pyparsing_common.fnumber('rhs')).ignore(pp.cppStyleComment),
text = "abc_100 = /* value to be tested */ 3.1416",
expected_list = ['abc_100', '=', 3.1416],
expected_dict = {'lhs': 'abc_100', 'rhs': 3.1416},
desc = "some pre-defined expressions in pyparsing_common, and building a dotted identifier with delimted_list",
expr = (pp.pyparsing_common.number("id_num")
+ pp.delimitedList(pp.pyparsing_common.identifier, '.', combine=True)("name")
+ pp.pyparsing_common.ipv4_address("ip_address")
text = "1001 www.google.com",
expected_list = [1001, 'www.google.com', ''],
expected_dict = {'id_num': 1001, 'name': 'www.google.com', 'ip_address': ''},
desc = "using oneOf (shortcut for Literal('a') | Literal('b') | Literal('c'))",
expr = pp.oneOf("a b c")[...],
text = "a b a b b a c c a b b",
expected_list = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'b'],
desc = "parsing nested parentheses",
expr = pp.nestedExpr(),
text = "(a b (c) d (e f g ()))",
expected_list = [['a', 'b', ['c'], 'd', ['e', 'f', 'g', []]]],
desc = "parsing nested braces",
expr = (pp.Keyword('if')
+ pp.nestedExpr()('condition')
+ pp.nestedExpr('{', '}')('body')),
text = 'if ((x == y) || !z) {printf("{}");}',
expected_list = ['if', [['x', '==', 'y'], '||', '!z'], ['printf(', '"{}"', ');']],
expected_dict = {'condition': [[['x', '==', 'y'], '||', '!z']],
'body': [['printf(', '"{}"', ');']]},
def _get_decl_line_no(cls):
import inspect
return inspect.getsourcelines(cls)[1]
# get all test case classes defined in this module and sort them by decl line no
test_case_classes = list(PyparsingExpressionTestCase.__subclasses__())
# make into a suite and run it - this will run the tests in the same order
# they are declared in this module
# runnable from setup.py using "python setup.py test -s simple_unit_tests.suite"
suite = unittest.TestSuite(cls() for cls in test_case_classes)
# ============ MAIN ================
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print("simple_unit_tests.py requires Python 3.x - exiting...")
result = unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
exit(0 if result.wasSuccessful() else 1)