version: 2 options: # optional, activate this if you need to debug something, default is false # IMPORTANT: do not run stable with this, it creates a memory leak, turn off verbose when you are done testing verbose: false # optional, default: pwd, root directory to be used when transforming sync src into absolute path, accepted values: pwd (current working directory), config_path (the directory where docker-sync.yml is found) project_root: pwd syncs: signalfx-agent-sync: # os aware sync strategy, defaults to native_osx under MacOS (except with docker-machine which use unison), and native docker volume under linux # remove this option to use the default strategy per os or set a specific one sync_strategy: native_osx # which folder to watch / sync from - you can use tilde, it will get expanded. # the contents of this directory will be synchronized to the Docker volume with the name of this sync entry ('signalfx-agent' here) src: './' host_disk_mount_mode: cached # see # other unison options can also be specified here, which will be used when run under osx, # and ignored when run under linux sync_excludes: - Path .git - Path signalfx-agent - Path monitor-code-gen - Path scripts/windows/vagrant/boxcutter - Name __pycache__ - Name *.exe - Name *.tar.gz - Name .idea - Name .DS_Store # use this to change the exclude syntax. # Path: you match the exact path ( nesting problem ) # Name: If a file or a folder does match this string ( solves nesting problem ) # Regex: Define a regular expression # none: You can define a type for each sync exclude, so sync_excludes: ['Name .git', 'Path Gemlock'] # # for more see sync_excludes_type: none # monit can be used to monitor the health of unison in the native_osx strategy and can restart unison if it detects a problem # optional: use this to switch monit monitoring on monit_enable: true # optional: use this to change how many seconds between each monit check (cycle) monit_interval: 3 # optional: use this to change how many consecutive times high cpu usage must be observed before unison is restarted monit_high_cpu_cycles: 2