monitors: - dimensions: doc: | (Windows Only) This monitor reports metrics about requests, errors, sessions, worker processes for ASP.NET applications. ## Windows Performance Counters The underlying source for these metrics are Windows Performance Counters. Most of the performance counters that we query in this monitor are actually Gauges that represent rates per second and percentages. This monitor reports the instantaneous values for these Windows Performance Counters. This means that in between a collection interval, spikes could occur on the Performance Counters. The best way to mitigate this limitation is to increase the reporting interval on this monitor to collect more frequently. Sample YAML configuration: ```yaml monitors: - type: aspdotnet ``` sendAll: true metrics: asp_net.application_restarts: description: Count of ASP.NET application restarts. default: false type: gauge asp_net.applications_running: description: Number of running ASP.NET applications. default: false type: gauge asp_net.requests_current: description: Current number of ASP.NET requests. default: false type: gauge asp_net.requests_queue: description: Number of queued ASP.NET requests. default: false type: gauge asp_net.requests_rejected: description: Count of rejected ASP.NET requests. default: false type: gauge asp_net.worker_process_restarts: description: Count of ASP.NET worker process restarts. default: false type: gauge asp_net.worker_processes_running: description: Number of running ASP.NET worker processes. default: false type: gauge asp_net_applications.errors_during_execution: description: Count of errors encountered by ASP.NET application durring execution. default: false type: gauge asp_net_applications.errors_total_sec: description: Error rate per second for the given ASP.NET application. default: false type: gauge asp_net_applications.errors_unhandled_during_execution_sec: description: Unhandled error rate per second countered while an ASP.NET application is running. default: false type: gauge asp_net_applications.pipeline_instance_count: description: Number of instances in the ASP.NET application pipeline. default: false type: gauge asp_net_applications.requests_failed: description: Count of failed requests in the ASP.NET application default: false type: gauge asp_net_applications.requests_sec: description: Rate of requests in the ASP.NET application per second. default: false type: gauge asp_net_applications.session_sql_server_connections_total: description: Number of connections to microsoft sql server by an ASP.NET application. default: false type: gauge asp_net_applications.sessions_active: description: Number of active sessions in the ASP.NET application. default: false type: gauge monitorType: aspdotnet properties: