# Use a relative path because collectd will choke if the cwd is just '/' since
# it strips off trailing slashes from the path before doing the chdir.
BaseDir "{{ stripTrailingSlash .BundleDir }}/lib/.."
TypesDB "{{ stripTrailingSlash .BundleDir }}/types.db"
PluginDir "{{ stripTrailingSlash .BundleDir }}/lib/collectd"
Hostname ""
FQDNLookup false
Interval {{ .IntervalSeconds }}
Timeout {{ .Timeout }}
ReadThreads {{ .ReadThreads }}
WriteThreads {{ .WriteThreads }}
WriteQueueLimitHigh {{ .WriteQueueLimitHigh }}
WriteQueueLimitLow {{ .WriteQueueLimitLow }}
CollectInternalStats false
LoadPlugin logfile
LogLevel "{{.LogLevel}}"
Timestamp true
PrintSeverity true
LoadPlugin match_regex
LoadPlugin target_set
Target "write"
FlushInterval 2
URL "{{.WriteServerURL}}{{.WriteServerQuery}}"
Format "JSON"
Timeout 5000
BufferSize 4096
LogHttpError true
{{if .HasGenericJMXMonitor}}
TypesDB "{{ stripTrailingSlash .BundleDir }}/collectd-java/signalfx_types_db"
LoadPlugin "java"
#JVMArg "-verbose:jni"
JVMArg "-Djava.class.path={{ stripTrailingSlash .BundleDir }}/collectd-java/collectd-api.jar:{{ stripTrailingSlash .BundleDir }}/collectd-java/generic-jmx.jar"
LoadPlugin "org.collectd.java.GenericJMX"
Include "{{.ManagedConfigDir}}/*.conf"