# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License prop # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This module contains the UcsSdk Core utilities. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import re import logging from . import ucsgenutils from . import mometa from . import methodmeta from . ucsmeta import MO_CLASS_ID, METHOD_CLASS_ID, OTHER_TYPE_CLASS_ID, \ MO_CLASS_META log = logging.getLogger('ucs') def get_ucs_obj(class_id, elem, mo_obj=None): """ This creates object of type ExternalMethod or ManagedObject or GenericMo depending on element tag Args: class_id (str): class id elem (xml element): xml element mo_obj : parent managed object Returns: object of type ExternalMethod or ManagedObject or GenericMo """ import inspect from . import ucsmethod from . import ucsmo if class_id in METHOD_CLASS_ID: return ucsmethod.ExternalMethod(class_id) elif class_id in MO_CLASS_ID: mo_class = load_class(class_id) mo_class_params = inspect.getargspec(mo_class.__init__)[0][2:] mo_class_param_dict = {} for param in mo_class_params: mo_class_param_dict[param] = None p_dn = "" if "dn" in elem.attrib: p_dn = os.path.dirname(elem.attrib["dn"]) elif "rn" in elem.attrib and mo_obj: p_dn = mo_obj.dn if 'topRoot' in mo_class.mo_meta.parents: mo_obj = mo_class(from_xml_response=True, **mo_class_param_dict) else: mo_obj = mo_class(parent_mo_or_dn=p_dn, from_xml_response=True, **mo_class_param_dict) return mo_obj elif class_id in OTHER_TYPE_CLASS_ID: module_ = load_module(class_id) return getattr(module_, class_id)() # This case handles object types that are not known to this version # of the SDK. This case can arise when the UCS server has higher # version with more objects and the SDK is not at the latest # version yet. p_dn = "" if "dn" in elem.attrib: p_dn = os.path.dirname(elem.attrib["dn"]) elif mo_obj: p_dn = mo_obj.dn mo_obj = ucsmo.GenericMo( class_id=elem.tag, parent_mo_or_dn=p_dn, **elem.attrib) return mo_obj def load_module(module_name): """ This loads the module into the current name space Args: module_name (str): module_name Returns: None """ module_name = ucsgenutils.word_u(module_name) if module_name and module_name in MO_CLASS_ID: fq_module_name = mometa.__name__ + ".%s" % module_name module_import = __import__(fq_module_name, globals(), locals(), [module_name]) return module_import elif module_name and module_name in METHOD_CLASS_ID: fq_module_name = methodmeta.__name__ + ".%sMeta" % module_name module_import = __import__(fq_module_name, globals(), locals(), [module_name]) return module_import elif module_name and module_name in OTHER_TYPE_CLASS_ID: fq_module_name = OTHER_TYPE_CLASS_ID[module_name] module_import = __import__(fq_module_name, globals(), locals(), [module_name], level=1) return module_import def get_import_str(class_id): """ Returns the complete import string for a given class/method Args: class_id (str): class_id Returns: equivalent import string for the class_id """ class_id = ucsgenutils.word_u(class_id) if class_id and class_id in MO_CLASS_ID: mod_class_id = ucsgenutils.word_l(class_id) class_id_sub_pkg = re.match("([a-z])+", mod_class_id).group() return mometa.__name__ + ".%s.%s" % (class_id_sub_pkg, class_id) elif class_id and class_id in METHOD_CLASS_ID: return methodmeta.__name__ + ".%sMeta" % (class_id) return None def load_class(class_id): """ This loads the class into the current name space Args: class_id (str): class_id Returns: MangedObject or ExtenalMethod Object or None """ class_id = ucsgenutils.word_u(class_id) import_str = get_import_str(class_id) if import_str is None: return None imported_module = __import__(import_str, globals(), locals(), [class_id]) imported_class = getattr(imported_module, class_id) return imported_class def load_mo(elem): """ This loads the managed object into the current name space Args: elem (xml element): xml element representation of the class and it's attributes Returns: MangedObject """ import inspect mo_class_id = elem.tag mo_class = load_class(mo_class_id) mo_class_params = inspect.getargspec(mo_class.__init__)[0][2:] mo_class_param_dict = {} for param in mo_class_params: mo_class_param_dict[param] = elem.attrib[ mo_class.prop_map[param]] mo_obj = mo_class(parent_mo_or_dn="", **mo_class_param_dict) return mo_obj def is_valid_class_id(class_id): """ Methods checks whether the provided class_id is valid or not.""" if class_id in MO_CLASS_ID or class_id in METHOD_CLASS_ID: return True return False def find_class_id_in_mo_meta_ignore_case(class_id): """ Methods whether class_id is valid or not . Given class is case insensitive. """ if not class_id: return None if class_id in MO_CLASS_ID: return class_id l_class_id = class_id.lower() for key in MO_CLASS_ID: if key.lower() == l_class_id: return key return None def find_class_id_in_method_meta_ignore_case(class_id): """ Methods whether class_id is valid or not . Given class is case insensitive. """ if class_id in METHOD_CLASS_ID: return class_id l_class_id = class_id.lower() for key in METHOD_CLASS_ID: if key.lower() == l_class_id: return key return None def get_mo_property_meta(class_id, key): """ Methods returns the mo property meta of the provided key for the given class_id. Args: class_id (str): class_id of mo key (str): prop of class_id Returns: Object of type MoPropertyMeta Example: prop_meta = get_mo_property_meta(class_id="LsServer", key="usr_lbl") """ class_obj = load_class(class_id) if key == "mo_meta": return class_obj.mo_meta prop_meta = class_obj.prop_meta prop_map = class_obj.prop_map if key in prop_map: return prop_meta[prop_map[key]] elif key in prop_meta: return prop_meta[key] return None def write_object(mo_or_list): """ This prints the managed object on the standard output. """ from . import ucsmethod from . import ucsmo if isinstance(mo_or_list, ucsmethod.ExternalMethod): if hasattr(mo_or_list, "out_configs"): for child in mo_or_list.out_configs.child: if isinstance(child, ucsmo.ManagedObject): write_object(child) elif isinstance(mo_or_list, list) and len(mo_or_list) > 0: for mo in mo_or_list: if (isinstance(mo, ucsmo.ManagedObject) or isinstance(mo, ucsmo.GenericMo)): print(mo) elif (isinstance(mo_or_list, ucsmo.ManagedObject) or isinstance(mo_or_list, ucsmo.GenericMo)): print(mo_or_list) def extract_molist_from_method_response(method_response, in_hierarchical=False): """ Methods extracts mo list from response received from ucs server i.e. external method object Args: method_response (ExternalMethod Object): response in_hierarchical (bool): if True, return all the hierarchical child of managed objects Returns: List of ManagedObjects Example: response = handle.query_dn("org-root", need_response=True)\n molist = extract_molist_from_method_response(method_response=response, in_hierarchical=True) """ mo_list = [] if len(method_response.out_configs.child) == 0: return mo_list if in_hierarchical: current_mo_list = method_response.out_configs.child while len(current_mo_list) > 0: child_mo_list = [] for mo in current_mo_list: mo_list.append(mo) while mo.child_count() > 0: for child in mo.child: mo.child_remove(child) child.mark_clean() child_mo_list.append(child) break current_mo_list = child_mo_list else: mo_list = method_response.out_configs.child return mo_list def write_mo_tree(mo, level=0, depth=None, show_level=[], print_tree=True, tree_dict={}, dn=None): """ Prints tree structure of any managed object Args: mo (object): ManagedObject level (int): by default zero depth (int or None): last level to process show_level (int list): levels to display print_tree (bool): if True, print mo tree tree_dict (dict): by default {} dn (str): dn Returns: dictionary Example: mo=handle.query_dn("org-root")\n tree_dict = write_mo_tree(mo, depth=3, show_level=[1, 3])\n """ if not mo.dn: mo.dn = dn indent = " " level_indent = "%s%s)" % (indent * level, level) level_key_dn = "level_%s_dn" % (str(level)) if level_key_dn not in tree_dict: tree_dict[level_key_dn] = {mo.dn: mo} else: tree_dict[level_key_dn][mo.dn] = mo level_key_mo = "level_%s_mo" % (str(level)) if level_key_mo not in tree_dict: tree_dict[level_key_mo] = {mo.class_id: [mo]} else: if mo.class_id not in tree_dict[level_key_mo]: tree_dict[level_key_mo][mo.class_id] = [mo] else: tree_dict[level_key_mo][mo.class_id].append(mo) key_all_mo = "all_mo" if key_all_mo not in tree_dict: tree_dict[key_all_mo] = {mo.class_id: [mo]} else: if mo.class_id not in tree_dict[key_all_mo]: tree_dict[key_all_mo][mo.class_id] = [mo] else: tree_dict[key_all_mo][mo.class_id].append(mo) if print_tree: if not show_level: print("%s %s (%s)" % (level_indent, mo.dn, mo.class_id)) elif level in show_level: print("%s %s (%s)" % (level_indent, mo.dn, mo.class_id)) for child in mo.child: child.mark_clean() level += 1 if depth is None: tree_dict = write_mo_tree(child, level, depth, show_level, print_tree, tree_dict, dn) elif level <= depth: tree_dict = write_mo_tree(child, level, depth, show_level, print_tree, tree_dict, dn) level -= 1 return tree_dict def extract_mo_tree_from_config_method_response(method_response, depth=None, show_level=[], print_tree=False, tree_dict={}): """ extracts tree structure of any managed object from config method response Args: method_response (object): ExternalMethod depth (int or None): last level to process show_level (int list): levels to display print_tree (bool): if True, print mo tree tree_dict (dict): by default {} Returns: dictionary Example: response=handle.query_dn("org-root", need_response=True)\n tree_dict = write_mo_tree(response, depth=3, show_level=[1, 3])\n """ current_mo_list = method_response.out_configs.child for current_mo in current_mo_list: level = 0 tree_dict = write_mo_tree(current_mo, level, depth, show_level, print_tree, tree_dict) return tree_dict def print_mo_hierarchy(class_id, level=0, depth=None, show_level=[]): """ print hierarchy of class_id Args: class_id (str): class id level (int): by default zero depth (int or None): last level to process show_level (int list): levels to display Returns: dictionary Example: response=handle.query_dn("org-root", need_response=True)\n tree_dict = write_mo_tree(response, depth=3, show_level=[1, 3])\n """ indent = " " level_indent = "%s%s)" % (indent * level, level) class_id = ucsgenutils.word_u(class_id) if level == 0: parents = [ucsgenutils.word_u(parent) for parent in MO_CLASS_META[class_id].parents] print("[%s]" % (", ".join(sorted(parents)))) if level == 0 or not show_level or level in show_level: print("%s%s" % (level_indent, ucsgenutils.word_u(class_id))) children = sorted(MO_CLASS_META[class_id].children) level += 1 if depth is None or level <= depth: for ch_ in children: child = ucsgenutils.word_u(ch_) if child == class_id: continue print_mo_hierarchy(child, level, depth, show_level) level -= 1 def get_naming_props(rn_str, rn_pattern): """ extract naming property and its value from a given rn and its pattern Args: rn_str (str): rn value rn_pattern (str): rn pattern from mo_meta Returns: dictionary Example: naming_props = get_naming_props(rn_str="ls-test_sp", rn_pattern="ls-[name]") """ rn_regex = re.sub(r"\[(.+?)\]", r"(?P<\1>.+)", rn_pattern) rn_regex_pat = re.compile(rn_regex) match_obj = re.match(rn_regex_pat, rn_str) if match_obj is None: log.debug("Error getting naming props. rn_str: %s rn_pattern %s" % (rn_str, rn_pattern)) return {} naming_prop_dict = match_obj.groupdict() return naming_prop_dict class ClassIdMeta(object): def __init__( self, class_id, include_prop=True, show_tree=True, depth=None): self.__mo_meta = MO_CLASS_META[class_id] self.class_id = class_id self.xml_attribute = self.__mo_meta.xml_attribute self.rn = self.__mo_meta.rn self.min_version = self.__mo_meta.version self.access = self.__mo_meta.inp_out self.access_privilege = self.__mo_meta.access self.parents = self.__mo_meta.parents self.children = self.__mo_meta.children self.props = {} self._str_tree = "\n" self._str_props = "\n" if show_tree: self._str_tree = _show_tree(class_id, depth) if include_prop: class_obj = load_class(self.class_id) self.props = class_obj.prop_meta for prop in sorted(self.props): self._str_props += str(self.props[prop]) + "\n" def __str__(self): """ Method to return string representation. """ ts = 8 out_str = "" out_str += self._str_tree out_str += "\n" out_str += str("ClassId").ljust(ts * 4) + str(self.class_id) + "\n" out_str += ("-" * len("ClassId")).ljust(ts * 4) + "-" * len( self.class_id) + "\n" out_str += str("xml_attribute").ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str( self.xml_attribute) + "\n" out_str += str("rn").ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str( self.rn) + "\n" out_str += str("min_version").ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str( self.min_version) + "\n" out_str += str("access").ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str(self.access) + "\n" out_str += str("access_privilege").ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str( self.access_privilege) + "\n" out_str += str("parents").ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str(self.parents) + \ "\n" out_str += str("children").ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str(self.children) out_str += self._str_props return out_str def _show_tree(class_id, depth=None, level=0, ancestor_str="", ancestor=[], last_child=True): meta_class_id = ucsgenutils.word_u(class_id) out_str = "" if not ancestor: for parent in sorted(MO_CLASS_META[meta_class_id].parents): out_str += "[" + ucsgenutils.word_u(parent) + "]" + "\n" index = len(ancestor) + 1 level += 1 if meta_class_id in ancestor: out_str += ancestor_str + " |-" + meta_class_id + "\n" else: ancestor.append(meta_class_id) out_str += ancestor_str + " |-" + meta_class_id + "\n" children = sorted(MO_CLASS_META[meta_class_id].children) total = len(children) count = 0 if depth is None or level < depth + 1: for child in children: count += 1 if last_child: ancestor_str_ = ancestor_str + " " else: ancestor_str_ = ancestor_str + " |" out_str += _show_tree(child, depth, level, ancestor_str_, ancestor, total == count) ancestor.pop(index - 1) return out_str def search_class_id(class_id): """ case insensitive search for class_id in meta. if unable to find exact class_id, this will also suggest matching class_id. Args: class_id (str): string matching class_id.(case insensitive) Returns: (str) or None Example: class_ids = search_class_id(class_id="ls") """ from . import ucsmeta meta_class_id = find_class_id_in_mo_meta_ignore_case(class_id=class_id) if meta_class_id is not None: return meta_class_id # if class_id not exists in meta l_class_id = class_id.lower() class_ids = sorted([cid for cid in ucsmeta.MO_CLASS_ID if re.search(l_class_id, cid, re.IGNORECASE)]) if class_ids: log.info('"%s" did not match any available Class Ids.\n' 'Related Class Ids are:\n%s\n%s' % (class_id, "-" * len("Related Class Ids are:"), "\n".join(class_ids))) else: log.info('"%s" did not match any available Class Ids.' % class_id) def get_meta_info(class_id, include_prop=True, show_tree=True, depth=None): """ Gets class id meta information Args: class_id (str): string matching class_id.(case insensitive) include_prop (bool): by default True. If False, excludes property. show_tree (bool): by default True. If False will not display mo tree. depth (int): depth to which hierarchy is displayed. Returns: None: If class_id is not present in meta. Or ClassIdMeta Object: class_id xml_attribute rn min_version access access_privilege parents : parent list children : children list properties : property list props : {property_name : MoPropertyMeta Object} Example: meta = get_meta_info(class_id="lsserver") meta = get_meta_info(class_id="lsserver", depth=2) meta = get_meta_info(class_id="lsserver", include_prop=False) meta = get_meta_info(class_id="lsserver", show_tree=False) print(meta.xml_attribute) print(meta.children) print(meta.props["name"]) """ meta_class_id = search_class_id(class_id) if not meta_class_id: return return ClassIdMeta(meta_class_id, include_prop, show_tree, depth)