# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import logging import threading from . import ucsgenutils from . import ucscoreutils from .ucsexception import UcsException from .ucsconstants import NamingId from .ucssession import UcsSession from .ucsmethodfactory import config_resolve_classes log = logging.getLogger('ucs') class UcsHandle(UcsSession): """ UcsHandle class is the user interface point for any Ucs related communication. Args: ip (str): The IP or Hostname of the UCS Server username (str): The username as configured on the UCS Server password (str): The password as configured on the UCS Server port (int or None): The port number to be used during connection secure (bool or None): True for secure connection, otherwise False proxy (str): The proxy object to be used to connect Example: handle = UcsHandle("","admin","password")\n handle = UcsHandle("","admin","password", secure=True)\n handle = UcsHandle("","admin","password", secure=False)\n handle = UcsHandle("","admin","password", port=80)\n handle = UcsHandle("","admin","password", port=443)\n handle = UcsHandle("","admin","password", port=100, secure=True)\n handle = UcsHandle("","admin","password", port=100, secure=False)\n """ def __init__(self, ip, username, password, port=None, secure=None, proxy=None, timeout=None): UcsSession.__init__(self, ip, username, password, port, secure, proxy, timeout) self.__commit_buf = {} self.__commit_buf_tagged = {} def set_dump_xml(self): """ Enables the logging of xml requests and responses. """ self._set_dump_xml() def unset_dump_xml(self): """ Disables the logging of xml requests and responses. """ self._unset_dump_xml() def set_timeout(self, timeout=None): """ Sets timeout (in seconds) for the request """ self._set_timeout(timeout) def unset_timeout(self): """ Disable timeout for the request """ self._unset_timeout() def set_mode_threading(self): """ Indicates that the application is utlising handle in thread context. Calling this method internally ensures that the commit_buffers are separated based on the name of the threads. This makes every thread a separate transaction that does not interfere with other threads. """ self._set_mode_threading(enable=True) def unset_mode_threading(self): """ Unsets the threaded mode of operation. Applications use the common common_buffer in this mode. Only one simultaneous transaction is possible here on """ self._set_mode_threading(enable=False) def is_threading_enabled(self): """ returns if threading mode is set """ return self.threaded def login(self, auto_refresh=False, force=False, timeout=None): """ Initiates a connection to the server referenced by the UcsHandle. A cookie is populated in the UcsHandle, if the login is successful. Args: auto_refresh (bool): if set to True, it refresh the cookie continuously force (bool): if set to True it reconnects even if cookie exists and is valid for respective connection. timeout (int): timeout value in secs Returns: True on successful connect Example: handle.login()\n handle.login(auto_refresh=True)\n handle.login(force=True)\n handle.login(auto_refresh=True, force=True)\n where handle is UcsHandle() """ return self._login(auto_refresh, force, timeout=timeout) def logout(self, timeout=None): """ Disconnects from the server referenced by the UcsHandle. Args: timeout (int): timeout value in secs Returns: True on successful disconnect Example: handle.logout() where handle is UcsHandle() """ return self._logout() def process_xml_elem(self, elem, timeout=None): """ process_xml_elem is a helper method which posts xml elements to the server and returns parsed response. It's role is to operate on the output of methods from ucsmethodfactory, which return xml element node(s). Args: elem (xml element object) timeout (int): timeout value in secs Returns: mo list or external method object Example: elem = ucsmethodfactory.config_find_dns_by_class_id(cookie=handle.cookie, class_id="LsServer", in_filter=None)\n dn_objs = handle.process_xml_elem(elem) """ response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) if hasattr(response, "out_config"): return response.out_config.child elif hasattr(response, "out_configs"): mo_list = [] pair_flag = False for ch_ in response.out_configs.child: if pair_flag or ch_.get_class_id() != "Pair": mo_list.append(ch_) elif ch_.get_class_id() == "Pair": mo_list.extend(ch_.child) pair_flag = True return mo_list elif hasattr(response, "out_dns"): return response.out_dns.child else: return response def get_auth_token(self, timeout=None): """ Returns a token that is used for UCS authentication. Args: None Returns: auth_token (str) timeout (int): timeout value in secs Example: handle.get_auth_token() """ from .ucsmethodfactory import aaa_get_n_compute_auth_token_by_dn auth_token = None mo = self.query_classid(class_id=NamingId.COMPUTE_BLADE) if not mo: mo = self.query_classid(class_id=NamingId.COMPUTE_RACK_UNIT) if mo: elem = aaa_get_n_compute_auth_token_by_dn( cookie=self.cookie, in_cookie=self.cookie, in_dn=mo[0].dn, in_number_of=1) response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) # cat = self.AaaGetNComputeAuthTokenByDn(mo[0].Dn, 1, None) auth_token = response.out_tokens.split(',')[0] return auth_token def query_dns(self, *dns): """ Queries multiple obects from the server based of a comma separated list of their distinguised names. Args: dns (list or comma separated strings): distinguished names to be queried for Returns: Dictionary {dn1: object, dn2: object2} Example: obj = handle.query_dns("fabric/lan/net-100", "fabric/lan/net-101") obj = handle.query_dns(["fabric/lan/net-100", "fabric/lan/net-101"]) """ from .ucsbasetype import DnSet, Dn from .ucsmethodfactory import config_resolve_dns if not dns: raise ValueError("Provide a list or Comma Separated string of Dns") dn_list = [] for dn in dns: if isinstance(dn, list): for each in dn: dn_list.append(each.strip()) elif isinstance(dn, str): dn_list.append(dn.strip()) dn_dict = {} for dn_ in dn_list: dn_dict[dn_] = None dn_set = DnSet() for dn_ in dn_dict: dn_obj = Dn() dn_obj.value = dn_ dn_set.child_add(dn_obj) elem = config_resolve_dns(cookie=self.cookie, in_dns=dn_set) response = self.post_elem(elem) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) for out_mo in response.out_configs.child: dn_dict[out_mo.dn] = out_mo return dn_dict def query_classids(self, *class_ids): """ Queries multiple obects from the server based of a comma separated list of their class Ids. Args: class_ids (list or comma separated strings): Class Ids to be queried for Returns: Dictionary {class_id1: [objects], class_id2: [objects]} Example: obj = handle.query_classids("OrgOrg", "LsServer") obj = handle.query_classids(["OrgOrg", "LsServer"]) """ # ToDo - How to handle unknown class_id from .ucsbasetype import ClassIdSet, ClassId from .ucsmeta import MO_CLASS_ID if not class_ids: raise ValueError("Provide a list or Comma Separated string of \ Class Ids") class_id_list = [] for class_id in class_ids: if isinstance(class_id, list): for each in class_id: class_id_list.append(each.strip()) elif isinstance(class_id, str): class_id_list.append(class_id.strip()) class_id_dict = {} class_id_set = ClassIdSet() for class_id_ in class_id_list: class_id_obj = ClassId() meta_class_id = ucsgenutils.word_u(class_id_) if meta_class_id in MO_CLASS_ID: class_id_dict[meta_class_id] = [] class_id_obj.value = ucsgenutils.word_l(class_id_) else: class_id_dict[class_id_] = [] class_id_obj.value = class_id_ class_id_set.child_add(class_id_obj) elem = config_resolve_classes(cookie=self.cookie, in_ids=class_id_set) response = self.post_elem(elem) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) for out_mo in response.out_configs.child: class_id_dict[out_mo._class_id].append(out_mo) return class_id_dict def query_dn(self, dn, hierarchy=False, need_response=False, timeout=None): """ Finds an object using it's distinguished name. Args: dn (str): distinguished name of the object to be queried for. hierarchy(bool): True/False, get all objects in hierarchy if True need_response(bool): True/False, return the response xml node, instead of parsed objects timeout (int): timeout value in secs Returns: managedobject or None by default\n managedobject list if hierarchy=True\n externalmethod object if need_response=True\n Example: obj = handle.query_dn("fabric/lan/net-100")\n obj = handle.query_dn("fabric/lan/net-100", hierarchy=True)\n obj = handle.query_dn("fabric/lan/net-100", need_response=True)\n obj = handle.query_dn("fabric/lan/net-100", hierarchy=True, need_response=True)\n """ from .ucsbasetype import DnSet, Dn from .ucsmethodfactory import config_resolve_dns if not dn: raise ValueError("Provide dn.") dn_set = DnSet() dn_obj = Dn() dn_obj.value = dn dn_set.child_add(dn_obj) elem = config_resolve_dns(cookie=self.cookie, in_dns=dn_set, in_hierarchical=hierarchy) response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) if need_response: return response if hierarchy: out_mo_list = ucscoreutils.extract_molist_from_method_response( response, hierarchy) return out_mo_list mo = None if len(response.out_configs.child) > 0: mo = response.out_configs.child[0] return mo def query_classid(self, class_id=None, filter_str=None, hierarchy=False, need_response=False, timeout=None): """ Finds an object using it's class id. Args: class_id (str): class id of the object to be queried for. filter_str(str): query objects with specific property with specific value or pattern specifying value. (property_name, "property_value, type="filter_type")\n property_name: Name of the Property\n property_value: Value of the property (str or regular expression)\n filter_type: eq - equal to\n ne - not equal to\n ge - greater than or equal to\n gt - greater than\n le - less than or equal to\n lt - less than\n re - regular expression\n logical filter type: not, and, or\n e.g. '(dn,"org-root/ls-C1_B1", type="eq") or (name, "event", type="re", flag="I")'\n hierarchy(bool): if set to True will return all the child hierarchical objects. need_response(bool): if set to True will return only response object. timeout (int): timeout value in secs Returns: managedobjectlist or None by default\n managedobjectlist or None if hierarchy=True\n methodresponse if need_response=True\n Example: obj = handle.query_classid(class_id="LsServer")\n obj = handle.query_classid(class_id="LsServer", hierarchy=True)\n obj = handle.query_classid(class_id="LsServer", need_response=True)\n filter_str = '(dn,"org-root/ls-C1_B1", type="eq") or (name, "event", type="re", flag="I")'\n obj = handle.query_classid(class_id="LsServer", filter_str=filter_str)\n """ # ToDo - How to handle unknown class_id from .ucsfilter import generate_infilter from .ucsmethodfactory import config_resolve_class if not class_id: raise ValueError("Provide Parameter class_id") meta_class_id = ucscoreutils.find_class_id_in_mo_meta_ignore_case( class_id) if meta_class_id: is_meta_class_id = True else: meta_class_id = class_id is_meta_class_id = False if filter_str: in_filter = generate_infilter(meta_class_id, filter_str, is_meta_class_id) else: in_filter = None elem = config_resolve_class(cookie=self.cookie, class_id=meta_class_id, in_filter=in_filter, in_hierarchical=hierarchy) response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) if need_response: return response out_mo_list = ucscoreutils.extract_molist_from_method_response( response, hierarchy) return out_mo_list def query_children(self, in_mo=None, in_dn=None, class_id=None, filter_str=None, hierarchy=False, timeout=None): """ Finds children of a given managed object or distinguished name. Arguments can be specified to query only a specific type(class_id) of children. Arguments can also be specified to query only direct children or the entire hierarchy of children. Args: in_mo (managed object): query children managed object under this object. in_dn (dn string): query children managed object for a given managed object of the respective dn. class_id(str): by default None, if given find only specific children object for a given class_id. filter_str(str): query objects with specific property with specific value or pattern specifying value. (property_name, "property_value, type="filter_type")\n property_name: Name of the Property\n property_value: Value of the property (str or regular expression)\n filter_type: eq - equal to\n ne - not equal to\n ge - greater than or equal to\n gt - greater than\n le - less than or equal to\n lt - less than\n re - regular expression\n logical filter type: not, and, or\n e.g. '(dn,"org-root/ls-C1_B1", type="eq") or (name, "event", type="re", flag="I")'\n hierarchy(bool): if set to True will return all the child hierarchical objects. need_response(bool): if set to True will return only response object. hierarchy(bool): if set to True will return all the child hierarchical objects. timeout (int): timeout value in secs Returns: managedobjectlist or None by default\n managedobjectlist or None if hierarchy=True\n Example: mo_list = handle.query_children(in_mo=mo)\n mo_list = handle.query_children(in_mo=mo, class_id="classid")\n mo_list = handle.query_children(in_dn=dn)\n mo_list = handle.query_children(in_dn=dn, class_id="classid")\n mo_list = handle.query_children(in_dn="org-root", class_id="LsServer", filter_str="(usr_lbl, 'test')") mo_list = handle.query_children(in_dn="org-root", class_id="LsServer", filter_str="(usr_lbl, 'test', type='eq')") """ from .ucsfilter import generate_infilter from .ucsmethodfactory import config_resolve_children if not in_mo and not in_dn: raise ValueError('[Error]: GetChild: Provide in_mo or in_dn.') if in_mo: parent_dn = in_mo.dn elif in_dn: parent_dn = in_dn in_filter = None if class_id: meta_class_id = ucscoreutils.find_class_id_in_mo_meta_ignore_case( class_id) if meta_class_id: is_meta_class_id = True else: meta_class_id = class_id is_meta_class_id = False if filter_str: in_filter = generate_infilter(meta_class_id, filter_str, is_meta_class_id) else: meta_class_id = class_id elem = config_resolve_children(cookie=self.cookie, class_id=meta_class_id, in_dn=parent_dn, in_filter=in_filter, in_hierarchical=hierarchy) response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) out_mo_list = ucscoreutils.extract_molist_from_method_response( response, hierarchy) return out_mo_list def _get_commit_buf(self, tag=None): if tag is None: return self.__commit_buf if tag not in self.__commit_buf_tagged: self.__commit_buf_tagged[tag] = {} return self.__commit_buf_tagged[tag] def _update_commit_buf(self, mo, tag=None): if tag is None: self.__commit_buf[mo.dn] = mo return if tag not in self.__commit_buf_tagged: self.__commit_buf_tagged[tag] = {} self.__commit_buf_tagged[tag][mo.dn] = mo def _auto_set_tag_context(self, tag): """ sets the tag automatically to the thread name when threading mode is enabled This makes sure that every thread gets it's own commit buffer. """ # if the user already specified a tag, return the same if tag is not None: return tag if not self.is_threading_enabled(): return None return threading.currentThread().name def add_mo(self, mo, modify_present=False, tag=None): """ Adds a managed object to the UcsHandle commit buffer. This method does not trigger a commit by itself. This needs to be followed by a handle.commit() either immediately or after more operations to ensure successful addition of object on server Args: mo (managedobject): ManagedObject to be added. modify_present (bool): True/False, overwrite existing object if True Returns: None Example: obj = handle.add_mo(mo)\n handle.commit()\n """ tag = self._auto_set_tag_context(tag) if modify_present in ucsgenutils.AFFIRMATIVE_LIST: mo.status = "created,modified" else: mo.status = "created" self._update_commit_buf(mo, tag) def set_mo(self, mo, tag=None): """ Modifies a managed object and adds it to UcsHandle commit buffer (if not already in it). This method does not trigger a commit by itself. This needs to be followed by a handle.commit() either immediately or after more operations to ensure successful modification of object on server. Args: mo (managedobject): Managed object with modified properties. Returns: None Example: obj = handle.set_mo(mo)\n handle.commit()\n """ tag = self._auto_set_tag_context(tag) mo.status = "modified" self._update_commit_buf(mo, tag) def remove_mo(self, mo, tag=None): """ Removes a managed object. This method does not trigger a commit by itself. This needs to be followed by a handle.commit() either immediately or after more operations to ensure successful removal of object from the server. Args: mo (managedobject): Managed object to be removed. Returns: None Example: obj = handle.remove_mo(mo)\n handle.commit()\n """ tag = self._auto_set_tag_context(tag) mo.status = "deleted" if mo.parent_mo: mo.parent_mo.child_remove(mo) self._update_commit_buf(mo, tag) def estimate_impact(self, tag=None, timeout=None): from .ucsbasetype import ConfigMap, Pair from .ucsmethodfactory import config_estimate_impact tag = self._auto_set_tag_context(tag) mo_dict = self._get_commit_buf(tag) if not mo_dict: return None config_map = ConfigMap() for mo_dn in mo_dict: mo = mo_dict[mo_dn] child_list = mo.child while len(child_list) > 0: current_child_list = child_list child_list = [] for child_mo in current_child_list: child_list.extend(child_mo.child) pair = Pair() pair.key = mo_dn pair.child_add(mo_dict[mo_dn]) config_map.child_add(pair) elem = config_estimate_impact(self.cookie, config_map) response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) return self._get_transaction_impact(response) def _get_impact_message(self, l_type, params): msg = [] msg_prefix = { "warning": "Will cause a non fatal configuration warning for", "failure": "Will cause a configuration failure of", "reboot_immediate": "Will cause the immediate reboot of", "reboot_user_ack": "Will require user acknowledgement before the reboot of", "reboot_timer": "Will reboot in the maintenance interval of" } msg.append(msg_prefix[l_type] + ":") msg.append(params["class_id"] + " " + params["name"] + "(" + params["dn"] + ")") if params["pn_dn"]: msg.append("[Server: " + params["pn_dn"] + "]") if params["issues"]: msg.append("Reason: " + params["issues"]) return ' '.join(msg) def _get_transaction_impact(self, rsp): """ Outputs a json object, that can have the following keys, "failure", "warning", "reboot_user_ack", "reboot_immediate", "reboot_maintenance", "misc" """ from .mometa.lsmaint.LsmaintAck import LsmaintAck, LsmaintAckConsts from .mometa.equipment.EquipmentChassis import EquipmentChassis from .ucsmo import ManagedObject import json ackables = [] affected = [] old_ackables = [] old_affected = [] msg_buf = {} if not rsp: return json.dumps(msg_buf) for pair in rsp.out_ackables.child: for mo in pair.child: if not isinstance(mo, ManagedObject): continue ackables.append(mo) for pair in rsp.out_affected.child: for mo in pair.child: if not isinstance(mo, ManagedObject): continue affected.append(mo) for pair in rsp.out_old_ackables.child: for mo in pair.child: if not isinstance(mo, ManagedObject): continue old_ackables.append(mo) for pair in rsp.out_old_affected.child: for mo in pair.child: if not isinstance(mo, ManagedObject): continue old_affected.append(mo) if len(ackables) == 0: for mo in affected: if not isinstance(mo, EquipmentChassis): continue if 'chassis-vif-capacity-reduced' in mo.oper_qualifier: msg_buf["misc"] = """Detected reduced VIF capacity. Check if all fabric port channel member links are connected to the same port group on fabric interconnect. If not then change the connectivity accordingly and re-acknowledge the chassis.""" elif 'chassis-port-channel-enabled' in mo.oper_qualifier: msg_buf["misc"] = """Connectivity mode changed to fabric port channel on one or both the IOCards. This might result in VIF capacity decrease on IOCard.""" return json.dumps(msg_buf) for ack in ackables: if isinstance(ack, LsmaintAck): m = re.search('(.*)/(.*)$', ack.dn) parent_dn = m.group(1) for each in old_ackables: if ack.dn == each.dn: pending_ack = ack break if ack.config_issues: for each in affected: if each.dn == parent_dn: server_mo = each break for each in old_affected: if each.dn == parent_dn: orig_server_mo = each break if server_mo and server_mo.status != "deleted": if (server_mo.config_state == "applied" and ack.config_issues != "incompatible-bios-image" and ack.config_issues != "invalid-wwn"): l_type = "warning" else: l_type = "failure" params = { "class_id": server_mo._class_id, "name": server_mo.name, "dn": server_mo.dn, "pn_dn": server_mo.pn_dn, "issues": ack.config_issues } params["message"] = self._get_impact_message(l_type, params) if l_type not in msg_buf: msg_buf[l_type] = [] if orig_server_mo.config_qualifier: params["pending"] = { "conf_qual": orig_server_mo.config_qualifier, "message": "Warning: Due to the presence of pre-existing configuration issues the impact of the current changes cannot be properly evaluated" } msg_buf[l_type].append(params) if ack.disr: if ack.deployment_mode == LsmaintAckConsts.DEPLOYMENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE: l_type = "reboot_immediate" elif ack.deployment_mode == LsmaintAckConsts.DEPLOYMENT_MODE_TIMER_AUTOMATIC: l_type = "reboot_timer" elif ack.deployment_mode == LsmaintAckConsts.DEPLOYMENT_MODE_USER_ACK: l_type = "reboot_user_ack" else: continue for each in affected: if each.dn == parent_dn: server_mo = each break if server_mo: params = { "class_id": server_mo._class_id, "name": server_mo.name, "dn": server_mo.dn, "pn_dn": server_mo.pn_dn, "issues": ack.config_issues } params["message"] = self._get_impact_message(l_type, params) if l_type not in msg_buf: msg_buf[l_type] = [] if pending_ack and pending_ack.disr: params["pending"] = { "old_pn_dn": pending_ack.old_pn_dn, "change_details": pending_ack.change_details, "changed_by": pending_ack.change_by, "message": "Pre-existing pending disruptions: " + pending_ack.change_details } msg_buf[l_type].append(params) return json.dumps(msg_buf, indent=4) def commit(self, tag=None, timeout=None): """ Commit the buffer to the server. Pushes all the configuration changes so far to the server. Configuration could be added to the commit buffer using add_mo(), set_mo(), remove_mo() prior to making a handle.commit() Args: None timeout (int): timeout value in secs Returns: None Example: handle.commit()\n """ from .ucsbasetype import ConfigMap, Dn, DnSet, Pair from .ucsmethodfactory import config_resolve_dns from .ucsmethodfactory import config_conf_mos tag = self._auto_set_tag_context(tag) refresh_dict = {} mo_dict = self._get_commit_buf(tag) if not mo_dict: return None config_map = ConfigMap() for mo_dn in mo_dict: mo = mo_dict[mo_dn] child_list = mo.child while len(child_list) > 0: current_child_list = child_list child_list = [] for child_mo in current_child_list: if child_mo.is_dirty(): refresh_dict[child_mo.dn] = child_mo child_list.extend(child_mo.child) pair = Pair() pair.key = mo_dn pair.child_add(mo_dict[mo_dn]) config_map.child_add(pair) elem = config_conf_mos(self.cookie, config_map, False) response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout) if response.error_code != 0: self.commit_buffer_discard(tag) raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) for pair_ in response.out_configs.child: for out_mo in pair_.child: out_mo.sync_mo(mo_dict[out_mo.dn]) if refresh_dict: dn_set = DnSet() for dn_ in refresh_dict: dn_obj = Dn() dn_obj.value = dn_ dn_set.child_add(dn_obj) elem = config_resolve_dns(cookie=self.cookie, in_dns=dn_set) response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout) if response.error_code != 0: raise UcsException(response.error_code, response.error_descr) for out_mo in response.out_configs.child: out_mo.sync_mo(refresh_dict[out_mo.dn]) self.commit_buffer_discard(tag) def commit_buffer_discard(self, tag=None): """ Discard the configuration changes in the commit buffer. Args: None Returns: None Example: handle.commit_buffer_discard() """ tag = self._auto_set_tag_context(tag) if tag is None: self.__commit_buf = {} if tag in self.__commit_buf_tagged: del self.__commit_buf_tagged[tag] def is_valid(self): """ Checks if the cookie in the handle is still valid """ # If the cookie is not valid, we will receive an exception. try: self.query_dn("org-root") except Exception as e: return False return True def wait_for_event(self, mo, prop, value, cb, timeout=None, poll_sec=None): """ Waits for `mo.prop == value` and invokes the passed callback when the condition is met. The callback is called with one argument which is a mo change event. It also contains the Mo Args: mo (Managed Object): managed object to watch prop (str): property to watch value (str): property value to wait for cb(function): callback on success timeout (int): timeout poll_sec (int): polling interval in seconds Returns: None Example: def cb(mce): print(mce.mo) sp_mo = handle.query_dn("org-root/ls-demoSP") wait_for_event(sp_mo, 'descr', 'demo_description', cb) """ from .ucseventhandler import wait wait(self, mo, prop, value, cb, timeout_sec=timeout, poll_sec=poll_sec) def freeze(self): return self._freeze() @staticmethod def unfreeze(frozen_handle): handle = UcsHandle("", "", "") handle._unfreeze(frozen_handle) return handle