# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License prop # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This module contains the UcsSdk Core classes. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from .ucscore import UcsBase from . import ucscoreutils from . import ucsgenutils try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET from xml.etree.cElementTree import Element, SubElement except ImportError: import cElementTree as ET from cElementTree import Element, SubElement import logging log = logging.getLogger('ucs') class ExternalMethod(UcsBase): """ This class represents the UCS Central Xml api's query/configuration methods. """ _external_method_attrs = {'errorCode': 'error_code', 'errorDescr': 'error_descr', 'invocationResult': 'invocation_result', 'response': 'response'} def __init__(self, method_id): # """ __init__ of the UcsBase class """ UcsBase.__init__(self, method_id) meta_module = ucscoreutils.load_module(method_id) self.__method_meta = getattr(meta_module, "method_meta") self.__property_meta = getattr(meta_module, "prop_meta") self.__property_map = getattr(meta_module, "prop_map") # """ instantiate class variables """ # for prop in CoreUtils.get_property_list(self._class_id): # if prop != "Meta": # self.__dict__[prop] = None for prop in self.__property_meta: self.__dict__[prop] = None self.error_code = 0 self.error_descr = None self.invocation_result = None self.response = None self.mark_clean() def child_add(self, mo): """ This method adds child external method object to a external method object. """ self._child.append(mo) def set_attr(self, key, value): """ This method sets the attribute of external method object.""" if key in self.__property_meta: self.__dict__[key] = value elif key == 'error_code': self.error_code = value elif key == 'error_descr': self.error_descr = value elif key == 'invocation_result': self.invocation_result = value elif key == 'response': self.response = value else: # """ no such property """ return None # raise AttributeError def get_error_response(self, error_code, error_descr): """ This methods sets error attributes of an external method object. """ self.error_code = error_code self.error_descr = error_descr self.response = "yes" # return self def to_xml(self, xml_doc=None, option=None, elem_name=None): """ Method writes the xml representation of the external method object. """ xml_obj = self.elem_create( class_tag=self.__method_meta.xml_attribute, xml_doc=xml_doc, override_tag=elem_name) for prop in self.__property_meta: if xml_obj.tag == "aaaLogout" and prop == "in_delay_secs" \ and int(getattr(self, prop)) > 300: continue prop_meta = self.__property_meta[prop] if prop_meta.inp_out == "Output": continue if prop_meta.is_complex_type: if getattr(self, prop) is not None: self.__dict__[prop].to_xml(xml_obj, option, prop_meta.xml_attribute) elif getattr(self, prop) is not None: xml_obj.set(prop_meta.xml_attribute, getattr(self, prop)) self.child_to_xml(xml_obj, option) return xml_obj # , handle, modify_self=False, mo=None): def from_xml(self, elem, handle=None): """Method updates/fills the object from the xml representation of the external method object. """ self._handle = handle if elem.attrib: for attr_name, attr_value in ucsgenutils.iteritems(elem.attrib): if attr_name in self.__property_map: attr = self.__property_map[attr_name] method_prop_meta = self.__property_meta[attr] if method_prop_meta.inp_out == "Input" or ( method_prop_meta.is_complex_type): continue self.set_attr(attr, str(attr_value)) elif attr_name in ExternalMethod._external_method_attrs: self.set_attr( ExternalMethod._external_method_attrs[attr_name], str(attr_value)) child_elems = elem.getchildren() if child_elems: for child_elem in child_elems: if not ET.iselement(child_elem): continue child_name = child_elem.tag if child_name in self.__property_map: child_name = self.__property_map[child_name] method_prop_meta = self.__property_meta[ child_name] if method_prop_meta.inp_out == "Output" and \ (method_prop_meta.is_complex_type): child_obj = ucscoreutils.get_ucs_obj( method_prop_meta.field_type, child_elem) if child_obj is not None: self.set_attr(child_name, child_obj) child_obj.from_xml(child_elem, handle) def __str__(self): tab_size = 8 out_str = "\n" out_str += "External Method\t\t\t:\t" + str(self._class_id) + "\n" out_str += "-" * len("External Method") + "\n" for prop, prop_value in sorted(ucsgenutils.iteritems(self.__dict__)): if "ExternalMethod" in prop: continue out_str += str(prop).ljust(tab_size * 4) + ':' + str( prop_value) + "\n" return out_str