# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License prop # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This module contains the ManagedObject and GenericManagedObject Class. """ from __future__ import print_function import logging import os from . import ucsgenutils from . import ucscoreutils from . import ucscoremeta import six try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET from xml.etree.cElementTree import Element, SubElement except ImportError: import cElementTree as ET from cElementTree import Element, SubElement from .ucscoremeta import WriteXmlOption from .ucsexception import UcsValidationException, UcsWarning from .ucscore import UcsBase log = logging.getLogger('ucs') class _GenericProp(): """ Internal class to handle the unknown property. """ def __init__(self, name, value, is_dirty): self.name = name self.value = value self.is_dirty = is_dirty class ManagedObject(UcsBase): """ This class structures/represents all the managed objects. """ DUMMY_DIRTY = "0x1" __internal_prop = frozenset( ["_dirty_mask", "_class_id", "_child", "_handle", '']) def __init__( self, class_id, parent_mo_or_dn=None, from_xml_response=False, **kwargs): self.__parent_mo = None self.__status = None self.__parent_dn = None self.__xtra_props = {} self.__xtra_props_dirty_mask = 0x1 self._set_parent_mo_or_dn(parent_mo_or_dn) self._rn_set(from_xml_response) self._dn_set(from_xml_response) UcsBase.__init__(self, ucsgenutils.word_u(self.mo_meta.xml_attribute)) self._set_child_of_parent_mo() self._set_mo_prop_value(kwargs) def _set_parent_mo_or_dn(self, parent_mo_or_dn): if not parent_mo_or_dn: return if isinstance(parent_mo_or_dn, ManagedObject): self.__parent_mo = parent_mo_or_dn self.__parent_dn = parent_mo_or_dn.dn elif isinstance(parent_mo_or_dn, str) or isinstance(parent_mo_or_dn, six.text_type): self.__parent_dn = str(parent_mo_or_dn) else: raise ValueError('parent mo or dn must be specified') def _set_child_of_parent_mo(self): if self.__parent_mo: self.__parent_mo.child_add(self) def _set_mo_prop_value(self, kwargs): if kwargs: for prop_name, prop_value in ucsgenutils.iteritems(kwargs): if self._is_unknown_property(prop_name): log.debug("Unknown property %s" % prop_name) if prop_value is not None: self.__set_prop(prop_name, prop_value) def _is_unknown_property(self, prop): return prop not in self.prop_meta def check_prop_match(self, **kwargs): for prop_name in kwargs: if self._is_unknown_property(prop_name): raise ValueError("Unknown Property Name Exception - " "Class [%s]: Prop <%s> " % (self.__class__.__name__, prop_name)) if kwargs[prop_name] is not None and \ kwargs[prop_name] != getattr(self, prop_name): return False return True def set_prop_multiple(self, **kwargs): for prop_name in kwargs: if self._is_unknown_property(prop_name): UcsWarning("Unknown Property Name for " "Class [%s]: Prop <%s>, setting it forcefully" % (self.__class__.__name__, prop_name)) self.__set_prop(prop_name, kwargs[prop_name], forced=True) else: self.__set_prop(prop_name, kwargs[prop_name]) @property def parent_mo(self): """Getter method of ManagedObject Class""" return self.__parent_mo def _rn_set(self, from_xml_response=False): """ Internal method to set rn """ if from_xml_response: return if "prop_meta" in dir(self) and "rn" in self.prop_meta: self.rn = self.make_rn() else: self.rn = "" def _dn_set(self, from_xml_response=False): """ Internal method to set dn """ if from_xml_response: return if "prop_meta" in dir(self) and "dn" in self.prop_meta: if self.__parent_dn: self.dn = self.__parent_dn + '/' + self.rn else: self.dn = self.rn else: self.dn = "" def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ overridden setattr method """ if "prop_meta" in dir(self) and name in self.prop_meta: if name in dir(self): self.__set_prop(name, value) else: if value: if not self.prop_meta[name].validate_property_value(value): raise ValueError("Invalid Value Exception - " "[%s]: Prop <%s>, Value<%s>. " % (self.__class__.__name__, name, value)) object.__setattr__(self, name, value) if self.prop_meta[name].mask is not None: self._dirty_mask |= self.prop_meta[name].mask elif name.startswith("_"): object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: # These are properties which the current version of ucsmsdk # does not know of. # The code will come here lot often, when using older version of # ucsmsdk with newer releases on the UCS. # This needs to be handled so that the same sdk can work across # multiple ucs releases self.__xtra_props[name] = _GenericProp(name, value, True) self._dirty_mask |= self.__xtra_props_dirty_mask object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __set_prop(self, name, value, mark_dirty=True, forced=False): """ Internal method to set the properties after validation Args: name (str): property name value (str): property value mark_dirty (bool): if True, property will be part of xml request forced (bool): if True, set the value without validation Returns: None """ if not forced: prop_meta = self.prop_meta[name] if prop_meta.access != ucscoremeta.MoPropertyMeta.READ_WRITE: if getattr(self, name) is not None or \ prop_meta.access != \ ucscoremeta.MoPropertyMeta.CREATE_ONLY: raise ValueError("%s is not a read-write property." % name) if value and not prop_meta.validate_property_value(value): raise ValueError("Invalid Value Exception - " "[%s]: Prop <%s>, Value<%s>. " % (self.__class__.__name__, name, value)) # return False if prop_meta.mask and mark_dirty: self._dirty_mask |= prop_meta.mask object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __json__(self): # return the json dict dict = {'class_id': self._class_id} for prop, prop_value in sorted(ucsgenutils.iteritems(self.__dict__)): if prop in ManagedObject.__internal_prop or prop.startswith( "_ManagedObject__"): continue if prop in self.__xtra_props: prop = "[X]" + str(prop) dict[prop] = prop_value else: dict[prop] = prop_value return dict def __str__(self): """ Method to return string representation of a managed object. """ ts = 8 out_str = "\n" out_str += "Managed Object\t\t\t:\t" + str(self._class_id) + "\n" out_str += "-" * len("Managed Object") + "\n" for prop, prop_value in ucsgenutils.iteritems(self.__json__()): out_str += str(prop).ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str( prop_value) + "\n" # print unknown properties # for prop, prop_value in six.iteritems(self.__xtra_props): # prop = "[X]" + str(prop) # out_str += str(prop).ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str( # prop_value) + "\n" out_str += "\n" return out_str def mark_dirty(self): """ This method marks the managed object dirty. """ if self.__class__.__name__ == "ManagedObject" and not self.is_dirty(): self._dirty_mask = ManagedObject.DUMMY_DIRTY elif "mo_meta" in dir(self): self._dirty_mask = self.mo_meta.mask def is_dirty(self): """ This method checks if managed object is dirty. """ return self._dirty_mask != 0 or self.child_is_dirty() # Ideally an rn should never change across ucsm releases. # but we do have some of these cases # These cause an issue, because we cannot parse them # the below is a special case to handle these cases def rn_is_special_case(self): """ Method to handle if rn pattern is different across UCS Version """ if self.__class__.__name__ == "StorageLocalDiskPartition": return True return False def rn_get_special_case(self): """ Method to handle if rn pattern is different across UCS Version """ if self.__class__.__name__ == "StorageLocalDiskPartition": # some version of ucs have rn "partition" instead of "partition-id" return "partition" def make_rn(self): """ This method returns the Rn for a managed object. """ import re rn_pattern = self.mo_meta.rn for prop in re.findall(r"""\[([^\]]*)\]""", rn_pattern): if prop in self.prop_meta: if getattr(self, prop): rn_pattern = re.sub(r"""\[%s\]""" % prop, '%s' % getattr(self, prop), rn_pattern) else: log.debug('Property "%s" was None in make_rn' % prop) if self.rn_is_special_case(): return self.rn_get_special_case() raise UcsValidationException( 'Property "%s" was None in make_rn' % prop) else: log.debug( 'Property "%s" was not found in make_rn arguments' % prop) if self.rn_is_special_case(): return self.rn_get_special_case() raise UcsValidationException( 'Property "%s" was not found in make_rn arguments' % prop) return rn_pattern def to_xml(self, xml_doc=None, option=None, elem_name=None): """ Method writes the xml representation of the managed object. """ if option == WriteXmlOption.DIRTY and not self.is_dirty(): log.debug("Object is not dirty") return xml_obj = self.elem_create(class_tag=self.mo_meta.xml_attribute, xml_doc=xml_doc, override_tag=elem_name) for key in self.__dict__: if key != 'rn' and key in self.prop_meta: mo_prop_meta = self.prop_meta[key] if (option != WriteXmlOption.DIRTY or ( mo_prop_meta.mask is not None and self._dirty_mask & mo_prop_meta.mask != 0)): value = getattr(self, key) if value is not None: xml_obj.set(mo_prop_meta.xml_attribute, value) else: if key not in self.__xtra_props: # This is an internal property # This should not be a part of the xml continue # This is an unknown property # This should be a part of the xml # The server might understand this property, even though # the sdk does not if option != WriteXmlOption.DIRTY or \ self.__xtra_props[key].is_dirty: value = self.__xtra_props[key].value if value is not None: xml_obj.set(key, value) if 'dn' not in xml_obj.attrib: xml_obj.set('dn', self.dn) self.child_to_xml(xml_obj, option) return xml_obj def from_xml(self, elem, handle=None): """ Method updates the object from the xml representation of the managed object. """ self._handle = handle if elem.attrib: if self.__class__.__name__ != "ManagedObject": for attr_name, attr_value in ucsgenutils.iteritems( elem.attrib): if attr_name in self.prop_map: attr_name = self.prop_map[attr_name] else: self.__xtra_props[attr_name] = _GenericProp( attr_name, attr_value, False) object.__setattr__(self, attr_name, attr_value) else: for attr_name, attr_value in ucsgenutils.iteritems( elem.attrib): object.__setattr__(self, attr_name, attr_value) if hasattr(self, 'rn') and not hasattr(self, 'dn'): self._dn_set() elif not hasattr(self, 'rn') and hasattr(self, 'dn'): self.__set_prop("rn", os.path.basename(self.dn), forced=True) self.mark_clean() child_elems = elem.getchildren() if child_elems: for child_elem in child_elems: if not ET.iselement(child_elem): continue if self.__class__.__name__ != "ManagedObject" and ( child_elem.tag in self.mo_meta.field_names): pass class_id = ucsgenutils.word_u(child_elem.tag) child_obj = ucscoreutils.get_ucs_obj(class_id, child_elem, self) self.child_add(child_obj) child_obj.from_xml(child_elem, handle) def sync_mo(self, mo): """ Method to return string representation of a managed object. """ for prop, prop_value in sorted(ucsgenutils.iteritems(self.__dict__)): if prop in ManagedObject.__internal_prop or prop.startswith( "_ManagedObject__"): continue mo.__dict__[prop] = prop_value return None def show_tree(self, level=0): """ Method to return string representation of a managed object. """ indent = " " level_indent = "%s%s)" % (indent * level, level) # level_key_dn = "level_%s_dn" % (str(level)) print("%s %s[%s]" % (level_indent, self._class_id, self.dn)) for ch_ in self.children: level += 1 ch_.show_tree(level) level -= 1 return None def show_hierarchy(self, level=0, depth=None, show_level=[]): """ Method to return string representation of a managed object. """ from .ucscoreutils import print_mo_hierarchy print_mo_hierarchy(self._class_id, level, depth, show_level) def generic_mo_from_xml(xml_str): """ create GenericMo object from xml string """ root_elem = ET.fromstring(xml_str) class_id = root_elem.tag gmo = GenericMo(class_id) gmo.from_xml(root_elem) return gmo def generic_mo_from_xml_elem(elem): """ create GenericMo object from xml element """ from . import ucsxmlcodec as xc xml_str = xc.to_xml_str(elem) gmo = generic_mo_from_xml(xml_str) return gmo class GenericMo(UcsBase): """ This class implements a Generic Managed Object. Args: class_id (str): class id of managed object parent_mo_or_dn (ManagedObject or str): parent managed object or dn """ # Every variable that should not be a part of the final xml # should start with a underscore in this class def __init__(self, class_id, parent_mo_or_dn=None, **kwargs): self.__properties = {} if isinstance(parent_mo_or_dn, GenericMo): self.__parent_mo = parent_mo_or_dn self.__parent_dn = parent_mo_or_dn.dn elif isinstance(parent_mo_or_dn, str): # if (parent_mo_or_dn == "") and ("dn" in kwargs): # parent_mo_or_dn = kwargs["dn"] self.__parent_dn = parent_mo_or_dn self.__parent_mo = None elif parent_mo_or_dn is None: self.__parent_dn = "" self.__parent_mo = None else: raise ValueError("parent_mo_or_dn should be an instance of str or " "GenericMo") UcsBase.__init__(self, class_id) if kwargs: for key, value in ucsgenutils.iteritems(kwargs): self.__dict__[key] = str(value) self.__properties[key] = str(value) if 'rn' in dir(self) and 'dn' in dir(self): pass elif 'rn' in dir(self) and 'dn' not in dir(self): if self.__parent_dn is not None and self.__parent_dn != "": self.dn = self.__parent_dn + '/' + self.rn self.__properties['dn'] = self.dn else: self.dn = self.rn self.__properties['dn'] = self.dn elif 'rn' not in dir(self) and 'dn' in dir(self): self.rn = os.path.basename(self.dn) self.__properties['rn'] = self.rn else: self.rn = "" self.dn = "" if self.__parent_mo: self.__parent_mo.child_add(self) def to_xml(self, xml_doc=None, option=None): """ This method returns the xml element node for the current object with it's hierarchy. Args: xml_doc: document to which the Mo attributes are added. Can be None. option: not required for Generic Mo class object Example: from ucsmsdk.ucsmo import GenericMo\n args = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c":3}\n obj = GenericMo("testLsA", "org-root", **args)\n obj1 = GenericMo("testLsB", "org-root", **args)\n obj.add_child(obj1)\n elem = obj.write_xml()\n import ucsmsdk.ucsxmlcodec as xc\n xc.to_xml_str(elem)\n Output: '\n \n ' """ if xml_doc is None: xml_obj = Element(ucsgenutils.word_l(self._class_id)) else: xml_obj = SubElement(xml_doc, ucsgenutils.word_l(self._class_id)) for key in self.__dict__: if not key.startswith('_'): xml_obj.set(key, getattr(self, key)) self.child_to_xml(xml_obj) return xml_obj @property def properties(self): """Getter Method of GenericMO Class""" return self.__properties def from_xml(self, elem, handle=None): """ This method is form objects out of xml element. This is called internally from ucsxmlcode.from_xml_str method. Example: xml = ' '\n obj = xc.from_xml_str(xml)\n print type(obj)\n Outputs: """ if elem is None: return None self._handle = handle self._class_id = elem.tag if elem.attrib: for name, value in ucsgenutils.iteritems(elem.attrib): self.__dict__[name] = value self.__properties[name] = str(value) if self.rn and self.dn: pass elif self.rn and not self.dn: if self.__parent_dn is not None and self.__parent_dn != "": self.dn = self.__parent_dn + '/' + self.rn self.__properties['dn'] = self.dn else: self.dn = self.rn self.__properties['dn'] = self.dn elif not self.rn and self.dn: self.rn = os.path.basename(self.dn) self.__properties['rn'] = self.rn # else: # raise ValueError("Both rn and dn does not present.") children = elem.getchildren() if children: for child in children: if not ET.iselement(child): continue class_id = ucsgenutils.word_u(child.tag) # child_obj = ucscoreutils.get_ucs_obj(class_id, child, self) pdn = None if 'dn' in dir(self): pdn = self.dn child_obj = GenericMo(class_id, parent_mo_or_dn=pdn) self.child_add(child_obj) child_obj.from_xml(child, handle) def __get_mo_obj(self, class_id): """ Internal methods to create managed object from class_id """ import inspect mo_class = ucscoreutils.load_class(class_id) mo_class_params = inspect.getargspec(mo_class.__init__)[0][2:] mo_class_param_dict = {} for param in mo_class_params: mo_param = mo_class.prop_meta[param].xml_attribute if mo_param not in self.__properties: if 'rn' in self.__properties: rn_str = self.__properties['rn'] elif 'dn' in self.__properties: rn_str = os.path.basename(self.__properties['dn']) rn_pattern = mo_class.mo_meta.rn np_dict = ucscoreutils.get_naming_props(rn_str, rn_pattern) if param not in np_dict: mo_class_param_dict[param] = "" else: mo_class_param_dict[param] = np_dict[param] else: mo_class_param_dict[param] = self.__properties[mo_param] p_dn = "" if 'topRoot' in mo_class.mo_meta.parents: mo_obj = mo_class(**mo_class_param_dict) else: mo_obj = mo_class(parent_mo_or_dn=p_dn, **mo_class_param_dict) return mo_obj def to_mo(self): """ Converts GenericMo to ManagedObject """ from . import ucsmeta class_id = ucsgenutils.word_u(self._class_id) if class_id not in ucsmeta.MO_CLASS_ID: return None mo = self.__get_mo_obj(class_id) if not mo: # or not isinstance(mo, ManagedObject): return None for prop in self.__properties: if prop in mo.prop_map: mo.__dict__[mo.prop_map[prop]] = self.__properties[prop] else: UcsWarning("Property %s Not Exist in MO %s" % ( ucsgenutils.word_u(prop), class_id)) if len(self.child): for ch_ in self.child: mo_ch = ch_.to_mo() mo.child_add(mo_ch) return mo def __str__(self): ts = 8 if isinstance(self, GenericMo): out_str = "\n" out_str += 'GenericMo'.ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str( self._class_id) + "\n" out_str += "-" * len("GenericMo") + "\n" for prop, prop_val in sorted(ucsgenutils.iteritems(self.__dict__)): if prop.startswith('_'): continue out_str += str(prop).ljust(ts * 4) + ':' + str(prop_val) + "\n" return out_str