# Work-around for a bug in execnet 1.4.1 # :todo: remove this again, once a version of execnet fixing this is released hg+https://htgoebel@bitbucket.org/htgoebel/execnet # For running tests pytest >= 2.7.3 # Testing framework. pytest-xdist # Plugin allowing running tests in parallel. pytest-timeout # Plugin to abort hanging tests. pytest-catchlog # Capture log output separately from stdout/stderr pytest-drop-dup-tests # allows specifying order without duplicates psutil # Better subprocess alternative with implemented timeout. ipython # Better interactive Python shell. mock # Helper tools zest.releaser # Makes releasing easier wheel>0.24.0 # For creating .whl packages in Appveyour to avoid compiling again. check-manifest # Checks MANIFEST.in pyroma # Checks if package follows best practices of Python packaging. chardet # character encoding detector. readme # Check PYPI description. twine # For secure upload of tar.gz to PYPI. pycmd # Contains 'py.cleanup' that removes all .pyc files and similar. pip-accel # Caches compiled pip packages and speeds up env setup in Travis/AppVeyor.