# postinstall script for pywin32 # # copies PyWinTypesxx.dll and PythonCOMxx.dll into the system directory, # and creates a pth file import os, sys, glob, shutil, time import _winreg as winreg # Send output somewhere so it can be found if necessary... import tempfile tee_f = open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'pywin32_postinstall.log'), "w") class Tee: def __init__(self, file): self.f = file def write(self, what): if self.f is not None: try: self.f.write(what.replace("\n", "\r\n")) except IOError: pass tee_f.write(what) def flush(self): if self.f is not None: try: self.f.flush() except IOError: pass tee_f.flush() sys.stderr = Tee(sys.stderr) sys.stdout = Tee(sys.stdout) com_modules = [ # module_name, class_names ("win32com.servers.interp", "Interpreter"), ("win32com.servers.dictionary", "DictionaryPolicy"), ("win32com.axscript.client.pyscript","PyScript"), ] # Is this a 'silent' install - ie, avoid all dialogs. # Different than 'verbose' silent = 0 # Verbosity of output messages. verbose = 1 ver_string = "%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) root_key_name = "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\" + ver_string try: # When this script is run from inside the bdist_wininst installer, # file_created() and directory_created() are additional builtin # functions which write lines to Python23\pywin32-install.log. This is # a list of actions for the uninstaller, the format is inspired by what # the Wise installer also creates. file_created is_bdist_wininst = True except NameError: is_bdist_wininst = False # we know what it is not - but not what it is :) def file_created(file): pass def directory_created(directory): pass def get_root_hkey(): try: winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, root_key_name, 0, winreg.KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY) return winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE except OSError, details: # Either not exist, or no permissions to create subkey means # must be HKCU return winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER try: create_shortcut except NameError: # Create a function with the same signature as create_shortcut provided # by bdist_wininst def create_shortcut(path, description, filename, arguments="", workdir="", iconpath="", iconindex=0): import pythoncom from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon ilink = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(shell.CLSID_ShellLink, None, pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, shell.IID_IShellLink) ilink.SetPath(path) ilink.SetDescription(description) if arguments: ilink.SetArguments(arguments) if workdir: ilink.SetWorkingDirectory(workdir) if iconpath or iconindex: ilink.SetIconLocation(iconpath, iconindex) # now save it. ipf = ilink.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile) ipf.Save(filename, 0) # Support the same list of "path names" as bdist_wininst. def get_special_folder_path(path_name): import pythoncom from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon for maybe in """ CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU CSIDL_STARTMENU CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA CSIDL_APPDATA CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP CSIDL_STARTUP CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS CSIDL_PROGRAMS CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES CSIDL_FONTS""".split(): if maybe == path_name: csidl = getattr(shellcon, maybe) return shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, csidl, False) raise ValueError("%s is an unknown path ID" % (path_name,)) def CopyTo(desc, src, dest): import win32api, win32con while 1: try: win32api.CopyFile(src, dest, 0) return except win32api.error, details: if details.winerror==5: # access denied - user not admin. raise if silent: # Running silent mode - just re-raise the error. raise tb = None full_desc = "Error %s\n\n" \ "If you have any Python applications running, " \ "please close them now\nand select 'Retry'\n\n%s" \ % (desc, details.strerror) rc = win32api.MessageBox(0, full_desc, "Installation Error", win32con.MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE) if rc == win32con.IDABORT: raise elif rc == win32con.IDIGNORE: return # else retry - around we go again. # We need to import win32api to determine the Windows system directory, # so we can copy our system files there - but importing win32api will # load the pywintypes.dll already in the system directory preventing us # from updating them! # So, we pull the same trick pywintypes.py does, but it loads from # our pywintypes_system32 directory. def LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, modname): # See if this is a debug build. import imp for suffix_item in imp.get_suffixes(): if suffix_item[0]=='_d.pyd': suffix = '_d' break else: suffix = "" filename = "%s%d%d%s.dll" % \ (modname, sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], suffix) filename = os.path.join(lib_dir, "pywin32_system32", filename) mod = imp.load_dynamic(modname, filename) def SetPyKeyVal(key_name, value_name, value): root_hkey = get_root_hkey() root_key = winreg.OpenKey(root_hkey, root_key_name) try: my_key = winreg.CreateKey(root_key, key_name) try: winreg.SetValueEx(my_key, value_name, 0, winreg.REG_SZ, value) finally: my_key.Close() finally: root_key.Close() if verbose: print "-> %s\\%s[%s]=%r" % (root_key_name, key_name, value_name, value) def RegisterCOMObjects(register = 1): import win32com.server.register if register: func = win32com.server.register.RegisterClasses else: func = win32com.server.register.UnregisterClasses flags = {} if not verbose: flags['quiet']=1 for module, klass_name in com_modules: __import__(module) mod = sys.modules[module] flags["finalize_register"] = getattr(mod, "DllRegisterServer", None) flags["finalize_unregister"] = getattr(mod, "DllUnregisterServer", None) klass = getattr(mod, klass_name) func(klass, **flags) def RegisterPythonwin(register=True): """ Add (or remove) Pythonwin to context menu for python scripts. ??? Should probably also add Edit command for pys files also. Also need to remove these keys on uninstall, but there's no function like file_created to add registry entries to uninstall log ??? """ import os, distutils.sysconfig lib_dir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=1) classes_root=get_root_hkey() ## Installer executable doesn't seem to pass anything to postinstall script indicating if it's a debug build, pythonwin_exe = os.path.join(lib_dir, "Pythonwin", "Pythonwin.exe") pythonwin_edit_command=pythonwin_exe + ' /edit "%1"' keys_vals = [ ('Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\Pythonwin.exe', '', pythonwin_exe), ('Software\\Classes\\Python.File\\shell\\Edit with Pythonwin', 'command', pythonwin_edit_command), ('Software\\Classes\\Python.NoConFile\\shell\\Edit with Pythonwin', 'command', pythonwin_edit_command), ] try: if register: for key, sub_key, val in keys_vals: ## Since winreg only uses the character Api functions, this can fail if Python ## is installed to a path containing non-ascii characters hkey = winreg.CreateKey(classes_root, key) if sub_key: hkey = winreg.CreateKey(hkey, sub_key) winreg.SetValueEx(hkey, None, 0, winreg.REG_SZ, val) hkey.Close() else: for key, sub_key, val in keys_vals: try: winreg.DeleteKey(classes_root, key) except OSError, why: winerror = getattr(why, 'winerror', why.errno) if winerror != 2: # file not found raise finally: # tell windows about the change from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon shell.SHChangeNotify(shellcon.SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, shellcon.SHCNF_IDLIST, None, None) def get_shortcuts_folder(): if get_root_hkey()==winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: try: fldr = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS") except OSError: # No CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS on this platform fldr = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_PROGRAMS") else: # non-admin install - always goes in this user's start menu. fldr = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_PROGRAMS") try: install_group = winreg.QueryValue(get_root_hkey(), root_key_name + "\\InstallPath\\InstallGroup") except OSError: vi = sys.version_info install_group = "Python %d.%d" % (vi[0], vi[1]) return os.path.join(fldr, install_group) # Get the system directory, which may be the Wow64 directory if we are a 32bit # python on a 64bit OS. def get_system_dir(): import win32api # we assume this exists. try: import pythoncom import win32process from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon try: if win32process.IsWow64Process(): return shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0,shellcon.CSIDL_SYSTEMX86) return shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0,shellcon.CSIDL_SYSTEM) except (pythoncom.com_error, win32process.error): return win32api.GetSystemDirectory() except ImportError: return win32api.GetSystemDirectory() def fixup_dbi(): # We used to have a dbi.pyd with our .pyd files, but now have a .py file. # If the user didn't uninstall, they will find the .pyd which will cause # problems - so handle that. import win32api, win32con pyd_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(win32api.__file__), "dbi.pyd") pyd_d_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(win32api.__file__), "dbi_d.pyd") py_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(win32con.__file__), "dbi.py") for this_pyd in (pyd_name, pyd_d_name): this_dest = this_pyd + ".old" if os.path.isfile(this_pyd) and os.path.isfile(py_name): try: if os.path.isfile(this_dest): print "Old dbi '%s' already exists - deleting '%s'" % (this_dest, this_pyd) os.remove(this_pyd) else: os.rename(this_pyd, this_dest) print "renamed '%s'->'%s.old'" % (this_pyd, this_pyd) file_created(this_pyd+".old") except os.error, exc: print "FAILED to rename '%s': %s" % (this_pyd, exc) def install(): import distutils.sysconfig import traceback # The .pth file is now installed as a regular file. # Create the .pth file in the site-packages dir, and use only relative paths lib_dir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=1) # We used to write a .pth directly to sys.prefix - clobber it. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "pywin32.pth")): os.unlink(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "pywin32.pth")) # The .pth may be new and therefore not loaded in this session. # Setup the paths just in case. for name in "win32 win32\\lib Pythonwin".split(): sys.path.append(os.path.join(lib_dir, name)) # It is possible people with old versions installed with still have # pywintypes and pythoncom registered. We no longer need this, and stale # entries hurt us. for name in "pythoncom pywintypes".split(): keyname = "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\" + sys.winver + "\\Modules\\" + name for root in winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER: try: winreg.DeleteKey(root, keyname + "\\Debug") except WindowsError: pass try: winreg.DeleteKey(root, keyname) except WindowsError: pass LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, "pywintypes") LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, "pythoncom") import win32api # and now we can get the system directory: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(lib_dir, "pywin32_system32\\*.*")) if not files: raise RuntimeError("No system files to copy!!") # Try the system32 directory first - if that fails due to "access denied", # it implies a non-admin user, and we use sys.prefix for dest_dir in [get_system_dir(), sys.prefix]: # and copy some files over there worked = 0 try: for fname in files: base = os.path.basename(fname) dst = os.path.join(dest_dir, base) CopyTo("installing %s" % base, fname, dst) if verbose: print "Copied %s to %s" % (base, dst) # Register the files with the uninstaller file_created(dst) worked = 1 # If this isn't sys.prefix (ie, System32), then nuke # any versions that may exist in sys.prefix - having # duplicates causes major headaches. if dest_dir != sys.prefix: bad_fname = os.path.join(sys.prefix, base) if os.path.exists(bad_fname): # let exceptions go here - delete must succeed os.unlink(bad_fname) if worked: break except win32api.error, details: if details.winerror==5: # access denied - user not admin - try sys.prefix dir, # but first check that a version doesn't already exist # in that place - otherwise that one will still get used! if os.path.exists(dst): msg = "The file '%s' exists, but can not be replaced " \ "due to insufficient permissions. You must " \ "reinstall this software as an Administrator" \ % dst print msg raise RuntimeError(msg) continue raise else: raise RuntimeError( "You don't have enough permissions to install the system files") # Pythonwin 'compiles' config files - record them for uninstall. pywin_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "Pythonwin", "pywin") for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(pywin_dir, "*.cfg")): file_created(fname[:-1] + "c") # .cfg->.cfc # Register our demo COM objects. try: try: RegisterCOMObjects() except win32api.error, details: if details.winerror!=5: # ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED raise print "You do not have the permissions to install COM objects." print "The sample COM objects were not registered." except: print "FAILED to register the Python COM objects" traceback.print_exc() # There may be no main Python key in HKCU if, eg, an admin installed # python itself. winreg.CreateKey(get_root_hkey(), root_key_name) # Register the .chm help file. chm_file = os.path.join(lib_dir, "PyWin32.chm") if os.path.isfile(chm_file): # This isn't recursive, so if 'Help' doesn't exist, we croak SetPyKeyVal("Help", None, None) SetPyKeyVal("Help\\Pythonwin Reference", None, chm_file) else: print "NOTE: PyWin32.chm can not be located, so has not " \ "been registered" # misc other fixups. fixup_dbi() # Register Pythonwin in context menu try: RegisterPythonwin() except: print 'Failed to register pythonwin as editor' traceback.print_exc() else: if verbose: print 'Pythonwin has been registered in context menu' # Create the win32com\gen_py directory. make_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "win32com", "gen_py") if not os.path.isdir(make_dir): if verbose: print "Creating directory", make_dir directory_created(make_dir) os.mkdir(make_dir) try: # create shortcuts # CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS only available works on NT/2000/XP, and # will fail there if the user has no admin rights. fldr = get_shortcuts_folder() # If the group doesn't exist, then we don't make shortcuts - its # possible that this isn't a "normal" install. if os.path.isdir(fldr): dst = os.path.join(fldr, "PythonWin.lnk") create_shortcut(os.path.join(lib_dir, "Pythonwin\\Pythonwin.exe"), "The Pythonwin IDE", dst, "", sys.prefix) file_created(dst) if verbose: print "Shortcut for Pythonwin created" # And the docs. dst = os.path.join(fldr, "Python for Windows Documentation.lnk") doc = "Documentation for the PyWin32 extensions" create_shortcut(chm_file, doc, dst) file_created(dst) if verbose: print "Shortcut to documentation created" else: if verbose: print "Can't install shortcuts - %r is not a folder" % (fldr,) except Exception, details: print details # Check the MFC dll exists - it is doesn't, point them at it # (I should install it, but its a bit tricky with distutils) # Unfortunately, this is quite likely on Windows XP and MFC71.dll if sys.hexversion < 0x2040000: mfc_dll = "mfc42.dll" elif sys.hexversion < 0x2060000: mfc_dll = "mfc71.dll" elif sys.hexversion < 0x2070000: mfc_dll = "mfc90.dll" elif sys.hexversion < 0x3000000: mfc_dll = "mfc90u.dll" else: mfc_dll = "mfc100u.dll" try: # It might be next to pythonwin itself (which is where setup.py # currently arranges for it to be installed...) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lib_dir, "pythonwin", mfc_dll)): win32api.SearchPath(None, mfc_dll) except win32api.error: print "*" * 20, "WARNING", "*" * 20 print "It appears that the MFC DLL '%s' is not installed" % (mfc_dll,) print "Pythonwin will not work without this DLL, and I haven't had the" print "time to package it in with the installer." print print "You can download this DLL from:" print "http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond/win32/" print "*" * 50 # importing win32com.client ensures the gen_py dir created - not strictly # necessary to do now, but this makes the installation "complete" try: import win32com.client except ImportError: # Don't let this error sound fatal pass print "The pywin32 extensions were successfully installed." def uninstall(): import distutils.sysconfig lib_dir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=1) # First ensure our system modules are loaded from pywin32_system, so # we can remove the ones we copied... LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, "pywintypes") LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, "pythoncom") try: RegisterCOMObjects(False) except Exception, why: print "Failed to unregister COM objects:", why try: RegisterPythonwin(False) except Exception, why: print "Failed to unregister Pythonwin:", why else: if verbose: print 'Unregistered Pythonwin' try: # remove gen_py directory. gen_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "win32com", "gen_py") if os.path.isdir(gen_dir): shutil.rmtree(gen_dir) if verbose: print "Removed directory", gen_dir # Remove pythonwin compiled "config" files. pywin_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "Pythonwin", "pywin") for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(pywin_dir, "*.cfc")): os.remove(fname) # The dbi.pyd.old files we may have created. try: os.remove(os.path.join(lib_dir, "win32", "dbi.pyd.old")) except os.error: pass try: os.remove(os.path.join(lib_dir, "win32", "dbi_d.pyd.old")) except os.error: pass except Exception, why: print "Failed to remove misc files:", why try: fldr = get_shortcuts_folder() for link in ("PythonWin.lnk", "Python for Windows Documentation.lnk"): fqlink = os.path.join(fldr, link) if os.path.isfile(fqlink): os.remove(fqlink) if verbose: print "Removed", link except Exception, why: print "Failed to remove shortcuts:", why # Now remove the system32 files. files = glob.glob(os.path.join(lib_dir, "pywin32_system32\\*.*")) # Try the system32 directory first - if that fails due to "access denied", # it implies a non-admin user, and we use sys.prefix try: for dest_dir in [get_system_dir(), sys.prefix]: # and copy some files over there worked = 0 for fname in files: base = os.path.basename(fname) dst = os.path.join(dest_dir, base) if os.path.isfile(dst): try: os.remove(dst) worked = 1 if verbose: print "Removed file %s" % (dst) except Exception: print "FAILED to remove", dst if worked: break except Exception, why: print "FAILED to remove system files:", why def usage(): msg = \ """%s: A post-install script for the pywin32 extensions. This should be run automatically after installation, but if it fails you can run it again with a '-install' parameter, to ensure the environment is setup correctly. Additional Options: -wait pid : Wait for the specified process to terminate before starting. -silent : Don't display the "Abort/Retry/Ignore" dialog for files in use. -quiet : Don't display progress messages. """ print msg.strip() % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # NOTE: If this script is run from inside the bdist_wininst created # binary installer or uninstaller, the command line args are either # '-install' or '-remove'. # Important: From inside the binary installer this script MUST NOT # call sys.exit() or raise SystemExit, otherwise not only this script # but also the installer will terminate! (Is there a way to prevent # this from the bdist_wininst C code?) if __name__=='__main__': if len(sys.argv)==1: usage() sys.exit(1) arg_index = 1 while arg_index < len(sys.argv): arg = sys.argv[arg_index] # Hack for installing while we are in use. Just a simple wait so the # parent process can terminate. if arg == "-wait": arg_index += 1 pid = int(sys.argv[arg_index]) try: os.waitpid(pid, 0) except AttributeError: # Python 2.2 - no waitpid - just sleep. time.sleep(3) except os.error: # child already dead pass elif arg == "-install": install() elif arg == "-silent": silent = 1 elif arg == "-quiet": verbose = 0 elif arg == "-remove": # bdist_msi calls us before uninstall, so we can undo what we # previously did. Sadly, bdist_wininst calls us *after*, so # we can't do much at all. if not is_bdist_wininst: uninstall() else: print "Unknown option:", arg usage() sys.exit(0) arg_index += 1