NetLink Sockets: Networking C++ library
Copyright 2012-2014 Pedro Francisco Pareja Ruiz (PedroPareja@Gmail.com)
This file is part of NetLink Sockets.
NetLink Sockets is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
NetLink Sockets is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with NetLink Sockets. If not, see .
#ifndef __NET_LINK
#define __NET_LINK
* @example clientEcho.cc
* Example of TCP CLIENT Socket
* @example serverEcho.cc
* Example of TCP SERVER Socket
* @example udpDirectChat.cc
* Example of UDP non-blocking Socket
* @example chatClient.cc
* Example of SocketGroup
* @example chatServer.cc
* Example of SocketGroup
* @example webGet.cc
* Example of SmartBuffer and SocketGroup.
* Retrieves a web page and prints it.
* @namespace NL
* NetLink Sockets Namespace
* @mainpage NetLink Sockets C++ Library
* @author Pedro Fco. Pareja Ruiz ( PedroPareja [at] Gmail.com )
* @version 1.0.0-pre-6
* This is a C++ socket library designed to enable easy and fast development of socket related functionality.
* @warning Do not forget to call NL::init() in first place for the library initialization. This is
* only necessary in windows, but in the others OS will not do any harm.
* @note Since 1.0.0, NetLink Sockets C++ can be used in Windows XP (earlier versions require at least Windows Vista to be used in Windows OS)
* All the components of NetLink Sockets are in NL namespace.
* Download the latest version of the library at http://sourceforge.net/projects/netlinksockets/
* @par Linking:
* @li Linux and OSX: no need to link anything.
* @li Windows: Link against WS2_32.lib (system lib) in Visual C++ or libws2_32.a in MingW.
* @n
* 1.0.0-pre-6
* @li Fixed: getTime() return type changed to unsigned long long
* 1.0.0-pre-5
* @li Compilers: now \b MinGW compatible.
* @li Added copy constructor and copy operator to SmartBuffer class.
* @li Fixed: (remotely) possible memory leaks in NL::Socket::accept and NL::SmartBuffer::read
* 1.0.0-pre-4
* @li Fixed: memory leak in NL::Socket::initSocket(): some blocks of addrinfo were not completely freed
* 1.0.0-pre-3
* @li Fixed example: NL::init() was missing in udpDirectChat.cc
* @li Added sourceForge logo to documentation
* 1.0.0-pre-2
* @li Added SmartBuffer class
* @li Added webGet.cc example
* @li Documentation improvements
* 1.0.0-pre-1
* @li First v1 release