import { declare } from '@babel/helper-plugin-utils'; import _getTargets, { prettifyTargets, getInclusionReasons, isRequired } from '@babel/helper-compilation-targets'; import * as _babel from '@babel/core'; const { types: t$1, template: template } = _babel.default || _babel; function intersection(a, b) { const result = new Set(); a.forEach(v => b.has(v) && result.add(v)); return result; } function has$1(object, key) { return, key); } function getType(target) { return, -1); } function resolveId(path) { if (path.isIdentifier() && !path.scope.hasBinding(, /* noGlobals */ true)) { return; } const { deopt } = path.evaluate(); if (deopt && deopt.isIdentifier()) { return; } } function resolveKey(path, computed = false) { const { scope } = path; if (path.isStringLiteral()) return path.node.value; const isIdentifier = path.isIdentifier(); if (isIdentifier && !(computed || path.parent.computed)) { return; } if (computed && path.isMemberExpression() && path.get("object").isIdentifier({ name: "Symbol" }) && !scope.hasBinding("Symbol", /* noGlobals */ true)) { const sym = resolveKey(path.get("property"), path.node.computed); if (sym) return "Symbol." + sym; } if (!isIdentifier || scope.hasBinding(, /* noGlobals */ true)) { const { value } = path.evaluate(); if (typeof value === "string") return value; } } function resolveSource(obj) { if (obj.isMemberExpression() && obj.get("property").isIdentifier({ name: "prototype" })) { const id = resolveId(obj.get("object")); if (id) { return { id, placement: "prototype" }; } return { id: null, placement: null }; } const id = resolveId(obj); if (id) { return { id, placement: "static" }; } const { value } = obj.evaluate(); if (value !== undefined) { return { id: getType(value), placement: "prototype" }; } else if (obj.isRegExpLiteral()) { return { id: "RegExp", placement: "prototype" }; } else if (obj.isFunction()) { return { id: "Function", placement: "prototype" }; } return { id: null, placement: null }; } function getImportSource({ node }) { if (node.specifiers.length === 0) return node.source.value; } function getRequireSource({ node }) { if (!t$1.isExpressionStatement(node)) return; const { expression } = node; if (t$1.isCallExpression(expression) && t$1.isIdentifier(expression.callee) && === "require" && expression.arguments.length === 1 && t$1.isStringLiteral(expression.arguments[0])) { return expression.arguments[0].value; } } function hoist(node) { // @ts-expect-error node._blockHoist = 3; return node; } function createUtilsGetter(cache) { return path => { const prog = path.findParent(p => p.isProgram()); return { injectGlobalImport(url) { cache.storeAnonymous(prog, url, (isScript, source) => { return isScript ? template.statement.ast`require(${source})` : t$1.importDeclaration([], source); }); }, injectNamedImport(url, name, hint = name) { return cache.storeNamed(prog, url, name, (isScript, source, name) => { const id = prog.scope.generateUidIdentifier(hint); return { node: isScript ? hoist(template.statement.ast` var ${id} = require(${source}).${name} `) : t$1.importDeclaration([t$1.importSpecifier(id, name)], source), name: }; }); }, injectDefaultImport(url, hint = url) { return cache.storeNamed(prog, url, "default", (isScript, source) => { const id = prog.scope.generateUidIdentifier(hint); return { node: isScript ? hoist(template.statement.ast`var ${id} = require(${source})`) : t$1.importDeclaration([t$1.importDefaultSpecifier(id)], source), name: }; }); } }; }; } const { types: t } = _babel.default || _babel; class ImportsCache { constructor(resolver) { this._imports = new WeakMap(); this._anonymousImports = new WeakMap(); this._lastImports = new WeakMap(); this._resolver = resolver; } storeAnonymous(programPath, url, // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef getVal) { const key = this._normalizeKey(programPath, url); const imports = this._ensure(this._anonymousImports, programPath, Set); if (imports.has(key)) return; const node = getVal(programPath.node.sourceType === "script", t.stringLiteral(this._resolver(url))); imports.add(key); this._injectImport(programPath, node); } storeNamed(programPath, url, name, getVal) { const key = this._normalizeKey(programPath, url, name); const imports = this._ensure(this._imports, programPath, Map); if (!imports.has(key)) { const { node, name: id } = getVal(programPath.node.sourceType === "script", t.stringLiteral(this._resolver(url)), t.identifier(name)); imports.set(key, id); this._injectImport(programPath, node); } return t.identifier(imports.get(key)); } _injectImport(programPath, node) { const lastImport = this._lastImports.get(programPath); let newNodes; if (lastImport && lastImport.node && // Sometimes the AST is modified and the "last import" // we have has been replaced lastImport.parent === programPath.node && lastImport.container === programPath.node.body) { newNodes = lastImport.insertAfter(node); } else { newNodes = programPath.unshiftContainer("body", node); } const newNode = newNodes[newNodes.length - 1]; this._lastImports.set(programPath, newNode); /* let lastImport; programPath.get("body").forEach(path => { if (path.isImportDeclaration()) lastImport = path; if ( path.isExpressionStatement() && isRequireCall(path.get("expression")) ) { lastImport = path; } if ( path.isVariableDeclaration() && path.get("declarations").length === 1 && (isRequireCall(path.get("declarations.0.init")) || (path.get("declarations.0.init").isMemberExpression() && isRequireCall(path.get("declarations.0.init.object")))) ) { lastImport = path; } });*/ } _ensure(map, programPath, Collection) { let collection = map.get(programPath); if (!collection) { collection = new Collection(); map.set(programPath, collection); } return collection; } _normalizeKey(programPath, url, name = "") { const { sourceType } = programPath.node; // If we rely on the imported binding (the "name" parameter), we also need to cache // based on the sourceType. This is because the module transforms change the names // of the import variables. return `${name && sourceType}::${url}::${name}`; } } const presetEnvSilentDebugHeader = "#__secret_key__@babel/preset-env__don't_log_debug_header_and_resolved_targets"; function stringifyTargetsMultiline(targets) { return JSON.stringify(prettifyTargets(targets), null, 2); } function patternToRegExp(pattern) { if (pattern instanceof RegExp) return pattern; try { return new RegExp(`^${pattern}$`); } catch { return null; } } function buildUnusedError(label, unused) { if (!unused.length) return ""; return ` - The following "${label}" patterns didn't match any polyfill:\n` + => ` ${String(original)}\n`).join(""); } function buldDuplicatesError(duplicates) { if (!duplicates.size) return ""; return ` - The following polyfills were matched both by "include" and "exclude" patterns:\n` + Array.from(duplicates, name => ` ${name}\n`).join(""); } function validateIncludeExclude(provider, polyfills, includePatterns, excludePatterns) { let current; const filter = pattern => { const regexp = patternToRegExp(pattern); if (!regexp) return false; let matched = false; for (const polyfill of polyfills) { if (regexp.test(polyfill)) { matched = true; current.add(polyfill); } } return !matched; }; // prettier-ignore const include = current = new Set(); const unusedInclude = Array.from(includePatterns).filter(filter); // prettier-ignore const exclude = current = new Set(); const unusedExclude = Array.from(excludePatterns).filter(filter); const duplicates = intersection(include, exclude); if (duplicates.size > 0 || unusedInclude.length > 0 || unusedExclude.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Error while validating the "${provider}" provider options:\n` + buildUnusedError("include", unusedInclude) + buildUnusedError("exclude", unusedExclude) + buldDuplicatesError(duplicates)); } return { include, exclude }; } function applyMissingDependenciesDefaults(options, babelApi) { const { missingDependencies = {} } = options; if (missingDependencies === false) return false; const caller = babelApi.caller(caller => caller == null ? void 0 :; const { log = "deferred", inject = caller === "rollup-plugin-babel" ? "throw" : "import", all = false } = missingDependencies; return { log, inject, all }; } var usage = (callProvider => { function property(object, key, placement, path) { return callProvider({ kind: "property", object, key, placement }, path); } return { // Symbol(), new Promise ReferencedIdentifier(path) { const { node: { name }, scope } = path; if (scope.getBindingIdentifier(name)) return; callProvider({ kind: "global", name }, path); }, MemberExpression(path) { const key = resolveKey(path.get("property"), path.node.computed); if (!key || key === "prototype") return; const object = path.get("object"); if (object.isIdentifier()) { const binding = object.scope.getBinding(; if (binding && binding.path.isImportNamespaceSpecifier()) return; } const source = resolveSource(object); return property(, key, source.placement, path); }, ObjectPattern(path) { const { parentPath, parent } = path; let obj; // const { keys, values } = Object if (parentPath.isVariableDeclarator()) { obj = parentPath.get("init"); // ({ keys, values } = Object) } else if (parentPath.isAssignmentExpression()) { obj = parentPath.get("right"); // !function ({ keys, values }) {...} (Object) // resolution does not work after properties transform :-( } else if (parentPath.isFunction()) { const grand = parentPath.parentPath; if (grand.isCallExpression() || grand.isNewExpression()) { if (grand.node.callee === parent) { obj = grand.get("arguments")[path.key]; } } } let id = null; let placement = null; if (obj) ({ id, placement } = resolveSource(obj)); for (const prop of path.get("properties")) { if (prop.isObjectProperty()) { const key = resolveKey(prop.get("key")); if (key) property(id, key, placement, prop); } } }, BinaryExpression(path) { if (path.node.operator !== "in") return; const source = resolveSource(path.get("right")); const key = resolveKey(path.get("left"), true); if (!key) return; callProvider({ kind: "in", object:, key, placement: source.placement }, path); } }; }); var entry = (callProvider => ({ ImportDeclaration(path) { const source = getImportSource(path); if (!source) return; callProvider({ kind: "import", source }, path); }, Program(path) { path.get("body").forEach(bodyPath => { const source = getRequireSource(bodyPath); if (!source) return; callProvider({ kind: "import", source }, bodyPath); }); } })); function resolve(dirname, moduleName, absoluteImports) { if (absoluteImports === false) return moduleName; throw new Error(`"absoluteImports" is not supported in bundles prepared for the browser.`); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function has(basedir, name) { return true; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function logMissing(missingDeps) {} // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars function laterLogMissing(missingDeps) {} const PossibleGlobalObjects = new Set(["global", "globalThis", "self", "window"]); function createMetaResolver(polyfills) { const { static: staticP, instance: instanceP, global: globalP } = polyfills; return meta => { if (meta.kind === "global" && globalP && has$1(globalP, { return { kind: "global", desc: globalP[], name: }; } if (meta.kind === "property" || meta.kind === "in") { const { placement, object, key } = meta; if (object && placement === "static") { if (globalP && PossibleGlobalObjects.has(object) && has$1(globalP, key)) { return { kind: "global", desc: globalP[key], name: key }; } if (staticP && has$1(staticP, object) && has$1(staticP[object], key)) { return { kind: "static", desc: staticP[object][key], name: `${object}$${key}` }; } } if (instanceP && has$1(instanceP, key)) { return { kind: "instance", desc: instanceP[key], name: `${key}` }; } } }; } const getTargets = _getTargets.default || _getTargets; function resolveOptions(options, babelApi) { const { method, targets: targetsOption, ignoreBrowserslistConfig, configPath, debug, shouldInjectPolyfill, absoluteImports, ...providerOptions } = options; if (isEmpty(options)) { throw new Error(`\ This plugin requires options, for example: { "plugins": [ ["", { method: "usage-pure" }] ] } See more options at`); } let methodName; if (method === "usage-global") methodName = "usageGlobal";else if (method === "entry-global") methodName = "entryGlobal";else if (method === "usage-pure") methodName = "usagePure";else if (typeof method !== "string") { throw new Error(".method must be a string"); } else { throw new Error(`.method must be one of "entry-global", "usage-global"` + ` or "usage-pure" (received ${JSON.stringify(method)})`); } if (typeof shouldInjectPolyfill === "function") { if (options.include || options.exclude) { throw new Error(`.include and .exclude are not supported when using the` + ` .shouldInjectPolyfill function.`); } } else if (shouldInjectPolyfill != null) { throw new Error(`.shouldInjectPolyfill must be a function, or undefined` + ` (received ${JSON.stringify(shouldInjectPolyfill)})`); } if (absoluteImports != null && typeof absoluteImports !== "boolean" && typeof absoluteImports !== "string") { throw new Error(`.absoluteImports must be a boolean, a string, or undefined` + ` (received ${JSON.stringify(absoluteImports)})`); } let targets; if ( // If any browserslist-related option is specified, fallback to the old // behavior of not using the targets specified in the top-level options. targetsOption || configPath || ignoreBrowserslistConfig) { const targetsObj = typeof targetsOption === "string" || Array.isArray(targetsOption) ? { browsers: targetsOption } : targetsOption; targets = getTargets(targetsObj, { ignoreBrowserslistConfig, configPath }); } else { targets = babelApi.targets(); } return { method, methodName, targets, absoluteImports: absoluteImports != null ? absoluteImports : false, shouldInjectPolyfill, debug: !!debug, providerOptions: providerOptions }; } function instantiateProvider(factory, options, missingDependencies, dirname, debugLog, babelApi) { const { method, methodName, targets, debug, shouldInjectPolyfill, providerOptions, absoluteImports } = resolveOptions(options, babelApi); const getUtils = createUtilsGetter(new ImportsCache(moduleName => resolve(dirname, moduleName, absoluteImports))); // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let include, exclude; let polyfillsSupport; let polyfillsNames; let filterPolyfills; const depsCache = new Map(); const api = { babel: babelApi, getUtils, method: options.method, targets, createMetaResolver, shouldInjectPolyfill(name) { if (polyfillsNames === undefined) { throw new Error(`Internal error in the ${} provider: ` + `shouldInjectPolyfill() can't be called during initialization.`); } if (!polyfillsNames.has(name)) { console.warn(`Internal error in the ${} provider: ` + `unknown polyfill "${name}".`); } if (filterPolyfills && !filterPolyfills(name)) return false; let shouldInject = isRequired(name, targets, { compatData: polyfillsSupport, includes: include, excludes: exclude }); if (shouldInjectPolyfill) { shouldInject = shouldInjectPolyfill(name, shouldInject); if (typeof shouldInject !== "boolean") { throw new Error(`.shouldInjectPolyfill must return a boolean.`); } } return shouldInject; }, debug(name) { debugLog().found = true; if (!debug || !name) return; if (debugLog().polyfills.has( return; debugLog().polyfills.set(name, polyfillsSupport && name && polyfillsSupport[name]); }, assertDependency(name, version = "*") { if (missingDependencies === false) return; if (absoluteImports) { // If absoluteImports is not false, we will try resolving // the dependency and throw if it's not possible. We can // skip the check here. return; } const dep = version === "*" ? name : `${name}@^${version}`; const found = missingDependencies.all ? false : mapGetOr(depsCache, `${name} :: ${dirname}`, () => has()); if (!found) { debugLog().missingDeps.add(dep); } } }; const provider = factory(api, providerOptions, dirname); if (typeof provider[methodName] !== "function") { throw new Error(`The "${ ||}" provider doesn't ` + `support the "${method}" polyfilling method.`); } if (Array.isArray(provider.polyfills)) { polyfillsNames = new Set(provider.polyfills); filterPolyfills = provider.filterPolyfills; } else if (provider.polyfills) { polyfillsNames = new Set(Object.keys(provider.polyfills)); polyfillsSupport = provider.polyfills; filterPolyfills = provider.filterPolyfills; } else { polyfillsNames = new Set(); } ({ include, exclude } = validateIncludeExclude( ||, polyfillsNames, providerOptions.include || [], providerOptions.exclude || [])); return { debug, method, targets, provider, callProvider(payload, path) { const utils = getUtils(path); provider[methodName](payload, utils, path); } }; } function definePolyfillProvider(factory) { return declare((babelApi, options, dirname) => { babelApi.assertVersion(7); const { traverse } = babelApi; let debugLog; const missingDependencies = applyMissingDependenciesDefaults(options, babelApi); const { debug, method, targets, provider, callProvider } = instantiateProvider(factory, options, missingDependencies, dirname, () => debugLog, babelApi); const createVisitor = method === "entry-global" ? entry : usage; const visitor = provider.visitor ? traverse.visitors.merge([createVisitor(callProvider), provider.visitor]) : createVisitor(callProvider); if (debug && debug !== presetEnvSilentDebugHeader) { console.log(`${}: \`DEBUG\` option`); console.log(`\nUsing targets: ${stringifyTargetsMultiline(targets)}`); console.log(`\nUsing polyfills with \`${method}\` method:`); } return { name: "inject-polyfills", visitor, pre() { var _provider$pre; debugLog = { polyfills: new Map(), found: false, providers: new Set(), missingDeps: new Set() }; (_provider$pre = provider.pre) == null ? void 0 : _provider$pre.apply(this, arguments); }, post() { var _provider$post; (_provider$post = == null ? void 0 : _provider$post.apply(this, arguments); if (missingDependencies !== false) { if (missingDependencies.log === "per-file") { logMissing(debugLog.missingDeps); } else { laterLogMissing(debugLog.missingDeps); } } if (!debug) return; if (this.filename) console.log(`\n[${this.filename}]`); if (debugLog.polyfills.size === 0) { console.log(method === "entry-global" ? debugLog.found ? `Based on your targets, the ${} polyfill did not add any polyfill.` : `The entry point for the ${} polyfill has not been found.` : `Based on your code and targets, the ${} polyfill did not add any polyfill.`); return; } if (method === "entry-global") { console.log(`The ${} polyfill entry has been replaced with ` + `the following polyfills:`); } else { console.log(`The ${} polyfill added the following polyfills:`); } for (const [name, support] of debugLog.polyfills) { if (support) { const filteredTargets = getInclusionReasons(name, targets, support); const formattedTargets = JSON.stringify(filteredTargets).replace(/,/g, ", ").replace(/^\{"/, '{ "').replace(/"\}$/, '" }'); console.log(` ${name} ${formattedTargets}`); } else { console.log(` ${name}`); } } } }; }); } function mapGetOr(map, key, getDefault) { let val = map.get(key); if (val === undefined) { val = getDefault(); map.set(key, val); } return val; } function isEmpty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } export default definePolyfillProvider; //#