package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) exports_files(["tsconfig.json"]) load("@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:defs.bzl", "ts_library") ts_library( name = "lib", srcs = glob( ["internal/**/*.ts"], # exclude all backwards compatibility code because we don't have a bazel target setup for that exclude = [ "internal/Rx.ts", "internal-compatibility/**", "internal/patching/**", "internal/umd.ts", ], ), # Specify the compile-time dependencies to run the compilation (eg. typescript) # The default value assumes that the end-user has a target //:node_modules # but not all users do. # This also makes the build more reproducible, in case the user's TypeScript # version isn't compatible. node_modules = "@build_bazel_rules_typescript_tsc_wrapped_deps//:node_modules", tsconfig = "tsconfig.json", ) ts_library( name = "rxjs", srcs = ["index.ts"], module_name = "rxjs", module_root = "index.d.ts", # See comment above node_modules = "@build_bazel_rules_typescript_tsc_wrapped_deps//:node_modules", tsconfig = "tsconfig.json", deps = [ ":lib", "//ajax", "//operators", "//testing", "//webSocket", ], )