#  $Id: //depot/prod/test/Rsierranevada/storage/hdd/NADQ_SEA/NDATE/SUPPORT_SCRIPTS/rules/NADQ02_FC_Perf_DskQul#1 $
#Structure = Error being searched for;Reason for Failure;severity;Should this be include for check or not
#Severity 1: Exits from all remaining test cases from the filer
#Severity 2: Fatal, if mentioned in the test scripts it stops executing
#            rest of the test case
#Severity 3: Fail - step failed
#Severity 4: Warning
fci.device.resetting:debug;Resetting disk device;3;y
fci.channel.resetting:debug;Resetting all devices on channel;3;y
fci.adapter.reset:debug;Resetting Fibre Channel adapter;3;y