#region Apache License // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #endregion using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Text; using log4net.Appender; using log4net.Core; using log4net.Layout; using NUnit.Framework; namespace log4net.Tests.Appender { /// /// Used for internal unit testing the class. /// [TestFixture] public class SmtpPickupDirAppenderTest { private readonly string _testPickupDir; private class SilentErrorHandler : IErrorHandler { private StringBuilder m_buffer = new StringBuilder(); public string Message { get { return m_buffer.ToString(); } } public void Error(string message) { m_buffer.Append(message + "\n"); } public void Error(string message, Exception e) { m_buffer.Append(message + "\n" + e.Message + "\n"); } public void Error(string message, Exception e, ErrorCode errorCode) { m_buffer.Append(message + "\n" + e.Message + "\n"); } } public SmtpPickupDirAppenderTest() { _testPickupDir = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "SmtpPickupDirAppenderTest_PickupDir"); } /// /// Sets up variables used for the tests /// private void InitializePickupDir() { Directory.CreateDirectory(_testPickupDir); } /// /// Shuts down any loggers in the hierarchy, along /// with all appenders, and deletes any test files used /// for logging. /// private void ResetLogger() { // Regular users should not use the clear method lightly! Utils.GetRepository().ResetConfiguration(); Utils.GetRepository().Shutdown(); ((Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy)Utils.GetRepository()).Clear(); } /// /// Any initialization that happens before each test can /// go here /// [SetUp] public void SetUp() { ResetLogger(); DeleteTestFiles(); InitializePickupDir(); } /// /// Any steps that happen after each test go here /// [TearDown] public void TearDown() { ResetLogger(); DeleteTestFiles(); } /// /// Removes all test files that exist /// private void DeleteTestFiles() { if (Directory.Exists(_testPickupDir)) { Directory.Delete(_testPickupDir, true); } } /// /// Creates a logger hierarchy, configures a SMTP pickup dir appender and returns an ILogger /// /// The appender to use /// A configured ILogger private ILogger CreateLogger(SmtpPickupDirAppender appender) { Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy h = (Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy)LogManager.CreateRepository("TestRepository"); PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout(); layout.ConversionPattern = "%m%n"; layout.ActivateOptions(); appender.Layout = layout; appender.ActivateOptions(); h.Root.AddAppender(appender); h.Configured = true; ILogger log = h.GetLogger("Logger"); return log; } /// /// Create an appender to use for the logger /// /// The error handler to use. /// private SmtpPickupDirAppender CreateSmtpPickupDirAppender(IErrorHandler handler) { SmtpPickupDirAppender appender = new SmtpPickupDirAppender(); appender.PickupDir = _testPickupDir; appender.ErrorHandler = handler; return appender; } /// /// Destroys the logger hierarchy created by /// private static void DestroyLogger() { Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy h = (Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy)LogManager.GetRepository("TestRepository"); h.ResetConfiguration(); //Replace the repository selector so that we can recreate the hierarchy with the same name if necessary LoggerManager.RepositorySelector = new DefaultRepositorySelector(typeof(log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy)); } /// /// Tests if the sent message contained the date header. /// [Test] public void TestOutputContainsSentDate() { SilentErrorHandler sh = new SilentErrorHandler(); SmtpPickupDirAppender appender = CreateSmtpPickupDirAppender(sh); ILogger log = CreateLogger(appender); log.Log(GetType(), Level.Info, "This is a message", null); log.Log(GetType(), Level.Info, "This is a message 2", null); DestroyLogger(); Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(_testPickupDir).Length); string[] fileContent = File.ReadAllLines((Directory.GetFiles(_testPickupDir)[0])); bool hasDateHeader = false; const string dateHeaderStart = "Date: "; foreach (string line in fileContent) { if(line.StartsWith(dateHeaderStart)) { string datePart = line.Substring(dateHeaderStart.Length); DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(datePart, "r", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double diff = Math.Abs( (DateTime.UtcNow - date).TotalMilliseconds); Assert.LessOrEqual(diff, 1000, "Times should be equal, allowing a diff of one second to make test robust"); hasDateHeader = true; } } Assert.IsTrue(hasDateHeader, "Output must contains a date header"); Assert.AreEqual("", sh.Message, "Unexpected error message"); } /// /// Verifies that file extension is applied to output file name. /// [Test] public void TestConfigurableFileExtension() { const string fileExtension = "eml"; SilentErrorHandler sh = new SilentErrorHandler(); SmtpPickupDirAppender appender = CreateSmtpPickupDirAppender(sh); appender.FileExtension = fileExtension; ILogger log = CreateLogger(appender); log.Log(GetType(), Level.Info, "This is a message", null); log.Log(GetType(), Level.Info, "This is a message 2", null); DestroyLogger(); Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(_testPickupDir).Length); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(_testPickupDir)[0]); Assert.AreEqual("." + fileExtension, fileInfo.Extension); Assert.DoesNotThrow(delegate { new Guid(fileInfo.Name.Substring(0, fileInfo.Name.Length - fileInfo.Extension.Length)); }); // Assert that filename before extension is a guid Assert.AreEqual("", sh.Message, "Unexpected error message"); } /// /// Verifies that logging a message actually produces output /// [Test] public void TestDefaultFileNameIsAGuid() { SilentErrorHandler sh = new SilentErrorHandler(); SmtpPickupDirAppender appender = CreateSmtpPickupDirAppender(sh); ILogger log = CreateLogger(appender); log.Log(GetType(), Level.Info, "This is a message", null); log.Log(GetType(), Level.Info, "This is a message 2", null); DestroyLogger(); Assert.AreEqual(1, Directory.GetFiles(_testPickupDir).Length); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(_testPickupDir)[0]); Assert.IsEmpty(fileInfo.Extension); Assert.DoesNotThrow(delegate { new Guid(fileInfo.Name); }); // Assert that filename is a guid Assert.AreEqual("", sh.Message, "Unexpected error message"); } } }