THIS DOCUMENT NEEDS TO BE ADAPTED NOW WE'VE MOVED TO GIT This document is a work in progress and was created in parallel to the release of Apache log4net 1.2.11 and adapted for 2.0.6. Prereqs ======= * make sure you have all the required software around. For the 2.0.6 release this meant - you may need a couple of Windows or Linux boxes in order to be able to build all target frameworks. - Things you need o a Subversion command line client o NAnt 0.92 or better Make sure to unblock the ZIP before you extract it. o Some recent version of a Java runtime environment (Java5 at minimum) o Apache Maven 3.x You may want to set some environment variables like Path (to include Maven's and NAnt's bin directories), M2_HOME and JAVA_HOME to make things easier. o .NET Framework 3.5SP1 and SDK 2.0 As of October 2011 this is available from o .NET Framework and SDK 4.0 As of October 2011 this is available from o .NET Core Developer Kit available from o Mono available from Unfortunately NAnt 0.92 has issues with Mono that is too recent, I used a Ubuntu 14.04 installation and installed NAnt and Mono via the Ubuntu Debian packages. It comes with Mono 3.2.8. o Sandcastle Help File Builder with its Dependencies As of November 2015 this is available from Install Html Help 1 Compiler by follwoing the instructions during the SGFB installation. It may tell you there'd already be a newer version but SHFB needs this installation anyway. * Make sure your PGP key is in and copy that file to . You should also upload your key to the keyservers. * Make sure you have decrypted old-log4net.snk.gpg to old-log4net.snk Preparing the Stage =================== * Make sure the correct version number (2.0.6 right now) is in all the required places. [yes, there is a lot of duplication] - - pom.xml: 2.0.6 - log4net.nuspec: 2.0.6 - log4net.shfbproj: log4net-sdk-2.0.6 - src/AssemblyInfo.cs: many, many AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute - src/AssemblyVersionInfo.cpp as well as .cs, .vb and .js - twice in each file These files also hold the assembly's copyright statement. Make sure it includes the current year. - src/Log4netAssemblyInfo.cs: public const string Version = "2.0.6" - src/site/xdocs/download_log4net.xml - many times - netstandard/log4net/project.json - "version": "2.0.6", - netstandard/log4net.tests/project.json - "version": "2.0.6", * Create the site using "nant generate-site" in order to create the RAT report as a side-effect and fix all files that don't have the proper license header. * Make sure NOTICE corresponds to the general format of ,---- |Apache log4net |Copyright 2004-{latest} The Apache Software Foundation | |This product includes software developed by |The Apache Software Foundation ( `---- in particular, check that {latest} is the current year. * Update the release notes - go to the Roadmap View in JIRA - follow the Release Notes link for the release you are going to create - Copy the text to src/site/xdocs/release/release-notes.xml in a new section for the new release and massage it to your liking. Create the Release ================== * Tag the source tree that makes up the release $ svn cp -r 1775235 \ \ * Create a fresh working copy of the new tag on the Linux box and copy old-log4net.snk to the root directory. * Run "nant" * zip up the bin/mono directory and copy it to the Windows machine * Create a fresh working copy of the new tag on the Windows box and copy old-log4net.snk as well as nuget.exe to the root directory. * Extract the contents of the Mono zip to bin/mono * Run "nant" * Run SHFB * Run "nant package" * sign the distribution files, I used $ for i in log4net?2.0.6*; do \ md5sum $i > $i.md5 \ sha1sum $i > $i.sha1 \ sha256sum $i > $i.sha256 \ gpg --detach-sign --armor $i; done * commit the distribution files to dest area of the svn dist repository, i.e to also create a README.html based on the release-notes. * publish the site build somewhere convenient for you - is a good option * if you've got set up a myget feed, publish the nuget package * call for a vote on the log4net-dev list. It may be a good idea to copy the general list of Logging Services in order to reach more PMC members. The following is based on the template used in Commons ,---- | log4net 2.0.6 RC1 is available for review here: | | (revision 17495) | | Details of changes since 1.2.15 are in the release notes: | | | I have tested this with Mono and several .NET frameworks using NAnt. | | The tag is here: | | (revision 1775236) | | Site: | | | RAT Report: | | | Nuget Package: | | | Votes, please. This vote will close in 72 hours, 1000 GMT 24-Dec 2016 | | [ ] +1 Release these artifacts | [ ] +0 OK, but... | [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix... | [ ] -1 I oppose this release because... | | Thanks! `---- * If the vote doesn't pass, adapt trunk and start over with tagging the next release candidate * Once the vote passes: Publish the Release =================== * svn mv the ZIPs, hashes and signatures to and respectively. You can do so using a local working copy of - which tends to be huge, so check out selectively - or using svnmucc. * create a file README.html holding just the latest news from release-notes.html and svn commit it to * create a svn tag for the release from the release candidate tag that has been accepted $ svn cp -m "1.2.14 release has been accepted" \ \ * publish the nuget package * wait for the mirrors to catch up before proceeding, this takes several hours Announce the Release ==================== * publish the website by copying it to by convention create a directory named after the release, e.g. copy site to Ensure line-feeds are consistent and that the cgi script has the svn:executable property set. Change the .htaccess files and 2.x/2.0.x symlinks in so they point at your new directory. Copy the download_log4net.html file from the new directory to * send an announcement mail at least to using your email address. PGP sign the announcement mail. * mark the version as released in JIRA and create a new version for the next release if necessary * Add the new version to the DOAP file at * Add the new version to the reporter tool Post-Release Cleanup ==================== * Delete all artifacts of old releases from