import redent from 'redent'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual.js'; import { parse } from '@adobe/css-tools'; import { computeAccessibleDescription, computeAccessibleName } from 'dom-accessibility-api'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import isEqualWith from 'lodash/isEqualWith.js'; import uniq from 'lodash/uniq.js'; import escape from 'css.escape'; import { roles } from 'aria-query'; class GenericTypeError extends Error { constructor(expectedString, received, matcherFn, context) { super(); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, matcherFn); } let withType = ''; try { withType = context.utils.printWithType( 'Received', received, context.utils.printReceived, ); } catch (e) { // Can throw for Document: // } this.message = [ context.utils.matcherHint( `${context.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.${}`, 'received', '', ), '', // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap `${context.utils.RECEIVED_COLOR( 'received', )} value must ${expectedString}.`, withType, ].join('\n'); } } class HtmlElementTypeError extends GenericTypeError { constructor(...args) { super('be an HTMLElement or an SVGElement', ...args); } } class NodeTypeError extends GenericTypeError { constructor(...args) { super('be a Node', ...args); } } function checkHasWindow(htmlElement, ErrorClass, ...args) { if ( !htmlElement || !htmlElement.ownerDocument || !htmlElement.ownerDocument.defaultView ) { throw new ErrorClass(htmlElement, ...args) } } function checkNode(node, ...args) { checkHasWindow(node, NodeTypeError, ...args); const window = node.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (!(node instanceof window.Node)) { throw new NodeTypeError(node, ...args) } } function checkHtmlElement(htmlElement, ...args) { checkHasWindow(htmlElement, HtmlElementTypeError, ...args); const window = htmlElement.ownerDocument.defaultView; if ( !(htmlElement instanceof window.HTMLElement) && !(htmlElement instanceof window.SVGElement) ) { throw new HtmlElementTypeError(htmlElement, ...args) } } class InvalidCSSError extends Error { constructor(received, matcherFn, context) { super(); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, matcherFn); } this.message = [ received.message, '', // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap context.utils.RECEIVED_COLOR(`Failing css:`), // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap context.utils.RECEIVED_COLOR(`${received.css}`), ].join('\n'); } } function parseCSS(css, ...args) { const ast = parse(`selector { ${css} }`, {silent: true}).stylesheet; if (ast.parsingErrors && ast.parsingErrors.length > 0) { const {reason, line} = ast.parsingErrors[0]; throw new InvalidCSSError( { css, message: `Syntax error parsing expected css: ${reason} on line: ${line}`, }, ...args, ) } const parsedRules = ast.rules[0].declarations .filter(d => d.type === 'declaration') .reduce( (obj, {property, value}) => Object.assign(obj, {[property]: value}), {}, ); return parsedRules } function display(context, value) { return typeof value === 'string' ? value : context.utils.stringify(value) } function getMessage( context, matcher, expectedLabel, expectedValue, receivedLabel, receivedValue, ) { return [ `${matcher}\n`, // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap `${expectedLabel}:\n${context.utils.EXPECTED_COLOR( redent(display(context, expectedValue), 2), )}`, // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap `${receivedLabel}:\n${context.utils.RECEIVED_COLOR( redent(display(context, receivedValue), 2), )}`, ].join('\n') } function matches(textToMatch, matcher) { if (matcher instanceof RegExp) { return matcher.test(textToMatch) } else { return textToMatch.includes(String(matcher)) } } function deprecate(name, replacementText) { // Notify user that they are using deprecated functionality. // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn( `Warning: ${name} has been deprecated and will be removed in future updates.`, replacementText, ); } function normalize(text) { return text.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim() } function getTag(element) { return element.tagName && element.tagName.toLowerCase() } function getSelectValue({multiple, options}) { const selectedOptions = [...options].filter(option => option.selected); if (multiple) { return [...selectedOptions].map(opt => opt.value) } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (selectedOptions.length === 0) { return undefined // Couldn't make this happen, but just in case } return selectedOptions[0].value } function getInputValue(inputElement) { switch (inputElement.type) { case 'number': return inputElement.value === '' ? null : Number(inputElement.value) case 'checkbox': return inputElement.checked default: return inputElement.value } } function getSingleElementValue(element) { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!element) { return undefined } switch (element.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case 'input': return getInputValue(element) case 'select': return getSelectValue(element) default: return element.value } } function compareArraysAsSet(a, b) { if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) { return isEqual(new Set(a), new Set(b)) } return undefined } function toSentence( array, {wordConnector = ', ', lastWordConnector = ' and '} = {}, ) { return [array.slice(0, -1).join(wordConnector), array[array.length - 1]].join( array.length > 1 ? lastWordConnector : '', ) } function toBeInTheDOM(element, container) { deprecate( 'toBeInTheDOM', 'Please use toBeInTheDocument for searching the entire document and toContainElement for searching a specific container.', ); if (element) { checkHtmlElement(element, toBeInTheDOM, this); } if (container) { checkHtmlElement(container, toBeInTheDOM, this); } return { pass: container ? container.contains(element) : !!element, message: () => { return [ this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toBeInTheDOM`, 'element', '', ), '', 'Received:', ` ${this.utils.printReceived( element ? element.cloneNode(false) : element, )}`, ].join('\n') }, } } function toBeInTheDocument(element) { if (element !== null || !this.isNot) { checkHtmlElement(element, toBeInTheDocument, this); } const pass = element === null ? false : element.ownerDocument === element.getRootNode({composed: true}); const errorFound = () => { return `expected document not to contain element, found ${this.utils.stringify( element.cloneNode(true), )} instead` }; const errorNotFound = () => { return `element could not be found in the document` }; return { pass, message: () => { return [ this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toBeInTheDocument`, 'element', '', ), '', // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap this.utils.RECEIVED_COLOR(this.isNot ? errorFound() : errorNotFound()), ].join('\n') }, } } function toBeEmpty(element) { deprecate( 'toBeEmpty', 'Please use instead toBeEmptyDOMElement for finding empty nodes in the DOM.', ); checkHtmlElement(element, toBeEmpty, this); return { pass: element.innerHTML === '', message: () => { return [ this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toBeEmpty`, 'element', '', ), '', 'Received:', ` ${this.utils.printReceived(element.innerHTML)}`, ].join('\n') }, } } function toBeEmptyDOMElement(element) { checkHtmlElement(element, toBeEmptyDOMElement, this); return { pass: isEmptyElement(element), message: () => { return [ this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toBeEmptyDOMElement`, 'element', '', ), '', 'Received:', ` ${this.utils.printReceived(element.innerHTML)}`, ].join('\n') }, } } /** * Identifies if an element doesn't contain child nodes (excluding comments) * ℹ Node.COMMENT_NODE can't be used because of the following issue * * * @param {*} element an HtmlElement or SVGElement * @return {*} true if the element only contains comments or none */ function isEmptyElement(element){ const nonCommentChildNodes = [...element.childNodes].filter(node => node.nodeType !== 8); return nonCommentChildNodes.length === 0; } function toContainElement(container, element) { checkHtmlElement(container, toContainElement, this); if (element !== null) { checkHtmlElement(element, toContainElement, this); } return { pass: container.contains(element), message: () => { return [ this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toContainElement`, 'element', 'element', ), '', // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap this.utils.RECEIVED_COLOR(`${this.utils.stringify( container.cloneNode(false), )} ${ this.isNot ? 'contains:' : 'does not contain:' } ${this.utils.stringify(element ? element.cloneNode(false) : element)} `), ].join('\n') }, } } function getNormalizedHtml(container, htmlText) { const div = container.ownerDocument.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = htmlText; return div.innerHTML } function toContainHTML(container, htmlText) { checkHtmlElement(container, toContainHTML, this); if (typeof htmlText !== 'string') { throw new Error(`.toContainHTML() expects a string value, got ${htmlText}`) } return { pass: container.outerHTML.includes(getNormalizedHtml(container, htmlText)), message: () => { return [ this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toContainHTML`, 'element', '', ), 'Expected:', // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap ` ${this.utils.EXPECTED_COLOR(htmlText)}`, 'Received:', ` ${this.utils.printReceived(container.cloneNode(true))}`, ].join('\n') }, } } function toHaveTextContent( node, checkWith, options = {normalizeWhitespace: true}, ) { checkNode(node, toHaveTextContent, this); const textContent = options.normalizeWhitespace ? normalize(node.textContent) : node.textContent.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' '); // Replace with normal spaces const checkingWithEmptyString = textContent !== '' && checkWith === ''; return { pass: !checkingWithEmptyString && matches(textContent, checkWith), message: () => { const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; return getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveTextContent`, 'element', '', ), checkingWithEmptyString ? `Checking with empty string will always match, use .toBeEmptyDOMElement() instead` : `Expected element ${to} have text content`, checkWith, 'Received', textContent, ) }, } } function toHaveAccessibleDescription( htmlElement, expectedAccessibleDescription, ) { checkHtmlElement(htmlElement, toHaveAccessibleDescription, this); const actualAccessibleDescription = computeAccessibleDescription(htmlElement); const missingExpectedValue = arguments.length === 1; let pass = false; if (missingExpectedValue) { // When called without an expected value we only want to validate that the element has an // accessible description, whatever it may be. pass = actualAccessibleDescription !== ''; } else { pass = expectedAccessibleDescription instanceof RegExp ? expectedAccessibleDescription.test(actualAccessibleDescription) : this.equals( actualAccessibleDescription, expectedAccessibleDescription, ); } return { pass, message: () => { const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; return getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.${}`, 'element', '', ), `Expected element ${to} have accessible description`, expectedAccessibleDescription, 'Received', actualAccessibleDescription, ) }, } } const ariaInvalidName = 'aria-invalid'; const validStates = ['false']; // See `aria-errormessage` spec at function toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage( htmlElement, expectedAccessibleErrorMessage, ) { checkHtmlElement(htmlElement, toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage, this); const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; const method = this.isNot ? '.not.toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage' : '.toHaveAccessibleErrorMessage'; // Enforce Valid Id const errormessageId = htmlElement.getAttribute('aria-errormessage'); const errormessageIdInvalid = !!errormessageId && /\s+/.test(errormessageId); if (errormessageIdInvalid) { return { pass: false, message: () => { return getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint(method, 'element'), "Expected element's `aria-errormessage` attribute to be empty or a single, valid ID", '', 'Received', `aria-errormessage="${errormessageId}"`, ) }, } } // See `aria-invalid` spec at const ariaInvalidVal = htmlElement.getAttribute(ariaInvalidName); const fieldValid = !htmlElement.hasAttribute(ariaInvalidName) || validStates.includes(ariaInvalidVal); // Enforce Valid `aria-invalid` Attribute if (fieldValid) { return { pass: false, message: () => { return getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint(method, 'element'), 'Expected element to be marked as invalid with attribute', `${ariaInvalidName}="${String(true)}"`, 'Received', htmlElement.hasAttribute('aria-invalid') ? `${ariaInvalidName}="${htmlElement.getAttribute(ariaInvalidName)}` : null, ) }, } } const error = normalize( htmlElement.ownerDocument.getElementById(errormessageId)?.textContent ?? '', ); return { pass: expectedAccessibleErrorMessage === undefined ? Boolean(error) : expectedAccessibleErrorMessage instanceof RegExp ? expectedAccessibleErrorMessage.test(error) : this.equals(error, expectedAccessibleErrorMessage), message: () => { return getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint(method, 'element'), `Expected element ${to} have accessible error message`, expectedAccessibleErrorMessage ?? '', 'Received', error, ) }, } } function toHaveAccessibleName(htmlElement, expectedAccessibleName) { checkHtmlElement(htmlElement, toHaveAccessibleName, this); const actualAccessibleName = computeAccessibleName(htmlElement); const missingExpectedValue = arguments.length === 1; let pass = false; if (missingExpectedValue) { // When called without an expected value we only want to validate that the element has an // accessible name, whatever it may be. pass = actualAccessibleName !== ''; } else { pass = expectedAccessibleName instanceof RegExp ? expectedAccessibleName.test(actualAccessibleName) : this.equals(actualAccessibleName, expectedAccessibleName); } return { pass, message: () => { const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; return getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.${}`, 'element', '', ), `Expected element ${to} have accessible name`, expectedAccessibleName, 'Received', actualAccessibleName, ) }, } } function printAttribute(stringify, name, value) { return value === undefined ? name : `${name}=${stringify(value)}` } function getAttributeComment(stringify, name, value) { return value === undefined ? `element.hasAttribute(${stringify(name)})` : `element.getAttribute(${stringify(name)}) === ${stringify(value)}` } function toHaveAttribute(htmlElement, name, expectedValue) { checkHtmlElement(htmlElement, toHaveAttribute, this); const isExpectedValuePresent = expectedValue !== undefined; const hasAttribute = htmlElement.hasAttribute(name); const receivedValue = htmlElement.getAttribute(name); return { pass: isExpectedValuePresent ? hasAttribute && this.equals(receivedValue, expectedValue) : hasAttribute, message: () => { const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; const receivedAttribute = hasAttribute ? printAttribute(this.utils.stringify, name, receivedValue) : null; const matcher = this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveAttribute`, 'element', this.utils.printExpected(name), { secondArgument: isExpectedValuePresent ? this.utils.printExpected(expectedValue) : undefined, comment: getAttributeComment( this.utils.stringify, name, expectedValue, ), }, ); return getMessage( this, matcher, `Expected the element ${to} have attribute`, printAttribute(this.utils.stringify, name, expectedValue), 'Received', receivedAttribute, ) }, } } function getExpectedClassNamesAndOptions(params) { const lastParam = params.pop(); let expectedClassNames, options; if (typeof lastParam === 'object') { expectedClassNames = params; options = lastParam; } else { expectedClassNames = params.concat(lastParam); options = {exact: false}; } return {expectedClassNames, options} } function splitClassNames(str) { if (!str) { return [] } return str.split(/\s+/).filter(s => s.length > 0) } function isSubset$1(subset, superset) { return subset.every(item => superset.includes(item)) } function toHaveClass(htmlElement, ...params) { checkHtmlElement(htmlElement, toHaveClass, this); const {expectedClassNames, options} = getExpectedClassNamesAndOptions(params); const received = splitClassNames(htmlElement.getAttribute('class')); const expected = expectedClassNames.reduce( (acc, className) => acc.concat(splitClassNames(className)), [], ); if (options.exact) { return { pass: isSubset$1(expected, received) && expected.length === received.length, message: () => { const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; return getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveClass`, 'element', this.utils.printExpected(expected.join(' ')), ), `Expected the element ${to} have EXACTLY defined classes`, expected.join(' '), 'Received', received.join(' '), ) }, } } return expected.length > 0 ? { pass: isSubset$1(expected, received), message: () => { const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; return getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveClass`, 'element', this.utils.printExpected(expected.join(' ')), ), `Expected the element ${to} have class`, expected.join(' '), 'Received', received.join(' '), ) }, } : { pass: this.isNot ? received.length > 0 : false, message: () => this.isNot ? getMessage( this, this.utils.matcherHint('.not.toHaveClass', 'element', ''), 'Expected the element to have classes', '(none)', 'Received', received.join(' '), ) : [ this.utils.matcherHint(`.toHaveClass`, 'element'), 'At least one expected class must be provided.', ].join('\n'), } } function getStyleDeclaration(document, css) { const styles = {}; // The next block is necessary to normalize colors const copy = document.createElement('div'); Object.keys(css).forEach(property => {[property] = css[property]; styles[property] =[property]; }); return styles } function isSubset(styles, computedStyle) { return ( !!Object.keys(styles).length && Object.entries(styles).every( ([prop, value]) => computedStyle[prop] === value || computedStyle.getPropertyValue(prop.toLowerCase()) === value, ) ) } function printoutStyles(styles) { return Object.keys(styles) .sort() .map(prop => `${prop}: ${styles[prop]};`) .join('\n') } // Highlights only style rules that were expected but were not found in the // received computed styles function expectedDiff(diffFn, expected, computedStyles) { const received = Array.from(computedStyles) .filter(prop => expected[prop] !== undefined) .reduce( (obj, prop) => Object.assign(obj, {[prop]: computedStyles.getPropertyValue(prop)}), {}, ); const diffOutput = diffFn(printoutStyles(expected), printoutStyles(received)); // Remove the "+ Received" annotation because this is a one-way diff return diffOutput.replace(`${'+ Received')}\n`, '') } function toHaveStyle(htmlElement, css) { checkHtmlElement(htmlElement, toHaveStyle, this); const parsedCSS = typeof css === 'object' ? css : parseCSS(css, toHaveStyle, this); const {getComputedStyle} = htmlElement.ownerDocument.defaultView; const expected = getStyleDeclaration(htmlElement.ownerDocument, parsedCSS); const received = getComputedStyle(htmlElement); return { pass: isSubset(expected, received), message: () => { const matcher = `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveStyle`; return [ this.utils.matcherHint(matcher, 'element', ''), expectedDiff(this.utils.diff, expected, received), ].join('\n\n') }, } } function toHaveFocus(element) { checkHtmlElement(element, toHaveFocus, this); return { pass: element.ownerDocument.activeElement === element, message: () => { return [ this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveFocus`, 'element', '', ), '', ...(this.isNot ? [ 'Received element is focused:', ` ${this.utils.printReceived(element)}`, ] : [ 'Expected element with focus:', ` ${this.utils.printExpected(element)}`, 'Received element with focus:', ` ${this.utils.printReceived( element.ownerDocument.activeElement, )}`, ]), ].join('\n') }, } } // Returns the combined value of several elements that have the same name // e.g. radio buttons or groups of checkboxes function getMultiElementValue(elements) { const types = uniq( => element.type)); if (types.length !== 1) { throw new Error( 'Multiple form elements with the same name must be of the same type', ) } switch (types[0]) { case 'radio': { const theChosenOne = elements.find(radio => radio.checked); return theChosenOne ? theChosenOne.value : undefined } case 'checkbox': return elements .filter(checkbox => checkbox.checked) .map(checkbox => checkbox.value) default: // NOTE: Not even sure this is a valid use case, but just in case... return => element.value) } } function getFormValue(container, name) { const elements = [...container.querySelectorAll(`[name="${escape(name)}"]`)]; /* istanbul ignore if */ if (elements.length === 0) { return undefined // shouldn't happen, but just in case } switch (elements.length) { case 1: return getSingleElementValue(elements[0]) default: return getMultiElementValue(elements) } } // Strips the `[]` suffix off a form value name function getPureName(name) { return /\[\]$/.test(name) ? name.slice(0, -2) : name } function getAllFormValues(container) { const names = Array.from(container.elements).map(element =>; return names.reduce( (obj, name) => ({ ...obj, [getPureName(name)]: getFormValue(container, name), }), {}, ) } function toHaveFormValues(formElement, expectedValues) { checkHtmlElement(formElement, toHaveFormValues, this); if (!formElement.elements) { // TODO: Change condition to use instanceof against the appropriate element classes instead throw new Error('toHaveFormValues must be called on a form or a fieldset') } const formValues = getAllFormValues(formElement); return { pass: Object.entries(expectedValues).every(([name, expectedValue]) => isEqualWith(formValues[name], expectedValue, compareArraysAsSet), ), message: () => { const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; const matcher = `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveFormValues`; const commonKeyValues = Object.keys(formValues) .filter(key => expectedValues.hasOwnProperty(key)) .reduce((obj, key) => ({...obj, [key]: formValues[key]}), {}); return [ this.utils.matcherHint(matcher, 'element', ''), `Expected the element ${to} have form values`, this.utils.diff(expectedValues, commonKeyValues), ].join('\n\n') }, } } function isStyleVisible(element) { const {getComputedStyle} = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; const {display, visibility, opacity} = getComputedStyle(element); return ( display !== 'none' && visibility !== 'hidden' && visibility !== 'collapse' && opacity !== '0' && opacity !== 0 ) } function isAttributeVisible(element, previousElement) { let detailsVisibility; if (previousElement) { detailsVisibility = element.nodeName === 'DETAILS' && previousElement.nodeName !== 'SUMMARY' ? element.hasAttribute('open') : true; } else { detailsVisibility = element.nodeName === 'DETAILS' ? element.hasAttribute('open') : true; } return !element.hasAttribute('hidden') && detailsVisibility } function isElementVisible(element, previousElement) { return ( isStyleVisible(element) && isAttributeVisible(element, previousElement) && (!element.parentElement || isElementVisible(element.parentElement, element)) ) } function toBeVisible(element) { checkHtmlElement(element, toBeVisible, this); const isInDocument = element.ownerDocument === element.getRootNode({composed: true}); const isVisible = isInDocument && isElementVisible(element); return { pass: isVisible, message: () => { const is = isVisible ? 'is' : 'is not'; return [ this.utils.matcherHint( `${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toBeVisible`, 'element', '', ), '', `Received element ${is} visible${ isInDocument ? '' : ' (element is not in the document)' }:`, ` ${this.utils.printReceived(element.cloneNode(false))}`, ].join('\n') }, } } // form elements that support 'disabled' const FORM_TAGS$2 = [ 'fieldset', 'input', 'select', 'optgroup', 'option', 'button', 'textarea', ]; /* * According to specification: * If