import {focusSafely as $6a99195332edec8b$export$80f3e147d781571c} from "./focusSafely.mjs"; import {useSyncRef as $h8xso$useSyncRef, useObjectRef as $h8xso$useObjectRef, mergeProps as $h8xso$mergeProps} from "@react-aria/utils"; import $h8xso$react, {useContext as $h8xso$useContext, useRef as $h8xso$useRef, useEffect as $h8xso$useEffect} from "react"; import {useFocus as $h8xso$useFocus, useKeyboard as $h8xso$useKeyboard} from "@react-aria/interactions"; /* * Copyright 2020 Adobe. All rights reserved. * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ let $e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$var$FocusableContext = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $h8xso$react).createContext(null); function $e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$var$useFocusableContext(ref) { let context = (0, $h8xso$useContext)($e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$var$FocusableContext) || {}; (0, $h8xso$useSyncRef)(context, ref); // eslint-disable-next-line let { ref: _, ...otherProps } = context; return otherProps; } /** * Provides DOM props to the nearest focusable child. */ function $e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$var$FocusableProvider(props, ref) { let { children: children, ...otherProps } = props; let objRef = (0, $h8xso$useObjectRef)(ref); let context = { ...otherProps, ref: objRef }; return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $h8xso$react).createElement($e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$var$FocusableContext.Provider, { value: context }, children); } let $e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$export$13f3202a3e5ddd5 = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, $h8xso$react).forwardRef($e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$var$FocusableProvider); function $e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$export$4c014de7c8940b4c(props, domRef) { let { focusProps: focusProps } = (0, $h8xso$useFocus)(props); let { keyboardProps: keyboardProps } = (0, $h8xso$useKeyboard)(props); let interactions = (0, $h8xso$mergeProps)(focusProps, keyboardProps); let domProps = $e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$var$useFocusableContext(domRef); let interactionProps = props.isDisabled ? {} : domProps; let autoFocusRef = (0, $h8xso$useRef)(props.autoFocus); (0, $h8xso$useEffect)(()=>{ if (autoFocusRef.current && domRef.current) (0, $6a99195332edec8b$export$80f3e147d781571c)(domRef.current); autoFocusRef.current = false; }, [ domRef ]); return { focusableProps: (0, $h8xso$mergeProps)({ ...interactions, tabIndex: props.excludeFromTabOrder && !props.isDisabled ? -1 : undefined }, interactionProps) }; } export {$e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$export$13f3202a3e5ddd5 as FocusableProvider, $e6afbd83fe6ebbd2$export$4c014de7c8940b4c as useFocusable}; //#