import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql'; import { IExecutableSchemaDefinition } from './types.cjs'; /** * Builds a schema from the provided type definitions and resolvers. * * The type definitions are written using Schema Definition Language (SDL). They * can be provided as a string, a `DocumentNode`, a function, or an array of any * of these. If a function is provided, it will be passed no arguments and * should return an array of strings or `DocumentNode`s. * * Note: You can use GraphQL magic comment provide additional syntax * highlighting in your editor (with the appropriate editor plugin). * * ```js * const typeDefs = /* GraphQL *\/ ` * type Query { * posts: [Post] * author(id: Int!): Author * } * `; * ``` * * The `resolvers` object should be a map of type names to nested object, which * themselves map the type's fields to their appropriate resolvers. * See the [Resolvers](/docs/resolvers) section of the documentation for more details. * * ```js * const resolvers = { * Query: { * posts: (obj, args, ctx, info) => getAllPosts(), * author: (obj, args, ctx, info) => getAuthorById( * } * }; * ``` * * Once you've defined both the `typeDefs` and `resolvers`, you can create your * schema: * * ```js * const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ * typeDefs, * resolvers, * }) * ``` */ export declare function makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers, resolverValidationOptions, inheritResolversFromInterfaces, updateResolversInPlace, schemaExtensions, ...otherOptions }: IExecutableSchemaDefinition): GraphQLSchema;