import { GraphQLError } from '../error/GraphQLError.mjs'; /** * Extracts the root type of the operation from the schema. * * @deprecated Please use `GraphQLSchema.getRootType` instead. Will be removed in v17 */ export function getOperationRootType(schema, operation) { if (operation.operation === 'query') { const queryType = schema.getQueryType(); if (!queryType) { throw new GraphQLError( 'Schema does not define the required query root type.', { nodes: operation, }, ); } return queryType; } if (operation.operation === 'mutation') { const mutationType = schema.getMutationType(); if (!mutationType) { throw new GraphQLError('Schema is not configured for mutations.', { nodes: operation, }); } return mutationType; } if (operation.operation === 'subscription') { const subscriptionType = schema.getSubscriptionType(); if (!subscriptionType) { throw new GraphQLError('Schema is not configured for subscriptions.', { nodes: operation, }); } return subscriptionType; } throw new GraphQLError( 'Can only have query, mutation and subscription operations.', { nodes: operation, }, ); }