import { isNode } from '../language/ast.mjs'; import { Kind } from '../language/kinds.mjs'; import { getEnterLeaveForKind } from '../language/visitor.mjs'; import { getNamedType, getNullableType, isCompositeType, isEnumType, isInputObjectType, isInputType, isInterfaceType, isListType, isObjectType, isOutputType, } from '../type/definition.mjs'; import { SchemaMetaFieldDef, TypeMetaFieldDef, TypeNameMetaFieldDef, } from '../type/introspection.mjs'; import { typeFromAST } from './typeFromAST.mjs'; /** * TypeInfo is a utility class which, given a GraphQL schema, can keep track * of the current field and type definitions at any point in a GraphQL document * AST during a recursive descent by calling `enter(node)` and `leave(node)`. */ export class TypeInfo { constructor( schema, /** * Initial type may be provided in rare cases to facilitate traversals * beginning somewhere other than documents. */ initialType, /** @deprecated will be removed in 17.0.0 */ getFieldDefFn, ) { this._schema = schema; this._typeStack = []; this._parentTypeStack = []; this._inputTypeStack = []; this._fieldDefStack = []; this._defaultValueStack = []; this._directive = null; this._argument = null; this._enumValue = null; this._getFieldDef = getFieldDefFn !== null && getFieldDefFn !== void 0 ? getFieldDefFn : getFieldDef; if (initialType) { if (isInputType(initialType)) { this._inputTypeStack.push(initialType); } if (isCompositeType(initialType)) { this._parentTypeStack.push(initialType); } if (isOutputType(initialType)) { this._typeStack.push(initialType); } } } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return 'TypeInfo'; } getType() { if (this._typeStack.length > 0) { return this._typeStack[this._typeStack.length - 1]; } } getParentType() { if (this._parentTypeStack.length > 0) { return this._parentTypeStack[this._parentTypeStack.length - 1]; } } getInputType() { if (this._inputTypeStack.length > 0) { return this._inputTypeStack[this._inputTypeStack.length - 1]; } } getParentInputType() { if (this._inputTypeStack.length > 1) { return this._inputTypeStack[this._inputTypeStack.length - 2]; } } getFieldDef() { if (this._fieldDefStack.length > 0) { return this._fieldDefStack[this._fieldDefStack.length - 1]; } } getDefaultValue() { if (this._defaultValueStack.length > 0) { return this._defaultValueStack[this._defaultValueStack.length - 1]; } } getDirective() { return this._directive; } getArgument() { return this._argument; } getEnumValue() { return this._enumValue; } enter(node) { const schema = this._schema; // Note: many of the types below are explicitly typed as "unknown" to drop // any assumptions of a valid schema to ensure runtime types are properly // checked before continuing since TypeInfo is used as part of validation // which occurs before guarantees of schema and document validity. switch (node.kind) { case Kind.SELECTION_SET: { const namedType = getNamedType(this.getType()); this._parentTypeStack.push( isCompositeType(namedType) ? namedType : undefined, ); break; } case Kind.FIELD: { const parentType = this.getParentType(); let fieldDef; let fieldType; if (parentType) { fieldDef = this._getFieldDef(schema, parentType, node); if (fieldDef) { fieldType = fieldDef.type; } } this._fieldDefStack.push(fieldDef); this._typeStack.push(isOutputType(fieldType) ? fieldType : undefined); break; } case Kind.DIRECTIVE: this._directive = schema.getDirective(; break; case Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION: { const rootType = schema.getRootType(node.operation); this._typeStack.push(isObjectType(rootType) ? rootType : undefined); break; } case Kind.INLINE_FRAGMENT: case Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: { const typeConditionAST = node.typeCondition; const outputType = typeConditionAST ? typeFromAST(schema, typeConditionAST) : getNamedType(this.getType()); this._typeStack.push(isOutputType(outputType) ? outputType : undefined); break; } case Kind.VARIABLE_DEFINITION: { const inputType = typeFromAST(schema, node.type); this._inputTypeStack.push( isInputType(inputType) ? inputType : undefined, ); break; } case Kind.ARGUMENT: { var _this$getDirective; let argDef; let argType; const fieldOrDirective = (_this$getDirective = this.getDirective()) !== null && _this$getDirective !== void 0 ? _this$getDirective : this.getFieldDef(); if (fieldOrDirective) { argDef = fieldOrDirective.args.find( (arg) => ===, ); if (argDef) { argType = argDef.type; } } this._argument = argDef; this._defaultValueStack.push(argDef ? argDef.defaultValue : undefined); this._inputTypeStack.push(isInputType(argType) ? argType : undefined); break; } case Kind.LIST: { const listType = getNullableType(this.getInputType()); const itemType = isListType(listType) ? listType.ofType : listType; // List positions never have a default value. this._defaultValueStack.push(undefined); this._inputTypeStack.push(isInputType(itemType) ? itemType : undefined); break; } case Kind.OBJECT_FIELD: { const objectType = getNamedType(this.getInputType()); let inputFieldType; let inputField; if (isInputObjectType(objectType)) { inputField = objectType.getFields()[]; if (inputField) { inputFieldType = inputField.type; } } this._defaultValueStack.push( inputField ? inputField.defaultValue : undefined, ); this._inputTypeStack.push( isInputType(inputFieldType) ? inputFieldType : undefined, ); break; } case Kind.ENUM: { const enumType = getNamedType(this.getInputType()); let enumValue; if (isEnumType(enumType)) { enumValue = enumType.getValue(node.value); } this._enumValue = enumValue; break; } default: // Ignore other nodes } } leave(node) { switch (node.kind) { case Kind.SELECTION_SET: this._parentTypeStack.pop(); break; case Kind.FIELD: this._fieldDefStack.pop(); this._typeStack.pop(); break; case Kind.DIRECTIVE: this._directive = null; break; case Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION: case Kind.INLINE_FRAGMENT: case Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: this._typeStack.pop(); break; case Kind.VARIABLE_DEFINITION: this._inputTypeStack.pop(); break; case Kind.ARGUMENT: this._argument = null; this._defaultValueStack.pop(); this._inputTypeStack.pop(); break; case Kind.LIST: case Kind.OBJECT_FIELD: this._defaultValueStack.pop(); this._inputTypeStack.pop(); break; case Kind.ENUM: this._enumValue = null; break; default: // Ignore other nodes } } } /** * Not exactly the same as the executor's definition of getFieldDef, in this * statically evaluated environment we do not always have an Object type, * and need to handle Interface and Union types. */ function getFieldDef(schema, parentType, fieldNode) { const name =; if ( name === && schema.getQueryType() === parentType ) { return SchemaMetaFieldDef; } if (name === && schema.getQueryType() === parentType) { return TypeMetaFieldDef; } if (name === && isCompositeType(parentType)) { return TypeNameMetaFieldDef; } if (isObjectType(parentType) || isInterfaceType(parentType)) { return parentType.getFields()[name]; } } /** * Creates a new visitor instance which maintains a provided TypeInfo instance * along with visiting visitor. */ export function visitWithTypeInfo(typeInfo, visitor) { return { enter(...args) { const node = args[0]; typeInfo.enter(node); const fn = getEnterLeaveForKind(visitor, node.kind).enter; if (fn) { const result = fn.apply(visitor, args); if (result !== undefined) { typeInfo.leave(node); if (isNode(result)) { typeInfo.enter(result); } } return result; } }, leave(...args) { const node = args[0]; const fn = getEnterLeaveForKind(visitor, node.kind).leave; let result; if (fn) { result = fn.apply(visitor, args); } typeInfo.leave(node); return result; }, }; }