#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2008-2015, David P. D. Moss. All rights reserved. # # Released under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """Fallback routines for Python's standard library socket module""" from struct import unpack as _unpack, pack as _pack from netaddr.compat import _bytes_join, _is_str AF_INET = 2 AF_INET6 = 10 def inet_ntoa(packed_ip): """ Convert an IP address from 32-bit packed binary format to string format. """ if not _is_str(packed_ip): raise TypeError('string type expected, not %s' % str(type(packed_ip))) if len(packed_ip) != 4: raise ValueError('invalid length of packed IP address string') return '%d.%d.%d.%d' % _unpack('4B', packed_ip) def _compact_ipv6_tokens(tokens): new_tokens = [] positions = [] start_index = None num_tokens = 0 # Discover all runs of zeros. for idx, token in enumerate(tokens): if token == '0': if start_index is None: start_index = idx num_tokens += 1 else: if num_tokens > 1: positions.append((num_tokens, start_index)) start_index = None num_tokens = 0 new_tokens.append(token) # Store any position not saved before loop exit. if num_tokens > 1: positions.append((num_tokens, start_index)) # Replace first longest run with an empty string. if len(positions) != 0: # Locate longest, left-most run of zeros. positions.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) best_position = positions[0] for position in positions: if position[0] > best_position[0]: best_position = position # Replace chosen zero run. (length, start_idx) = best_position new_tokens = new_tokens[0:start_idx] + [''] + new_tokens[start_idx + length:] # Add start and end blanks so join creates '::'. if new_tokens[0] == '': new_tokens.insert(0, '') if new_tokens[-1] == '': new_tokens.append('') return new_tokens def inet_ntop(af, packed_ip): """Convert an packed IP address of the given family to string format.""" if af == AF_INET: # IPv4. return inet_ntoa(packed_ip) elif af == AF_INET6: # IPv6. if len(packed_ip) != 16 or not _is_str(packed_ip): raise ValueError('invalid length of packed IP address string') tokens = ['%x' % i for i in _unpack('>8H', packed_ip)] # Convert packed address to an integer value. words = list(_unpack('>8H', packed_ip)) int_val = 0 for i, num in enumerate(reversed(words)): word = num word = word << 16 * i int_val = int_val | word if 0xffff < int_val <= 0xffffffff or int_val >> 32 == 0xffff: # IPv4 compatible / mapped IPv6. packed_ipv4 = _pack('>2H', *[int(i, 16) for i in tokens[-2:]]) ipv4_str = inet_ntoa(packed_ipv4) tokens = tokens[0:-2] + [ipv4_str] return ':'.join(_compact_ipv6_tokens(tokens)) else: raise ValueError('unknown address family %d' % af) def _inet_pton_af_inet(ip_string): """ Convert an IP address in string format ( to the 32-bit packed binary format used in low-level network functions. Differs from inet_aton by only support decimal octets. Using octal or hexadecimal values will raise a ValueError exception. """ #TODO: optimise this ... use inet_aton with mods if available ... if _is_str(ip_string): invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string) # Support for hexadecimal and octal octets. tokens = ip_string.split('.') # Pack octets. if len(tokens) == 4: words = [] for token in tokens: if token.startswith('0x') or (token.startswith('0') and len(token) > 1): raise invalid_addr try: octet = int(token) except ValueError: raise invalid_addr if (octet >> 8) != 0: raise invalid_addr words.append(_pack('B', octet)) return _bytes_join(words) else: raise invalid_addr raise ValueError('argument should be a string, not %s' % type(ip_string)) def inet_pton(af, ip_string): """ Convert an IP address from string format to a packed string suitable for use with low-level network functions. """ if af == AF_INET: # IPv4. return _inet_pton_af_inet(ip_string) elif af == AF_INET6: invalid_addr = ValueError('illegal IP address string %r' % ip_string) # IPv6. values = [] if not _is_str(ip_string): raise invalid_addr if 'x' in ip_string: # Don't accept hextets with the 0x prefix. raise invalid_addr if '::' in ip_string: if ip_string == '::': # Unspecified address. return '\x00'.encode() * 16 # IPv6 compact mode. try: prefix, suffix = ip_string.split('::') except ValueError: raise invalid_addr l_prefix = [] l_suffix = [] if prefix != '': l_prefix = prefix.split(':') if suffix != '': l_suffix = suffix.split(':') # IPv6 compact IPv4 compatibility mode. if len(l_suffix) and '.' in l_suffix[-1]: ipv4_str = _inet_pton_af_inet(l_suffix.pop()) l_suffix.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[0:2])[0]) l_suffix.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[2:4])[0]) token_count = len(l_prefix) + len(l_suffix) if not 0 <= token_count <= 8 - 1: raise invalid_addr gap_size = 8 - ( len(l_prefix) + len(l_suffix) ) values = ( [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in l_prefix] + ['\x00\x00'.encode() for i in range(gap_size)] + [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in l_suffix] ) try: for token in l_prefix + l_suffix: word = int(token, 16) if not 0 <= word <= 0xffff: raise invalid_addr except ValueError: raise invalid_addr else: # IPv6 verbose mode. if ':' in ip_string: tokens = ip_string.split(':') if '.' in ip_string: ipv6_prefix = tokens[:-1] if ipv6_prefix[:-1] != ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0']: raise invalid_addr if ipv6_prefix[-1].lower() not in ('0', 'ffff'): raise invalid_addr # IPv6 verbose IPv4 compatibility mode. if len(tokens) != 7: raise invalid_addr ipv4_str = _inet_pton_af_inet(tokens.pop()) tokens.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[0:2])[0]) tokens.append('%x' % _unpack('>H', ipv4_str[2:4])[0]) values = [_pack('>H', int(i, 16)) for i in tokens] else: # IPv6 verbose mode. if len(tokens) != 8: raise invalid_addr try: tokens = [int(token, 16) for token in tokens] for token in tokens: if not 0 <= token <= 0xffff: raise invalid_addr except ValueError: raise invalid_addr values = [_pack('>H', i) for i in tokens] else: raise invalid_addr return _bytes_join(values) else: raise ValueError('Unknown address family %d' % af)