# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ celery.utils.functional ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Utilities for functions. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import threading from functools import wraps from itertools import islice from kombu.utils import cached_property from kombu.utils.functional import lazy, maybe_evaluate, is_list, maybe_list from kombu.utils.compat import OrderedDict from celery.five import UserDict, UserList, items, keys, range __all__ = ['LRUCache', 'is_list', 'maybe_list', 'memoize', 'mlazy', 'noop', 'first', 'firstmethod', 'chunks', 'padlist', 'mattrgetter', 'uniq', 'regen', 'dictfilter', 'lazy', 'maybe_evaluate'] IS_PYPY = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') KEYWORD_MARK = object() class DummyContext(object): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): pass class LRUCache(UserDict): """LRU Cache implementation using a doubly linked list to track access. :keyword limit: The maximum number of keys to keep in the cache. When a new key is inserted and the limit has been exceeded, the *Least Recently Used* key will be discarded from the cache. """ def __init__(self, limit=None): self.limit = limit self.mutex = threading.RLock() self.data = OrderedDict() def __getitem__(self, key): with self.mutex: value = self[key] = self.data.pop(key) return value def update(self, *args, **kwargs): with self.mutex: data, limit = self.data, self.limit data.update(*args, **kwargs) if limit and len(data) > limit: # pop additional items in case limit exceeded for _ in range(len(data) - limit): data.popitem(last=False) def popitem(self, last=True, _needs_lock=IS_PYPY): if not _needs_lock: return self.data.popitem(last) with self.mutex: return self.data.popitem(last) def __setitem__(self, key, value): # remove least recently used key. with self.mutex: if self.limit and len(self.data) >= self.limit: self.data.pop(next(iter(self.data))) self.data[key] = value def __iter__(self): return iter(self.data) def _iterate_items(self, _need_lock=IS_PYPY): with self.mutex if _need_lock else DummyContext(): for k in self: try: yield (k, self.data[k]) except KeyError: # pragma: no cover pass iteritems = _iterate_items def _iterate_values(self, _need_lock=IS_PYPY): with self.mutex if _need_lock else DummyContext(): for k in self: try: yield self.data[k] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover pass itervalues = _iterate_values def _iterate_keys(self): # userdict.keys in py3k calls __getitem__ return keys(self.data) iterkeys = _iterate_keys def incr(self, key, delta=1): with self.mutex: # this acts as memcached does- store as a string, but return a # integer as long as it exists and we can cast it newval = int(self.data.pop(key)) + delta self[key] = str(newval) return newval def __getstate__(self): d = dict(vars(self)) d.pop('mutex') return d def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self.mutex = threading.RLock() if sys.version_info[0] == 3: # pragma: no cover keys = _iterate_keys values = _iterate_values items = _iterate_items else: # noqa def keys(self): return list(self._iterate_keys()) def values(self): return list(self._iterate_values()) def items(self): return list(self._iterate_items()) def memoize(maxsize=None, keyfun=None, Cache=LRUCache): def _memoize(fun): mutex = threading.Lock() cache = Cache(limit=maxsize) @wraps(fun) def _M(*args, **kwargs): if keyfun: key = keyfun(args, kwargs) else: key = args + (KEYWORD_MARK, ) + tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())) try: with mutex: value = cache[key] except KeyError: value = fun(*args, **kwargs) _M.misses += 1 with mutex: cache[key] = value else: _M.hits += 1 return value def clear(): """Clear the cache and reset cache statistics.""" cache.clear() _M.hits = _M.misses = 0 _M.hits = _M.misses = 0 _M.clear = clear _M.original_func = fun return _M return _memoize class mlazy(lazy): """Memoized lazy evaluation. The function is only evaluated once, every subsequent access will return the same value. .. attribute:: evaluated Set to to :const:`True` after the object has been evaluated. """ evaluated = False _value = None def evaluate(self): if not self.evaluated: self._value = super(mlazy, self).evaluate() self.evaluated = True return self._value def noop(*args, **kwargs): """No operation. Takes any arguments/keyword arguments and does nothing. """ pass def first(predicate, it): """Return the first element in `iterable` that `predicate` Gives a :const:`True` value for. If `predicate` is None it will return the first item that is not None. """ return next( (v for v in it if (predicate(v) if predicate else v is not None)), None, ) def firstmethod(method): """Return a function that with a list of instances, finds the first instance that gives a value for the given method. The list can also contain lazy instances (:class:`~kombu.utils.functional.lazy`.) """ def _matcher(it, *args, **kwargs): for obj in it: try: answer = getattr(maybe_evaluate(obj), method)(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: pass else: if answer is not None: return answer return _matcher def chunks(it, n): """Split an iterator into chunks with `n` elements each. Examples # n == 2 >>> x = chunks(iter([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), 2) >>> list(x) [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9], [10]] # n == 3 >>> x = chunks(iter([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), 3) >>> list(x) [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10]] """ # XXX This function is not used anymore, at least not by Celery itself. for first in it: yield [first] + list(islice(it, n - 1)) def padlist(container, size, default=None): """Pad list with default elements. Examples: >>> first, last, city = padlist(['George', 'Costanza', 'NYC'], 3) ('George', 'Costanza', 'NYC') >>> first, last, city = padlist(['George', 'Costanza'], 3) ('George', 'Costanza', None) >>> first, last, city, planet = padlist( ... ['George', 'Costanza', 'NYC'], 4, default='Earth', ... ) ('George', 'Costanza', 'NYC', 'Earth') """ return list(container)[:size] + [default] * (size - len(container)) def mattrgetter(*attrs): """Like :func:`operator.itemgetter` but return :const:`None` on missing attributes instead of raising :exc:`AttributeError`.""" return lambda obj: dict((attr, getattr(obj, attr, None)) for attr in attrs) def uniq(it): """Return all unique elements in ``it``, preserving order.""" seen = set() return (seen.add(obj) or obj for obj in it if obj not in seen) def regen(it): """Regen takes any iterable, and if the object is an generator it will cache the evaluated list on first access, so that the generator can be "consumed" multiple times.""" if isinstance(it, (list, tuple)): return it return _regen(it) class _regen(UserList, list): # must be subclass of list so that json can encode. def __init__(self, it): self.__it = it def __reduce__(self): return list, (self.data, ) def __length_hint__(self): return self.__it.__length_hint__() @cached_property def data(self): return list(self.__it) def dictfilter(d=None, **kw): """Remove all keys from dict ``d`` whose value is :const:`None`""" d = kw if d is None else (dict(d, **kw) if kw else d) return dict((k, v) for k, v in items(d) if v is not None)