# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Python wrapper for the iperf3 libiperf.so.0 library. The module consists of two classes, :class:`Client` and :class:`Server`, that inherit from the base class :class:`IPerf3`. They provide a nice (if i say so myself) and pythonic way to interact with the iperf3 utility. At the moment the module redirects stdout and stderr to a pipe and returns the received data back after each ``client.run()`` or ``server.run()`` call. In later releases there will be an option to toggle this on or off. A user should never have to utilise the :class:`IPerf3` class directly, this class provides common settings for the :class:`Client` and :class:`Server` classes. To get started quickly see the :ref:`examples` page. .. moduleauthor:: Mathijs Mortimer """ from ctypes import cdll, c_char_p, c_int, c_char from ctypes.util import find_library import os import select import json import threading try: from queue import Queue except ImportError: from Queue import Queue # Python2 compatibility __version__ = '0.1.2' def more_data(pipe_out): """Check if there is more data left on the pipe :param pipe_out: The os pipe_out :rtype: bool """ r, _, _ = select.select([pipe_out], [], [], 0) return bool(r) def read_pipe(pipe_out): """Read data on a pipe Used to capture stdout data produced by libiperf :param pipe_out: The os pipe_out :rtype: unicode string """ out = b'' while more_data(pipe_out): out += os.read(pipe_out, 1024) return out.decode('utf-8') def output_to_pipe(pipe_in): """Redirects stdout and stderr to a pipe :param pipe_out: The pipe to redirect stdout and stderr to """ os.dup2(pipe_in, 1) # stdout # os.dup2(pipe_in, 2) # stderr def output_to_screen(stdout_fd, stderr_fd): """Redirects stdout and stderr to a pipe :param stdout_fd: The stdout file descriptor :param stderr_fd: The stderr file descriptor """ os.dup2(stdout_fd, 1) #os.dup2(stderr_fd, 2) class IPerf3(object): """The base class used by both the iperf3 :class:`Server` and :class:`Client` .. note:: You should not use this class directly """ def __init__(self, role, verbose=True, lib_name='libiperf.so.0'): """Initialise the iperf shared library :param role: 'c' = client; 's' = server :param verbose: enable verbose output :param lib_name: The libiperf name providing the API to iperf3 """ # TODO use find_library to find the best library try: self.lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_name) except OSError: raise OSError('Could not find shared library {0}. Is iperf3 installed?'.format(lib_name)) # The test C struct iperf_test self._test = self._new() self.defaults() # stdout/strerr redirection variables self._stdout_fd = os.dup(1) self._stderr_fd = os.dup(2) self._pipe_out, self._pipe_in = os.pipe() # no need for pipe write # TODO do we want to allow a user to change the json_output? # if so, we should disable the stdout pipe when json_output=False # Generic test settings self.role = role self.json_output = True self.verbose = verbose def __del__(self): """Cleanup the test after the :class:`IPerf3` class is terminated""" try: self.lib.iperf_free_test(self._test) except AttributeError: # self.lib doesn't exist, likely because iperf3 wasnt installed or # the shared library libiperf.so.0 wasn't found pass def _new(self): """Initialise a new iperf test struct iperf_test *iperf_new_test() """ return self.lib.iperf_new_test() def defaults(self): """Set/reset iperf test defaults.""" self.lib.iperf_defaults(self._test) @property def role(self): """The iperf3 instance role valid roles are 'c'=client and 's'=server :rtype: 'c' or 's' """ try: self._role = c_char(self.lib.iperf_get_test_role(self._test)).value.decode('utf-8') except TypeError: self._role = c_char(chr(self.lib.iperf_get_test_role(self._test))).value.decode('utf-8') return self._role @role.setter def role(self, role): if role.lower() in ['c', 's']: self.lib.iperf_set_test_role(self._test, c_char(role.lower().encode('utf-8'))) self._role = role else: raise ValueError("Unknown role, accepted values are 'c' and 's'") @property def bind_address(self): """The bind address the iperf3 instance will listen on use * to listen on all available IPs :rtype: string """ result = c_char_p(self.lib.iperf_get_test_bind_address(self._test)).value if result: self._bind_address = result.decode('utf-8') else: self._bind_address = '*' return self._bind_address @bind_address.setter def bind_address(self, address): self.lib.iperf_set_test_bind_address(self._test, c_char_p(address.encode('utf-8'))) self._bind_address = address @property def port(self): """The port the iperf3 server is listening on""" self._port = self.lib.iperf_get_test_server_port(self._test) return self._port @port.setter def port(self, port): self.lib.iperf_set_test_server_port(self._test, int(port)) self._port = port @property def json_output(self): """Toggles json output of libiperf Turning this off will output the iperf3 instance results to stdout/stderr :rtype: bool """ enabled = self.lib.iperf_get_test_json_output(self._test) if enabled: self._json_output = True else: self._json_output = False return self._json_output @json_output.setter def json_output(self, enabled): if enabled: self.lib.iperf_set_test_json_output(self._test, 1) else: self.lib.iperf_set_test_json_output(self._test, 0) self._json_output = enabled @property def verbose(self): """Toggles verbose output for the iperf3 instance :rtype: bool """ enabled = self.lib.iperf_get_verbose(self._test) if enabled: self._verbose = True else: self._verbose = False return self._verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, enabled): if enabled: self.lib.iperf_set_verbose(self._test, 1) else: self.lib.iperf_set_verbose(self._test, 0) self._verbose = enabled @property def _errno(self): """Returns the last error ID :rtype: int """ return c_int.in_dll(self.lib, "i_errno").value @property def iperf_version(self): """Returns the version of the libiperf library :rtype: string """ # TODO: Is there a better way to get the const char than allocating 30? VersionType = c_char * 30 return VersionType.in_dll(self.lib, "version").value.decode('utf-8') def _error_to_string(self, error_id): """Returns an error string from libiperf :param error_id: The error_id produced by libiperf :rtype: string """ strerror = self.lib.iperf_strerror strerror.restype = c_char_p return strerror(error_id).decode('utf-8') def run(self): """Runs the iperf3 instance. This function has to be instantiated by the Client and Server instances :rtype: NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError class Client(IPerf3): """An iperf3 client connection. This opens up a connection to a running iperf3 server Basic Usage:: >>> import iperf3 >>> client = iperf3.Client() >>> client.duration = 1 >>> client.server_hostname = '' >>> client.port = 5201 >>> client.run() {'intervals': [{'sum': {... """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the iperf shared library""" super(Client, self).__init__(role='c', *args, **kwargs) # Internal variables self._bulksize = None self._server_hostname = None self._port = None self._num_streams = None self._zerocopy = False @property def server_hostname(self): """The server hostname to connect to. Accepts DNS entries or IP addresses :rtype: string """ result = c_char_p(self.lib.iperf_get_test_server_hostname(self._test)).value if result: self._server_hostname = result.decode('utf-8') else: self._server_hostname = None return self._server_hostname @server_hostname.setter def server_hostname(self, hostname): self.lib.iperf_set_test_server_hostname(self._test, c_char_p(hostname.encode('utf-8'))) self._server_hostname = hostname @property def duration(self): """The test duration in seconds.""" self._duration = self.lib.iperf_get_test_duration(self._test) return self._duration @duration.setter def duration(self, duration): self.lib.iperf_set_test_duration(self._test, duration) self._duration = duration @property def bulksize(self): """The test bulksize.""" self._bulksize = self.lib.iperf_get_test_blksize(self._test) return self._bulksize @bulksize.setter def bulksize(self, bulksize): self.lib.iperf_set_test_blksize(self._test, bulksize) self._bulksize = bulksize @property def num_streams(self): """The number of streams to use.""" self._num_streams = self.lib.iperf_get_test_num_streams(self._test) return self._num_streams @num_streams.setter def num_streams(self, number): self.lib.iperf_set_test_num_streams(self._test, number) self._num_streams = number @property def zerocopy(self): """Toggle zerocopy. Use the sendfile() system call for "Zero Copy" mode. This uses much less CPU. This is not supported on all systems. **Note** there isn't a hook in the libiperf library for getting the current configured value. Relying on zerocopy.setter function :rtype: bool """ return self._zerocopy @zerocopy.setter def zerocopy(self, enabled): if enabled and self.lib.iperf_has_zerocopy(): self.lib.iperf_set_test_zerocopy(self._test, 1) self._zerocopy = True else: self.lib.iperf_set_test_zerocopy(self._test, 0) self._zerocopy = False @property def reverse(self): """Toggles direction of test :rtype: bool """ enabled = self.lib.iperf_get_test_reverse(self._test) if enabled: self._reverse = True else: self._reverse = False return self._reverse @reverse.setter def reverse(self, enabled): if enabled: self.lib.iperf_set_test_reverse(self._test, 1) else: self.lib.iperf_set_test_reverse(self._test, 0) self._reverse = enabled def run(self): """Run the current test client. :rtype: instance of :class:`TestResult` """ output_to_pipe(self._pipe_in) error = self.lib.iperf_run_client(self._test) if error: data = '{"error": "%s"}' % self._error_to_string(self._errno) else: data = read_pipe(self._pipe_out) output_to_screen(self._stdout_fd, self._stderr_fd) return TestResult(data) class Server(IPerf3): """An iperf3 server connection. This starts an iperf3 server session. The server terminates after each succesful client connection so it might be useful to run Server.run() in a loop. The C function iperf_run_server is called in a seperate thread to make sure KeyboardInterrupt(aka ctrl+c) can still be captured Basic Usage:: >>> import iperf3 >>> server = iperf3.Server() >>> server.run() {'start': {... """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the iperf3 server instance""" super(Server, self).__init__(role='s', *args, **kwargs) def run(self): """Run the iperf3 server instance. :rtype: instance of :class:`TestResult` """ def _run_in_thread(self, data_queue): """Runs the iperf_run_server :param data_queue: thread-safe queue """ output_to_pipe(self._pipe_in) self.lib.iperf_run_server(self._test) # TODO json_output_string not available on earlier iperf3 builds # have to build in a version check using self.iperf_version # The following line should work on later versions: # data = c_char_p(self.lib.iperf_get_test_json_output_string(self._test)).value data = read_pipe(self._pipe_out) if not data: data = '{"error": "%s"}' % self._error_to_string(self._errno) output_to_screen(self._stdout_fd, self._stderr_fd) self.lib.iperf_reset_test(self._test) data_queue.put(data) data_queue = Queue() t = threading.Thread(target=_run_in_thread, args=[self, data_queue]) t.daemon = True t.start() while t.is_alive(): t.join(.1) return TestResult(data_queue.get()) class TestResult(object): """Class containing iperf3 test results :param time: Start time :param timesecs: Start time in seconds :param system_info: System info :param version: Iperf Version :param local_host: Local host ip :param local_port: Local port number :param remote_host: Remote host ip :param remote_port: Remote port number :param reverse :param tcp_mss_default :param protocol :param num_streams :param bulksize :param omit :param duration: Test duration in seconds :param sent_bytes: Sent bytes :param sent_bps: Sent bits per second :param sent_kbps: sent kilobits per second :param sent_Mbps: Sent Megabits per second :param sent_kB_s: Sent kiloBytes per second :param sent_MB_s: Sent MegaBytes per second :param received_bytes: Received bytes :param received_bps: Received bits per second :param received_kbps: Received kilobits per second :param received_Mbps: Received Megabits per second :param received_kB_s: Received kiloBytes per second :param received_MB_s: Received MegaBytes per second :param retransmits: amount of retransmits (Only returned from client) :param local_cpu_total: :param local_cpu_user: :param local_cpu_system: :param remote_cpu_total: :param remote_cpu_user: :param remote_cpu_system: """ def __init__(self, result): """Initialise TestResult :param result: raw json output from :class:`Client` and :class:`Server` """ # The full result data self.text = result self.json = json.loads(result) if 'error' in self.json: self.error = self.json['error'] else: self.error = None # start time self.time = self.json['start']['timestamp']['time'] self.timesecs = self.json['start']['timestamp']['timesecs'] # generic info self.system_info = self.json['start']['system_info'] self.version = self.json['start']['version'] # connection details self.local_host = self.json['start']['connected'][0]['local_host'] self.local_port = self.json['start']['connected'][0]['local_port'] self.remote_host = self.json['start']['connected'][0]['remote_host'] self.remote_port = self.json['start']['connected'][0]['remote_port'] # test setup self.tcp_mss_default = self.json['start']['tcp_mss_default'] self.protocol = self.json['start']['test_start']['protocol'] self.num_streams = self.json['start']['test_start']['num_streams'] self.bulksize = self.json['start']['test_start']['blksize'] self.omit = self.json['start']['test_start']['omit'] self.duration = self.json['start']['test_start']['duration'] # test results self.sent_bytes = self.json['end']['sum_sent']['bytes'] self.sent_bps = self.json['end']['sum_sent']['bits_per_second'] self.sent_kbps = self.sent_bps / 1024 # Kilobits per second self.sent_Mbps = self.sent_kbps / 1024 # Megabits per second self.sent_kB_s = self.sent_kbps / 8 # kiloBytes per second self.sent_MB_s = self.sent_Mbps / 8 # MegaBytes per second self.received_bytes = self.json['end']['sum_received']['bytes'] self.received_bps = self.json['end']['sum_received']['bits_per_second'] self.received_kbps = self.received_bps / 1024 # Kilobits per second self.received_Mbps = self.received_kbps / 1024 # Megabits per second self.received_kB_s = self.received_kbps / 8 # kiloBytes per second self.received_MB_s = self.received_Mbps / 8 # MegaBytes per second # retransmits only returned from client self.retransmits = self.json['end']['sum_sent'].get('retransmits', None) self.local_cpu_total = self.json['end']['cpu_utilization_percent']['host_total'] self.local_cpu_user = self.json['end']['cpu_utilization_percent']['host_user'] self.local_cpu_system = self.json['end']['cpu_utilization_percent']['host_system'] self.remote_cpu_total = self.json['end']['cpu_utilization_percent']['remote_total'] self.remote_cpu_user = self.json['end']['cpu_utilization_percent']['remote_user'] self.remote_cpu_system = self.json['end']['cpu_utilization_percent']['remote_system'] @property def reverse(self): if self.json['start']['test_start']['reverse']: return True else: return False @property def type(self): if 'connecting_to' in self.json['start']: return 'client' else: return 'server' def __repr__(self): """Print the result as received from iperf3""" return self.text