# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pint.measurement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: 2016 by Pint Authors, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import from .compat import ufloat from .formatting import _FORMATS, siunitx_format_unit MISSING = object() class _Measurement(object): """Implements a class to describe a quantity with uncertainty. :param value: The most likely value of the measurement. :type value: Quantity or Number :param error: The error or uncertainty of the measurement. :type error: Quantity or Number """ def __new__(cls, value, error, units=MISSING): if units is MISSING: try: value, units = value.magnitude, value.units except AttributeError: try: value, error, units = value.nominal_value, value.std_dev, error except AttributeError: units = '' try: error = error.to(units).magnitude except AttributeError: pass inst = super(_Measurement, cls).__new__(cls, ufloat(value, error), units) if error < 0: raise ValueError('The magnitude of the error cannot be negative'.format(value, error)) return inst @property def value(self): return self._REGISTRY.Quantity(self.magnitude.nominal_value, self.units) @property def error(self): return self._REGISTRY.Quantity(self.magnitude.std_dev, self.units) @property def rel(self): return float(abs(self.magnitude.std_dev / self.magnitude.nominal_value)) def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.magnitude.nominal_value, self.magnitude.std_dev, self.units) def __str__(self): return '{0}'.format(self) def __format__(self, spec): # special cases if 'Lx' in spec: # the LaTeX siunitx code # the uncertainties module supports formatting # numbers in value(unc) notation (i.e. 1.23(45) instead of 1.23 +/- 0.45), # which siunitx actually accepts as input. we just need to give the 'S' # formatting option for the uncertainties module. spec = spec.replace('Lx','S') # todo: add support for extracting options opts = 'separate-uncertainty=true' mstr = format( self.magnitude, spec ) ustr = siunitx_format_unit(self.units) ret = r'\SI[%s]{%s}{%s}'%( opts, mstr, ustr ) return ret # standard cases if 'L' in spec: newpm = pm = r' \pm ' pars = _FORMATS['L']['parentheses_fmt'] elif 'P' in spec: newpm = pm = '±' pars = _FORMATS['P']['parentheses_fmt'] else: newpm = pm = '+/-' pars = _FORMATS['']['parentheses_fmt'] if 'C' in spec: sp = '' newspec = spec.replace('C', '') pars = _FORMATS['C']['parentheses_fmt'] else: sp = ' ' newspec = spec if 'H' in spec: newpm = '±' newspec = spec.replace('H', '') pars = _FORMATS['H']['parentheses_fmt'] mag = format(self.magnitude, newspec).replace(pm, sp + newpm + sp) if 'L' in newspec and 'S' in newspec: mag = mag.replace('(', r'\left(').replace(')', r'\right)') if 'uS' in newspec or 'ue' in newspec or 'u%' in newspec: return mag + ' ' + format(self.units, spec) else: return pars.format(mag) + ' ' + format(self.units, spec)