"""ExtensionManager """ import pkg_resources import logging from .exception import NoMatches LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Extension(object): """Book-keeping object for tracking extensions. The arguments passed to the constructor are saved as attributes of the instance using the same names, and can be accessed by the callables passed to :meth:`map` or when iterating over an :class:`ExtensionManager` directly. :param name: The entry point name. :type name: str :param entry_point: The EntryPoint instance returned by :mod:`pkg_resources`. :type entry_point: EntryPoint :param plugin: The value returned by entry_point.load() :param obj: The object returned by ``plugin(*args, **kwds)`` if the manager invoked the extension on load. """ def __init__(self, name, entry_point, plugin, obj): self.name = name self.entry_point = entry_point self.plugin = plugin self.obj = obj @property def entry_point_target(self): """The module and attribute referenced by this extension's entry_point. :return: A string representation of the target of the entry point in 'dotted.module:object' format. """ return '%s:%s' % (self.entry_point.module_name, self.entry_point.attrs[0]) class ExtensionManager(object): """Base class for all of the other managers. :param namespace: The namespace for the entry points. :type namespace: str :param invoke_on_load: Boolean controlling whether to invoke the object returned by the entry point after the driver is loaded. :type invoke_on_load: bool :param invoke_args: Positional arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True. :type invoke_args: tuple :param invoke_kwds: Named arguments to pass when invoking the object returned by the entry point. Only used if invoke_on_load is True. :type invoke_kwds: dict :param propagate_map_exceptions: Boolean controlling whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored :type propagate_map_exceptions: bool :param on_load_failure_callback: Callback function that will be called when a entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception) :type on_load_failure_callback: function :param verify_requirements: Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False. :type verify_requirements: bool """ def __init__(self, namespace, invoke_on_load=False, invoke_args=(), invoke_kwds={}, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False): self._init_attributes( namespace, propagate_map_exceptions=propagate_map_exceptions, on_load_failure_callback=on_load_failure_callback) extensions = self._load_plugins(invoke_on_load, invoke_args, invoke_kwds, verify_requirements) self._init_plugins(extensions) @classmethod def make_test_instance(cls, extensions, namespace='TESTING', propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None, verify_requirements=False): """Construct a test ExtensionManager Test instances are passed a list of extensions to work from rather than loading them from entry points. :param extensions: Pre-configured Extension instances to use :type extensions: list of :class:`~stevedore.extension.Extension` :param namespace: The namespace for the manager; used only for identification since the extensions are passed in. :type namespace: str :param propagate_map_exceptions: When calling map, controls whether exceptions are propagated up through the map call or whether they are logged and then ignored :type propagate_map_exceptions: bool :param on_load_failure_callback: Callback function that will be called when a entrypoint can not be loaded. The arguments that will be provided when this is called (when an entrypoint fails to load) are (manager, entrypoint, exception) :type on_load_failure_callback: function :param verify_requirements: Use setuptools to enforce the dependencies of the plugin(s) being loaded. Defaults to False. :type verify_requirements: bool :return: The manager instance, initialized for testing """ o = cls.__new__(cls) o._init_attributes(namespace, propagate_map_exceptions=propagate_map_exceptions, on_load_failure_callback=on_load_failure_callback) o._init_plugins(extensions) return o def _init_attributes(self, namespace, propagate_map_exceptions=False, on_load_failure_callback=None): self.namespace = namespace self.propagate_map_exceptions = propagate_map_exceptions self._on_load_failure_callback = on_load_failure_callback def _init_plugins(self, extensions): self.extensions = extensions self._extensions_by_name = None ENTRY_POINT_CACHE = {} def _find_entry_points(self, namespace): if namespace not in self.ENTRY_POINT_CACHE: eps = list(pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(namespace)) self.ENTRY_POINT_CACHE[namespace] = eps return self.ENTRY_POINT_CACHE[namespace] def _load_plugins(self, invoke_on_load, invoke_args, invoke_kwds, verify_requirements): extensions = [] for ep in self._find_entry_points(self.namespace): LOG.debug('found extension %r', ep) try: ext = self._load_one_plugin(ep, invoke_on_load, invoke_args, invoke_kwds, verify_requirements, ) if ext: extensions.append(ext) except (KeyboardInterrupt, AssertionError): raise except Exception as err: if self._on_load_failure_callback is not None: self._on_load_failure_callback(self, ep, err) else: LOG.error('Could not load %r: %s', ep.name, err) LOG.exception(err) return extensions def _load_one_plugin(self, ep, invoke_on_load, invoke_args, invoke_kwds, verify_requirements): # NOTE(dhellmann): Using require=False is deprecated in # setuptools 11.3. if hasattr(ep, 'resolve') and hasattr(ep, 'require'): if verify_requirements: ep.require() plugin = ep.resolve() else: plugin = ep.load(require=verify_requirements) if invoke_on_load: obj = plugin(*invoke_args, **invoke_kwds) else: obj = None return Extension(ep.name, ep, plugin, obj) def names(self): "Returns the names of the discovered extensions" # We want to return the names of the extensions in the order # they would be used by map(), since some subclasses change # that order. return [e.name for e in self.extensions] def map(self, func, *args, **kwds): """Iterate over the extensions invoking func() for each. The signature for func() should be:: def func(ext, *args, **kwds): pass The first argument to func(), 'ext', is the :class:`~stevedore.extension.Extension` instance. Exceptions raised from within func() are propagated up and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True, otherwise they are logged and ignored. :param func: Callable to invoke for each extension. :param args: Variable arguments to pass to func() :param kwds: Keyword arguments to pass to func() :returns: List of values returned from func() """ if not self.extensions: # FIXME: Use a more specific exception class here. raise NoMatches('No %s extensions found' % self.namespace) response = [] for e in self.extensions: self._invoke_one_plugin(response.append, func, e, args, kwds) return response @staticmethod def _call_extension_method(extension, method_name, *args, **kwds): return getattr(extension.obj, method_name)(*args, **kwds) def map_method(self, method_name, *args, **kwds): """Iterate over the extensions invoking a method by name. This is equivalent of using :meth:`map` with func set to `lambda x: x.obj.method_name()` while being more convenient. Exceptions raised from within the called method are propagated up and processing stopped if self.propagate_map_exceptions is True, otherwise they are logged and ignored. .. versionadded:: 0.12 :param method_name: The extension method name to call for each extension. :param args: Variable arguments to pass to method :param kwds: Keyword arguments to pass to method :returns: List of values returned from methods """ return self.map(self._call_extension_method, method_name, *args, **kwds) def _invoke_one_plugin(self, response_callback, func, e, args, kwds): try: response_callback(func(e, *args, **kwds)) except Exception as err: if self.propagate_map_exceptions: raise else: LOG.error('error calling %r: %s', e.name, err) LOG.exception(err) def __iter__(self): """Produce iterator for the manager. Iterating over an ExtensionManager produces the :class:`Extension` instances in the order they would be invoked. """ return iter(self.extensions) def __getitem__(self, name): """Return the named extension. Accessing an ExtensionManager as a dictionary (``em['name']``) produces the :class:`Extension` instance with the specified name. """ if self._extensions_by_name is None: d = {} for e in self.extensions: d[e.name] = e self._extensions_by_name = d return self._extensions_by_name[name] def __contains__(self, name): """Return true if name is in list of enabled extensions. """ return any(extension.name == name for extension in self.extensions)