# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com ) """ Provides XML I{element} classes. """ from logging import getLogger from suds import * from suds.sax import * from suds.sax.text import Text from suds.sax.attribute import Attribute import sys if sys.version_info < (2, 4, 0): from sets import Set as set del sys log = getLogger(__name__) class Element: """ An XML element object. @ivar parent: The node containing this attribute @type parent: L{Element} @ivar prefix: The I{optional} namespace prefix. @type prefix: basestring @ivar name: The I{unqualified} name of the attribute @type name: basestring @ivar expns: An explicit namespace (xmlns="..."). @type expns: (I{prefix}, I{name}) @ivar nsprefixes: A mapping of prefixes to namespaces. @type nsprefixes: dict @ivar attributes: A list of XML attributes. @type attributes: [I{Attribute},] @ivar text: The element's I{text} content. @type text: basestring @ivar children: A list of child elements. @type children: [I{Element},] @cvar matcher: A collection of I{lambda} for string matching. @cvar specialprefixes: A dictionary of builtin-special prefixes. """ matcher = \ { 'eq': lambda a,b: a == b, 'startswith' : lambda a,b: a.startswith(b), 'endswith' : lambda a,b: a.endswith(b), 'contains' : lambda a,b: b in a } specialprefixes = { Namespace.xmlns[0] : Namespace.xmlns[1] } @classmethod def buildPath(self, parent, path): """ Build the specifed pat as a/b/c where missing intermediate nodes are built automatically. @param parent: A parent element on which the path is built. @type parent: I{Element} @param path: A simple path separated by (/). @type path: basestring @return: The leaf node of I{path}. @rtype: L{Element} """ for tag in path.split('/'): child = parent.getChild(tag) if child is None: child = Element(tag, parent) parent = child return child def __init__(self, name, parent=None, ns=None): """ @param name: The element's (tag) name. May cotain a prefix. @type name: basestring @param parent: An optional parent element. @type parent: I{Element} @param ns: An optional namespace @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name}) """ self.rename(name) self.expns = None self.nsprefixes = {} self.attributes = [] self.text = None if parent is not None: if isinstance(parent, Element): self.parent = parent else: raise Exception('parent (%s) not-valid', parent.__class__.__name__) else: self.parent = None self.children = [] self.applyns(ns) def rename(self, name): """ Rename the element. @param name: A new name for the element. @type name: basestring """ if name is None: raise Exception('name (%s) not-valid' % name) else: self.prefix, self.name = splitPrefix(name) def setPrefix(self, p, u=None): """ Set the element namespace prefix. @param p: A new prefix for the element. @type p: basestring @param u: A namespace URI to be mapped to the prefix. @type u: basestring @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ self.prefix = p if p is not None and u is not None: self.addPrefix(p, u) return self def qname(self): """ Get the B{fully} qualified name of this element @return: The fully qualified name. @rtype: basestring """ if self.prefix is None: return self.name else: return '%s:%s' % (self.prefix, self.name) def getRoot(self): """ Get the root (top) node of the tree. @return: The I{top} node of this tree. @rtype: I{Element} """ if self.parent is None: return self else: return self.parent.getRoot() def clone(self, parent=None): """ Deep clone of this element and children. @param parent: An optional parent for the copied fragment. @type parent: I{Element} @return: A deep copy parented by I{parent} @rtype: I{Element} """ root = Element(self.qname(), parent, self.namespace()) for a in self.attributes: root.append(a.clone(self)) for c in self.children: root.append(c.clone(self)) for item in self.nsprefixes.items(): root.addPrefix(item[0], item[1]) return root def detach(self): """ Detach from parent. @return: This element removed from its parent's child list and I{parent}=I{None} @rtype: L{Element} """ if self.parent is not None: if self in self.parent.children: self.parent.children.remove(self) self.parent = None return self def set(self, name, value): """ Set an attribute's value. @param name: The name of the attribute. @type name: basestring @param value: The attribute value. @type value: basestring @see: __setitem__() """ attr = self.getAttribute(name) if attr is None: attr = Attribute(name, value) self.append(attr) else: attr.setValue(value) def unset(self, name): """ Unset (remove) an attribute. @param name: The attribute name. @type name: str @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ try: attr = self.getAttribute(name) self.attributes.remove(attr) except: pass return self def get(self, name, ns=None, default=None): """ Get the value of an attribute by name. @param name: The name of the attribute. @type name: basestring @param ns: The optional attribute's namespace. @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name}) @param default: An optional value to be returned when either the attribute does not exist of has not value. @type default: basestring @return: The attribute's value or I{default} @rtype: basestring @see: __getitem__() """ attr = self.getAttribute(name, ns) if attr is None or attr.value is None: return default else: return attr.getValue() def setText(self, value): """ Set the element's L{Text} content. @param value: The element's text value. @type value: basestring @return: self @rtype: I{Element} """ if isinstance(value, Text): self.text = value else: self.text = Text(value) return self def getText(self, default=None): """ Get the element's L{Text} content with optional default @param default: A value to be returned when no text content exists. @type default: basestring @return: The text content, or I{default} @rtype: L{Text} """ if self.hasText(): return self.text else: return default def trim(self): """ Trim leading and trailing whitespace. @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ if self.hasText(): self.text = self.text.trim() return self def hasText(self): """ Get whether the element has I{text} and that it is not an empty (zero length) string. @return: True when has I{text}. @rtype: boolean """ return ( self.text is not None and len(self.text) ) def namespace(self): """ Get the element's namespace. @return: The element's namespace by resolving the prefix, the explicit namespace or the inherited namespace. @rtype: (I{prefix}, I{name}) """ if self.prefix is None: return self.defaultNamespace() else: return self.resolvePrefix(self.prefix) def defaultNamespace(self): """ Get the default (unqualified namespace). This is the expns of the first node (looking up the tree) that has it set. @return: The namespace of a node when not qualified. @rtype: (I{prefix}, I{name}) """ p = self while p is not None: if p.expns is not None: return (None, p.expns) else: p = p.parent return Namespace.default def append(self, objects): """ Append the specified child based on whether it is an element or an attrbuite. @param objects: A (single|collection) of attribute(s) or element(s) to be added as children. @type objects: (L{Element}|L{Attribute}) @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ if not isinstance(objects, (list, tuple)): objects = (objects,) for child in objects: if isinstance(child, Element): self.children.append(child) child.parent = self continue if isinstance(child, Attribute): self.attributes.append(child) child.parent = self continue raise Exception('append %s not-valid' % child.__class__.__name__) return self def insert(self, objects, index=0): """ Insert an L{Element} content at the specified index. @param objects: A (single|collection) of attribute(s) or element(s) to be added as children. @type objects: (L{Element}|L{Attribute}) @param index: The position in the list of children to insert. @type index: int @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ objects = (objects,) for child in objects: if isinstance(child, Element): self.children.insert(index, child) child.parent = self else: raise Exception('append %s not-valid' % child.__class__.__name__) return self def remove(self, child): """ Remove the specified child element or attribute. @param child: A child to remove. @type child: L{Element}|L{Attribute} @return: The detached I{child} when I{child} is an element, else None. @rtype: L{Element}|None """ if isinstance(child, Element): return child.detach() if isinstance(child, Attribute): self.attributes.remove(child) return None def replaceChild(self, child, content): """ Replace I{child} with the specified I{content}. @param child: A child element. @type child: L{Element} @param content: An element or collection of elements. @type content: L{Element} or [L{Element},] """ if child not in self.children: raise Exception('child not-found') index = self.children.index(child) self.remove(child) if not isinstance(content, (list, tuple)): content = (content,) for node in content: self.children.insert(index, node.detach()) node.parent = self index += 1 def getAttribute(self, name, ns=None, default=None): """ Get an attribute by name and (optional) namespace @param name: The name of a contained attribute (may contain prefix). @type name: basestring @param ns: An optional namespace @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name}) @param default: Returned when attribute not-found. @type default: L{Attribute} @return: The requested attribute object. @rtype: L{Attribute} """ if ns is None: prefix, name = splitPrefix(name) if prefix is None: ns = None else: ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix) for a in self.attributes: if a.match(name, ns): return a return default def getChild(self, name, ns=None, default=None): """ Get a child by (optional) name and/or (optional) namespace. @param name: The name of a child element (may contain prefix). @type name: basestring @param ns: An optional namespace used to match the child. @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name}) @param default: Returned when child not-found. @type default: L{Element} @return: The requested child, or I{default} when not-found. @rtype: L{Element} """ if ns is None: prefix, name = splitPrefix(name) if prefix is None: ns = None else: ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix) for c in self.children: if c.match(name, ns): return c return default def childAtPath(self, path): """ Get a child at I{path} where I{path} is a (/) separated list of element names that are expected to be children. @param path: A (/) separated list of element names. @type path: basestring @return: The leaf node at the end of I{path} @rtype: L{Element} """ result = None node = self for name in [p for p in path.split('/') if len(p) > 0]: ns = None prefix, name = splitPrefix(name) if prefix is not None: ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix) result = node.getChild(name, ns) if result is None: break; else: node = result return result def childrenAtPath(self, path): """ Get a list of children at I{path} where I{path} is a (/) separated list of element names that are expected to be children. @param path: A (/) separated list of element names. @type path: basestring @return: The collection leaf nodes at the end of I{path} @rtype: [L{Element},...] """ parts = [p for p in path.split('/') if len(p) > 0] if len(parts) == 1: result = self.getChildren(path) else: result = self.__childrenAtPath(parts) return result def getChildren(self, name=None, ns=None): """ Get a list of children by (optional) name and/or (optional) namespace. @param name: The name of a child element (may contain prefix). @type name: basestring @param ns: An optional namespace used to match the child. @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name}) @return: The list of matching children. @rtype: [L{Element},...] """ if ns is None: if name is None: return self.children prefix, name = splitPrefix(name) if prefix is None: ns = None else: ns = self.resolvePrefix(prefix) return [c for c in self.children if c.match(name, ns)] def detachChildren(self): """ Detach and return this element's children. @return: The element's children (detached). @rtype: [L{Element},...] """ detached = self.children self.children = [] for child in detached: child.parent = None return detached def resolvePrefix(self, prefix, default=Namespace.default): """ Resolve the specified prefix to a namespace. The I{nsprefixes} is searched. If not found, it walks up the tree until either resolved or the top of the tree is reached. Searching up the tree provides for inherited mappings. @param prefix: A namespace prefix to resolve. @type prefix: basestring @param default: An optional value to be returned when the prefix cannot be resolved. @type default: (I{prefix},I{URI}) @return: The namespace that is mapped to I{prefix} in this context. @rtype: (I{prefix},I{URI}) """ n = self while n is not None: if prefix in n.nsprefixes: return (prefix, n.nsprefixes[prefix]) if prefix in self.specialprefixes: return (prefix, self.specialprefixes[prefix]) n = n.parent return default def addPrefix(self, p, u): """ Add or update a prefix mapping. @param p: A prefix. @type p: basestring @param u: A namespace URI. @type u: basestring @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ self.nsprefixes[p] = u return self def updatePrefix(self, p, u): """ Update (redefine) a prefix mapping for the branch. @param p: A prefix. @type p: basestring @param u: A namespace URI. @type u: basestring @return: self @rtype: L{Element} @note: This method traverses down the entire branch! """ if p in self.nsprefixes: self.nsprefixes[p] = u for c in self.children: c.updatePrefix(p, u) return self def clearPrefix(self, prefix): """ Clear the specified prefix from the prefix mappings. @param prefix: A prefix to clear. @type prefix: basestring @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ if prefix in self.nsprefixes: del self.nsprefixes[prefix] return self def findPrefix(self, uri, default=None): """ Find the first prefix that has been mapped to a namespace URI. The local mapping is searched, then it walks up the tree until it reaches the top or finds a match. @param uri: A namespace URI. @type uri: basestring @param default: A default prefix when not found. @type default: basestring @return: A mapped prefix. @rtype: basestring """ for item in self.nsprefixes.items(): if item[1] == uri: prefix = item[0] return prefix for item in self.specialprefixes.items(): if item[1] == uri: prefix = item[0] return prefix if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.findPrefix(uri, default) else: return default def findPrefixes(self, uri, match='eq'): """ Find all prefixes that has been mapped to a namespace URI. The local mapping is searched, then it walks up the tree until it reaches the top collecting all matches. @param uri: A namespace URI. @type uri: basestring @param match: A matching function L{Element.matcher}. @type match: basestring @return: A list of mapped prefixes. @rtype: [basestring,...] """ result = [] for item in self.nsprefixes.items(): if self.matcher[match](item[1], uri): prefix = item[0] result.append(prefix) for item in self.specialprefixes.items(): if self.matcher[match](item[1], uri): prefix = item[0] result.append(prefix) if self.parent is not None: result += self.parent.findPrefixes(uri, match) return result def promotePrefixes(self): """ Push prefix declarations up the tree as far as possible. Prefix mapping are pushed to its parent unless the parent has the prefix mapped to another URI or the parent has the prefix. This is propagated up the tree until the top is reached. @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ for c in self.children: c.promotePrefixes() if self.parent is None: return for p,u in self.nsprefixes.items(): if p in self.parent.nsprefixes: pu = self.parent.nsprefixes[p] if pu == u: del self.nsprefixes[p] continue if p != self.parent.prefix: self.parent.nsprefixes[p] = u del self.nsprefixes[p] return self def refitPrefixes(self): """ Refit namespace qualification by replacing prefixes with explicit namespaces. Also purges prefix mapping table. @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ for c in self.children: c.refitPrefixes() if self.prefix is not None: ns = self.resolvePrefix(self.prefix) if ns[1] is not None: self.expns = ns[1] self.prefix = None self.nsprefixes = {} return self def normalizePrefixes(self): """ Normalize the namespace prefixes. This generates unique prefixes for all namespaces. Then retrofits all prefixes and prefix mappings. Further, it will retrofix attribute values that have values containing (:). @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ PrefixNormalizer.apply(self) return self def isempty(self, content=True): """ Get whether the element has no children. @param content: Test content (children & text) only. @type content: boolean @return: True when element has not children. @rtype: boolean """ noattrs = not len(self.attributes) nochildren = not len(self.children) notext = ( self.text is None ) nocontent = ( nochildren and notext ) if content: return nocontent else: return ( nocontent and noattrs ) def isnil(self): """ Get whether the element is I{nil} as defined by having an attribute in the I{xsi:nil="true"} @return: True if I{nil}, else False @rtype: boolean """ nilattr = self.getAttribute('nil', ns=Namespace.xsins) if nilattr is None: return False else: return ( nilattr.getValue().lower() == 'true' ) def setnil(self, flag=True): """ Set this node to I{nil} as defined by having an attribute I{xsi:nil}=I{flag}. @param flag: A flag inidcating how I{xsi:nil} will be set. @type flag: boolean @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ p, u = Namespace.xsins name = ':'.join((p, 'nil')) self.set(name, str(flag).lower()) self.addPrefix(p, u) if flag: self.text = None return self def applyns(self, ns): """ Apply the namespace to this node. If the prefix is I{None} then this element's explicit namespace I{expns} is set to the URI defined by I{ns}. Otherwise, the I{ns} is simply mapped. @param ns: A namespace. @type ns: (I{prefix},I{URI}) """ if ns is None: return if not isinstance(ns, (tuple,list)): raise Exception('namespace must be tuple') if ns[0] is None: self.expns = ns[1] else: self.prefix = ns[0] self.nsprefixes[ns[0]] = ns[1] def str(self, indent=0): """ Get a string representation of this XML fragment. @param indent: The indent to be used in formatting the output. @type indent: int @return: A I{pretty} string. @rtype: basestring """ tab = '%*s'%(indent*3,'') result = [] result.append('%s<%s' % (tab, self.qname())) result.append(self.nsdeclarations()) for a in [unicode(a) for a in self.attributes]: result.append(' %s' % a) if self.isempty(): result.append('/>') return ''.join(result) result.append('>') if self.hasText(): result.append(self.text.escape()) for c in self.children: result.append('\n') result.append(c.str(indent+1)) if len(self.children): result.append('\n%s' % tab) result.append('' % self.qname()) result = ''.join(result) return result def plain(self): """ Get a string representation of this XML fragment. @return: A I{plain} string. @rtype: basestring """ result = [] result.append('<%s' % self.qname()) result.append(self.nsdeclarations()) for a in [unicode(a) for a in self.attributes]: result.append(' %s' % a) if self.isempty(): result.append('/>') return ''.join(result) result.append('>') if self.hasText(): result.append(self.text.escape()) for c in self.children: result.append(c.plain()) result.append('' % self.qname()) result = ''.join(result) return result def nsdeclarations(self): """ Get a string representation for all namespace declarations as xmlns="" and xmlns:p="". @return: A separated list of declarations. @rtype: basestring """ s = [] myns = (None, self.expns) if self.parent is None: pns = Namespace.default else: pns = (None, self.parent.expns) if myns[1] != pns[1]: if self.expns is not None: d = ' xmlns="%s"' % self.expns s.append(d) for item in self.nsprefixes.items(): (p,u) = item if self.parent is not None: ns = self.parent.resolvePrefix(p) if ns[1] == u: continue d = ' xmlns:%s="%s"' % (p, u) s.append(d) return ''.join(s) def match(self, name=None, ns=None): """ Match by (optional) name and/or (optional) namespace. @param name: The optional element tag name. @type name: str @param ns: An optional namespace. @type ns: (I{prefix}, I{name}) @return: True if matched. @rtype: boolean """ if name is None: byname = True else: byname = ( self.name == name ) if ns is None: byns = True else: byns = ( self.namespace()[1] == ns[1] ) return ( byname and byns ) def branch(self): """ Get a flattened representation of the branch. @return: A flat list of nodes. @rtype: [L{Element},..] """ branch = [self] for c in self.children: branch += c.branch() return branch def ancestors(self): """ Get a list of ancestors. @return: A list of ancestors. @rtype: [L{Element},..] """ ancestors = [] p = self.parent while p is not None: ancestors.append(p) p = p.parent return ancestors def walk(self, visitor): """ Walk the branch and call the visitor function on each node. @param visitor: A function. @return: self @rtype: L{Element} """ visitor(self) for c in self.children: c.walk(visitor) return self def prune(self): """ Prune the branch of empty nodes. """ pruned = [] for c in self.children: c.prune() if c.isempty(False): pruned.append(c) for p in pruned: self.children.remove(p) def __childrenAtPath(self, parts): result = [] node = self last = len(parts)-1 ancestors = parts[:last] leaf = parts[last] for name in ancestors: ns = None prefix, name = splitPrefix(name) if prefix is not None: ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix) child = node.getChild(name, ns) if child is None: break else: node = child if child is not None: ns = None prefix, leaf = splitPrefix(leaf) if prefix is not None: ns = node.resolvePrefix(prefix) result = child.getChildren(leaf) return result def __len__(self): return len(self.children) def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, basestring): return self.get(index) else: if index < len(self.children): return self.children[index] else: return None def __setitem__(self, index, value): if isinstance(index, basestring): self.set(index, value) else: if index < len(self.children) and \ isinstance(value, Element): self.children.insert(index, value) def __eq__(self, rhs): return rhs is not None and \ isinstance(rhs, Element) and \ self.name == rhs.name and \ self.namespace()[1] == rhs.namespace()[1] def __repr__(self): return \ 'Element (prefix=%s, name=%s)' % (self.prefix, self.name) def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return self.str() def __iter__(self): return NodeIterator(self) class NodeIterator: """ The L{Element} child node iterator. @ivar pos: The current position @type pos: int @ivar children: A list of a child nodes. @type children: [L{Element},..] """ def __init__(self, parent): """ @param parent: An element to iterate. @type parent: L{Element} """ self.pos = 0 self.children = parent.children def next(self): """ Get the next child. @return: The next child. @rtype: L{Element} @raise StopIterator: At the end. """ try: child = self.children[self.pos] self.pos += 1 return child except: raise StopIteration() class PrefixNormalizer: """ The prefix normalizer provides namespace prefix normalization. @ivar node: A node to normalize. @type node: L{Element} @ivar branch: The nodes flattened branch. @type branch: [L{Element},..] @ivar namespaces: A unique list of namespaces (URI). @type namespaces: [str,] @ivar prefixes: A reverse dict of prefixes. @type prefixes: {u, p} """ @classmethod def apply(cls, node): """ Normalize the specified node. @param node: A node to normalize. @type node: L{Element} @return: The normalized node. @rtype: L{Element} """ pn = PrefixNormalizer(node) return pn.refit() def __init__(self, node): """ @param node: A node to normalize. @type node: L{Element} """ self.node = node self.branch = node.branch() self.namespaces = self.getNamespaces() self.prefixes = self.genPrefixes() def getNamespaces(self): """ Get the I{unique} set of namespaces referenced in the branch. @return: A set of namespaces. @rtype: set """ s = set() for n in self.branch + self.node.ancestors(): if self.permit(n.expns): s.add(n.expns) s = s.union(self.pset(n)) return s def pset(self, n): """ Convert the nodes nsprefixes into a set. @param n: A node. @type n: L{Element} @return: A set of namespaces. @rtype: set """ s = set() for ns in n.nsprefixes.items(): if self.permit(ns): s.add(ns[1]) return s def genPrefixes(self): """ Generate a I{reverse} mapping of unique prefixes for all namespaces. @return: A referse dict of prefixes. @rtype: {u, p} """ prefixes = {} n = 0 for u in self.namespaces: p = 'ns%d' % n prefixes[u] = p n += 1 return prefixes def refit(self): """ Refit (normalize) the prefixes in the node. """ self.refitNodes() self.refitMappings() def refitNodes(self): """ Refit (normalize) all of the nodes in the branch. """ for n in self.branch: if n.prefix is not None: ns = n.namespace() if self.permit(ns): n.prefix = self.prefixes[ns[1]] self.refitAttrs(n) def refitAttrs(self, n): """ Refit (normalize) all of the attributes in the node. @param n: A node. @type n: L{Element} """ for a in n.attributes: self.refitAddr(a) def refitAddr(self, a): """ Refit (normalize) the attribute. @param a: An attribute. @type a: L{Attribute} """ if a.prefix is not None: ns = a.namespace() if self.permit(ns): a.prefix = self.prefixes[ns[1]] self.refitValue(a) def refitValue(self, a): """ Refit (normalize) the attribute's value. @param a: An attribute. @type a: L{Attribute} """ p,name = splitPrefix(a.getValue()) if p is None: return ns = a.resolvePrefix(p) if self.permit(ns): u = ns[1] p = self.prefixes[u] a.setValue(':'.join((p, name))) def refitMappings(self): """ Refit (normalize) all of the nsprefix mappings. """ for n in self.branch: n.nsprefixes = {} n = self.node for u, p in self.prefixes.items(): n.addPrefix(p, u) def permit(self, ns): """ Get whether the I{ns} is to be normalized. @param ns: A namespace. @type ns: (p,u) @return: True if to be included. @rtype: boolean """ return not self.skip(ns) def skip(self, ns): """ Get whether the I{ns} is to B{not} be normalized. @param ns: A namespace. @type ns: (p,u) @return: True if to be skipped. @rtype: boolean """ return ns is None or \ ( ns == Namespace.default ) or \ ( ns == Namespace.xsdns ) or \ ( ns == Namespace.xsins) or \ ( ns == Namespace.xmlns )