# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com ) """ The I{schema} module provides a intelligent representation of an XSD schema. The I{raw} model is the XML tree and the I{model} is the denormalized, objectified and intelligent view of the schema. Most of the I{value-add} provided by the model is centered around tranparent referenced type resolution and targeted denormalization. """ import suds.metrics from suds import * from suds.xsd import * from suds.xsd.sxbuiltin import * from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Factory as BasicFactory from suds.xsd.sxbuiltin import Factory as BuiltinFactory from suds.xsd.sxbase import SchemaObject from suds.xsd.deplist import DepList from suds.sax.element import Element from suds.sax import splitPrefix, Namespace from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) class SchemaCollection: """ A collection of schema objects. This class is needed because WSDLs may contain more then one node. @ivar wsdl: A wsdl object. @type wsdl: L{suds.wsdl.Definitions} @ivar children: A list contained schemas. @type children: [L{Schema},...] @ivar namespaces: A dictionary of contained schemas by namespace. @type namespaces: {str:L{Schema}} """ def __init__(self, wsdl): """ @param wsdl: A wsdl object. @type wsdl: L{suds.wsdl.Definitions} """ self.wsdl = wsdl self.children = [] self.namespaces = {} def add(self, schema): """ Add a schema node to the collection. Schema(s) within the same target namespace are consolidated. @param schema: A schema object. @type schema: (L{Schema}) """ key = schema.tns[1] existing = self.namespaces.get(key) if existing is None: self.children.append(schema) self.namespaces[key] = schema else: existing.root.children += schema.root.children existing.root.nsprefixes.update(schema.root.nsprefixes) def load(self, options): """ Load the schema objects for the root nodes. - de-references schemas - merge schemas @param options: An options dictionary. @type options: L{options.Options} @return: The merged schema. @rtype: L{Schema} """ if options.autoblend: self.autoblend() for child in self.children: child.build() for child in self.children: child.open_imports(options) for child in self.children: child.dereference() log.debug('loaded:\n%s', self) merged = self.merge() log.debug('MERGED:\n%s', merged) return merged def autoblend(self): """ Ensure that all schemas within the collection import each other which has a blending effect. @return: self @rtype: L{SchemaCollection} """ namespaces = self.namespaces.keys() for s in self.children: for ns in namespaces: tns = s.root.get('targetNamespace') if tns == ns: continue for imp in s.root.getChildren('import'): if imp.get('namespace') == ns: continue imp = Element('import', ns=Namespace.xsdns) imp.set('namespace', ns) s.root.append(imp) return self def locate(self, ns): """ Find a schema by namespace. Only the URI portion of the namespace is compared to each schema's I{targetNamespace} @param ns: A namespace. @type ns: (prefix,URI) @return: The schema matching the namesapce, else None. @rtype: L{Schema} """ return self.namespaces.get(ns[1]) def merge(self): """ Merge the contained schemas into one. @return: The merged schema. @rtype: L{Schema} """ if len(self): schema = self.children[0] for s in self.children[1:]: schema.merge(s) return schema else: return None def __len__(self): return len(self.children) def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): result = ['\nschema collection'] for s in self.children: result.append(s.str(1)) return '\n'.join(result) class Schema: """ The schema is an objectification of a (xsd) definition. It provides inspection, lookup and type resolution. @ivar root: The root node. @type root: L{sax.element.Element} @ivar baseurl: The I{base} URL for this schema. @type baseurl: str @ivar container: A schema collection containing this schema. @type container: L{SchemaCollection} @ivar children: A list of direct top level children. @type children: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar all: A list of all (includes imported) top level children. @type all: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar types: A schema types cache. @type types: {name:L{SchemaObject}} @ivar imports: A list of import objects. @type imports: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar elements: A list of objects. @type elements: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar attributes: A list of objects. @type attributes: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar groups: A list of group objects. @type groups: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar agrps: A list of attribute group objects. @type agrps: [L{SchemaObject},...] @ivar form_qualified: The flag indicating: (@elementFormDefault). @type form_qualified: bool """ Tag = 'schema' def __init__(self, root, baseurl, options, container=None): """ @param root: The xml root. @type root: L{sax.element.Element} @param baseurl: The base url used for importing. @type baseurl: basestring @param options: An options dictionary. @type options: L{options.Options} @param container: An optional container. @type container: L{SchemaCollection} """ self.root = root self.id = objid(self) self.tns = self.mktns() self.baseurl = baseurl self.container = container self.children = [] self.all = [] self.types = {} self.imports = [] self.elements = {} self.attributes = {} self.groups = {} self.agrps = {} if options.doctor is not None: options.doctor.examine(root) form = self.root.get('elementFormDefault') if form is None: self.form_qualified = False else: self.form_qualified = ( form == 'qualified' ) if container is None: self.build() self.open_imports(options) log.debug('built:\n%s', self) self.dereference() log.debug('dereferenced:\n%s', self) def mktns(self): """ Make the schema's target namespace. @return: The namespace representation of the schema's targetNamespace value. @rtype: (prefix, uri) """ tns = [None, self.root.get('targetNamespace')] if tns[1] is not None: tns[0] = self.root.findPrefix(tns[1]) return tuple(tns) def build(self): """ Build the schema (object graph) using the root node using the factory. - Build the graph. - Collate the children. """ self.children = BasicFactory.build(self.root, self) collated = BasicFactory.collate(self.children) self.children = collated[0] self.attributes = collated[2] self.imports = collated[1] self.elements = collated[3] self.types = collated[4] self.groups = collated[5] self.agrps = collated[6] def merge(self, schema): """ Merge the contents from the schema. Only objects not already contained in this schema's collections are merged. This is to provide for bidirectional import which produce cyclic includes. @returns: self @rtype: L{Schema} """ for item in schema.attributes.items(): if item[0] in self.attributes: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.attributes[item[0]] = item[1] for item in schema.elements.items(): if item[0] in self.elements: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.elements[item[0]] = item[1] for item in schema.types.items(): if item[0] in self.types: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.types[item[0]] = item[1] for item in schema.groups.items(): if item[0] in self.groups: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.groups[item[0]] = item[1] for item in schema.agrps.items(): if item[0] in self.agrps: continue self.all.append(item[1]) self.agrps[item[0]] = item[1] schema.merged = True return self def open_imports(self, options): """ Instruct all contained L{sxbasic.Import} children to import the schema's which they reference. The contents of the imported schema are I{merged} in. @param options: An options dictionary. @type options: L{options.Options} """ for imp in self.imports: imported = imp.open(options) if imported is None: continue imported.open_imports(options) log.debug('imported:\n%s', imported) self.merge(imported) def dereference(self): """ Instruct all children to perform dereferencing. """ all = [] indexes = {} for child in self.children: child.content(all) deplist = DepList() for x in all: x.qualify() midx, deps = x.dependencies() item = (x, tuple(deps)) deplist.add(item) indexes[x] = midx for x, deps in deplist.sort(): midx = indexes.get(x) if midx is None: continue d = deps[midx] log.debug('(%s) merging %s <== %s', self.tns[1], Repr(x), Repr(d)) x.merge(d) def locate(self, ns): """ Find a schema by namespace. Only the URI portion of the namespace is compared to each schema's I{targetNamespace}. The request is passed to the container. @param ns: A namespace. @type ns: (prefix,URI) @return: The schema matching the namesapce, else None. @rtype: L{Schema} """ if self.container is not None: return self.container.locate(ns) else: return None def custom(self, ref, context=None): """ Get whether the specified reference is B{not} an (xs) builtin. @param ref: A str or qref. @type ref: (str|qref) @return: True if B{not} a builtin, else False. @rtype: bool """ if ref is None: return True else: return ( not self.builtin(ref, context) ) def builtin(self, ref, context=None): """ Get whether the specified reference is an (xs) builtin. @param ref: A str or qref. @type ref: (str|qref) @return: True if builtin, else False. @rtype: bool """ w3 = 'http://www.w3.org' try: if isqref(ref): ns = ref[1] return ( ref[0] in Factory.tags and ns.startswith(w3) ) if context is None: context = self.root prefix = splitPrefix(ref)[0] prefixes = context.findPrefixes(w3, 'startswith') return ( prefix in prefixes and ref[0] in Factory.tags ) except: return False def instance(self, root, baseurl, options): """ Create and return an new schema object using the specified I{root} and I{url}. @param root: A schema root node. @type root: L{sax.element.Element} @param baseurl: A base URL. @type baseurl: str @param options: An options dictionary. @type options: L{options.Options} @return: The newly created schema object. @rtype: L{Schema} @note: This is only used by Import children. """ return Schema(root, baseurl, options) def str(self, indent=0): tab = '%*s'%(indent*3, '') result = [] result.append('%s%s' % (tab, self.id)) result.append('%s(raw)' % tab) result.append(self.root.str(indent+1)) result.append('%s(model)' % tab) for c in self.children: result.append(c.str(indent+1)) result.append('') return '\n'.join(result) def __repr__(self): myrep = '<%s tns="%s"/>' % (self.id, self.tns[1]) return myrep.encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return self.str()