#!/bin/perl -w # $Id: /xmltwig/trunk/check_optional_modules 4 2007-03-16T12:16:25.259192Z mrodrigu $ use strict; exit if( $] >= 5.008); if( $] >= 5.0060) { unless( eval 'require Scalar::Util' or eval 'require WeakRef' ) { warn "Neither Scalar::Util nor WeakRef is installed. ", "Installing one of these modules would improve ", "XML::Twig memory management and eliminate memory ", "leaks when re-using twigs.\n"; } else { warn "weaken is available\n"; } } unless( eval 'require Text::Iconv') { my $version= `iconv -V` || ''; if($version) { warn "The iconv library was found on your system ", "but the Text::Iconv module is not installed. ", "Installing Text::Iconv would make character ", "encoding translations fast and efficient.\n"; } else { warn "Did not find iconv\n"; } } else { warn "Text::Iconv is installed\n"; }