"Md`)Produced by David Widger. The previous edition was updat2Jose Menendez.  THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER / /BY# MARK TWAIN' (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)P R E F A C E MOST of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred; one or two were experiences of my own, the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of mine. Huck Finn is drawn from life; Tom Sawyer also, but not$an individual--he is a combina characteristics of threem I knew, and therefore belongs to<"composite order of architecture. The odd superstzs touched upon A allalent among children and slavese West atbperiodis story--that isay, thirty or forty years ago. Although myis intended mainly fornentertainmentand girls, I hope it will not be shunn1menVwomen on account, for par\my plan has beenx!ry to pleasantly remind adults of what they onceathemselvesqof how &Afelt aalked,}what queerbprises=sometimes engag>4. z!dUTHOR. HARTFORD, 1876T%T O M S A W Y E R CHAPTER I "TOM!" No answer.What's gone withboy, I wonder? You Rld lady pulled her spectacles dowlooked ovebam abou room; then she pAm up:cut und?. She seldom or never+THROUGH them so small a thing as a boywy<her state pair,pride ofRheartXwere built`"style," not service--she could have seen thrae of stove-lids just as well. Sheperplexednsa momen8Aaid,fiercely6still loud enyfurniture to hear: "Well, I lay if I get holIyou I'll--" 3didsQnish,"byTAtimewVnding punching D bedre broomj!soGneeded breathqunctuat Q!esBresurrectebZ cat. "I 6adid seIA beaCboy!Awenthe open door 1tooLiRuthe tomato vineG "jimpson" weedswconstitute garden. No Tom. S AliftW voice at an angle calculfor distance and shouted: "Y-o-u-QThere/ a slight noise behinhe turned"into seize al2boye slack of his roundaand ar?Qhis fwA. "Q! I m5'a'closet. What you;doing in b?" "N. r! Look 9r hands. AndqSmouthb!ISa truckXI don't know, auntcDknow. It's jam!'s it is. FWAI've if you didn't lety jam alone I'd skin you. Hand me%rswitch.a hoverTair--Sldesperate-- "My 2you!Xrwhirled1nather skirts dof dan lad fled oinstant, scramblthe high board-fenceg disappearTit. Hisc Polly"sud9broke into a gentle laugh. "Hadcan't 5learn anyQ? Ain't he playecricks y3lik1for2o b1ing$rfor him6E? But old fools i biggest SCsdog new1, a0 saying is.bmy goodness, heAplay/m alike, two days3 2how qbody to 's coming? He 'p !just how long n torment me b Qmy da!up he knows if he can makeD!toAame offa minute or'1me a, it's down agaiI1hita lick. I afcmy dut/tthe Lord's truth,bb. Sparx2rodNpile the child, Good Book says. I'Cup ssuffering for us bothHe's fullG(e Old Scratch, but laws-a-me! he's my own dead sister's!po- 2ing!go U lash him, somehow. Every8BI lefoff, my conscj does hur"so_e=!myheart most,ks. Well-a-wAman !rnI aoman iU 1few)droublea Scrip< DsaysbreckonT!sol!llc hookeAeven4*B[* Southwestern"afternoon"]s jbe obleeged to make him work, to-morrow, sish himIYy har= work SaturQ when !oyrhaving holida[ he hatesB more thanB elsGOT to do8 ofIrhim, orbu1ildhom dideAd a +Agoodm. He got back home barely in seaso}help Jim : rcoloredsaw next-day's wo"likindlingssupper--as+w!reime to tell( to Jim while did three-fourth1the . Tom's younger brother (or ra Shalf-Q) Sidalready Awith2theS(pick{qchips),ba quieJehad noDous,Vsome ways. W1Tom1eatv#is>stealing sugar as opportunity offered, Aasked him questions/ Ewere1gui1nd 6deep--for sn ao trapMinto damaging revealments. Like many {simple-hearted souls,>as her pet vanitFabelievA was endow! 2a t@ 1arkbmysterious diplomac|she lovecontemplatex*transparent devices as marvel[low cunning. SaiVu: "Tom1midQ warmRchool, warn't it8 QYes'm+ Powerful1'D byou wa go in a-swimmNTom?" A bim a scare shv!Tom--a touch of uncomfortable suspicion. He sear I's face, but it tolW!no. So he said: "No'm-y2not&mu I 1realoY Sshirta"Bu1tooJ though." it flatt her to reflects2Cdisc/ ' 2hirdry without any rknowingG41was 8!haher mindm tin spitZ! whind lay, I Zforestalle )next move: "Som`us pumped on eads--mine's damp yet. SeeB8rwas vex:Uthinkoverlook(vq circum ial evid missed a 4. Tnew inspiration^ 1hav$undo yourrcollar =I sewed it, to pump on/Qhead,3you? Unbuttjacket!"s#of\2facNAopen]s@a. His as securelyQ. "B"! 1Ago ' BwithI'd made sure you'#edQ A 8bee aI forgive ye^. you're a kina singed cat  --better':!. THIS time. as half sorry her sagacity had miscarried,3gla?Tom had stumbled\obedient conductconce. But SidneyId82you{Pith whiteNBad, 's blackBWhy,OA sew8r! Tom!" rnot waitdt. As J%ouIq5bSiddy, 2licabIn a safe plac/examinedBlarg2les which wer1ust\c 3lapdf boundTm--on^  D3theH& HSShe'danoticed if it hafor Sid. Conf6it!! s"ws& &I wish to geeminy s stick to one or t'other--Akeeprun of 'emse I bet%A lamX qearn hi4He was ne Model BoybvillaghkAhe m&1boyOS well1--a1athm. Withins, or even less, Cgott 5his 1. NQcause>sV1onePa heavyBbittj2him a man's oN_aTand p interest bd &emVAdrov/m1hisi,1the!--ras men's misf2 eiaexcite!of. This newwas a valupAveltU awhistl just acquiredb negrohto practise it undisturbed. It conma peculiar bird-likb, a sovAliqu wrble, pW  iatongue the roof at short 5valAmids@the musicxreader probably remembers how !it.4r. Dilige attention soon gave him#kn{i< he strodeF Vtreet full of harmon1his gratitud Amucha n astronomer feels who hasg planet--no doubqfar as Eg, deep, unalloyedu concerned,advantagFAwith!boO t$XComerRsumme4rlong. Inot dark,2 Presently Tom chechustle. A stranger!hi boy a shade larger'himself. A new-cAof any ageither sexXan impressive curiosioor little shabby\ of St. PetersburgA boy{`Qdress\"oo  on a week-day<was simply astou B cap dainty 9 ,W-buttoned blue cloth 31#Rnatty0"sohis pantaloons had shoes on#iGonly Fri"He!wo necktie, a brd it of ribbon0had a citified air|aat aten5 avitals B mor!stasplendid}1hig!oshis finerUhabbi his own outfit seemed  to grow. N]boy spoke. If1mova--but Nsidewise, inrcle; they kept face toaand eyqeye allX b Final[ you!" "I'd oyou try i,  8$doN> can't, .-'Y?1CanACan'A +An\Qpausen! Aname"a'Tisn'c2 ofBbusiAmaybx r I 'low^ MAKE it my0Well why don't youhI\2 sa, I will3qMuch--mAMUCH!reb" "Oh^ 're mighty sm)!QDON'Tm# I ! one hand tiedn!meIr DO it? You SAY yaI WILLTyou fool "Oh yes--een whole familiesame fixqSmarty!| CSOME 2Oh,Qa hat+AR lump-%it. I darcck it offxqll takeb!re suck eggsYda liarn %fighting.O!dafQit up1AAw--aa walkXSSay--me much morBsass@nd bounce a rof~oOh, of COURSE+ ; then? What P eSAYINGTx for? W>@? XQfraidyxI AIN'TbYou arN+A3/Qeying"sihaR eachm t"we2uld  .Get away Ahere"GoyourselfDI wo B"Sobstood,X ba foot"as a bra' both shoving 2ainBglow"atg1Q hate" n"gex . After struggl ill both <"hoydflushecrelaxe Qtrainx watchful cautionj|acowardca pup.1ell%igozQthras'y4his bfinger.I'll make himQ, toosI care forj{R? I'v2Ba brbfVs big Be isawhat's,Ahrow'3at !T[Bothas imaginary.]$WBa li=DYOUR#soAit srew a line 7dus cbig toh<Ldo step(aF f''t stand up. Ateal sheeFTz!w{ 1tepv-Dmptl 1Now"sa$'dnow let's D crowd m;JCbettI)8 ouD yg(IDh*--Wd[By jingo!Xtwo cents Atookbroad coppersApockQd hel  cderisionRtruck*t! g0. In an instantR boys1rol Aand 5ing;1gritogetherQcats;>f!ae spac"Rtuggetm A's hI 1nd es, punch3QscratT's no,covered -#:'ry* confusion2for) ;the fog of baIDTom %, seatedU!id# p sts. "Holler 'nuff!"3 heaboy on%1fre*Hcrying--.rom rage. d went on. At last#go1 sm bed "'N1andR"1up z 8jyou. Bny 1foo+Qnext  3qff brus*DfromWthes, sobbing, snuffand occasioo &Aback1sha1his;threaten1hat1oul=Q"next 2ugh\#ToTom respo0Rjeers"st7off in high feath2 as!as4was*3 sn?up a stone,2w i "hiqbetween7 ss-\1ail1ran  btelopeQchase6 traitor homsRthus ere he livednaa posia2gat2som9A, da the enemQ c utside, bu>only made2s ab windotdeclined. %Jand called#a bad, vicious, vulgar&and ordZ1him} went away;!he\ he "'lowed" to "lay"s'.g1gott pretty late#RnightAwhenAlimbutiously in a4 s, he unl an ambuscade,-dperson,Qaunt;g"aw]2tat nGQresolN 1 toT his %%2captivity ard labor became adamantinr$its firmness.A2I SATURDAY mora)2all4Qworld#.and fresh[Qbrimm-1ith5Pq.oeRevery:(;bif the`${music issued 2lip`Zcheer in Y~and a sp&tAstep locust-treQbloom bragranthe blossoms fill air. Cardiff Hill, beyonabove it,!grith vegetand it lay (4farZ, !to a Delec"Land, dreamy, reposefulinviting. 1ppe-2alkAa bu| of whitewasha long-handledcsurvey  |all glak,B lefoand a deep melancholy settledAuponaspiritmrty yardsQoard k nine feet/s. Life Q holl/nd existence^Ba bu{1ASigh)Bhe d 2his9Qpassea sopmost plank; rep the operB; di8gain; comp/ignificant qed streaqar-reac!co7'un8s"wntree-boxuraged. Jim 3Tskipp.!atva tin paiTsinging Buffalo G#BrQwater  (rwn pumpKRlwayshateful work in@Seyes,Dq now itJnot strik 1 so\%1ompQpump. White, mulatto/Qnegro! 9there wai'Qtheirqs, rest?trading plays, quarren $, g, skylarking. A. "alAwas only a hundWd fif!!f,43got)  under an hour. "ev an somesgenerallyto go after him. U1Say,=Bfetcp'7'll`"soJim shook :w, Mars Tom. Ole missis, she tol|IAn' g<s3an'F#op ' roun' wif_61sayZQspec'zEAgwingAax m ,rs5$an' 'tend to my ownQ--sheed SHE'D+f to de/5in'Ayou 6;Cwhatt!id#. SSthe w talks. Gimm $--qbe gonerC a a\!R. SHEx ever k.I9 she'd take)Qtar dd me. 'DeedBwoulfASHE!:Tlicks--whacks 'e}URimble1whosE ,p5C }w%1 awP1but6hurt--any#it!if$1crygyou a marvel" aKQ alle8Jim bega.waver. "%!D2 bully taQMy! Da3gayb, I teQ! But5I's" 'fraid aissis--" "And besides,R will#shQmy so:"Ji- human--this attrac  "ooH251put( 2il,a"ntZebsorbing!3estu/ 4andS being unwR; VAs fl3dowI k!p?JgQrear,jAwas "waCvigo.was reti3rRfielda slipperZ {and triumphEeye.''s energyeAlastq}Tthink%!fuE 1had !ne\%2#daH"rrows multiplied. So~ 1fre!s #trk !onL Asort 2delXBd)Bb they J$a Sof fu m2!to|)9Rvery r rit burn like fire%2hiscly wealt-  (bit--bitoys, marble trash; ;8to buy an exchange of WORK, maybnot half7s,*an hour of purk4dom.#retraitened meansB "s rgave up 1dea r=1oys4AdarkN hopeless7-d burst Qm! No=  3than a great, ma1 8entC 6! >qtranqui. Ben Rog%v-sp# boy, ofbwhose ridicule dreadingdS's ga" the hop-skip-and-jump--proojris hear7lis anticipa2AhighM3ran appl1 gie1a la%melodious whoop, at vals, foljB by -toned ding-do,, a* a steamboat. As henhe slack}1spey"1ookhQmiddlU, leaned faro starboard rounded to ponder#an-ious pomp3/Oce--the Big Missouri (self to be drawing"of 1boac capta9engine-bellbined, s,o7 Qself  <own hurricane-deck 2the~sQexecuAthemR1Atop tsir! Ting-a-linga!" The$way ran almos he drew up slowly towarq. "ShipToo backmsHis arm"ghand stiffen8AidesZaet herW mAstab%h Chow! ch-chow-wow! rQhand,"escribingly circlesC3 rePing a forty-'wheel. "Lg l-chow!" Thej5 e "to &Come ahead W0her! Letg*mslow! W-A! GeO ead-line! LIVELY nome--out d"- #t'Q#'t q Take at(hRstumpMQthe bof it! StSy*age, now--lg go! D`GesH SH'T! S'tH'T!" (She gauge-cocks)op-. R--paix9!, yDBen (n "Hi-YI! YOU'RE:ump, ain' nH 3hisPFouchI!eyan artist(!n vi\ gentle sweecthe result, as $R rang4)alongsidv',Uwater #e (n"tu1 k]! "Hello, old chap,Mmwork, hey?"heeled suddenJn31it', Ben! IC9TnoticDSay--I'm goBa-swi, I am. DoQ wishacould? Aof c# you'd druaWORK--0 ?5? C)I (6(omR:dboy a big%2cal!?"yIATHATy +SresumC \Aansw1carG 3ly:% S it iU q. All I,$it suits Tom SawyerP dV1meaQ!le{`you LIKE!3Thep u}1movALike(yIYsee why I oughtn'Gl-. Does a$"get a chanW+# a fence every da}Rhat pz-Q in aSlight!to AnibbAppleR swep daintilyUxorth--steI"ba<1notK effect--addeAhere|there--critici=5 again--Ben wat2mov@1getm`!!nd$ bested, absorbed. P 5 heTom, let MEOa littl _o consent"alnhis mind: "No--no--LBl"n'ly do, Ben. Y7'e,1's  particula.u a--righ eNQknow -R if if 2theC& I^3and. Yes, she's 2; iNcbe dontcareful; v"onmRthous aybe two can do i?wayybNo--is6Hso? --lemme R5try. Only--I'd let YOUQas meJfWBen, ., honest injun; but-D$nn!o 6she}1im;7/!, "/Sid. Nowy` how I'm fixed? IfEq tackleb[C&Qhappe+"itOh, shucksbQ3as lgA youocK,#mySPFN2?GRfeardW3ALL areluct|ig @qalacritW. AndR3lat )erAb workeZ"sw>1in !un( #ed< 1 saa barrel i- shade close by, danglQslegs, m^& aplanne! s0Iter of more innocBT33o ln6material;ed along :; they ca6BjeerArema2A. Bytime Ben\!faY'1outd!ra1he $+Billy Fisher for a kit!good repair;">out, Johnny Miller b in for a1Ir! a!ngw  uCso o, R hourHT hour8 afternoon>," a5poverty-stricken; !2swas lit )3 in2. HhW"s r q mentioetwelveA par6 a jews-harp, a piece of blue bottle-glass to lrough, a spool cann2B key|u unlock1, a!mchalk, a ca decantU& tin soldiQcouplQtadposix fire-crack&r kitten only one eyJ6ass doorknob, a dog-Asbno dog]3hana knife, four1as of o C-peea dilapid)old window sash 1hada nice, good, idlM#th--plenty of0 { 2encQthree coa !on%#If2n't9>9ut ) have bankrupted+Bvill)d2aidaF3tnot such a!,Yqall. HexA3dis8+ a great lawRuman |,"ouQing it--namely, ."inDKaa man boy covet a} s !isG necessary;^ difficul" vattain.U3! and wise philosopche wri 1boo:A now comprehen>qat Work $isaatever dy is OBLIGEDj,<OPlay< not oblig# do. And B helyIto under* :U1ruc artificial flowers or perfor&"ad-mill is ten-pins or climMont Blanc amusement 3are2y gentlemen in Englho driveb-horseJ$nger-coaches tw}r thirty miles Qdaily0q(summer, becaus@privilege costs themable moneym iOy"IKc wages#e XAturnhn3txsresign.oy mused atsubstantialg!chRtakenC X `whheadquarters to report(sI TOM , ]q l"sirby an open {@leasant rearwBpartYwas bedroom, breakfast-s dining and library,|c balmy D air* stful quieeq odor o%Y@.rowsing murmur (AbeeshFeir effec!he rnoddingh" "sh5n,%1but#caLdasleeplap. Her spectacl)1progQup onAgray for safety.%" urse Tomdeserted #ag&` !ndqa0 'iRpower p_repid wayN said: "Mayn't I go=BplayKCaunt&'ready? How mu Adone*AIt'sd.XCTom,1liegBe--I= bear itIb<u; it ISRF." dY1truxevidencezw uBsee LRrselfe a1uld^MDfind1perQ4C. ofAstat true. Whenfse entir*"ed1noteQately QrecoaM!an!n aeak ad8ogw astonish 4was#unspeakable. S|bnever!m U's no^# i1canS whenM2 %Ad to B." A!AdiluO!he !liAby a, "But it#s seldoma aRI'm bsro say. go 'long$pl/Aryou getd3som in a week, or(tan you." &awas sokbcome bSsplenSchiev1hattook him#th&tsE- choice appleQdelivit to him,C"ov Rcture 3theBvaluNflavor a treatAo it uit came~ "siT9ugh virtuous effbsd: a happy Scriptur Qurisho"hooked" bughnutn !kieqand saw^just start%pHstairwayll OUroomsecond floor. ClodsAhand$ @!irgXmtwinkling y52d a #Si'a hail-stormx ! c4acollec+ surprised faculties#sa9"1cueQ or s0+Bclod7tersonal<G} !fe?bnd gon9BrSa gat#eneral t h&2too9iY$!usTit. HGrt peace+ /"SiWAcall"tt s black $6+n1rouC1skipQlock,into a muddy allaled byBback%s aunt's cow-stT4 He aly gotrly beyo  reach of capdand puQhasteR the public square. 1, wtwo "military"/1nie02boy"met for confliY AccorO qto prev#sappointt <G% of one of these armies, Joe Harper (a bosom friend)<qthe oth#@hese two great commay ! dYt condesc,"fi!--DAbettIil2Rstill<ber frys !geon an eminence/Qconduield operations bysD aides-de-camp's army wX uvictory+ nd hard-f@ 1 ba# T were counprisoners 'd, the terms rdisagre d7y $ay 03ed;X 4R fell?and march "ayhTom turned home slone. Q!as &3useJeff Thatc=1ved_saw a new girl e garden--a love^<blue-eyed creaturQ yellir plaite1two-tails, white 2 frd embroi  )JQettes3 fresh-crow2ero4without f^+a shot. A certain Amy Lawrenc2U3his6 !efoJa memory  Gm 1 he#d to distr#; !rePdKssion as adogi o + ~Aevant partialit pmonths win8bher; sTessed b ago; $ <bappiesOroudest Rworld WQshort_e!inRinstactime ssgu a casual=)visit is dH"sh this new ange's furtiv -shqchim; tf Bpretq6 Aknow\4was %"show off" in 2sorabsurd boyish ways,# wBadmi%{Bkept is grotesque foolishnessome time;, by-and-by,  )s Adang) gymnastiche glancZ@!idy MCthe girl was we(xher wayO $upn r leanedq, griev5b+Roping! tarry yetblonger 1halA1 moO orsteps as3n m]2war2doo?%Q heav great sigh asp$Ar for threshold.#1his=! lI", Qhe toqa pansyG L ! ss): boy ranh  Uad with Tr twoY Aeyes= ]Cdown d as ifBsome %of!a goingnHdirection. P- he pick:&w#ry !ba! iO,aead tifar backSas hefrom side8aide, iO edged nearer B; finally his bare-#W3(liant toes) 2e haBaway the treasu#B rouq cornerb only minute--(v Cbutt,$1 inhis jacket, nexheart--orstomach, possiblAnot 82pos<s anatomE1ypercriticaZByway"re # 4ung#<nightfall,ing off," a16 2irl exhibite$, though Tom comfor$wa 3hop@Abeen>,*een awar&P  Bs. FX he strode home !H[2oorfull of visions. Allasupper.cspirit"soCrunt won "what had #inV child." He took aa scoldrbout clB Sidp1seee!miY(qe leastQtriedIugar undGveryG"goknuckles raQ!foxc "Aundon't whackmhe takesQWell,/1torsRa bod 1way"do. You'd b9  bsugar ifq*watchingu sezckitche Xs immunity, l"heC-bowl--a sor&2glog2Tom/Fllnigh unbear_#'sMs6`Rowl d1LVbrokeFin ecstasies*JB (!he controlP#Rtongu!il5 toF Bpeak6!d,^1in,18A sit0 bectly Lyshe askejimischief|u! tCrRbe noA"soE  !asefpet model "catch2 Heo brimfuQexultR1 Thold Qcld lad($#ba DstooFCthe wreck discharging lightnings of wrath(#Y v, "Now iVm2At gQspraw1on 2loo potent palm#ups!to($"keTom cried out: "Ho 1'erbelting ME for?--SiK it!faused,\vl1heapABut 1shes5herQgain,W RUmf! 4youbget a lick amiss,)Wsome other audacious I wasn't az enough." Then her conscience reprgeqshe yeaato say'3 ki l;ashe ju - !beo4tru!a Zr7T cipline forbadhA. Soh rsilence2d1bffairs av2rt.|1ulk# a W 1exa chis woBknew3Qheartb Bas ojAkneen was morosely gratified b 1ous\)OAhangno signal take notice of nona3ingR fell upon"no dthen, _aa film Bears~f recognition!pilasick u6lBeath=bim besee}5 onforgiving*u]cds facew rand die word unsaid. Ah,+Hs !el2? A b$ZK Qiver,  Qcurlsw9<8Dsore .sEhrow 1ow 4earxfall like r(ps pray GoAgiveAbackG!bog\  , AabusY9_Rmore!k.blie thlsi02--a =0 suffererP"se grief C*# e$so, as feelBwithASathosse dreams,hto keep swall ,Qlike to choke03swaqAblurP"at1ichEAflow}xr winkedran down*l?XAose.| ba luxu'"hi:op17gsorrowXnot bear to have"ly'Lixrng deligh\ Brude0Cit; <too sacr/rcontact7Tso, pU,his cousin Ma31in,!EalivAe jo!sesB4hom+ an age-longbof oner aountry!go~in cloudBdark Qut atKDdoor|Bsongunshine in at@1"wa B fars the accustom"1unt=?S` desolated"suwere ind9. A log rafqthe rivGvT"imfQhe se!i on its outer edg Aempl+reary vast*6stream, wis4L Rhile,_ u rly be djQt oncs5 un6c1the&'routine devisWn9N*Y+Cflowt>got it out, rumple!ila 'Fily increais dismal felic) %HeFQ1pitu knew? WOrshe crym8! L! r%toRarms #ne  him? Or2she(!co1all bhollowU(1? Tuch an agony of pleasu ) ` t1 i m\ set it up in new0!vaosTswore ithbare. At last he rosei?NJAdepa4l A. A half-past nine or ten o'cT/"he93alo+'street tothe Adored Unknown ;X{ `; no sound  3lisdVear; a c/qwas casa dull glowbthe cuCof aX"r-story Q. Wascbre? He+,j*s stealthyf/ !thn3 he1und]#at j Aup aC#,ith emotion; Claid]$wn9#g bit, disposingpAuponp Gback hands clasphis breah41his 5*1thutdie--ou~ jyno shelterqomeless-C, no "ly@Qto wie death-dampsR!ow8  2benvTinglyqmthe great3cams4SHE:!eeww4'E outvT glad/U,p4oh!A!hev Atear>poor, lifWform,=>Dsigh~1a ba youngE so rudely b:*Duntimely cut ? Aup, a maid-servant'cordant voice profan" holy cal[qa delugAwater dren#rone martyr's5"s!astrangvhero sprang uAa relieving snort%awhiz aPa missil/vir, mingleam"rm Qa curHBshiv1glal a"Q, vag rAv!e >Bshotvgloom. No!Q, as +all undressed for bZ omission. CHAPTER IV THE sun 5!2Qanqui@"ld]DbeamWF'eaceful village~a benediY Breakfas,M had family worship: it bega# ab built6up of solid .Scriptural quot/s, welded`%A a thin mortar of originality SNBsummf  7she+a grim chapter xMosaic LawKaSinai.Q gird Qloinsto speakh2bto "geverses." Sidlhis lesson/"c beforAbentt his energies5 smemoriz\CfiveeAhe c$"8the Sermo!Mobecause 2uld.#noO, were shorter. Aalf an hourugeneralw!no;wn =Qraver) %olN'Bf hu-3 33bus $Qng re%ions. Mary took<1booAhearPSrecitahe tri!|] Gog: "Bl!ar 1--a " "Poor"-- "Yes--poor; b025#In? :$ i/Ubthey--" "THEIRS BFor +. LRirs i kingdom ofnEy>_mourn&ShzS, H, A S, H--Oh, IO$"wh is!" "SHALL BOh, # fb shall-- *Y/ I 5iWHAT? Why3youfi!e,1?--do you w !! bmmean for?2yourthick-h (, I'm not tea[1youpyC1 do. You must32leaI75. D"be"buraged you'll manage it--f 2do,11Agive #ever so nice. There, that's0boy." "All{1! Ws;"TMary,K C+'4Neryou minMbsay it's,< AbYou be"sou%. Qtackl ;3" [did ""*2und double pressur;-curiositprospective ga2 diA)2ithD he accomplishe% 1hin SuccesQ gave  a brand-new "Barlow" knifqth twel2d aSRcentstZSnvulsGthatGVsysteL[ DDoundTrue, the cut anything, buwas a "sure-t"" 5t  inconceivable grandeur_!Bat--lBWestern boys >A got N|a weapon1#qunterfeZ3a injur<3obmysterDwill] erhaps. Tom"ri' scarify82cupuR\ "it )ArrancCgin F dbureau" !ca\ qoff to  eSunday-school. FLrtin bas 8andmABsoap!he  3"oo21setMne$Rbench2; ta$ d+be soapeiy; sleeves; poured>& ,W=y~Senterqkitchen F ?ace diligentlyFStowel|-g"oo&&Q remo,5and2Now49lhashamesmustn'tVbad. Water wShurt c#"Tosa triflVncert;sin was refillAthis3xm&ito'b, gathaf;/% ebig brGU9(hen nDboth eyes sh8Bd grC+t.[ , 1nor&testimony of sudsR>2ripT Aface mse emergf>x,fnot yet satisfactoryQclean territory2DJBrt a%2chiohis jaws,mask; bel_p4dis lin1 dark expan5qunirrigyBsoil]aspread7,rin fronlAback  2himBnwhen sheY%dR4him$Ba maqa broth1adistin of color)Aaturh7neatly brushe2its curls w]Ainto2intsymmetrical effect. [5!iv;w smoothL[3labdifficultQBplasNI3airAI]3qhead; f(] effemin71andBown  lith bitterness.] Thenr!go! aP1 ofF#cl%13use 1#on Bs duvH!wo s> were simp1"ot%#clothes& "soJRat we qthe sizV brdrobe3D"put`"s" !!S; she+Qneat "/m,his vast shirt MGB oveshoulders,soff and c V-QspeckSrtraw ha)1nowHed exceedWAimprcand un2abl"was fully as E as OOTa restraint e lgAm. H-"atU b forgeCshoe"5!peZ61 cothem tho"ly/#taHis9Bthe 9rthem ouH2losStempem~z bm$o do everything + "do2Mar&&rsuasiveTPlease, Tom-- 3So &zhoes snarlingJ(son read9/hree children se3for "!latat Tom hd heart; but3andbere foÊit. Sabbath`-from nin$Aten;B church service. Two  "ermon voluntarilV :2too!ger reas.TZ urch's high-backed, uncushi$BpewsU!~h4d persons r edific_bWmall, plain,'a sort of pifR6ard*kQon totia steeplB Tom droppe(ps2acc0a comrader]2ay,N,o)2a y*;aticketYes." "What'e'Agive:APieclickrish fish-hookX2LesExa'em." 5(0 ? W property :!tr=cMwhite alleysb  E6Tsmall+ #oro9forSsblue on(1way ,b boys Sy camwent on buyingz0qarious  s ten or fifteen minutes l !/ qqa swarm; #leg Rnoisy: irls, proceeE!se &dAed a quarr84Airst5jAcameyQ teac a grave, elderly man, interferedGny-61and!pura boy's !inM +-;"Dwas }W# i}2ook the boy  ;[aa pin w I boyk%8 hear him say "Ouch!"got a new reprimandJ 'csle clasWqof a pa --restless,8r\Csome> Qthey to recite their@w%~am knewuverses /,!habe prompv8ong. Howe)worried @2reward--in T blue,,q passagl"e '(;2pay#woA of 5*2eciY. TenuB equa#onc7$Tbe ex^qfor it;0Cyellow onep #enV> Wqsuperin;"ntat1ly bound Bible (forty centsose easy3s) SQpupil2 maH$!myKe* (the industbapplic$toeTthousand]H2 BDore? And yet MaryL2two%is way--it the patie5!rk!^  oy of German parentage had wonRqor five3onc#ed i out stopp/{Ctraihis mental facultiesyCtoo (hRand h~+Abett {D idil0dth--a grievouC2he :"onpR occa$y company f(1 exbed it) 1hisfcome out and "(b." OnlRolderts13Bkeep}Li]1tedRlong  to get a2[s6y*sse prizaa rarenoteworthy circumstancer32fuls?conspicuous for  ;AspotEyQlar'stQ4fir"a fresh amb/that often_')ed\weeks. It is{ecTom's qstomachn areallyB:1for#.o. unquestion6-Sntire& hNPa day lonQglory,qthe ecl+!atcI In due ca Astoow 2in {e pulpit" a6d hymn-bookh)!ndcforefi"O(between its leave Fd attentioG  ! m09>y,4aryAspee  RGs asoEBas i ainevitAsheez@&sq who stu'1forAplat<$ings a solo atn %!y,:Qneithen sa refer.01. T  V slimEirty-five a sandy goate Qhair;1ore 2iff!Cing-"wh*per edge almostD:rhis ear-asharp %Ibs curvqa(orners of his f--a fencRcompe l1ght2outh,a turning "e Bbody a side viewqQrequiW hp1! o2ing cravat which?as broad}sE bank-note,!ri Bendspboot toe G8Qly up@ athe farche day sleigh-runners--an effect"l hiously producedTe young men by s'T{Does against a wall hours together. Mr. WaltE as very earnesBmienSsince1honFt1 yhBplac% 2rev'^so separaJ2hemU +Aly m4 "s,% /_Amsel BvoicI  a peculiar inton (wholly absweek-days. He beganSthis : "Now, , I want you` Qto sivjust as3andj1 as1c\ d mV yourBz.!wo!rea_Sit. T etay good2boygirls sh# do. I see one+girl who is1ingtindow--I am av1she1ks !ouGre somewpbsperhaps#one trees making ax irds. [Applausive t$.]"to"ryou howit makes me feee"any bright,/mfaces assembllike this, lea Iu!be|!."[rso fortETso on Fnot ?!toK5Qt1 or9!waa2doeR3vard#so=" familiar to us all. The lpQ thirawas ma2+aresump` of fights andZ& among certai.a;#"s,%y fidgetingGAwhisN"gsextended far4wide, was1eve \ses of i5d0incorruptible rocks"Si!Mary. But now1y sGceasl Qubsid(ofY' EDncluz"<\freceivZ burst of<t gratitude. APP)-7 DS san even1mor less rare-- Rntranvisitors: lawyer Thatcher, ac i`Eafeebleoaged man;,ne, portly, middle-aged gentlem+iron-gray hair^a dignifie@N\doubtless`q's wife.Cas la.*EEchaf1rep$s; conscience-smbq, too--]$uld not meet Amy Law .'s eye, & not brook her loving gaze. Buty1M#isftnew-com1oulall ablazebliss in vCnextBQ"show2ff"=+ might --cuffingfR, pulu0'0$akG2s aq=u+$every art aseemedufascinate a9w:&2r aqe. His k?uBalloV*y 1 hu!in angel's garden--and Qrecor5!wat]out, underk1wavW happU2AweepRO9MaO !gi"stdof hon as soon as Mr. '<1fin?']4int=   D man o be a prodigiousqage--no}A a o!a  county judge--alh  baugust !io6s1hadn`$oerT!devqhat kin;i Tde of"ey'1wan] N-#oa]Shalf "heu rom Constantinople,j(miles away--so heAtrav ,1see g"se1Aeyes3dVcourt-house-- 1saihave a tin roofR awe +iBreflMbs inspbas attL!imE 2ivex!cethe rankstaring eyesw great Judge)# cir ownO.Uaimmedi"n'u, to be11eatand be envbRchool) -been musicY$1 ~: "Look$m, Jim! He's a f<ure. Say--look! h"rto shakRs1him6RIS shH ! By jings,d.Ayou ;1youJeff?" 1fel,Asortofficial bustlactivities, gitorders,21ingments, dischar)4dirk2her!+1re,y r81a targetc2ian!ed-D9t  krhis armE"1 of$ m`ca dealQ splu1uss insect authon@Bs in@84adys4 --Dsweetly ov[s|l!boxed, lifting # wW f~s at ba ApattBood ones Sln /ensmall scoldof qdisplayD&E1ineVnx!tobipline<S"s,th sexes, found bus\Aup aB$y,I' kB6ffrequently had ',"reSa1s (Qmuch seeiK7").- Qittle 5 in$wa 3Xboys wuch diligVDthe (E1+paper wads9Qscuff.above it  ;Rman s beamed a majestic jud smile upon@,dwarmed h Ae su uhis own."!he& Rtoo. e1qonly on]!ngR\Jmakeh ecstasy completwas a ch $to-gZxhibit a y. SeveraNTa fewe!b2n b !ar #4tarYinquiringq3hav! t worlds{2German la8##ga:A a srmind. AndG#is ,r&2dea- Sawyer  Mnine6redY #onQ dema @a thunderboltaa clear sky2 waQexpec"ic^ %Qsourc ten years. BubsRno geEBit--"erAcertf check#d-#ird-.therefore elevated toK_3the@ B#heNSelectW1new| a annouGheadquarterp |#stFbsurpriB-the decad=bso pro>Bsensa}!itenew hero ups C!on l Xtwo marvels to gazt#injbof oneBboysall eaten upBenvy--but tb)est pangI-swho perstoo latDS themselv contribub athis hsplendor by trad01 to't wealth+bamasseelling whiteprivileges s]D2pisC, asUrthe dupa wily fraud, a guileful snakeRgrass !4was;ew 2Tomo"as%2eff superin"nt pump upI7!s;it lacke&wS-true gush< IQoor f' tinct taughZ- zX not well bea]l  ;0s.preposterou8 cp !hae)Q thou[!sh $al wisdom on@remises--a dozen ,#capacity,Rout a8. wBprou3glaH0sH<T1Tom it in heL-ouldn't look. S1nde+ss grain %"d;zZa dim suspicionbG(b--came P-! wnEd; a1`#glrld her ] her heart brokMs jealouaangry,t'&rs3shebody. Tom G!of (Hhought). )asohis tongue,Qtied,J4 rdly comequaked--part75cau awful greatnes rthe manGmain6H$ have likBfall00borship!ifqLq1ark # ph an Tom'!ca9Rhim aC * sand ask!qhis nam?hwstammered, gaspe!goUout: "Tom." "Oh, no,QTom--=aThomas'"Ah~'s it. I7!or\ it, maybe{'W well. But you've)one I daresay""llit to me,6 you?" "TellQ "an"Qother", ","'Walters, "5!fay sirX=n't forger mannerI Q--sir1it!B's ay1boy\ t, manly0 Q. TwoLverses is aEmany--very,(b many.'2ou $can be sorryUQ*c you tOAAlearm( knowledge is worthchan an@1<3is pa; it's4#e  Dmen;V$^d3Qman yC$Alf, -5day'#okR,Y9ay, It' R <)1rec ;A1 ofDoyhood-- Gvmy dear-5tha^mU<  Jood ,L$en? H.)3 ga beautifulI*\d id elegant'"anH  for my own, always right brin"upA is |2you<{!~&take any mone^ose tZZindeeE1nown't mind t $ m+ "isB2 hylearned--no, I know --for we are4$of3boyG!. 1no vAknow2nam^r, es. Won'Lbtell u9the first3tha`!ap$Fed?"l1tuga_utton-ho sheepishblushed, nowz1his! fO'MAsankm ain himH_\ETAposshtc2sweb K Dest (--why DIDH=ask him? Yet hBrt obligspeak up say: "Ad'1--d}#be!.L_hung fire."*$me\ady. "TF twoeDAVID AND GOLIAH!" Let us dr%cu3 rcharity tYsceneJV ABOUTQtcracked be%$th3church begaBring01epeople(1 ga||"mobsermon. childrenHA 5!e C and occupi5ith thei s, so as K{Kd. Aunt Polly zTom and472sataher--TomL%"d G8sleB2!ha9A be GrE9the{e seductive `AbsummerEs asQ. The crowd fil/"s: 1gedneedy postmast=!hosseen better days C may<"hiJ "ha$y3re,| 4 unmp#ieOejusticRpeacei widow Douglass, fair, smartQforty!ene,O2-he4Asoul well-to-do, her hill mansj only palactAChosp+and muchKmost lavish 't of fes,St. Petersburg [RboastAbentxQvener,3MajsMrs. Ward;  Riverson,bnew noaACance_1ther village, followRa tro8lawn-cla.ribbon-de!3 p-breakern#q clerks!owfa body;C hadTG vestibule sucD!cane-heads, a circn!!wa! o !imcg admirers, ti Alast!ru ir gantlet; and/AcamedModel Boy, Willie MuffFs heedful carlS25 asXere cut 2x ! b=tN,>#to, v1prisrmatrons(2ll vh !so0. qbesides2hada"throw;3 Qm" so. His whit.kerchiefZhF#q pocket behind, as usual ons--accidental$)noa!hef1ed ytas snobcongregapHefully (: 'T1once, to warn laggard0straggler a solemn hush f p! <Q+vdbrokenBtitt=8and& choir is galler=GF!edthrough =conce adQY Pill-bred, but I rforgottgh!rea[ !y [B agoV.I can scarcely rememb?_="itI kg1 in foreignj#"ry* minister & "ou3hym-1rea a relish, in a peculiar styleZeat part His voic on a medium key&Zasteadi:/i0% a"* rBbore1strY5umphasis topmost wor splunged8spring-board: Shall I be car-ri-ed to!sk !on flow'ry BEDS of ease, Whilsts+OIH sail thro' BLOODY seas? Hqregardeadful readKZt"sociables" h= #R>!to;r poetry,Cwhen32ughcqladies l3 up<3han let them fall helplesslyrir lapsc"wall"C!eynB1k\!irZ5s, u say, "Words cannot71 itfis tooV, TOO is mortal earth." Aft 2hym~&Bsung2RevtSprague#' into a bulletinGuoff "notices"ge,qocietiej-1i#)o4 2st qstretch of doom--a queer custom#is vin America#cities, away x4)1 agAabunZnewspapers. Often3Eless, to justifm 1adi7l3charder4t~1 riu'ittprayed. -, N#wabwent iIhtails: it pleadea rBttle),3rend:7=eip ' itself; ?y([State officersqUnited . ' 'C)s5A Pre.t_q Governm$poor sailors, tossed bK1rmyM ppressed millions groaningeel of European monan  A Ori5 despotism1sucDght 2tid?'rand yet-M!yeusee nor !to &alRheath)the far islB seaZaclosedW a su Twords!abmfind gra)RfavorVcseed sm fertile ground, yie%Qime a?0Charv9good. AmenP!re 3a r(Q of dP5thev8! cPy sat down whose historybook relates disQenjoyQB, he< Aendu}Qt--ifN1ven9J r  it; he kept v y a62 --F6notgc#, qBzc of olvthe clergyman'ular rout}&VaiQtriflsRnew m3 terlardedear detected iWhole nature resen!considered adAs unqcoundre I |/B a fU'R lit  " bAew i#nMmaAtorthis spirit by calmly rubbing iti d8, embrac"eah,3armpz}& so vigorous7at eo$;part companyBbodyvthe slend9read of a neck!1expto view; scra0Qits w rind leg'AsmooT !toCbodyK|been coat-;~,&le toilet as tranquib if it.)$E safe. As!ras soreEaitched@rab for iyQnot dY4}4iev3oulbe instantly destroyed 3did qg whileB was2 onhhVqsentenca curveTstealq.Cthe ra"Amen"r!hewas a prisonwar. His aunt bthe acmade him let it go rhis tex8droned along monoton an argumea %"symҵBb &byBnod 3y Wdealt in limit 2firMbrimstonSthinnpredestined& Eto aso smallSo be !2worA sav1)2Tom_&ag ;; $ % h2how:t#aseldom: Delseqhe disc MH"is!he8qreally {16forE*a grand and moving picJH"&+=world's hosts at the millennium*B !onc aamb sh"%liS[ , ,!eaAm G2hos 5les1mor/C theEspectacle werQahe boy v# D" principal character beforEaon-look<>!s;#1fac" oirhimselfYhe wishe",Q tame lionf!w 8Qpsed (ing again,fhe dryQumed. eHpA him treasur # a large black beetlformidable jaws--a "pinchbug,"8#Rit. I/=ercussion-cap boxhm1did/bto tak)b' Afingal fillipgIbfloundKZ2isl1its !ur ger went1's Co!lart5its" legs, unAto turn over!ey !lo1forF^!ofCt. Other'uncR]1q relief# wyof too. Wa vagrant poodle dog<1idllong, sad atM vt, lazyI1oft e quiet, weary of captiv(1sig"Bfor LMs;HAdrooz Ataile8bwagged:1urvrize; walked a it; smelt a87afeu4 4; grew bPJUA6rY1l; Trhis lipqade a gzly snatch,YA misa;3it;/nn %; g diversion; subsid  Stomac)W betweenm3pawh scontinu experiments; !ath Aindi- absent-mindi(1nod ittle byrhis chin descen/]u he enemyAseiz[2re sharp yelp&li' fell a couple of yards away, S}Amore neighboring spectators shook)a! inward joy, s2afaces rA fanI s)_aentire #ppXdog looked fo8 4probably felt so r1entc iheart, tooBaG>or revenge. So .n:9gan a wary attMnWQ jumpfRevery2B, lightingP!hiKJae-pawsin an inchB2YouUX O=3Oh,Q, I'm,/"W4=--wQa, chil9 X!my!R toe'+ified!" J#ol[UBsankqa chairB#%ed! cEB"a did both0,Arestwh/d<P," ayou did Ce. N ;1shus aonsensCd climb"thg{$ThS ceasrain van Afrom!to   ' it SEEMEDi"itTBso I B my aat allqQYour ,#K+ Sthem' aperfectly" "Ther|Tdon't Ahat @'Open your q Well--4 IS1butcre notwVto diG!at. Mary, gec>aa silk a['1Rnk ofq"ek$2n." !pl/j7 Churt=!re~ish I mayO%qdoes. P_@.1wan-]stay Don'tyou? So all this row wGE1youM>ght you'd7i ibgo a-f*?yI love you"1+!ou !ryQy waycQbreakX?l !t soutrage!=." dental instru?S read #%on8theA fasRTom's:Ra loo& #tiod edpost. TBseiz* n^QthrusI($inR2oy' U hung dangb- } Rrials@*1qcompenst+s'#enrschool >fast, he6qthe envc( 1 bo"5metSfap in 1row&eeth enab 3 toMRorate!1new<>4 s9ing of lad9G%in the exhib@0;2oneShad c ' 2hadr a centre of fasc and homage2o[Qnow f:OJout an adheren Tshorn!Rglory'QheartyBheav 3a disdaibZit wasn' o spit like;our grapes!"%e wanderh dismantero. Shortlyb3camMthe juvenile pariah5he n;Huckleberry Finn, sthe town drunkard.,-Qcordi2hat dreaded by "e s{t 2idllawless and vulgarRbad--zPxk?eq delighV-forbidden societyAthey dared( B!om @!reNCRboys,faxenvied >his gaudy outcast cond;as under strictIQrs no8Mm1Splaye3him1timf2got% Ince.c!slways de cast-off of full-grown meAthey  in perennial bloomRflutt sCrags{!ata vast ruina wide crescent lop a of itp!m;ecoat, +72ne,Bnear^2his[ !haQ rear!buttons farY ; 2ack1oneMeaupportos trousers;Ceat ! b$A low~contained n A friM&rlegs dr4Bdirtanot ro[Iup. 1and?A, at"own free3Yrteps inKDweat in empty hogs> in wet;3Qto go2 orurch, ornmaster or obeyXcould go  or swimW1herCchos1sta/long as it suim; nobody forbadfd to fiyhras late! p8 d3t)2boybarefoot e:+ # lsAfalli1to wash, nor put onf0wear wonderfully. In !rdJ8tQEgoesxlife preca1hadgrthought\ harassed, hampered, ; inkBR!ha!AJtomantic : "Hello$!" K ee how youI it.a A gott rDead ca%RLemmeC"imp. My, he'tty stiff\Are'diqget himQB2himR a bo#di4zI a blue ti@1and"adBat ItVter-hous1 T#itBen RogersI!goa hoop-stickE6SayU!cats good for2hGA? Cu1rtsHbNo! Is 3so?JS some* Gb3BI beedon't.ibaspunk-?5S! I wouldn'tqAdern 85You-,  $D'OD tryqNo, I h DQBob TOA didrWho tol!so"he Wa5Johnny Bak im Hollis8'ld2Benmca niggLC them bre now2ellt? They'll lie. Least<1all WA. I 2HIM(I%ee WOULDN'T\Shucks! NL!te`lbone itvQnd di=2a r/BSstumpLthe rainQA wasPI qdaytimeClith his fac Atump-3Yes* I reckon so[ADid j By an3"I :.lAknow@Aha! Talk2tryx * c such a blame fool,c@Aat! @S a-goVado any2. YV rbrself, e middle Qwoods\5Y's a Btump1jus'7rmidnighrback up!s qand jam/Q: 'Barley-corn, b injun-meal shorts, ^ {q, swalle_&drts,' 1n w way quick, eleven steps,(eyes shuthen turn.<BtimeYAhomeDrout spe+ttbody. B#f$Wcharm's bustesounds likxrood way !!wthe wayB donNo, sir,x1cann't, becuzoGartiest cis towT!BE1war 2him!!'dU!ed*xto workYS. I'v1offs'9"of off of my9sAway,m 7. I Tfrogsv$*`U 5got;"Qmany gb. SomeI!'eFNSnYes, bean'~de%1Havk?,"'sSway?" "Youd6 2pli!be#nN1getb blood"thN# p3 on one piec!be,d{q dig a *1t '`?aY+"rorqdark of6mooQ burn/ s}3 2ean#se Uq=.ll keep drawN$nd ,mA feteXFv+1"soQhelpsh!toOA the.Rf!sof}Qcomes %--;"gh,"bui$you say 'Down;awart; 1no @'Bto bgme!' i " T 3y Joe Harper doe!he1'enCoonville and mosQ bwheres#say--how do:"urA b!ak1r c+Enm?graveyard '%Ubout wwXromebodywas wicked hen buried3Fit'sFqa deviloP, or maybe%,3 't see 'emcan only+ u7indYAhear9Qtalk;|they're tahat feBawaym#he<<01'emGqsay, 'D  corpse,i,A1cat,Qye!' ;2ll 91ANY7b." "Stnright.}  "No@Rold MrHopkins mz !soqAn. BQsay sra witch#ay AKNOWQis. S$*$pap. Pap says so his own self. H! axAone *a#!eeUawas a-Sring himC !e T'Brock9i!ha AdodgQe'd a>e)that very > $heFoff'n a shed wher' s a layisQbrokes1arm"W#!diOknowLord, papGeasyK1loo- *q stiddyDyou. Spec"ifcmumble d$b're saS he Lord's Prayer backards2Sayy y:"trB1cat1To-. .old Hoss Williams t8a" "Buy him Saturday. D` ?qtalk! H5uldbAarmsF d till -?--and THEN2Sun|Sevils Tslosh 1muca,2, I' L!nLaBso. #goT!f'"--$Rafear A B! 'T qlikely.djAmeow1Yes#, Z'geR Last timeOkep' me a-me8!arA1ays( r&rocks at mJb 'DernQcat!'qso I ho Abric{!hiDsdow--bu+BbwTIn't meowe bauntiea#me|Q4'll8!is%. 3!'sOLqNothingaS%Ou1-3at'AtakeG .Uqell himHAAll 4. It's aIqy smallr, anywa#anybody3runw6ae1 bem. I'm satisfiiwF!enAtick"Sh!tiu plenty  1 ofrif I walCo2whyn1#wed!cawT&Cs a Q2onef YAyear,b--I'llbyou my  ALessi1Tom1 bi$pauAcare3 un$Git. ~a viewe#Awist-. The temptation+strong. At%he"Is it genuwyn4Tom>'>!shthe vacancy.a!,"YB, "iAtradTom enclosQ8 A@lately be94#'sG"th separated, each fee !wealthier thfore. When Tomy'ittle isolated frame ,trode in briskly=P!ofY1who AwithQhonesbed. Heahis haQa peg52fluT BselfJ4}31eatI r-clacrit", throned on hig1reat splint-bottom arm-',R1doz)!luW" drowsy hum of study. The51rupcd "Thomas Sawyer!(Ghis name{f7 in full&!me$rouble. "SiO"Come upcRS. Nowbwhy ar2gaiN3cusual?= "to Srefugz"3lie' Pw ; ails of yellow hair hangingoae recogn$PHric sympathy of4%;&bat forTHE ONLY VACANT PLACE girls' sZ QinstaE STOPPED TO TALK WITH HUCKLEBERRY FINNY's pulse\:Qhe st helplessbuzz of 5r ceasedcpupilse) foolhardyaqhad los% u/:9*(d did w"Stqto talk@ Finn." (eno mis}e words,!isE!motounding confessionYever listen!. No mere ferul answer f4is offen%1akeyour jackej  's arm performed until it!ti#>Qstock1wit) _y diminish`A ordllowed: "l!goVs!th! And let)bSt0xr titter-VripplE{qom appe^rto abasiboy, but in .G14was caused rather0!byworshipful aw%his unkn Sd(&IAead _#urRlay icgood fortuntss Rwn upk(1pinc<c0)'Qirl h,away from himaa toss$&nd. NudgesBwink$qwhisperO4verQroom, rTom satW!hiIs "Aong,"CdeskO1eem[book. Byby atten$DNjX#ed murmur rose]AdullxEPresentlboy beganqeal furdaglance robserved it, "4G,2" a8and gave hi-HbackRe spa\ta minut2she caut4duQ, a p5layi"erthrust it away1g!pu>Kback,^2butC&Bimos;$om9Sly reZiqits plaz!heit remaindscrawlts slate, ", Bit--2  -3" TdJ uno sign. Now draw some *!hi 1eft;q. For a31ref:2to ~[Sher human curi@Axq manifeby hardly perceptibles !boPkAr, apparunconsciou+Qa sor^ noncommittalnmpt to s6 did not betra/h Aawar&itM 2she!inQhesitB$lyb!Le  Apart 6=*l caricatusra housetwo gable ends}a corkscreC,smoke issuingS!thn[AmneyX" "'s !es0Bfast6elfeAworkqshe forgot $D els`f6, she gazedAAment)n ,It's nice--make a ma artist erectH$an%front yard,qresembl(qderricka 4~1ste\ !ovgek&not hypercritical;Kwas " Const! a beautiful man--now me cominggom drew an hour-glassa full moontraw limb1 arhe sprea1finE$a portentous fanwL #t'#soI wish IPddraw."feasy,"q Tom, "1TlearnB"Oh,i#AWhen At noon. D 2 goh1to dinner&PDstayAwillrGood--tAa whas your] EBecky Thatcp5yours? Oh,$& l1theU they lick me by. I'mIAwhen \2YouW)1me Yes." Now<N  tl1rdsW /1"gg1see !Oh~Uain't" Yes it i5"No'#wX5I do, indeed I do. 4letVYou'll teNo I won't--9Fand Rouble%"ou3G6A? Evs ! aA liv!6&M! e3ell ANYbodysOh, YOU!Lyou trea#o, I WILL see."+ 1sheher small =  Dnd aQscuffLAsuedq pretento resist in earnrut letts_ slip by degrees till thesdA4vealed: "I LOVE YOUj"OhMb-Fing!1hit hsmart rapreddened >b 2ed,~&theless. J[$K junctureboy felt a slow, fateful gripM3CB earp a steady 1 im+zSwise Aborne acros Gposi0own seat, undwNBpeppX/a7f giggles i!tna~-Cstooqhim dur;q few aw_bomentsfinally moved IsU4out5ba word3"al Tom's ear tingled$EBhearWjubilant. A rquieted 3Tom nQefforX Bstud the turmoilRin hitoo greatqurn he h#hi  Bclas1}1 boef it; theOgeography4 Alake3 o mountains, Srivery r contintill chaos wask  Aspelc got "adown,"3S succ`"ofG1babA dN3he C2 up=ae footyielded upkpewter medalj worn with osten|for months. CHAPTER VII THE er Tom triedl shis min,# " mXs ideas wandered.9,b a sig:a yawn, he gave 0V. It $anoon r4Fb wouldm} air was 3Aly dc#t a breath stirring. IRleepi$ sleepy day drowsing<Re fivUtwenty studying scholars soothe/soul lik= #is_bees. AwayE1fla sunshine, Cardiff Hills soft green sides th[ a shimmBveilaat, ti| the purple`iWa few birds float Q lazya!ir; no other liv*bwas vi$x1but7 4 co^W Cwerer's hear=!be3A, or 3 toA  fE to do to paq drearyH4. HcQ into%poO0his face l"gl%:gratitude3wasa#, ) not know i!enXJ3ivexrcame oua him a"Va pin"!6newx 3's bosom friend sat nexb, suff!ju9;4nowMadeeply{"grm& 2ent.1menj3an  7was'rtwo boy r sworn s|1eek embattled enemies on"!s.^took a pinBJAapel #as q exerci1er.AsporZwwU<rly. SooG 6}Beach neither g g1ull denefit*!ti<!o Qt JoeAQ4ate 1rew "neFthe D/!it C top)Btom. ","Whe, " Ahe iqByoury9nbq him up)qI'll leB!e; "2get d)et on my[,@re to leXalone I can keepQfrom  S v!, go ahead; star!upb escaped!pae equator{6DawhiPtU:5G݁ghis changbase occurred often. Wg"onZ !wa5r^&t7r absorbNHYblook o? #as 3, t9b 1ogeo|QsoulsC to B1ngsVluck  S b JE !hicd&atxDcour9rQs exc Xs anxiouh|!thH mselves,<0Egain:Auld evictorfvery graspn)"to#1 cbe twi%to begin,3pin'Bdeft+Rd him;1andTk W)gl:n(uno longzQemptaswas toocqreachedFand lent a11pin 2ang a. Said he: "KbI onlyd1wan TU2#NoJ a fair;e' ~3QBlame>I'!go l#mu+L?b, I teK|"!" shall--+#liALook !a, whos\ 1ickICcare$m /ha'n't touch %%,Qbet I . He's my/do what I 51him die!" A tremendous sdown oneshouldits duplic r!s3twoW dustbRto flbjackety[ to enjoy had been tooS]sBhushhad stolencschool wCetiptoe"\nVd (Hcontempl (p4~performance |!heQributs'Z%broke up a flew to P1 in ear: "PutHabonnetlcyou'reBhome11you)5\rcorner,'.2 'eAslip|rthe lanAcome.!goQoAYcame way." S6"ne+5one group of -gCith EF. InL:*"et e #la.:qthey ha {Uy sat," a5JBthemQ)3ave the pencil 0.Jriin his, gui 4 3ed a surpr !. #(t&Gn ar2w#fealking. ToAswim]in blissS}%!DoLlove rats?" r! I hatM do, too--LIVE onesI mean dead,qwing rouSr heaAa stq[1for much, anywMA likIchewing-gum<l25o! 8qome now/?8"go1letAchewV3 2youUqgive itQ3 to8AThat`agreeable& hey cheweBturn'Y?K!irSk,!!stRbench "cet#ntment. "W>)an/circus? T #YeQmy pa7!"mew*Atime/ET" "I)f three or fouryQs--lo:. Churchr shucksbD-C (on/; qbe a cl5%nWScI grow )"! ill be nice1y'rBAlove ll spottAL1so.=v1getAhers of money--' dollar a4 cBsBSay,_+bengageSWjt`(2!b ٪"ieN.+ 2youC!to.E so.CknowqQis it2/Like? WhyG You S Qa boyRawon't \ FZ\ Zcyou kiPw all. Anybody%#do.b"Kiss?d=1for2X Ynow, is to--well[yIoAEverqH2yes+'Y8 ". z remember m F wrobbYe--yeW]YC%I  TShall 8YOUHB--bu5No, t now--to-morr8Oh, no, NOW7!--Vrwhisper aso easLQ #o took silenc Acons"and passedBarm Arher waiS]QT talezC7/outh closuher earn he add\$2Now!--d t-P3ShePj" a^2You vBfaceBs^23 seI;I~you mustn'<[--WILL you]?&,!N  .a." He n\DidlyZ(her breath stirr?Bcurl , "I--loveP-.(r sprang#tand ranfs+YCes, with1aft*uy/x Cher 1JQaprone1ped"nehV pleaSWn]ll done--all a. Don' be afraid Eat--+?+ll. Qhe tu{"aD YhandsA+2she us  qs drop;Qface,rglowingy"truggle,,O submitt-!omqred lip 3rNow it'ACdoneEPBt 2yout0mk+@!toXy,2 meand forever. Wi 3'll)u!LLkmarry +2--aX - 3ith)CEly. :. u's PART{)I('U*we^w02me, Rthere<Rchoos Dnd It parties, bE  1wayeO4're DIt'sW'3. IRheard -|%'g>mSAmy Lawrence--b2bigF1tol{ ~DlundUe stopped,1Sused. BTom!,/irst you'v3 to"W chil2cry94Oh,trk I"arshy   1you1Tom3 kndd i  BneckJ j%sg0%im!Qrhe wall1wen\bcrying05  ing word GQas req$: (!pr4as he strodWQbutsideY,2lesquneasy,: Sglanc2oorMQy nowthen, hoping she.RrepenSato fin:4shee-e f!barnd feari.;'roS!ea hard2himke new advancesM ,Nqhe nervRmself{Q and _]"zstill stan797, sobbing.!'sDt smote himD ?2 ,ing exacoQproce-ge said aly: "* ], I--\ A." f4ply 4bs.D1"--/tingly. Y !mea?" MoDTom got ou( chiefest jewel, a brass knobToan andiron2{ $itd h,2thaq,{/3w * y Sc3uckY the flooruTom marH.:C hilR 1far[!rez1 noday. Presently 3buspect rRT1was7in sight. < 2play-yard7SthereU1she,v Cc, Tom!/alisten}trL7had no companions l oneliness. So s t`Ro cryfp1upb herself;qby thisZ L1gata3gai[ashe hatAhide+Qgrief?6cbroken aK of a long, $Q, achhfternoon6! nk#mo Astra/VSto exbsorrow/ q'I TOM dodged hp t through lanes96H@&ou!r51ing3larinto a moody jog. He va,"branch"9"reDH  6prevailing juvenile superstiti!0 c water baffled pursuit. HalfC1! l$2disD93ing[#Douglas mansion jbe summ"'Z ,1wasly distinguishablCoff Cdvalleya a deny-od, picks pathless wa>r2ent;4.!onssy spot,spreading oakrnot even a zephyr(*_anoonda(at had 260 Tsongscbirds;:1 lasa trancCwas Vby no sound the occasional far-off hamme,of a woodpeckiBm 1 re .1rva|wense of|*sprofoun=Rboy'su)w!1eep melancholy;o A3s w<happy accorqhis sur1ingA sat< )oAlbowhis kneeO2n i.S, med69 * rhat lifbut a tr=1, at bes! +3orlRQbeen 2!eda2g--Q very dog#" by some day--maybe wh@8too late. Ah %die TEMPORARILY! Buselastic]o?ath can4e8Aresssqto one {rained shap*46Tom_&drift insensiblyJXZconcern"is7|.T cack, nowmed mysteriously? aaway--A'so3 ?countries beyoBseasQcame S! How 1sheF then! The idea of beQ recu,mto fill himdisgust. For frivolyR jokewStight"anAsy intrude`/1 upbspiritwas exalt3vague august AEthe romantic. Nota soldi<,"yell war-woraillust. No--bette4ld#joIndians,unt buffalo$$gowawarpatr4x2S rang-the trackgreat plaite Far W 0QfuturM+A q, brist2with feathers, hidej$ith pain,bprance. ,(QrowsyN $er|a bloodcurdssar-whoose eyeballaG unappeasu envy. But noOb gaudin than thi/dpirateas it! NOWK2lay~ #"im"glaimaginsplendor. HowMHQould c people shudder1glo(AS go p{%2seaf"hiu,1, l'qlack-hu 2racZ02e SsFc StormHIisly flag flyA fore! And at the zenith ofQfame,suddenlyDIold village8Cstalcb, broww-beaten, black velvet d ArunkCjack-bootcrimson sash,AbeltJ"horse-pistol9e-rusted cutlass atCAsideM2 sl4("atTwaving plumeIcunfurledthe skull Abone*  Bhear[2sweobecstas>$G #s,3TomJ, P--the Black Avengerpanish Main!"  j,d Acare's determined)2runfrom hom Renter' /\.2theDnext[ Afore rust now+1 to&Wreadybcollecresources %)Aent rotten log nv%'an2digu 5 onFihis Barlow knif1oonrck wood ed hollow"puusand uttwis incan~,i8 dively:bhasn'tDhereovW!st 2re!^rbcraped`"ir Q expo pine sh9:i8and dis(chapely,2 trcH-[5hos'and sides wer/ds'iHra marbl 's astonishmenboundless! He scratc Ss hea a perplexed air7RWell,1bea*y> +Btoss5pettishlyStood cogitatUsuth wasfa Mqhad fai91and0-Brade0AlookR$on as infallibl byou bu OLcertain necessarylsBleft  fortnigh'BCopenCplac"8theP" h ajust uh3yout%a1s2had1los.  t0 H,9 |&Qno ma how widely+}Qk"w,~ bctuallunquestionably *-DtrucF2faiQ shak"-Q its Bs. H"Cmany C Rasuccee3but{aof itsAfore:Q occu2himtit several timesC, himself,n;1e h*-scs2warvpuzzledy!an\decided $Qwitchainterf Bharmhought he tsatisfy at point; soe!ar<1he Csand aqfunnel-Qd depo!itJ9=$ F2 toyG and called-- "Doodle-bug, d $'#mev0Wgknow! 5 5*! sn1egaBwork"3bug e a secon2darted um)fright. "He dtell! So it WAS aAdonef !I ;%!knv5'"HeDknew2 iQof tr to contens#chahe gav^"Ś$ag%iT`he might asAhave>  w1 ,Oatheref@Btwicl.last repe2wasRssful$0Qs layU1foo Qeach a. Jus^%ebYntoy tin trumpet 3faintly dow%green aisle~QorestWoff his jacke|trousers,$ a suspe9belt, rakN Tbrush 4thelSlog, 8 n rude bow1arr| lath sword4in A7$Bseizse thingSbound, barelegg 1 fls "AhirtL7halfelm, blew an answ@9atiptoelook warily outk1way2thasaid cautp--to an }!ryH!an Hold, my merry men! K;BI bl06Nowf>q, as aiAcladbelaborarmed as Tom. Tom]Hold! Who s7ASher BFore_qhout my+q?" "GuGuisborneVAan's).^1art-L--" "Dar  hold such language=Tom, prompting--fo8y talked "se book," qmemory.l ~/ dsI*! I am Robin Hoodkthy caitiff carcas:Ahall%." "ThenRindee% famous outlaw? Rvgladly will I dispute#2the=Fpass3wood. Have aeyWtheirqs, dump4eir.Brapsf e ground, struck a fencttitude,!to61kBv) reful combat, "two up andfdown."p!E Tom aNow, i a've goQ hang=Ait lM!61y "a," panhK !er k. By and bhouted: "Fall!K8! W`+ sha'n't"Nrself? Y(AAwors!it/4Whyh M@!'tv;A#ay it is inVbook says, ' Qone boa[stroke he slew poor $.'!toNr ,ame hit oQ." T#>PFuthoriti 1Joebed, received!whE@nd fell.&"4U Joe,^up, "you8o(N2 ki1*Ffair{f!docE_/ell, it's blameC's aQBsay, you can be Friar Tuck or MucAmillD[ss%R lam M h a quarter-staff; or I'll bSheriff of NottinghamJe w9h?Bill 0AThis a@#soadventures were cr4FATheni!beB6 L!wa- !by treacherous nun to ble s strength away 1ughneglected w- 4And/}! r 1entAtribAweepOC4s, R|Qhim sbforth,V m"ow(his feeble hands", e" Q fallTere buryuu 1eenqtree." She shT$ b&would have diedQhe li>+Aa ne0and sprang upMAaily a corpse.->dA, hi!ira!Gutre Ooff grieao <$noz4u3mor Bwond what modern civiliz= claim to h Qensatiloss. They;F-rather be year in than Presiden the United States 0 CHAPTER IX AT half-past nine!ToB Sid\1senm"be[usualir prayer='(onqK Aawak waited, in rest"imc<{it seem0q be nearly dayldhAlock;Bke taqdespair&and fidge#asrves demQ, buttbas afr+aSid. S12lay,%!st"upJark. EverLDsdismall<2C by,'YSness,a, scarceo[fnoisesemphasizeSC ticking aHh Ato b!itS-A1. O+"&ame! cT(!cstairs creakently. Ev1ly 6 !ts abroad. A m#Rd, mu(snore issued Aunt Polly's chamberA now4tiresome chirqf a cri!thA human ingenuity locate,JQ. NexV ghastly?SdeathwatcDwall bed's head made E--it#abody'sMPnumberedUBhowl{far-off dog roseg 3wasAa fa<K a$r O./an agony. At ih| 1ied+had ceas@d eternity begun;00 to doze$Aspit2e)chimed elevenl0A;#%8me, mingl Ahis !formed dreams, a most ' caterwaulwA raix&of a neighbo)awindow81urbSqm. A cra"Scat! devil!" aQ cras<an empty bo;z}ais aunt'sCSshed T#"dea single minute laterl.jr$al,Sroof 3"ell" on all fours. He "meow'd" withn once orpn jumped  g3]*QL. Huckleberry Finn washis dead cat #ysAW1off\A,#edO#a gloom%thh," (all grass4graveyard. It &old-fashioned#ern kind13on a hill,5Da miK'ERillag1hadazy board fencet $itcAlean 1warY1outek$th!buZod upright nos1. G n!ed!ew rank M ? cemetery. A2old*spsunken in,Mnot a tombston!; {-worm-eaten qs stagg#Rover $ aves, leanaor suppor 1finnone. "Sacred) of" So-and-Soabeen pdm#="ittLR have7Sread,5am, now*1n i3 r7lFA wind mo $re1Tom5| {\, complai(#atw(x\<R6nly ir breath6[ -Solemn(Q silew&ppX $irvyo! t arp new hea1yk1eek6ansconcQemsel2ithq protec0ree great elms$grew in a bunch?-WDfeet " "y U  42for H "a 1imeS hoot abant ow.]"btroubl !ne om's refld1ive%.aforce Dtalk) Qsaid $: "Hucky, do&ɘ6 ead peopleGZ3 usDqhere?" Zed: "I wisht I@eEQ's aw3Zs, AIN'T36Q"I beAis."ea considerable pau*"il\Scanva "#iss inward! n_ %ASay,3y-- reckon Hoss WilliamssI1#O'Q he does. Least8rsperrit"7, +a+2 I' #u MisterxI`  Aany l DQs him#A "n'Foo partic'lar1(tXalk 'boutase-yer  Ra damnd convers3die!. Qw Ahis comrade's armE1sai:Sh!" "What is it~$?"i nc%Atogeq!be#2ts.K C'tis again! z1you+{0Q! Now"OALordTHcoming! TQ, surmat'll we do/I dono. Thiny'll see us!'OhbA can!in^ Qdark,M as cats. ihadn't comecOh, doay!. Aliev<1bus. We(a doingl If we keep perfectlyR, may1y waB us N$I'll try toRbut, Y1I'mbBof a shiverListen!"be1!ir s e tof voices float% 4far`(A "Look! Se;Fre!"M  w-fire. Cis it." Somv/1figaapproaK'!Rloom,M tin lanternaTfrecka  innumerable spanglek  K#a d!t' sya. ThrexA'em!yQwe'reqrs! CanBprayNB:BThey! gto hurt us. 'Now I5#meo sleep, I--'"8 AHuckHUMANS! On! iWyway.'s old Muff Potter's }aNo--'tqu so, is AjDYyou stir nor budgBCharpfE to q. DrunkBausual,Cly--qold ripAAll O !, 4stiI5tstuck. Can'"1Herq#Dy coN.[8hot. Col2B Hot. Red hot!'re p'inted?r ,q"!o'qs; it's Injun Jo(2ThaFD--that mur!' breed! I'd druthe Zdevils a der'>!. ky be up t4The.| Dnow,! t 1men $re!e 1     ' hiding- Q. "H?9Dt is Qhird ;\*:wner of it hel TTreveaV1fac young Docts_`1carryingYcbarrowTA rop a coupldshovels onCcast#lo=!c2opeUF7" d1putd|_R56karH2ack1st fX2elm  Q closIhave tou1himurry, men!" !idTa low"#on/1com at any moaRJy growled a responsgan digg'Fo(*2 no# b<"gr s)Qspadetbchargiir freighw Amouldlsvery monotonous. FinaX Q upongScoffia dull wood*<2entO4'Ror twyRhoistdg>Sy pritd!$irB, goB!dyF!Qit ru - `TdriftQbehinb cloud(0allid faN4he P!as3reaaorpse "it, coverea blanke>buCope.Q tookQa large spring-knifkc;#da3z Tthen " Nm$cu Bng's, Sawboned you'll*"ou$ Afive\$ s?y alk!" sai.] BdoesSmean?3te. "You require3r p?Sdvanc(I've pai#'4B don(B tha ,; r Q, who Dnow @*q. "FiveBs agqdrove my q your fX's kitchen, when Ito ask f@(c to eaK3youWa warn'!!re2any goodWswore I'd get,AzQyou iuaa hundcgears, RAme j1 for a vagrant. Dta thinkiqforget?I^Sbloodq Ain m1 no.2nowvGOT yougot to SETTLE"r!" He EQreate<,e !isy Bace,n!2is  Tq8E1retacuffian dropped his !exDCHered #hi^(&rd~b next ! h-t grapplF "wo)Rstrug'!and main, trampl% gFtear@3'rheels. !JoaAfeeta81 ey2%am!pa1nQ, snaQ3 up'/V"cr"Q, catYEAtoopCand  w'Tants,Q an oCunitwat onceQ,d free,62Aeavy5 of'n fҲt(Rearth"it8? c YiL A sawXCchanSj2theb1hilthe young man's breas+Qreele4BGqpartly , floodi  l* `ablotteXAreadcpectacf1 Bened Aspee!awHdark%> remergedO , '8two formsPRtempl }aamurmurulately, gw*gasp or two%2wasKm- rTHAT sc; :Q--damF0Rrobbe8body. After h9the fatal2in r's open R hand M dismantled } --four--fivss passeJ7.mB za1. H1nd dw#; !ed1gla!atand let it falla>g)sat up, push2bodA himLJ gaz]aK&confusedlymet Joe's1rd,ie, Joe?u .a:ay busi%#2Joeout moving.d]d+[%I!!it{] 3! TRT 3alkdewash."YAtremDI ew white.1ghtagot so"!I'BM!r!o-@it's in m* yet--worse'nw= rted here.vmuddle; c!$re=#an$gQ, harqTell me}--HONEST`Aold ar--didB it?zJ(qto--'poAsoulhonor, I nevt1ant5Joezc#Oh$+Qhim s, ad prom! -1youC?ay1inga he fe6G ) Bflat !up:3comX1reeX[ding li!.Ajammz%.5 'asE you7S clip ere you've lai'!as a wedge til nowbd{Uwawas a- I may die1if B1all on accou(bwhiskevV!axcitem"I .uC$ weepon Elife:) fUO_;uAy'llsay that.( V8ray you Atelle--that's a  4. I_2lik</U !upE { etoo. D remember? You WON'Tc]a, WILL  A/ApoorS'Eture o SkneesUrstolid G#alaspedQappeaa,.)4'veA #fanbsquarej 8me,N# I<#go$n :MsXs a man can sayIy0an angel.bQ*1you^!he0est day I live.> ?Ccry.d 40$#isc 1anyYsQblubb. You be off yonder wa!go+T. Mov 3and5!leny tracksX"onM(quickly increaseQa run  &)He8 If he's as much stunne Q lickfL2rum2 halzAf bel#he1eBtillzgone so far he'll be +}-e\!it:Ruch a>% b= --chicken-hear1TwoO tqs laterD0Rd manv ArpseA lid 2the ?+urno insp8!b moon' ness was completet 9too-X THE two Aflewqnd on, towarkaspeechwith horror*y Aback;%?aulders|!to, apprehens95'$yA$m &be followed. EVastump #up'Air p9&.'and an enemyw[+athem c+:bbreath"as"by"Aoutlacottag41yy.=21ark1*aroused +H-dogRagive wq:qir feet Af weqonly ge=ld tannery!wegk down!" whisp&1Tom|<Qtween5dths. "4AstanRmuch ]&ucC)'s hard pantAwere-1repboys fixed sSeyes z 1goaDBhope"4ir work to win it. ained steadily]1st,s8y burst open doo cgratef BexhaIiBshel, shadows beyond. Beir pulses s4Tomac2 2'lli!BIf D dies, I61 hav>!it?D m !?" y, I KNOW 1Tom#om&2t a$JEn he #1Whosell? WePBat aj  ing about? S'pos%!th1appEand q DIDN'T!? he'd kill usLvoO:  sure as *g <@  ~o myself, HuW8q"If anyAtell)t 3, i)Cfool. He's generTdrunky%U !--2 E s C "itrN!ca#teJ:#sQreaso 8QBecau>&"'d1geSwhack"F. D'3 he*5seeT?$ \7!" "By hoke:$'s-!" "And besides, look-a-here--maybeqfor HIM<No, 'taint likely ^GQliquo5ghim; I#th  |h Rhas. 9pap's full Atake/belt him&3hea< a church)2youn't phase 1say his own selfZ)i3sam !C, of(Fqf a manjJGoberZ W&)dono." .*$ve*p)2you#"an!1mumw%to.*  #atadevil 5Rn't myQy morWdrownding us&a Acats!weto squea(iF+"ha!. X>u, less swear to one/Z"weveo do--0qkeep mu"greed. I Xk1. W2youAholds_Un we--" "Oh no @! dA thi . for little rubbishy commokngs--speciwith gals, cuz THEY!c anywa ablab i: huff--but!or%^e writing Ra big BClood2's m0 applauduis ideao1BdeepAdark  t;1our3 circumstances1surRings, ijbe pick'ya cleaniOlvAmoon'", KGr fragmes"red keel"7 f 1pocDkK1 onV#wo0fully scra!'these lines, emphasizing each slow down-stroke by clam~7his tongue AeethRQ lettpApresQCe upW&s. [See next page.] "Huck Finn and Tom SawyersCs!ndI+Awish may Dropd!ea6 QTheirT"if33eve1ellX!Ro  p5filKadmiration of~acility inA, an sublimityQlangu3HC'4pinqs lapelH6was(Qprick,QfleshWN Hold on!!dob. A pi1assA8have verdigre#n Qp'iso$/ swaller somic --you,a." SoSunwou8bthread"%his needl!Aboy  1e b.QthumbcsqueezBa drfA. In,{Dmany2!s,amanage2sig!Qiniti9u~8Hthe ~ finger fo/e3ashowed  1ph"! HQan F, 1ath%2bur9!e 1le q5 to:,dismal ceremoniaincantfqfettersJ$ b#ir8consider(Qbe loF"keArwn away4!ig[AreptURlthil(!ugX$Dreak[Wother#A ruiEAuild2nowLQQ*iVTom,"6, "#uYAEVERf ing --ALWAYS?" "O r it doe]cdon't y difference WHATv xY got J BWe'd"--Q6YOUe Ywts rcontinuHtime a dog set up a long, lugubrious<outside--within tenc*md boys q",qan agon+!.ich of us^4 he;%!ga4 dono--peep througw crack. Quick 1YOU#-- 1 DO#Hu2aPlease1 72h, lordy0thankful0I2his)4 Bull Harb`" * [* If Mr. y+d a slave named Bullk spoken of him as "Dl!,"aa son 2dog!atZn"]   1--I" ( most scadI'd a betmM a STRAY dog he dog howledv~W'3Ats s:"nc&.2my!%!no'I IA "DOM! Q, quabAwith?t, yield !Z%eytrDHis z"waly audible"Ohr, IT S A1DOG1, qK Who7Amust3 us both--Uright"5.+vgoners.EU1misM   V< I'LL go to. I been so wM m2Dad_1Thites of p1$oo!do BveryD a's told Ndpaxgood, like S-fr tried !noaever I 2off time, I lay I'lWALLER if"s!7Tom0"nx4( . "YOU bad!"7Q"Cons!it ^ ld pie, 'longside o' BI amTLORDY 9 only had half your chanceom chokeds6andh: "LookyA! He?9BACK to us(ucky looked!joh "hil9he has, by jingoes! DFRbefor.bhe didpIS#l,e"!this bully, y. NOW whowing stopped. Tom !up ears. "Sh! k BthatI#0!ed"Qounds--like hogs grunting. No--it'!!snC mqThat ISkWAbout"it8I bleeve3Uat 't| #. Bso, a. Pap rRto sl{Aere, Stimesv t$"gs laws bless<1he Rlifts1s'HE snores. Buhever comOto5own{hXEdventure rfZsouls`/Qdas't`o`S leadR 1to,2, s~ts quailep_7the temp #up܎:7 3oys#ryJAnder{2ing'7 @#to@Sheels Se !y 4btiptoe  , 4oneJ CthervJ~4hadlqwithin 'qsteps o|!er'pBstic  it brokera sharp snap.man moan]erithedp his face came inK . It was"ha+rd still\|C too)Aved, )Dfear|(? A nowlypid out, n weather-boar& $-%at2 di# sQa paraword. J qrose on5'B air!w1tur n+!th-2ang  Ua fewQ Xt.Awas $cFACING7nose poi* heavenward! geeminy,VHIM!".A botds a!--say a stray dog3ai Johnny Miller's house,A mid2,!#as.eks ago;6 ppoorwill=1 in4litbanisterZ2ung|aame ev?0U L#B}!yej W"ndyE#se 2. D&cGracieT falls2Afirebcrself terr next Saturd;#Ye@sBDEADwhat's moche's gbetter, too:you waitbsee. Ss# ,Cure  z,)a niggers sN:2all *h<7c,dWBSihis bedroom Kh"al Apent3$ss]$excessive cautionCfelliP congratuP.2himMRCknew escapaden1was _Raware3the gently-Qas awake$Y bv5. eawoke,=1andCraa lateq ! ig# lAsens&the atmosp+HA%##Wh% ae not called--persecuted till As upRusualK4  KLtW.%Nairs, feelowadrowsyr family R at tԌ!bu finishedQkfastAI"no of rebuk)Nwere averted eyes;:!anA'ofCHthat struck a chillhe culprit' s He sat "nd &reem gay2it -Nwork; it E$no smile, no; he lapsed "leyheart sin'$tdepths.HNN"idG bbened ir3hop>g2Gflogged;Tianot so aunt wept overxand ask*m-E !gobreak her[!o;rfinally3him o{"ru&3andRher gray hair '1 so=~ '?2 usZ hT: try any more.Z!waCan a thous"ppgaA was sorer nQ:"anL1odycried, he pleaded for forgiveTpromised to reforh 2andj {.[jdismissal, !!he_1wonan imperfec51cestablut a feeblfidence. He lefk  Ro misC vAl ren4ful(2Sids 2 laB prompt retre back gat unnecessar_!mo^o school O%3sad41ook+}hqJoe HarHDwondered i-!ha!ic%nir mutuala<Abody2Dtalk r intentlthe grisly "them. "Poor fellow!" 9T+Cught a)Son toG@=grs!" "T2'll) iy catch him!" This ift of remark"milB, "IzQa jud';=frNow Tom shivxAfromA to heel; >D stooG3 of+3JoeZ$isB12beg}s6Bbe, andas shoute!'s  Aim! 7com!!"U!o? Who?"ctwentyT8. }1QHallo0s1!--=3out!tuM{&Am gey!" PeoplCrees over\'Aheadrrn't tryYB--he4doubtful and perplexed. "Infernal impu "!"aAa by~er; "wanosand take a quiet$aFwork12--dQexpec 263any=part, now u- b, oste%Ausly]3ingC" bt#arq#pa's facw haggar &the fear tha .W bstood 1urdman, he shook ara palsy4bface iNBhand@ QburstJa tears P!do#friends,&sobbed; "'pon my pThonor> z0iho's accTyou?"F" aYicarry home.xCliftme1and3ed ` thetic hopelessnes5sw!:"*Q, youaaised m/"'dD."Is ?V i4himM#. msiy anot ca=1easmhe ground. TO*BSome!1tole't if 8Ond get--"-1hud Qn wavr4f2les` ra vanquSgestus?"Tell 'em, Joewv'em--itl0n,1tooMbEstar`#he  2-he8 liar reel offrene sta?_# FaFlear skydeliver God's Eningmp]f1seeAroke3tdelayedrAen hP  JJ3illBaliv'!iraimpulsx  BoathE!avubetrayed prisonerafe fad d 5wayBinlySmiscreant1solrto Sata.#itIbe fatalReddle]~ Rroper-1sucQower - a"$hyyou leave?"DwoC|d Qfor?"ab BsaidRn't help it--$,"amoanedx:2 ru+ ?1see} 3but he fell to5. d repea)BjustZSlmly,minutes after inquest,=Foath 1seeCwerewithheld1q 1rme20qbbeliefH1Joej h Aevilw become,Bm most balefully interes1hadDA , yB not+ M  bey inwu(bresolv w= nights,d#1L should offer,Ih%ofPa glimpshis dread  3hel2rai !of[NRput ia wagone rremovalQwhisp3 Q 2ingv  l0!blqlittle!vDboys&tXappy Tturn  E$th\)wBtheyQdisap "ed1morEn onarked: !three feet of . 7it O AfearL1ecrx+ad gnawonscienc /iqs sleepvAas ms a weekG1at Afast_~3Tom/' !alCyourx1so t3youp8!e B hal9"ti^rTom blaband dr"c H's a bad sign, Aunt Polly,*dly. "WzRgot oB min_d?" "NQ % '[Aof."k23oy'shook soaQhe spcoffee. "An 2 doTustuff,"Ur. "Last said, 'It's 2" t it is!' Y7Aoverover. And y!, 'Don't tor6me so--I'll-"!'S5CWHATQis it$V?" E+  1Tom( re is no\2ing*+ Qhappe\1BluckF2cern passedm7S's fas3 torwithout kno.!it" Aho! W3ful1. Im!ity4 my24Q3its7  S%Lqfound a-Sightypr itself . Becky Thatcherd"st #tolMT had EQhis pia few day<'"whistle her dow+!,"1fai)&HeTfind `"ha her father's Lqand feeI%< was ill.rif she p2 diP)9a3qno longbdok an `@tar, norq piracy charm of lifCgoneMadreari2lef}hoop away,#Bat; $!wa 3joym3 His aunt "ed& 'rll mannqremedieS2him06wasRose prwho are infatuqwith pamedicinea-fanglWthods of produc2 or mend:an inveterate experimA3 in-s. When sRfresh'cis lin Sout s!in'*{2it;Kn herselfp?iling, bu/!el"at Whandy subscribert-!ll#!"H" periodicalNphrenological frauds olemn ignorance %B inf#1was^th)strils. A "rot" they cont about ventilR !ow$odRet upj/Ro eat$Cdrinl42howQexercI 2 22frag?!onTDelf *.1sor#clto wear,&all gospeӲs=aver obser!ha! h-journalscurrent month customarily upseXhad recommenO <Rbefor21s simple aonest e 1was+5 soan easy vict!gaQ$d <]quackydthus arm:'bdeath, .9 pale horse, metaphorici 1spe> "hell foll"Qsuspe `aot an &1 of[$$1balQGilea6 disguise&he) neighbors.n!wa6 creatmee3new/,low cond|)f$e!haRaat dayN*,bhim upehi}!wn mBqa delug Bcoldn she scrubb3a towel liki7Aso b?t him tona*Bhim Aa wemYqblankets 1Aweatas soulw1 "the yellow stainsiV a his pores"--as7!Ye rwithstabAhis,boy grew morh  melancholyp!ej|added hot baths, sitz hFClung,A boyX#"inbdismalShearsRassisslim oatmeal dizbr-plastersb calcuhis capacitn)Hould a jug'sfSevery day}3cure-all-#om come indifferQ32ionn!!isfW_0cphase r1the1Tlady'L,constern;ice must b9!upny cost. Now?of Pain-killthe first a She otd a lot)Ua tasteD 3as with gratitud'Rimply7in a liqui0 J  {2and&P3els2!piZO iA gav a teaspoon# 6Xeepest anxietB,qe resul &r mstantly at rest,Zat peace again; for""?broken up` #bo+1hav!#wn a wilder,i , built arunder him.3feli.to wake up;-Klife might be romantic enough, iQblighy, , c1getyD tooiAsent "oo  %ng it. So heat over%!ouC!nsd ,X1finchit poO fo+n# 4Qfor in4ofthe became a nuisanch Rby teeZT help'2Aquit)q >Ieqen Sid,had no misgivto alloy!dePEsinc&3TomMF bottle clandp#el (" !rebdiminish" !itW Cccura t5was t!ltIta crack !siG-room floorit. One day athe ac 3dos  Sy"#'su$ c along, pur#eA(%heHR avar.lqbegginga({said: "Don't askit unlessAwant&Peter." But s1ifi# W2. "You better make suh$?ure. "Now you'v( give it to you, because E $ #m"mebiEQyou d,mustn't bl8Ebut your W agreeableEH mouth open)Voured.Sprang a couple of y+Aair,LSthen %ed a war-whoopsL!f & the room, b st furniture,/ flower-pom*  }Z havoc. NextiRose o}"hi6,#pr ja frenzy of enjoyment,<2his,F !jL proclaimingunappeasrhappines % Atear ?ahouse a spreaQchaos>destruct! Gath.U!edDime r&!im/w$double summersets, 2naly hurrah,AsailG1ughVt, carryK1res^Gthe ZGm. T  Bpetr astonish2 peer glasses;Alay ;qor expiaKRlaugh?#"on earth ails@Tcat?"N'u, aunt,"O. "Why,+i!diaact sogcDeed IWknow,e; catsq6kthey're having c A" "$ado, dof'?"Btonemade TombD1es'at is, I belie<(2y dAaYou DO1-  Qdown,n 3ingwAinte>emphasized by{ R. Too?@!viAer "f.R handthe telltale 1visC ed-valanceUi ald it tom winc 9yesBAraism Qe usuandle--5"ar.csoundlj %DimblS, sir (1tre"at)dumb beast so #pi Thim--Zd!nyj." "H!--you numskuhQat goA"do iqHeaps. BRbif he'?Qone sqa burntF4out2! S2 ro 0QowelsX!of3'w"n,PBthanra human!" Z!fe: sudden pang6o1Thi1 pu yhl |6 ruelty to a cat MIGHT beboy, too  soften; 2sor=r0',I Rshe p<'3 onDheadd gently)'qmeaning -!stQ. And , it DID d !-&om)" i Bfacejust a percepttwinkle peepinggravity. "/!haf Q%ton-B? Ye*BforcX," adR: he 1lea!if!cr`wqno choi("By` `h2farFMeadow Lan,t !ll to "take up" t, Qd fai#up"eaG;, !Fink %,Bhear old familia!nd rmore--i Bhard0v$ou<ld worldc]submit--b A for1theQ sobs.a thick@O1 JW  2poi7m_'s sworn T , Joe Harper --hard-eyCwithD5tlyand dismal purp=Srt. P 9b were "two(but a singl&" Tom, wi 9#ye1fleeve,qblubberBsome about a 6p to escape from hard usag1lacsympathy at= by roamBbroaOFto return"3by  Athatm=1not"m.it transpir was a reques !chK2hadKRbeen  nIkN3#a)1hun1 up_. His mo ad whippfor drin ScreamhX  d knew ;*1plaUtCwishto go; if.<!waXpl but succumb2opebe happy0a regretDing ;"erW1boyxA $un) ddie. As=wEwalk gClong7 +compact to u 8 byePQthersqseparate till death rgm2 ikyj3lay.:tplans. "Qfor b2;a hermitC1livb qn crustJa remote cav1 dy O a#rand wannRgriefQ% m31to 1he U S&a4~_conspicuous advantages1 a "so ansente!pi Three miles below St.easburg,|!wthe Mississippi Riv "a OaWQ wide"a !qnarrow,%ed islanS \6$2bare  o"d well as a rendezvous%1 in2!edrlay farQtowarL her shore, abrvba densk{Twholly un o1estJackson's IC chosen. Whon!*aubject%Qiracis a matted2 ]Ay hu(up}R Finn8 JmRqly, for rcareersho hhe was$jy,75tlykmtu#!ne;I$ot]river-bank two,vn1favorite hour--4\csmall log rafIthey meanLLd. EachJr,2ookl6)such provisiA4d steal amost dnd myste!way--as bec +butlaws_:2bef=eV<n2donC ."agsweet glory of b~h12ttythe towne"hear ." All whohis vague hint!!cas"be mumTqit." AD Tom@a boiled ha9c a fewKs 1%ingrowth onQbluffMthe meeting-8VstarlBveryAMT lay !oc& $%.6ed Qbut n3 m Q>the quietenN!ve%w, distinc$ 6stlAansw 1bd twic; these sig, K&e ;bThen af5ed voice!We!reTom SawyK^he Black Avenger Spanish Main. Name your namesuck FinnEuRed-HanVj VTerro]2easw BBfurnq rtitles,56hisIliteraturA'TisEC. Gicountersignwo hoarse whispers !e Hawful word simultaneJ"torrooding<: "BLOOD!" 2Tom6 sQUC4Bdown4 it, teaboth skin1F/!es~ome extenXB'BfforF {., comfortable path (Bit l!of pCicul8!da/rso valu[&  b d4bac3had Tworn 2outy'"it $.gstolen a sg* ntity of half-c#leaf tobaccosVad al- corn-cob 3pip/.3An3e s smoked or "chewed"A saik !do2tar"z)J ! w1hought; m]ahardly'@Z"reaat dayqy saw aWa smoulJgG1a hWd$3aboy qwent stc'@ 5andjErhemselvsa chunk Rn impR'adventurLbit, sa r"Hist!"[A nowT2theV suddenly halt!fion lip; movM on imaginary dagger-hilt4!gi1orders inX"ifj/Dfoe"cc, to "%W)'K dilt," " "dead men tell no taleWhey knew2 en< raftsmen 3allQ lC in stores or haae2{]D exc^ aconduc` /1 un"AicalAOPved off, ,iEmx CHuck after oar!Jo=D qorward.>stood amidships,r-browedwith folded arm/7hisTstern_: "LuffKbI"wind!" "Aye-aye, siraSteadyNAady-f it is/!Le!t go off 1P 0Aboys 2dilcly droGd mid-stream vno doubtET"gonly for "style,O! t!to E any&particular&a?"l'?1 '?" "Courses, tops'lflying-jib?"Se  r'yals up! La[Saloft,$! a dozen of ye --foretopmaststuns'l! Lively, now1hak\/maintogala@RSheet braces! NOW my heartiesWHellum-a-leeKTrt! SX2wJ4comes! Port, 1NOW, men! With a will!  T\ drew beyoc7mid#&   ed her head7?then lay oi)Hnot high, s  B notathan aEor t=C82. Ha Awas j!duthe next;-quarter ran hour2t1wasGing BdistXwn. Taglimmenlights showed rit lay,1 "sl#,j vast sweep ofAa-gemmed water,the tremendous ev:4!ha happening. 7 7" his last"-Q Ascen!hirmer joy06ter8wishing "she"2rsee himuQabroathe wild sea,~ng periladeath Qdauntj%, his doom| a grim so/rlips. I,!bu mall strain'0R,!to&vet Island 6aeyeshoN'Cthe ["edZ!a vnqsatisfi\a' p last, to q3so I y came near let#e \Q drif)m\ArangQthe i< oediscov "j !inF%qmade sh\o avert it. About'clock ip1morU'Agrout+1bar8 B thewaded backzforth until Ahad 2"d ffreight. ParRlittl|'ngings consist an old sail"isgaspreadIr a nook ce bush$1a tbo shel6eir"s u TsleepVqopen aiDgoodq., .!y6/sk J log twentyirty stepk  sombre depth 4estDen cme bacon1fryb!anI1suprgAand fY"upcorn "pone" stockw4had;seemed glorious sporuAfeas%at wild, freee virginunexplor%5 un CR, far61 2aunm Ba returcivilizations a climbO&!ir3 up6Bfacethrew its ruddy glare the pillared tree-trunk$irbtemple?X aDfoli>afestoovines. W'!he crisp slice of ""on,qallowan* pone devou Bstre'3outt grass,Q;contentmenyBhave3" a coolecZ Qthey 9dena romantic feaZ 2 roh camp-fi2AIN'T it gay?" !JoIt's NUTS!Tom. "WhathHA Aay ikasee us Say? WellB y'd just die to b&be--hey y I reckon so, 2; "͉s, I'm suited. M/u't want"better'n$Aever@#Cgen'ally--and > Rcan'tXband pikAa fe<Z qullyragDso."HAthe dfor meXY6!toCup, y(!ch{"sh 'at blame foolish5uYou see 3do ANYTHING, Joe, ) aa[hermit HE haRbe pr0dxm# t0naany fuQyway,%by&tt!ayPAOh y What's \ "but I hadn't thought muchFqit, youT. I'd-deal rather b mq I've tN(!itC3, "'"go}#onsQ!adQlike ^^Ato is`Ce's M'respectedr2 a Q's goWhhardest 6Ican finput sackYa 3hea)s<=$1raiAd--"5at does he put V for?" inquireZ0Fdono s've GOTV.6rmi5!do2:1do 3/5wasDern'd if Iww'v?an't do%`#WhY:'d HAVE toP'N0!itY6I3n'tv"it2run.S" "R "! you WOULDnld slouc<0be a disgrace U no respon*ecemploy)chad fiqgouging Qa cobQ now A"tt:e', loaded it) was pressing Qal toRchargAblow! cloud of fragrant smokj&iMfull bloomp-1uxu   ) envied himW majestic vicM secretly &vqacquire?hortly. 0AHuck:Q1pirT?E+,"Oh^#n1a batime--(b 2hem3get "nebury it in ?6#ir $ w!re's ghost Fings]i kill everybod --make 'em walk a plankSA y!wo "q Joe; "YAkill5RsNo," asT## 2g--they're too noble}Tbeautiful, too.Awear[bulliest }es! Oh no! All goldsilver and di'mondswith enthusiasm#o? !hy#MB." o"caDbis own orlornly I ain't dressed. h"a &ful pathoH=;Z#go3!bu1$sex@Ftoys tolbe fine#escome fast,a h0Sbegun <W^2him!^2his'4rags}Qbegin,l(Lqy for wy  a proper wardrobe. Gradu5talk diedk ;vwsiness6'[z t eyelidm fBwaifF pip3ub9U (Drhe slep qcience-aR wearL ta} 3 :J%in . 1saiYayers inwardlya, sinc Dith authority them kneeXQrecitC1ud;h"ru2d a0!no$s(1m a,,were afrro proceU lengths asS, les:might call2 a dspecial thAbolt3 c6cn at o Qy rea1ando7'reimminent verge of O.an intruder( ,: not "down." F ,4e>41egafe$fWhad been doing wroD -#eytb. 3meaAthen!rezr^CcameY to argue it away by remindingzhad purloined1tme@nd applesfAs ofKB C!thin plausibilities;E!m,che end? R!ar%the stubborn&"ta-was only "hooking,"F6,O"am@valuableCplain simpleSing--Oa command againaMi"Sov  5hat;a4 "bub", )U2not~Q be sd.!thl}Ume of.3$ e؍uP Lc 39]dstent # Hfell CHAPTER XIV WHENCawok!, he wond% he was. He sat5Q rubb Rs eye'ny"omBd#ool gray dawT#ya%-8of reposKdeep pervading calmGBsilewoods. Not a leaf r!!; ! s!ob|great Nature's medit!Bedewdrops W 2upowCleavQgrassBQ whitY!xcPathe fi,Dblue3werK|some hand$r it laydst to (/Bdit by a narrow channel hardlybhundred yards widetook a swim | hour, so i the midd#thEnoon2Yy got6ptoo hungrRtop tdthey fared sumptu"ha-%themselves $balk. B_S soontto drag!en6} 2itybrooded pG! s of loneliFsFtellUaspirit1oysy!toking. A sorQundef,e creptWmVdim shape'6#--budding homesick'Even Finq Red-Ha.was drea doorsteps\empty hogsheads~all ashame",1weayC none was brave to speak &a. For A Aboysbeen dullyM!ouna peculiar A ,2"sometimes i>2!ic"ofZ##ckAk"ke6>!no' #(isAA1 befpronouY!fo a recogn72 st a glanc4 \aassume1ist23 atfR Thera ,R, pro_band unK1;Yqa deep,ren boomK floating downDn.#is it!" exclaimed Joe,S. "I [!2Tomi whisper. "'T@!8thu+@Dan awed tone, "becuz4'bHark!")qTom. "L7q--don't\#."2wai% 4hatSan agV] ame muffled boom trouble$| hush. "Le(5seevBspraVAfeet%"hu_ MjS1ownp1y pCy u(1ankM!pe2out+2ated 9!steam ferryboakTabout1bel' v,3Aing @, urrent. Her T deckMScrowd b*<!re^# amany skiffs ,T&oru9 neighborhooBcoul{determine what em&!jeSwhitedburst z E's sKas it expSand rNa lazy cloud, tAsames Cb ofz1orn steners again{ 9now Tom; "somebody's drownded!`HGHuck&*last summer,\Bill Turner gotVvy shoot a cannon ov$at makes him comRdtop. Ytake loavBbreaRAput &q in 'em2set Tyr,anybody!!, L'1ll =9i #!op'I've heardDthatUJoe. qread dolR!Oh)](Ld, so muchW&it's mostly v 72SAYib it ou%. "y >6say<iqHuck. "p r@O1XWfunny. "But mayb!sa)E . Of COURSEb do. A1$<Tboys agre=AQreaso(1TomF,@% a!uat lump3Buninfeescaped, unawaR.Bby Joe timidly H1&ra roundB"feeler"3o hI rothers  # aa ;D--no[_but-- Tom!er derision!, uncommit s yet, join"Towaverer quickly "ex)#ed 1wasTT g f<ascrape4 as#tachicken-hearted a cling-o his garme"!s z&uld. MutinybeffectV/1laid$qrest fo{s moment."heMQened,&#no&H to snoreTQ foll13nexc#laG)lbow motioq,>V %@1twosntly. AT he got up cautiously,7CkneeZ#BsearQ<the flickerflections flung%!he"*!piJ !upDed several| semi-cylinder:3hinAbark%t sycamo)1finchose two whichto suit himin #3lt #fi&ly wroteV@shis "red keel";4qhe rollBB!pu"his jacket pocketFtM $he+Joe's hab remov$lD  owner. A CalsoQto the hatschoolboy treas most inestimable value--5m a #ch India-rubber b ree fishhook@$oEQthat !of marbles n as a "sure 'Lcrystal."tiptoed his way #!s Y "he  h drhearingstraightwayc=a keen ru  "irr \-V A FEWsirX&!waM ) BhoalNbar, wading qIllinoi].re. Befoc depth rea,%Chis  half-waF  a:" p="no%},#aso he k]1wimKremainingOSswam bing ups   $=faster than dcted. However, 1Zr6$al3AdrifUlong BoundUR plac~JfRmAis hA N6Aiecexark safP .R#,35ing. Shortly before tenFecn openroppositBDvillA saw2 ly ? Btree- the high8. Everything^quiet undCe bl- !stK2He dkRGZ1alleyes, sli!c, swamor four strokXclimb7(I)"yawl" dutyEPboat's stern!1thw)ited, panting. ;!ra!qbell taavoice gagH1 or:o "cast off." A]j "la("'sh]ZsAup, s 1 swQ4voy abegun.M in his succ7!fom*ait was2^AtripB 2. A/e!a HRtwelvcifteenSwheels stoppedDTom aoverbo."ndaLysdusk, lSfifty6Bdownk,<rof dangpossible stragglrHe flewY unfrequenl3leys$]C:r aunt's QfencehoRapprothe "ellE lBin a+)1-ro Bndow"a 8was,& r/ Aunt Po:Sid, MaryfJoe Harper's mother, grouped togeB talTH s b ' &the doort B dook softly lifBlatcn he pressed gHyielded a crack; ntinued push,G= band quQevery it creaked,wQjudge  squeeze~9ugh ;i #hiq, warilWcqweblow s=I5up. >CAor's , I believe. Why, of coursr-cis. No , gs now. Go 'longqshut itF"."j"edM"la"Ded" 7`|C"tould almo\"!uc nSfoot.#asJ "Q rn't BAD, so ay --only mischEEvous. OnlyRgiddyharum-scarum, F3He Z2any bresponoa colt. HE never mean12hart@2]%st2boy:awas"--g&he!cr[Irjust so{my Joe--always full ofdevilmentbup to  rischief G`as unselfis'3Das h"belaws bless m&w2k I.an!htz#m,:once recolEAat I3wed myself ]Yis6$Sand IP1Ahim Xgi#ldv!, R abus!!" CMrs.ba sobbebif her3 3hope Tom'Jvter offi*BB"butQ'd been 5in some ways--" "SID!"the glare 2 olc3s's eye,yBnot 12. "g9N_%st my Tom,"Qat hene! God' Cke ctQHIM--F< YOURself, sir! Oh,G2, IuR know=odim up!!!!Hesuch a comforjla he tohQed myJme, 'mosrThe Lor,!th2tqhath taSrway--Blb 1nam"21!w$Ait'sKard--Oh,! Saturday my Jo<#er bmy nos D him sprawl%aLittleH $K !n,TCsoonfKto do over K1hug3and1him6 IeYes, yj1howMfeeljust exactly/longer agoqQyeste(Snoon, took and f3to tPain-killI$ ct@e house down!Go%Agive"I  ''="my thimbleY3boy 1deaab P  H"An'rwords I7Ahear2 sa6Rto re 2#Bu\6Tmemor$X1the$la3sheqentirely as snuff;:T now,Nm Bpitythan anybody elsP #ou E cry -"pu^4Q%kindly word #imm$oY)DFa nobler opin$ H1befdStill,rsuffici Bhis  grief tB!sh] tIoverwhelm herB joy;eeatrical>aappealKarongly0is naturAo, b]R resiJbnd layX*R. He&on'F#ga|qby odds;Bends+ conjectured at fir!atP(/#e#le+;M+ec0rraft ha Unext,2]she missing ladspromised!shqB"heaQq" soon;Qwise-8*$"pA %atU "Sdecidk8g`fC"at tturn upnext town below,;|N(found, lodgede Missouri pQ"fisix miles t| nBperitIbust be`%1ed,1 hu have driv4rhome byqfall if5U1soo/  W searRbodieb!8Qfruit !ef Amere2cau; 2ingaoccurr} mid-channel, sinc Qbeing swimmers,otherwiseSBesca|r Wednesday A. Ifsuntil Sunday,3opexAbe g\!ndMfunerals&$ p"onA shuddered. g>Dsobb-j0 2go.  a mutual impuly two bereavedMA flu =/5Qeach Pb's armvQhad a|,A-o{!#cr jwparted.q was te+ far beyon`Q wontu+cRto SiMary. Sid red a biCMary<#ff 6. and prayeM so touchingly, so 62ith qmeasure1lov8OGer old tremb/Avoic  3welin tears ,B sheK&9h Rstill3A5#shZ"dsrmaking -sejacula1romB, tounrestfu and turn:Q "at* "as", !oa.| sleep. Nboy stole @;*cgradua;Aside, sha"e b-light=#andQstood4r Gher. HisIrfull ofA $e [5hisxq scroll.+ARto hi he lingRconsi"R face,arUsolutW "s x Bt; h(ark hastily iv9 !ntv k[2lipAmade#stORexit,pWabehindxAthreYhis way backmhB!no \Arge ! S2ldly on 2oatwc tenanRxceptWahAman,(xiE slept like?ven imag] CuntiGS 7 zi-<$on. 2 up. When h!pu`!a V6$abhGD, he2S quarrCacro  Qstout Awork !hiT !e , side neatlyn" ts a familiaraof wor1himYBwas &Aptur 3b, arguLRat it;1 beFAshipfore legitimate prey!qpirate, a thorough @ 1be Cfor z!enCreve8B. Soo<a qand entBoodsslwM`arest, torturin Cmean o keep aw:!an]n;Vhome-stretch far spent road dayJ"he r*DRabrea  rVA barr{JO k !unzbwell u1gilI:2eat=its splendorhe plungtream. A "he paused, dripp" treshold2cam + Joe say: "No,]true-blue, Huckqhe'll cl "ac?won't deser2zstm uZ>ğtoo proudfaat sorXI a. He'sBo2 ora55C whac[8/!e 0s is ourz^i4hey?" "Pretty nearKrnot yet_1wriIAsays:B aregO 2her+? W$\he is_2fine dramatic effect, @Aing +l.o%F. AW:o "co2fisshortly provide?2as WQys sea G!itGunted (and adorned)#Qadven*% Ba vaRA boa_ P"anp."wh p>AdoneHn 5hid)BawayAshadwQsleep 9!ss&'ready to$]>e#I AFTER dinner 4ang !ou-hunt for turtle egg+ 22nt *,poking sticks s yba soft vNe eir knees#duJ!A5. S9tAould{|igSsixty<cone ho6Qy werfectly round'ea trifle smaller`an English walnut famous fried-egg(gHCnighFanother on FridaBnq!1AftK7o%cwhoopi ua|s chased(j2anda, shedclothes ,  _tere nakePthe frolic far1 upqshoal wstiff current, wYtlatter {GC leg 1unde7^1cre qun. AndX9 !op) osplashed iY)Rfacesw palms, !7ing#Q aver-@Grto avoiQsprayQd finb g! "ug,jt0 st man du$s (9TAall WQtangl6S"egucame up b%b, sput q, laughqand gas1forth at on{ )BQ7imeh|aexhaus$1runBand  dry, hot!li ?+3covB_"up !by.!byk2terjo original performance onc/>3. FQit ocX /Hn skin re ed flesh-colored "tights"F6afairly!#qdrew a i circus--&bclownsP* b none  |"R thisRest p  `a. NexAy go %ir:+l"knucks""ring-taw "keeps"at amusement grew stanH1and a BTom Cnot ,; kEin k;@f;trousers %kiY!stfof rattlesnake his anklehq U!hecramp so lo8xhe prot+ @Bchar )di *Btime6Bboys!ti%ndwD res#waapart, dropYq"dumps, fell to3!lo1$ly"thEj Ato wlay drow1un.s u  r"BECKY" big toe;*Acrat`!9Angry5 1forD weaknessXqhe wrot!f ,!!thgcnot help i !er&itAEtookz"ouc Aempt# by driving 7a toget7!nd 3 m. But Joe's D1hadhn$Abeyo Bsurr.q $o 2Rhardly endBa miserB iIerlay ver surface.was melancholy, too"waeFhearted, bu)e~A noty 3howexa secret}^ to tell,B "this mutinous d2sio72not#asoon, Quld h$+1o b6Y@Bsaid2eatof cheerfulness: "I beY>Ebeen F 4is 1efooys. We'll( VgAThey>'ide1lasomewhY6UHow'd ight on a rotten chesto% f#--But it roused onlnt enthusiasm 2fad no reply. Tom!onz+3two!se}Aons;KAfail($ooI discouragz!k.M%sa  %" a A!lo%fgloomysid: "Oh, let's !!it up. I wango home. It'sQesometOh no, Joe''ll feel be- b{($by (T?!JuD 1inkah2?C" "u$ $4for)"(t) Bing- 2anyJS" "SQ's no.$Bseemp1it,0chow, w 2re t7! to say I sha'n't go in. I me b"shucks! Baby! Yousee your4,XAYes, I DO0#my.B--an)A, ifhyBe. Ih$2 ban(Bare.c'U"%ed.wlQ cry-I m,"we A? Po08aing--d8?t$it<?'so it shall.2alike i+Xe, don't you`sFstay|?ir"Y-e-s" !ou  . "I'll:Q spea-2you2 as- as I live.1ris\!"TQnow!"&9ved moodi [6and&#d<t!ho#1s!"hNQwants'to\,$ho1et  ed at. Ohr#3iceTand m[Ries.  V,A? Le0f#unts to. we can get0{aper'apAB< as uneasy Blarm 1seeGgo sullenly on/ sUAing.5# QmfortK Huck eying"prjO9Xso wiy5 such an om%K. Presently,v2 paxAwordwade offh"the Illinoie'AAsinkQglanc bU'3loo> `;yVYI#gog!ItfM L4  it'll be worse. J*usR"=)1canKgqAstay27+I!gosWell, g/--who's h ing you.+QCpickR scatqclothesjvtAwish4'd ol3youi`.wait for youq!weCV""3ra blameh5all!st q sorrowR awayM3Tom _Ba!6ng desire tug!at;#to ]#gotoo. He hsf stop,; sw Aslow. It suddAdawn y awas bemBverypQcT3. H2one Y-d?s comrades, yelling: "Wait! (tell you some!F#y j!ly1ped$SaCgM zh5e1ingc yK|cCat ly saw the "C"s # aN set up a war-whoop of apCk#1saiTRwas "Aid!"3qhad tol]m(,#2n't away. He made a uible excuse;O!hipIl reason "be:" fa#ev<T#DthemmA ^great length ofSs$so#men 1hol eserve as a A .B ladNCa gayly:4:9 ir sports will, cha6!im #ut:stupendous plan`Aadmi)wenius of it. Aba dainA and ,!he*ed to lear bsmoke, 5Joe caughQ ideaSBlike to trysXQpipes7!fi 2the@se noviceY1 d\Lbut cigarsPof grape-vinGQ"bit" Stongu8not manly anyway. $yo'Vir elbow1uffBrilyd!slr confid9AThe an unpleasant tastGgagg Why, it's@0as easy! If0a2e/sCall,"t + #SoI4 E. "Ic!no'hy, many aI've lookA peonm$ well I wish I!do's; but I 1%Tom. "T!aRme, h$it 1You1earK Stalk <k--have o qleave iKAif In't." "Yes--5MosUHuck.$7D too Tom; "oh,ZCR. OncW1 1e s5 ter-house. Do rememberBob Tann771 thand Johnny M1 ,Ilcf 1, 'ame say  !Ye\ !. B#ay I lost a white alley. No, 't*.z --I told[1. "472s iI bleeve4Apipe4dayMfeel sickNeither do>}]$itV1. B!be  4\ !! 7keel over wtwo draws. !le D tryB. HE'D see! !beRwould !A--I  Aa tackl2onc 3Oh,)2I!"G@s:youI any more%an!onqtle sni fetch HIM." "'Deed2oul U. Say aus now?!So ay--boys!saH !i BsomeRy're = ,W Qup toQay, 'got a pipe?aPae.' An2'll31kin%1carO like, as6rX  pIamy OLDw", (03 on'rmy toba+bCin'tood.' AndZ1Oh,'" r 's STRONG e3G= $ouhO1igh ras ca'm!Eqsee 'em-S4thagay, Tom 1ish0aas NOW5!!we \"weQerwas offQing, 27 w#y' dalong?Bnot!M4BET@ll!" Sotalk ran onV &itEflag"'grow disjointedBilen adened;erexpectol marvellously ]!^ry pore ip <boys' cheekame a spouting fountainiyj2bai the cellars   rs fast Kb to pran inund;2overflowing+M throatsqin spitx 2all*"doF = Fings"Metime. BothY1ere2ing2pal miserable, 'from his nervtfingersx!. t_ygoing furBboth pumps baiB"Mm|\)id feebld) =Wknife]hCfind Bquiv2lipb 1halutterance2'llyou. You go j`Rhunt r? !pro!No needn'tvHuck--wdS ,BgainAwait!Q hourCr%itpK'"to Dhis :yswide ap oods, both U!pa Aoth a1 0informed him2 if#ha!ny trouble agot riQ"itnot talkative atT}Snight4Rhumbl1henQ prepCdp "ft meal andBparez\ "ey[2no, 1fee,well--some+1 at )mӂisagreedQ2 A !id!aw-dand ca0{ding oppressive:#ai83see02bodiNXa huddl  !so1thet(Cndly*vionshipr4F/} 2ullj=aheat o  breathless atmospA sti<Ty sat94%Awaitholemn hush 7b. Beyo{jfire eK3swaSQup inAblac`!Hr  &aaAglow  vaguely revea^ foliage for a momTavanish4by " crc1str?#n & faint moanA siguL"th0 tranchesRforesboys felt a fleeting ,ywshudder fancy tha?S! Nd !!by/. Now a weird flash,! n?Ainto  hgrass-blade,=i and distinct %aBfeet $it[three white,/tled facoo. A deep pea "thP1rol:and tumbling "r heavenGlostw# r4Qdista$A Ƙ chilly air passed by, rustlingjyn!sn the flaky ashes broadcast !ir TfiercElm FN% stant crashD#retree-tops r'Mic:p$in terror,x%athick 6!p~q. A fewsurain-dropCl paf* .. "Quick!!W"foLtent0csprangs\Broot4amoQdark,awo plu&same direction{ blast ro trees, making &as it went. One blind yH #ndnbf deafJhFnow a drenchinv1 po@#heK hurricane droveGsheets a`c0Qround<" c#u Beach#,the roarafoj-C!s >eir voices7 ly. However, one by; O 8\ook shelterk  .Qcold, /Qstrea5 ,;o%!y =?DseryR1o b teful foK  x 1 olBl fl{Q$soW2ly,0 Wd noise1hav[A The6(esS!er:qhigher, Zthe sail to "se/1its ]4X"wiCaway- %. Iseiz0"s'1}Rfled, ye bruises, toԁ2oak`U86d-bank.b battlsTst. U}R ceas conflagrf of lightnR flamii*AkiesSbelowout in clean-cuTTless Qness:"be:the billowy ,<Bfoam$@Z0 of spume-flakIhe dim outlinSdbluffsoside, glimpUD drifting cloud-rZ1lan1veirmE "L9 some giree yielR>! fand fell younger growth;Vthe unflagg/ S-pealnow in ear-splitting explosive bursts, keeBshar8 unspeakably appa[storm culminatone matcy ceffort# qlikely *+9q to pieQburn ,! ig, blow itBand rq creatuA it,av" 2. IKra wild rfor hom#}Q. Buk}'do forces retir Aweakd h threag  peace resumed her swa  %nt>Scamp,YC! d3wed3hey`Q was Sthankp07eat"^Dthe  ir beds, was a ruinTJQblast? w uwere no3Rt whecatastropppened. |! i pz!ed9A-fir/Qwell;5 t-v-AheedSlads,3Bgene0ymade no prova +/#stHc! m pbdismay2|Q soak3t eloquent iNHtres/,%,1verY0 [aten so far up HQlog iL  dbuilt !(wW it curved upK\3 &$edn Afromground),%a-breadth or so# \V2!weB; soCpatitj-t7kashreds+qbark gaBthe 2sid#qed logs+ay coax61"toQ. TheRy pil=$5boughs ti]# r furnac<|# glad-heaV751g1y d{ , !boo"haOXD feanN ][3satJd aexpandd glorified8Q<]9ndry spot to sleep %6-B. A@6sunssteal iN2oys !si!ov"em sandbar2lay1<Ogot scorche.8drearily se(breakfas"CrustJcstiff-4mhomesick once;:%Bsignbto cherTup thp+;ɹ2C. Buc 1not %fo6, or circu .E, or"%Aremi1$ imposing &aa ray 6eer. WhioD, he`7mRa new devicaK Hqo knockcbeing aq e"be*c!nspqa changOHeattracis idea; sonzs;m^head to heel black mud, like so zebras--alB Zchiefs, of course/aEwent* `A"tt%=s settleQg!By|yn ree hostile trib(Vupon @ bambushdreadful 'kQ%hcalpedHvousands  gory day. Conse$lyan extremelisfactory one. rassembl\Dcamp-rsupper-*<|`KYj4but[ifficulty arose--!d]1notk of hospitalityR-1fir<8 ,: qsimple nAsibiI@"smv2 ofER processeLDaof. Tw davages;7wF 3hadd$ed%. oD}2 wa;with such show 6! aCSmuste# Apipe# 1tooqir whiffA tqdue for1h1gladBgone"rya0Rhad g;S e now smokeA hav Ao go^;Aget 67d be se#un02abl1not AfoolG jhigh promis, #of }practised cautbafter R dfair success y spent a jubilanAning\FeRhappiw new acquirp#would have iwnd skinning"QSix N s. We will$toqnd chatL?And bsince we=nther use >, . CHAPTER XVII BUT} hilarity ?Btowntranquil eZafternoons Harper~Aunt Polly's famiE22ereS3 pumourning QgriefXP . An unusual quiet possess= village, althoug"Rordini 8 !all consci*Ir!du ssaan abs^#ir+ nblittle*sighed ofte.Ftholidayqa burdeL !Shildr61 no) Rsportz h>gUbup. I Becky Thatch1!unqself moB2abo Q dese5 aschoolc)C yar1feevery melancholy sDund  t73to FPShe soliloquize:if I onla brass andiron-knob-!:(*Dgot ` e%to * him by." And she choked besob. 5)7sto CXo9!tchere. iRto dog  x( say that' n3 the whole wor Bhe'snow; I'll <.6A seeb.12is 3t broke )1wn,qP!ndCawayQ down9Uun quite1F!ofs Vgirls--playmates of /and Joe's-- b 1ood2!Qv1 pazfence andfNArentqhow Tom]rso-and-+d2ime"csaw hi6'6how#3andmrifle (pregnant# awful prophecyu(2eas "!)  er point>tWu2actwC"heClads" 8addNpa"and IBa-stR just so-- as I am nowOf)qwas hima Aclos e smiled,Y ?2way!th!l+"me !--R, you knowD!I wZ5Wmeant ,C/1can TL a dispute5who-Bdead.cin lif`Qclaimat dismal|qand offLevidences, more or l: 1amp!DwithVrwitnessDwhen ultimately decided who DIDrthe depl"exCwordthem, the luckR2ies Aupon1selA sor"sacred importanf z1apeand envie=che respoor chap, whono other&z"toF,)tolerably 2c pride 01'Z9# ucked me-BRat bi Rglory failure. Most s "athat cheapen&!1incWWa=4loitered zs2rec2r memori!osu2oes3wedC. W\-B hou 1UfinisFnextell begaoll, inst# r  @I1a vtill Sabbath2the ful sound %in<he musing9%TlSM#on` &rs,V5ing$ vestibulQnversCwhispers#1nt.zQthereF$no/Athe 4 ;g]6eal"of dresses +f womenZ<eir seatsZ3urbJ= T. Nonpi&er q churchd!beS full5. TXMa&Q paus expectant dumbn  CV,D#Rby SiEMary yV C ball in$2 qcongregb old ministere, roselBntileos Bseatront pew$ncommuning2., broken atvals by muffc5obsbaspread,hands abroa5prayed. A mov1ymnEsungRF tex<$q: "I amRH Qe Lif2EQervic'Dceedclergyman dmLuch picturA gra  6wayA rarZbthat e4!ou)!in9Acogn!Uthese,(!pa5!herpersist"bl1him rm always Ys?BseenRfault( Sflawsg +1relaGaa toucIqincidenm&iv`e:RqillustrN.Rweet,X3ous%s people !, how nobl_ beautifose episodespt  O rank rascalit"}.bcowhid 1 be@ \ 2and D pathetic tale1n, e"at r rcompany aand jo( !erba chor swelled upa triumphant&,6c it sh! r-s0ASawycre Pirat3#eds k-1envQjuvenkGDBconf"in%$ea&"s oudest momen_1hisq j"sold"Utroop"ey6 jsbe will;"beFBridiculouCtp UuB I" Tom go81e c )esd!cc4R's vatmoods--uhad earned YByear he hardly knew which expro85ostK,!Rto GozBaffe' BqI THAT !--RchemeoAturn'bhis brpI Qatten sa y had pa4o& mo'og, at dusk on 3, lmvesg+t6; U slep   1edg7Bthe 1ill nearly dayligh`UcreptZback lan@ TsleepE  0a chaos of invalid21nchA>f fMonday2 kSto To1tivhis want Aamou1. Id!ttI<@3say> fine jokB, toHeverybody suffe'G'most a week soAboysra good 1but01s aMjC you% Qbe sop-Aed aNrlet me ob so. I-QcouldO:U overtrl1hav| eN&Aive -=2hin9D1tha" warn't d 2but qrun off=Yesedat, Tom,";Mary; "and I believR OihAoughLCW1youR?Rg!, }#ac7iZstfully. "Say<", mJr'p?" "I--w*know. 'T?b'a' sp'NILryou lov UDmuchwith a grieved tB discomfo5Gv!me! c enough to THINKc, even+ didn't DOqNTuntie)vUany harm," pleadeBit's giddy way--he is2 inba rush%he|uinks ofrUaMore's Qpity.\. AndAcomeADONEj.1too'1'll !, 0!da 'Q late DQyou'dSd+"dfor me>Acost&2so 9 j1you V` for you5H2I'd)ADtterakDlike!I Vnow IVsrepenta1; "s dreamt@1any(I,,L much--a cj$$'s!no2. W QWhy, Wednesday night I!tZsu ! bl # b 8+ woodbox A nex Uhim."TRso we9 S 'do ByourQtake  0?8 !usfD<$Jo#'s -uhy, sheA! DiHNOh, lotsso dim, nowWtHa--can'lIRSomehAseem2ind ewind b)6.{1"Trh1der9s[2p. Come!"6  !hioo$ aforehe anxious minud then *AI've i[(.! t rr!" "Mercy on us! Go]-Tom--go on#R< 1you.1, '*door--'" "Go ON]VEJust;ctudy a . Oh, yes--rS you dkwas openeAs I'mMGQI didZn't I, MaryA[}Bthen^r I won'obertaine9Qas if4 Amade'P/cWell? -I make him do%Yb1himB--Ohyahim sh   M"land's sake! IAhear% b@my days! Dstell ME1any! i 1amswV. Sereny 4& i^an hour older.^Pther getCTHISj er rubbage 'superstition.#1t's/!!brbas dayVF Nex3 I r BBAD,NmischeevousM )"an+ responsibl3n1--Ik a colt,28 Pd$"! AgoodjgracioF you(1cryU"So& "Nof* nM)" "Then Mrs.e@2cryf "JotF3ame:C2she !ha SwhippERcreamshe'd thrit out he"CselfRsperrA1cyou! Ya#Qsying2t's1youdoing! Land ae]Gno!SiAsaidd  D" " O ! IRLBSid. did, SidMary. "Sh.d"leU"heL1TomSHI{ !h^6$off whereM$gone to,  fDbeen0sometimesTHERE, d'youd that!:92his8 QwordsG"Anhim up sharpTI lay must 'a'an angelcere WAS W xCtoldZ 1Joe>`a firecracker73Pet\ainkilleraas truPeI liveQ/!loCtalk%dr;Qe riv)1r ud%3havHCA Suna qand old MissRhuggeH4cri  "en bIt hap"!so 2surT'm a- sftracks /2n't`i.Zq 'a' se" %! \what?Ie3youq, " IwBhear`C wor2aid  !en  Pso sorryq I tookRwrote4piece of; bark, 'W}dead--we are only off 4'p %T tabl_  ;'hCyou sdA, lacasleepv8Iand leaned2lip6 D ,&I;bforgivqhm#at4she4crushing embracpt, feel lik( guiltie%villains.#wackind,  Dough~a--dream," , faudibl!up! A body doeV as he'd do if heVyA. Hea*FMilum apple  s 1was-,t--now gto school.=qto the Oc1Fat2f ui  ~2ack>'d-F1ing"Bmercy [l#t q on HimHis word, Bknow unworthy ofa 1nesR FHis *ad His hand+slp themEugh placere's fewAsmil 2e o= t{%4wHis res>long nightUDs. G2Sid >Q--tak+r)1off( 've henderClong.e children lefw old lady to call o vanquish her realism!sq marvelu(3had1Q judg_"toF_pi4"mi,"hethe house.XAthis zrthin--az\Bthatdout any mistakekWhat a hero/a, now! Henot go skipp~(%Rncingm"a dignifi!agƌXa@ who felthe public eyEm|cindeed; he triesto seem2 th2s ooaremark-he passed along?tW5Afooddrink toSmaller boysl%1flo+cels, as A to 6"enw"le$#bys the drummer1heaQ cession Ae elephant lead menagerie :own. Boys ofown size pretendVIknowaway at all'4were consu with envy,bthelesW EUgiven& i#av1swasuntanne6?his glittnotoriety3Tom !no# Ae pa1ithBr a =e3Dbaso muc}bbof JoeAdeli!9eloquent admir)݅*"eyT1two"esMAnot "inCsuff+."stuck-up."s#1tel ir adventures]5ungy#2ers9B;c@ 9ran end,aimagins}!irrfurnish material+,yorir pipewent serenely puffAroun Q Qsummi; glory wadCchedOQdecidbe independen@ ]6now. Glorysufficient. He_2liv|R. Now !heTdisti?'a, maybJ?qbe want o "make  !le!-- h  qas indi1Qnt as other people. 6 arrived. !seAawayQjoinetrroup of5%Oalk. Soo#!obed$s%3 trYQgaylyR ERforthi1fluJAfacedL Hbe busy chasing4mat?so4th a 2sheV a captur9h$icI3shea+/Cher 1vicinity&89qto cast!nsS eye =gPW1ch ~RI"i2!viFc vanit wB him)so0Awinn!im&only "set "#moE6himSdiligAavoirc at he knewKboutR gave~ qskylark`;+ved irresolutelyBQ, sig 1onc 3twi#glafurtiv45nd @QTom. 2snu71was1ing  particul0"to Amy Lawr7 Dne else. SheArp pRwnd grew1and uneasyKc=2tri1go away, but 2eet8t+2ous:1car71her"he "to a girl*as"'s%g!--)sham vivacity:Mary Austin!  A, wh&"n', #to-n?Cih!#--*Qee me"Why, no! d1? W1sit(Ix!ins' classu1go.Xw YOU!? oit's funn!n'+D you>uw2you 'QicnicU%Oh!jolly. Whol)XMy maa}5oneRcgoody;  she'll let ME com)Hieill. T#'s<!any#AbI wantQI)!ev4# nice. W7Fs itbBAQby. M r1vacBk fun! YouM r1oysAYes,tfriends to me--or3be""he:4ed Ay calked d"lo   the terr$Tstormbisland[h9P#nr PNq tree "o flinders".c";rwithin EYBfeet6lQmay I#G]rMiller.P.1And 1Sally Rogers&+usy Harper. "And Jo[Aon, g2claiof joyful"s 0 ogged for invitNs"To]1Amynturned coollyPcstill Atook# 's lips tremblAbars ca1her;Y!hi$se signsa forced gayet con cha tfJ7?!ouny 1got( !on aand hi61rand had4rher sex4"x'xGsat moodywounded pride,qll rang roused upua vindictive cast Y1gav| plaited tailsik, swhat SHE'D do arecesscontinuedBflirO jubilant self-satisfacAnd he kept )Uarto findG1lacerformance. At las AspieEsudden fa-rmercuryb#bcosilylittle bench behi/BhousT 4t a27S-booklfred Temple--and so absorbed2hey #so?Atoge Rbook, 1didby 5 ofsq+lB besides. Jealousy ran red-hveins. H1hat  2for "waqcchanceQhad o  a reconcili. He callc-r a foolhe hard names a!ofD~#cr3vexd!Am tted happily1, a'y!, 8.e!rt= Asing 3butRtongu{8!it 4He Bhear+,Aas s BwhenZexpectantly h;!onu1ammh awkward assent, (/N sFA misQd as Awise !toaBrear! ,0q and ag%#ato sea eyeball"=1ate>!clryj belp itqit maddUL q5Bough"aw;  ]Thatcher\ once suspe(`iC# lthe living. But3did59 +Ber f%/3toosas glad#Tuffer^3haded. Amy's happy pra<$inA!e.!hiac g&,o attend to; s must be doneAtimeUfleetin vain--N chirpedkT`, "Oh, hang hi%k  aget rioXher?" r those 9he said artlessly !ou" """ chool leJeShe hax3hl, t. "Any(Qboy!"p#gr3is teeth yGH1#buSaint Louis smartd20and is aristocracy! Oh, c a, I lij1youfirst dayuWqaw thisa, mistAnd I 1ick.Y just wait_ I catch you out!9%1tak  ermotionsZArash+n+r= --pumme>hI1kic&>and gouging.{you do, du0? You ho',Qthen,?learn you!" r Fthe Qflogg'as2o 15fome at noon. His L not enduByD3 of4 iAThis jHtbear noAB thea distrf'Rresum) 1 in'h bAlfredI*sy"">!no#to,Ktriumph BclouG 3she/nterest; gravi absent-mindV-s followeGthenLR; two2ree -"pr!up2ear footstep" iba fals%;i Ashe bentire({1 wisbEdn'tjit so faVsen poor Q, see!loP2notV)Ahow,E exclaiming: " aO one! look"1s!"{1pat(Oc at la99S saiddon't bo| Sme! I2carathem!"` LBearsagot up)Cwalkq2. dA dro'alongside+s-}2"buRsaid:,2awa&leave me 5e, .1! I1 Shalted, won# waZdone--forCFaid }i !snooning #hej on, crytC!mu Z?he O qwas humO egQangry!ea bguesseE Vtruth Rimplya;Gn0nXAventRspitee)I". far fromh=be lessPDBdGZ !3g~to trouble withoutS riskTAselfR's spn Cfell^ 4. HMhis opportunitZ!ly.e !onLfternoon/T?&inKr page. ,pi cwindowm R#ou5vP. She startward, now, inten28tell him;~ thankful%healed. Before s half way4, hh1sheSchang$migi 4 of Sreatm!heS@C her came scorc9R:S sham|yvz6 ge,!ondamaged i's account*"tohim forever,Ohe bargainVIX TOM 1 at:'adrearyoa_sm Qaunt R k1 sh\-Qhad b tQorrow an unprom$kmarket: "Tom, &1a n  2kind live!" "Auntie,o2aved&e?4Ryou'v ! e I-vTSerenM,ran old softy, expectingAor!o ZL :g$atn0 2hat4,!loRbehol{ s'3fouf!Jot7 2wasabtalk wt&, I don'1 $Q of a9will act  that. It makes me feel so b [-go\A andG!L l of myself never say a word." Thisa new at  %  3nes( aLH!toueCjokeBvery ingeniouse *A mear shabby !He "2heaA"no5ken71 to,#4he IBdn'tvit--butCT2Oh,i#'!k. c0your ownrishness66T Lfrom Jackson's I?2 to $urt yoo?\:ASa liem<%91n'tC to pityk* Rve usXCsorr8q!knJ8was mean,!#I J CB. I s, hones1),. Ayou &W<ibme forI"toV1you'&us™(n't got p!del!th nkfullestMi} 2wor>I7bhad asta !"atY2you ever did !it." "Inde ' 1, a%--52mayOQ stir2H!OhT Rlie--,!do[QIt on 1kesPcgs a hUFbtimes *<a; it'sH0 F. I k,1you @?X4"at)"&me2I'dLW#it Z power of sinsV72'mo}you'd run eand acted2it reasonable;n #me  %Ryou g y 22, IFgot all fulRthe idea ofa' the churchI("n'GBh2 a$Qspoil$Sotpbark back in my po 1andjA mumkW.1arkq2ark 13we'+ d 1wak8qI kissee--I doL6linS%aunt's face relax[! t.Sness %inq. "DIDqkiss meM !Ar.3 su ?did2Dq--certa|ArmRz ~Because IBcobyou laBare moa-Band "3ZBds sz Aruth.* tremor inRvoice&K9E!!bexAwithbf1 o " hTgashe raqa.!goAruin$1 ja#T c in. T0 _vher hand< erself: "No, 't dare. Poor boy, I reck(+ #ed bit's a1!leBlie,7's such aQ1romaI hopeLord--I KNOW BLord 1forr_.Qisuch goodheartd"it3"wa'#fi 1lielook." ShexCawayRttood bya|b. Twic-Dput 21takA garUand t:refrained. Once m1ven1rhis timo3forN)3Wc}:> llie--i!et%1rieR." SoG3. Aa E, J7y"flQtearsix3: "Athe Bnow,}5'|'mitted a millionl)!"X THEREAsomeAunt Polly's manner"~!BTom,; Bswep low spiriVBhim lightRhappy6. Hp&A luc YBupon O8e of Meadow Lane Dmood+determined3. W|Bc's hes$ h]; Iamighty to-day,6I'm 9 ,#2 do!4ive--pleaseB up,S you?vDgirlKRA him<dnfully( face: "b3thac. 65 TO , Mr. Thomas Sawyer.i AspeaM 2youR!to*h a!pa!onCd stunn-1 noYnkh!ce(inIrsay "WhHs, Miss S&?"j[ ?$&it%dby. So$1 no(OQin a Rrage, 03He mopedAyardf1ingObwere azBand ing how hebtrounc%if:iatly en#erd 2R a st"y remarkQ5. She hursWbreturnngry breachcomplete. It EY$to Bhot 0Rment,s#AQAwait)Q to "02in,was so im see Tom flo\injur2. I;1hadany lingl!noQbof exprAlfred %,aoffens;2lqad driv=vaway. Poor girl dOrhow faswas near. The maMr. DobbK n͢middle agean unsatisu3ambDqThe dar!ofdesires was3#be a doctorqpovertyWdecreshould be*Q highan a village q. Every he took a mystmQ book>CVk and&$1 in;{s "no6.5Breci8"R$! t& 3ookJ#lo21key#rqot an utMwas perisve a glimp[Q@Bance+T came1boy8c theor-1 Qnaturqno two 1iCalik6t way of getting5ats in Base. "as1pas!by4Ddesk% 1nea~R door t3tX)5ae lockADrecious H  glanced around;>B next instantHOs1The title-page--Professor Somebody's ANATOMY--carried no informa/mind; so s+!ga1tur s"cau!3oncaomely engravW frontis> --a human figure,qk naked !CK+dow fell Apage}3TomA ste$inAdoor&fcaught tpicture!bsnatchs"to >aR hard BSdindpeEathrustfvolumej2tur@Ce ke  out crying'1 shand vexF. ",2are1 asacan be4sneak up on a persou"wh 8y'r+." "How yH2looS$ta?" "Y$Abe a  ;wfyou're&tell on m1#ohQshall) !! 1 be whipp ICwas 3%P astampe,!fokdRBE soU i!% *2'E*. %&and you'll see! Hateful^' "!"she flungthe housd*cexplos>\:still, rather flustereC1onsBt. P+ O+  !Whi"cu&k," aCqis! Nev2xen lick! Shucks! What's a#Sing! 4ClikeS$--so thin-ski and chicken-". 4Aof c4 # Iq)t$ldV3'is lA's o@Gwaysa even a<&|tC7? Oxktask whof%3his book. Nb'll answe en he'll doUay hekoes--ask firs\An t'wOns" jiBing. Girls' facese*9yMM2bonT1'll .i  hatight - ', p1any#ou.*!coCDJ'added: "All,3"'dQto se"inQfix--!er sweat i"!")4joi0gmob of: lars outsideC[ags  !nd:ol "took in Afeel rong interests studies% #hea 1 at gc side Broom !'sX d him. ConsiL&3alltT, he 4Bpity`B$et+2all1uldo-/"HeVup no exultd!lly worth[ n  \ %Qdisco@ 6#adeHH Sfull I own matterE9a~72aft "t.64&er lethargE *"Xgood the proceeding _! 3Tom"ge(&aby denrhe spil2inkCw  >/sSG:adenialr mn4TomssupposeV A gla{Bthat%sJmergency paralyzbinvention. Good!--han inspir4! Hk"ruXbook, spring thi)"3fly5NAolutAhooke$ont" i)was lostl ,rTom onl9{ Wsted , bQ! Toorkn Sw *O  Bfacex1. Eeye sank under AgazeLv9smote even Pbnocent/Hfear>1sil%B onez count ten =kAatheV.#raH npoke: "Who  book?" nNsound. On 1havxrd a pin,1a still!continued;CAsear-4fac|  for sign uilt. "Benjamin@,!tuS?" AA. Ane  pause. "Joseph HarperD5+;I uneasinessE2and4#sethe slow tor+es TFDscant ranks of boys--c ,ed!ur3 : "Amy Lawrenc,eA shak head. "Gracie MillerQ samerYLusan! 8his)rnegativ(2waslMA was"bling fromcto fooQexcitG and a sa!op_!of/Rsitua "Rebeccazc" [Tomhf#--I!Cwhitterror] --"]R--no,4(me6b" [herA rosmappealE?XAG29lik;Da%br(3prafcis feehouted--"I:"t!}BstarperplexitH6incredible fF3Tom!"a C, toHqdismembfacultiesk wYNA for=#to-his punish"=burpris gratitudB adosCshon64himBpoorv!'st Bpay /O)1 IBed b~splendor qown actv Sb outcr7most merciless fla DMr. 2had8,badminiBalso receiSN!ce"added crueltaa comm o remain Shours0ld be dismissed-- knew who #wa k]h;his captivit3don he tedious s, either$C6bto bed, planning venge jgainst ; ;arepent5#ol4"ll^ 3for 3'jq "ry8"thV1ingHW %way, soon, to !Santer'%she fell asleep at las's latest0sdreamily inRear--, how COULDbe so nobl23XI VACATIONapproaching),nKqsevere, rjQexact1han[,i!a .!shV on "Examin" day. His rodkhis ferul8! seldom idle now--)=&st # sUpupils. Onlabigges7 young ladie}e e twenty, escaped la #' Ss wer vigorous onO!; lC he \,K6 wig, a perfectly balQshiny=#, Ronly d'B ageq T of feebleJMmuscle. }great day "ed?byranny#waEc=face; hec! H)!ur?Ie least V2comTnQnsequ Y1boy59 air dayNp8Fz)1plo1 rezy threw away noo "to'  a mischief y a$J"im\r retrib8 & rfollowe*yCful vCso s|Qmajes^| from the field bad#stBtthey co2tog_Ԝ#lag7 QdazzlaictoryBy swaign-pa."'s(BCchem3askEhelp0s v`1deldRboard Rather's f]3K$giboy ample -rto hateFTd's wifHBgo o"!sitSuntrySew da~J#1to !4fer !he O Aprep f3forQoccasAA3by 8Zty well fuddl Q boy  the domini roper condw$G on A Eveh1q"manage"Bhe n[ <9Vwaken hhurried #toB. I!fu; "im!esHc arriv0+" iewas brilli' Cdorn wreathsbfestooDfoli!xflowers! s 1ronH 2 {d platform,< Alack=#? tolerably mellow. Three rows of benches on *(!si\Rd six%1in "c m.foccupi dignitarw1own)% aparentusTg left, backh citizens,Dba spac emporary5u@"th&Blars3 !er1taktexercise ; 1of S"he"drY0"toxae statdiscomfort; gawky bigRs; snowb_ X clad in lawBmuslHKbcuousl,ir bare armsir grandmothers' ancient trinket&2 biApinkblue ribboLir hair. A>/!tas fillKnon-participa.%2. Ac"3boy!upsheepishly recia"You'd scarce expecaof my o speak in public stage," etc.--ac5ing#ai-r Vpasmodic gesturech a machine mahave u csuppos ' a trifle]aorder."he*7safely, though cruellye}3g9afine r!offHD?dp! manufactured bowqD. A u1lis$B"Mar a+Clamb]#, Qgbssion- aurtsy,yher mee,ru!wn#ShappydSawyer ӕited confid o1int)1 un hGindestruct"Give me liberty orme death" speech1furc frant4Aicult  $ia middlit. A ghastly "-fbAseiz m, his leg5ked m=  to choke. True  1nif/!ir tterly defeab a( attempt at,it died early. "The Boy StoodC" BӘa Deck"!owPAlso 3Assyrian Came Down,"!ot{eclamatory gemV"rerd,a& f^ meagre Latin class ,Qhonor prime fea41ing"in,original "compos\ 3s" a. Each-!er: !to<qedge ofr 1cle.1roal anuscript (tis dainty)F"eqCreadQlabor t to "expreDpunc!1the.r had been illuJ;on similar  Sb befor^, doubtlessir ancestoremale line F nCrusades. "F[Ahip"wone; "MbOther Days"; "ReligioHistory"; "Dream Land";qdvantagv  Culture"; "Form Political Government Comp and Contrasted"; "MelancholrFilial LovVrHeart L#sp A prevalentY!se\ca nurspetted m|B; an>asteful and opue1gusf"language"; <qtendenc dlug inRears 6 ularly prizedphrases until+ Fwornx%3outr peculiRthat ZX CmarkBmarrlahe inveterata r sermonwits crippled tail  Ae eneach andby one E m. No matter wCssubjectG Rbe, aA-rac 7$ & quirm it into some as "r AFa" rQus mi} !ul*templateAaedificG glaring insincerid"_not suffi o1assYabanish  fashion'Lit iT to-day; it never will bex,orld stands, perhaps. #]5ll our l$2herD1 do$feel obligwAclos.!iru1ithkBrmon|/aill fi >#MfrivolouT  Dgirl1dongest9XQrelenhly pious. Butis. Homely truth is unpalatable. Let u2oK"!."QXfirstNas read9one enti#1"Is (n, Life?" Pgreader can endur_'bxtractNit: "I5common wal S life(ful emot!do/ERthful9ly"1warvsome an qed scen 2fesc! Imag is busy sketchingt-tinted3Prjoy. Inû voluptuous votary}TEsees`(1amiA3 ei ng, 'the observe4allrs.' Her gracRarray7snowy robes, is whir! f"uga1maz3joyous dance;E eye is b !es rY 3 is#st gay assembly.-BdeliIf"#quickly glides by, welcome hourRs for1ntrBintoe Elysia cld, of bshe ha2 g\w fairy-li eF !ry appear kher encharvision! 3newjis more charm}aBlastfas1nds{Aenea@ais goo߁xterior,#is vanitflattery3onc 1souqw graterharshly1ar;ball-roomCqlost it4sF%Rhealttaimbitt= Qheart1she bs away1Fnvicaearthl8s cannot satisf U1ing1theHJq!" AndV#or3so D!rea buzz of g/1to 3durB $, Qwhisp4ejaf"How sweet!" 5qeloquenSo true!l had closed jc ly affli e\enthusiastic n arose a slim,X8r, whoseK07' "C" paU42comMTpillssigestioX>`a "poem." Two stanza&"it=!do+ "A MISSOURI MAIDEN'S FAREWELL TO ALABAMA-qlabama,%-bye! I love1! qBut yetLzCdo I:+1thec/1Sad1, sQought(!myR~bt doth And bqrecollesng my brhRFor IAwandH|!th[wSoods;Have roamN a;Tallapoosa's stream53blisten, *ssee's warhfloodswooed on CTide Aurora's beamA "YeM8Ame I to bear an o'er-full4`Nor blush4urnmy tearful eyeB'Tisno strange% RI nowa+pm2(to0s left I yield; Qighs.[W|sand hom2min  is StateW1TvalesL"--F!spq?fade fas (1col ag3eyex 9eoen, dear ! BturnQISee!" c Bwere4few$ho $at "tete" meKl"bu "po S very|ractory, theless. Next/ed a dark-UBxionEIfack-ey Qhaire qng ladyQ paus2 im'vwJa, assu tragic ex$n Q " m~ d, solemn tone:A VISIONN2Darbtempes 2was5 2. Aq on highA+2ingr quivered; butAdeep0"na T heavy thund "coE-qly vibr 1ar;s]rerrific n .gry mood-de cloudy chamberheaven, seebo scorQpowerXted over itsAor b,allustrFranklin! EvqisterouYwinds unanimaM"th mystic /Qblust?3as if to enhanceBir a Q wild!#. . "At5 a$A, so Rrearyv human "mymspirit sigh@eQbereof,k1'Mye#iend, my counsellorand guide--My jop Qgrief,second blis[in joy,'RQto my1. S#ve^9o. Z 3ose p!s !d Qe sun9lks of fancy's Edekromantic , a queen of beauty un#qsave by !ow_ctransc xAlovevPsGAsoft 1, iqQfaile2mak a sound,"bu1mag0thrill impartedgenial touch, ather unobtrui< Bhave away un-perceived--unse4. A1 sau res4herf1s, "ic5s e robe of December,21poi 0nd]Aelemtcwithoub0Tg5two"bresentV3Thi;(ma)1tenB}h1oundwith a 5so v all hope to non-PresbyterianN  #!okApriz%1osi~ Gwas /Qto be sfinest >81.cTmayorvillage, in deliveJ  rhe auth6 it, made a warm speech i Bhe sQby faT"b "" !heE  that Daniel Webster well be prouit. It may be rel2ng,xthe numbes in whiz4aword "4Qeous"over-fondlegxrience referras "life'sS,E$upeusual aver`1Now}m,"1 alA ver3k1putchair aside, !ed9 !udldraw a map of America #A, toa"ci geographyoupon. But he 9sad busi] !thu|&y 8SQa smod titter S!ov*=!e '/ nB wasDset =Ato r !it:sponged out2Qs and=dbm" he only dted themQE!evn E&ApronGMd$)$hi'>J his worky(if@PBnot uput dowQmirthBfelt"al B wer #en him; he i| was succeedingFyt;\5uit even6ly increased.Q igarret above, pieta scuttle 1his|,@$is- came a cat,nended a$ q haunch a string;1had&!g V 4PEjaws=qrom mewDslowly de#Q curvwAward-Aclaw,swung down-qintangi!!irRxKahigher2 --the cawb six i"absorbed teacher's head--down, "$owshe grabbu2wigNher despEclaws, cluS4iw1nat7u ", " i} Yr trophy7" ibposses 1And0Qthe ldid blaze abroadx's bald pate--fo 3, boy had GILDED it! That broke upEmeet3boyavenged. Vacn  3com NOTE:--The'+"a" quotaS tpter are taken%out alteriBfrom avolumeqtled "P7and Poetry, Western Lady"--yj1exa%0݇Qecise  *agirl pQhenceEAmuch9 Aappi"anYcere imUs be. CHAPTER XXII TOM joew order of CadetTemperance, r attracN  1howw@ "regalia." H3misRbstai^Q smok9!ch,Aprof as longSArema1a m OQ he fn thing--nam&a1 noBdo a+" iZasurestO  3 body wanA!goVQvery Pv$b soon W!rm] q# aQc to drc)q swear;Rgrew %so:!nor jL bof a c6to display i8red sash kept himwithdrawing from . Fourth of JulT61;Qon gaat up --iC"A2worrshackle7 1y-ehours--and fix0Bhope? old Judge Frazer, justic)Beacewas appares'"bei/ Ta big*funeral,  o9an official. Du( ree days[;Bdeep+rcerned 62the' d Qungry1newit. Sometimese: "ra$--#heRventuj1get Chis practiseO.R-glasrmost discourag yJbluctuabAt las'as ~Amend then convaltQwas disgust9'qnd felt !ns&injury, too !haQsigna,tat onceq"at#Bsuffc relapBdiedrresolve kP! trust a mand@T+Cpara a style calculated to killClate^Benvy$1fre[m@!reAsome!a La swears Ors surpr 1dids7Qsimpl| hga, tookBaway Charm  GDqly wondQto fiIacoveted vGwas beginning -4&ng Cheav}M ands. He attempt$BiaryPLed dso he abandonedT?!rsanegro minstrell!s cto tow aa sensand Joe Harper+-up a band of e-r were happm1twonGloriousbwas in a failureWAit rFT&, encx ! i!seI-e&t! aeatestBAin tabrld (aT!/ed), Mr. Bento actual Uniteds Senator, prov overwhelYQdisapXBment Gwenty-five feoqgh, nor +Q anyw;neighborhoosrA circu qboys pl"J @#  in tentsof rag carpetAadmi ,@2pinOB;two for girls#ens. A phrenologisa mesmerizerI3wen1lef H8_Udrear "evf>=BwereUeCAand-'(1es,jDthey,A fews6so $(Bonly2 the aching voids between acae hard= Thatcher1gon}bher Co_ ainopleat!Bher ks } bm1sidaElifeP.dreadful secre*athe mu  chronic miseryєaR canc^ q permanX* 2aingnmeasles. wo long weekl Mprisoner, dea}1andw"Aings1wasQ ill,;O !no3. W2cgot up aU3andafeebly{-$"!achange3com./$"nd2 cr.rb* "revival/0 had "got *1n,"{Bdult"thyLbbhopingsst hope!1e s$ of one blesOQinful"- A cro(Ahim Qwhere9Qstudy Testament4Rsadly9- "deng spectacl_  Ben RogersKvhim visi6 #ooca baskBractE!huup Jim Hollis B calLs]KK{2ous0ing of hisA 2 as DningSboy he encounti!ad2nother tfV Aon; 1hend ion, he flew for refuge a) F bosom of Huckleberry Fin! bwas re+Scriptural quotjirw_ re crept!an!be"2lizat he alXA allw!st4and .%Bnv=&st:Adrivain, awful clap ]/blinding she81cov!the bedclothe"ai! a horrosuspensehis doom; not the shadow of a doub  is hubbub was 1himrSdQtlm!thtgbearanowers aboveMQextremitp Bendu2h.i the result have seeme1him!st[ApompiRammunp Ca bu3a b(of artille+;b incongruou' E3 up+n'2 asrto knoc+ Bturf! insect likeB. Bbtempest spent itPcand diQout accomplis9its objectc boy's bimpulsgratefulreform. His +EwaitC"re>bbe anyDsK"dadoctors were back;w4hadd 3 heU!baO!is2!%an})ge . ehardly4D1spa#"reing how loneWQstate companionlesAforl@oPdrifted listless Btree+p41 acuqas judg a juvenile courr1cat her victim, a bird and Huckup an alley e@ a stolen melon. Poor lads! they--tTom--ha7E SI ATkhe sleepy atmospStirrevigorously:3e trial4k!betAsorbWtopic ofe talk immediately xyBaway$itArefeQO ; sent a shudd his heartroubled consc i[5LQpersu2himBthes#rkr!pu tqas "feelers";1seen-Rld beaqof knowz n -  Fnot be comforc2ae mids, agossip1kep(rshiver e"Hu##a 1pla+!a Sm. Itb QreliedbunsealAonguwhile; to divide)iburden[l87r. MoreoqBhe w/to assur-m discreet. "Huck,1you" told anybodh--that?" "'Bout wYou know." "Oh--'course IZ"n'Never a wordLAsoli2Qword,|Qelp mat makes you ask:qWell, I\ aafeardbVWhy, ?B, wen't be aliv$1dayQ #go out. YOUt2TomWmore A. AfnQ pausnQ5n'tL1get!to\,"Q they"Ge[!? !if half-breed deviLzF me z) gO$y ain't no diMn>Uthat's all(!&n.twe're safe %   we keep mum. But let's swi-1gai1ywa'!Qsurer}I'm agreeS# ry swore? , solemniti"%S talk,yQ? I'vBrd al " "Talk? Pit's just Muff Potter, $the timepReps mg!t,tant, so'sd7A'ersT{"ju9+Q samebgo on p reckon he's a goner. Don'gfeel sorhBhim,AimesqMost always-- *raccount thfA don %ur. Just fis 4 B, toSoney drunk onfSloafsFiderable; l-!we2do |MBwaysu&of us--pr s <+Blike@!ki?PE--heBahalf aB, onre Krn't enough4 2two"lo eEQby me?sqof luck!meBkite"me,knitted hooks%o my line. I wish w"geot$u" "My!&"n')W. And besides, 'tn't do any=;'d ketch{ AgaincYes--s>aI hate;ear 'em abus2 so the dickens6"he/fI do tooL)I[2say&toodiest i ip n !!an ver hung befoO1Yes=y+%7~Qif heK)1frery'd lyn^A'"it'" The boys]"aQtalk,Csit broum1. A# twilight drew #ey themselves ha6 * leAisol80Ejailz=an undefinp8d; z-m!clow;!irAicul+T But =eno angels or fairies i! tYss captiveAboys#\!ey~Qoften%!-- AcellYring andk qtobaccobmatche-;n gBfloo% rno guar"isl2tud /Qgifts Q smott!irL "s --it cut deep,lx@ 2cowASand t!ou2the Sdegreaid: "You've beenQy goo1me,--better'nw 1elsthis town1I d+forget it,Q. Oft1sayrmyself,I, 'I us\AmendMCoys'.Bings:Ashowfishin' place01befD4Bat I1 2nowjcve allaB oldthe's in92TomIQHuck b--THEYP)" '5-!them.' Well, "eBwful$"--and crazy  #--w athe on*1y I!un2 itnow I go:Qswingxiit's right. RighABEST, b--hope  we won't4at.! make YOUl dbad; yCed mh<say, is,p2YOUG !--m 3youSStandR er furder west--soSit; it'smBAee fw"lya&C5 Aa muP Rtf1non$ ae heregyourn. Gooda w"--"ly. Git up on Hother's backYl touch 'em. = Qit. S}`qhands--}1'lln1 th-Abars mine's too big. LittlBweak--buyQ 3lpel ^ 2shelp hi*.iy"."!home mis CnBream#full of se next day{e fter, he rt-room, dra@. irresist`,(1in,tforcing( to stayF| 1hav (1qy studi~a avoidpL"ch4FKTkelet !atdD Now,7#A us t** b--telleown waEskipp,h+sbegan--}AinglRfirst"as"rmtQubjec f  easily;ln! sdceased buP own voice;&ixAhim;qed lipsbEBhung!higads, ta]\no note of"d, rapt1ghaCR!on 1ale#q straina pent emoq q climax 5boyJ "!asdoctor fetcheETboard+"ag fell,@Cjump-P?1andCrash! Quick$Cighte}%Cspra|aa, torem1alloAsers gone! CHAPTER XXIV TOM1a gring hero onc>e>%pe2old-Aenvyhbng. HiR eveninto immortal prin;* paper magnyhat believe be Presid Byet,  * . As usualfickle, unreask9s % to its bosomBfond3 Alavi@XRas itb} !&Bsort of conducO&o"'s"t;fIp'#noJto find faulQh it.!'sv: of splendor and exul2 J2hiss were s?.  infeste=s Ddoomz deye. H!y aUcould', 1boy"tir abroadafall. Poor HuckiH 1samI"wrrand terror "ad*p7!ho!or* Awyer Qgreat V 6and4sor01hara y Jumight ldnotwithsta_A's f!sa!im+QZyq N.#4afellowDhe attornepromise secrecyqwhat of? Since }Sharasy![2 Bdrivp%c c'&Rse bywaad2lip ^been sealnsdismaler;most formidab=aoaths,a's conchuman race`well-nigh obliteratcXDaily2'"1madA gla\0Rpoken%!Vly he wish%1up " c. Hal"imZS nT 3be dVa othercY@ >+ He felt sure heMbdraw a+again until1man92dea,y@ Rewardselvcountryrscoured"no2 Jofound. Oose omniscind awe-inspi^marvels, a detective,1"upoSt. Louis, mo"ar@S$shhead, looksort of astouQ succ  3sZb craft!lyu=!ev1at ' say, he " a clew."n you can't hang a "clew" for#soZoEgot ]qnd gone8. s-63ure3was,. R slowdrifted obleft b Cit a"ly qened we"of apprehenV THERE comesVqrightly{1tru+26_)has a rag1sirrgo someqand digRV}1sur3is 9suddenlyU3one{e sallied+R Joe ~Bfailed of8. Next h<;!a %gwTtumbl@FI2FinRed-Handed." qanswer.m3 private-#op$e matter to >{kbtially`*Awill>  o take a hanwy enterpri RferedBtainnd required no capital a&u superabundanc)Rtime r rmoney. 'll we dig?" sair. "Oh,5.Uq." "Wh%D i[ e?" "No, inde  /a. It's-"in=y bicular5 --/ on islands,Atime@ rotten chests!envaa limbSn old@Bree,0c;falls at 1 mo aQfloor) ba'nted0Who hides iWhy, robbers, K urse--who'0? Sunday-school sup'rintendentsXIknow. If 'twas mine I Cide it; I'd9!nd1 a _&1o;1 I.l"do!XUf and leave it "ADon'y0Cy moA!No y)k,w$B#qy generUQforgeT 0q, or elJey die. Anyway, it  t 1a l "im gets rusty;!by- !bycbody finds<yx  Xtells howAthe 2--a  o be ciphCovera week because it'stBsign hy'roglyphicjaHyro--H"--picture>qthings,]Qknow,1seeTmean u1Hav1d got o"emas, Tom|!No0Well then,: Afind #61wan^ esbury itas or on a"ea t0Eat'sAsticTout. *!'v ed Jackson's I}iwe can tQagain/R timeSy' -1 up Still-House branch,=qlots of-StreesnAload1'emI#ll Htalk! NoTA81ichJ1forG _1'emI1Tom/6#llll summerf 2? SI#a brass po-a hundred dollar,"llAgray2 fudi'monds. HowaHuck's eyes gX1!bubPlenty4qme. Jus R gimmM Iand &noT" "AT8~QI betI:k!foff onDb Some 'Qth tw3Rapiec"#reWaany, hn2's <six bits oHvaNo! Is1 soCert'nly--anybody'llyou so. Hever seen on5E!No7I!nOh, kingsA sla|$S_"no5$I reckon@i!if3wasto Europ!'d.Qa rafr'em hopGr b" "Do1hopBHop?_-u grannylN2say>1did CShucks, IJ1ean'd SEE 'em--not V Yto hop for?--but IRQ 2seeV3scal &, 28$ aBLike!ol]pbacked Richar* 2? W_2his,Q nameRHe di'ny"1. K!but a givenIN!Bu.yiy like it-R 54D,Xa niggeroRsay--t Eyou  1irsn< S'pose we tacklj ) hill t'8side ofjrI'm agreea<got a crippled pickea shovel1setwir three-TtrampV*"hoCrpantingE]/7T downH2shaa neighbo!elq#- smoke. "ISthis, Tom. "So do I 2SayP$weCtreaF#re 1do 0your sha ZBI'll3pie5MU 3oda2day1Rgo toV&fSlong.0aQa gayrnbsn S sa"tod h AlivebM1!byy#OhP |any use. PapY CcomemFo thish-ybwQR2 daR\5as clawiIurry up,ZIjhe'd clea3out pretty quick.tn$buy a new drumua sure-'Whearts jum8ao hear[strike upoFyb"$#ed3dis <+Aa str a chunk. AtDE5Tomv -rxrbut we CAN'T b&. We spottv)AshadX2bo a doI$tF1the6re';"tthat?".wpAguesoyH Menough i1too5> or too earlAHuck 7ped .tat's it9Ahe. !'sDveryLLFaone upBcan'| 2thea1sidL$is` ',8C%Y#ofy%> ;2 a-fluttY&Zbafeel aP$'s!mNZ;'AfearTCturn)%uz'V front a-<Qa cha I been creeXAll o1ever since I DBI've=smuch soAHuck6y mN put in a de&# why bury. e, to lookGLordy!" "Yey3 7If !toRPpeople. A h1s b!toDintoQ'em, "L" "r2stiRMup, eitherjf2onet! 2.Akull !ay" DCTom!2wfu"it "is^U3a b,QSay, <lp~ d"trARs els?%,  $weY 5bconsid|/;dJ:The%. G  4s.c 're a dern sight worse'n  D lVN,lyocome slid rshroud,nUnoticApeep shoulder3f a:%!1griqir teet"Ra does. I Bn't qsuch a NPa--nobody 1Kt2but, dUtraveU 1 heu_! 1But <{#goCYthat fA norg 4v emostly M J#go5 Qa manaen mur, anyway | E"erODseen5 # except b--justLBblue'Rs sli& q window regular Gsl![Xflick5acan beu4h!cl~Qehind Irs to reason. Be1any2butAs us<pEDcomebP`f, so wl!us3our?7a<W$ df^#I it's tak@A y(qstartedffhy) TAmidd- oonlit valley bel[em stoodR""M&!, 4ly Ra, its S=s*ago, rank weeds she very doorstep chimney crQ)qto ruinq  -sashes vacant, a corneraroof c/!in1 boz*, half expectAo se. flit pas%Qindow n1ing 14 as befitte8 b:m y struck far of\Rthe rO Qe haua wide berth A*qway hom. r,Boods6 earward si_j Hill.4VI ABOUT noo$ 2 daNgG4tre=Ahad ffN"ir$Q. Tom impatien#go ;( Qwas mAablyc $alC%ly Lookyhere1 dowday it isbmentally ran%$V3eekhen quickly liftedG# a2led 3m--WI0once though,iE\un kKrR it pE conto m` a Fridap   can't be too careful8 A 'a'  1an scrape, :ing2Won a z MIGHT! Better say we WOULD!"'slucky days= $"ny BknowbP1YOUf2the:f 1it ;AHuckRn1said I was, did I? AndT all,.O_d a rotten bad3msdreampt1rat"No! Sure sign ofB F"ey{s'NotCgood% WL d*1ign  G,-2. A-_Udo is  by shark Zi Cdroph}5to-{ wplay. DuRobin Hg Who'sqWhy, he greatest m"evrEngland:the best. HGca robb Cracky, I wisht. Who did he robOnly sheriffs bbishop Crich2 RkingsR=9Q But naver bolloved 'em1divQ!upx 'em perfectly squa-h2'a'r Sa bri I 3youW[!Oh9qhe noblaaOT"R was.!men now, I can1youN R lick-can in ,a one he4iedD Ahim;NhEAtake!yew bow and plug a ten-cent piece"c, a mia3s a YEW bowIM /t7w, of cours.d if he hi| Bdime`Aedgepould set aand cr(2d cOB'll play!--nobby fun.AlearQF m% t\dfternoon, nowmy1casQ aa year=2eye#up qnd passs remark .1orr+prospect9Iibere. A5suna sink sey tookEway 5 aathwar| cshadowN6e,soon were buriAITsight8H(- Y On Saturday, shortlyV^  R bHnT4hadd&Ua chaCshaddEGir last hole*;]great hopeaGmere<oIqcases wz "pet#ad )(upafter getting down~qx inchep Y-O an some d1! aqand turZJt a single th{bshovel' Afail !isO a, howesDc+ BwentTfeeling jvshad notEds fortunehad fulfillep requirements <%of<71-hu(6. Rreach T 1{ so weirPv grislyBsile at reign^Rthe bAsun,{ bSdepre$Cbelines!dem"io he place[(3fra,# aHM Qventu7 ty creptD#do?!mbp_VT aw a weed-grown, floorless room, unplastx;aan anc CfireVs, a ruinous staircaser#er%ud hung E#nd abandoned cobwebsn#tl73ed,MC ened puls,s, ears ale\BcatcYDXRsoundAmuscAenseQready instant retreat. In a+Nfamiliarity modTReir f Qy gavm,Qtical#iYsted examinC, rather admi+[bown boƑ Qwonde"at it, too. Nexk1up-+isMqlike cu]!goqdaring ; =! abe but I&!--L,=Sto a 02and scent. Up\NBame 53qcay. InpJoC a@d mystery"qa fraud1 inCr courag4xwAH4n hM Lo go down and begin#1hen}BSh!" CTom. is it?" Huck, blanchingrG!..re!... HearDa "Yes:#y!(!run!" "Keep1! D you budge! 're coming p! tcr 1doo #stC./Rfloorto knot-hole!th bushy white whiskers; long hair flowed from u!hiRbrero dGe green gogglesec7'Cn, " Xa low voice; @#sa gr$Q, facAback{sthe wal12the=er continued ^ s. His mann\less guarF{0words more distincFLproceeded: Q, "I'!it oB 5andi,& dangerouDR!" grTthe "e dumb"A--to#svast su?boys. "Milksop+2his~ 2gasQquakeEwas O!'s +<!swag we'veAleftr--leave it( &'v !'B. No2!o i.f!wet south. SixfCmDfift5Qver'sDto carry%eWell--#r EKG m No--but I'd say(j2 us#doe9:Alook; it may5(" bTI,6!e  J!! ; accidentsi !B; 'tY$inu2ver9;i6f%l[+qh+qit deepDGood idea !thrRqwho walv Qcrossroom, knelt#, gv"qhearth-/atook o9A1bag Q jing?qleasantLe subtracW9Qrom i0nڼcthirty#Dcs for G"as+6for8e latter, #s <,(Q8owie-knifeUforgo<,bmiserig$an@. With gloaq ,A mov7q. Luck!f splendor of Qs bey%sll imag+!qETmoney/Ato mcalf a dozen rich! H sd1theaiest a !esrNDabother uncertainty as to w44to }2y nudged each ;--eloquent)r easilyRstood simply meant--"Oh,you glad NOW we'rbB!" mVTknife%Uupon . "Hello!" C he.?2sai4Calf-e"plank--no, it'sy!x,4Rlieve1--b`!w 2see<Kfor. Never mind, qbroke a3 [2hisWbin and i p3ManDU  rhandful8$ingold. Thejb abovebas excW cmselveY!as delighted.NwRquick4Bv$ban oldM24over amongst >#)5sid"a--I sa5#a 74agohaX|iaBoys'5andn X1the$b, look5ly, shookUA mut4 toM3  5use5Abox aoon un$edXA not *R larg!#wad2bou:Bbeen+dstrong5the slow>s+Qinjur c|5the" ain bliss3. "PardrthousanL Shere,p. "'Twas alwaysX Murrel's gangCQbe aruone summer,".stranger observ53; "vs looksPHI2 sa* sNow you $neRjob." Ʉfrowned. Se: "You# me. Leasx&k"lla A. 'T@ robbery alv\ REVENGE!"a wicked R flameBhis GR"I'llyour helpRBWhen finishednn Texas. Go homH<NT#anK3kidM1b %0$Sell--Bqsay so;ew  w dthis-- k Yes. [Ravishing overhead.] NO!- e great Sachem, no! [Prof[distress;1I'd---at least4 \Smean =but Tom, si%1nlyhad testifiSVery,mPDfortBAalond! Compan!be a palpCimpr5, h . CHAPTER XXVIId adventur4"ayily torme RTom's5s . Four times hE!s !atSFnd f6ait was:rhingnes5igers as  !hi wakeful4bEfAt bae hard realit'Fhis 1. AClay |AmornO(1ecaincidentsJND, he noticed%~dseemedL4ly Hand far away--someD ;3had#tworld, MfAlong " b3 :n i5him u itselfa$3onetrong argumentW Bavorj is idea--namely,sc quantDcoin2fAoo vkAreal Qhad nTseen !as in one massShe wa1all "ag"st in life,&Aimag= call re\Os7!s""  " were mere fanciful formCaspeech Zno such sumP qlly exiEpposed forf w"so= a sum as a 6z be found in actualy one's Ԁ" Ianotion treasurbeen analyze.yxy=Ansis 'a areal dgand a bushel of vague,id, ungras{`A. BR^K"en Ssharp!clearer (Vattri !inTAthem?h so he"`1himk1leae(impressi6q#no2a dream, a )isQsweptg:~ snatch a hurried breakfast!go2fin.ik e gunwalB a flatboat, listlessly dang+2t !ee3"atbs2ingamelancholy. TomC&2letslead up@1 su e did not do its1be 2q `o!xEGelloylf." Silence ab-om, if we'd 'a'Y 4lam' a"Vtree,0!go D. Oh$! 1fulF $,Somehow I most'x. Dog'd if I ." "What!K%Oh6ing ).U"en"QDream! Iymss hadn' down you8)1how  Q!xhf%Deams|2allpL#--()[tch-eyedZ 1sh l4 gom*!thR 'em--rot himm1No,_a. FIND! T /1Tom#llXhim. A fellerq ~3one Q for a pile-- a2's lost. I'd feel1ry shakysee him, anyw+qso'd I;2I'd,2 2z#'Aut--&s < 1--y95N'Bthat2&7/!ouAit. !dofreckonB"oQtoo d62Say--maybe inRs$'"Goody!... No, rRain'tfv5, is one-hort!wn3 y=#noq,@so. LemmkKS Here r room-- QavernQ know;Qtrick s3two?s. We cansout qui You stay hereU,zI come." DAoff c1caracHuck's~rbpublic#s"as G!an hour& EbestNo. 2 had# a young lawyutill so-. In the l&astentaa housek! 2#a 5 -keeper'sr2son  kept lock$)ll3tim82he 4sawq go int W!or}(A exct;Ymny particular reason> x1gs;Er Come ' BsityD8bfeeble98wVe6r by ent"Ding % ae ideaC"roG "ha'nted"e  r a  !re[) BwhatOYD'Kvery No. 2"$af&/Qit isE$. ?C youqQto doNE_(ngE2tell yous$do "at" icomes out J1los )ey e!a3?Qtrap Jbrick stor"`qet holdmdoor-keys1nip-of auntie'=,Bdark'"goS ry 'em. And mi,n, because he E#!to/|2tow 4spy 3)N#a "to 6youjyou just fGQ him;_Rif he 2 go >"1laca"LordyI !fovhim by myself+hsit'll b%", ov"He\Dn't B youRdid, b4he'A any' "ifU8n. 3o-- 1YouE<cBdark!. 3'a' out he coul f< #ber,&DOCs so{1; IP, by jingoesw"'re TALKING! Don'7|bweakenaI won' sI THAT#1TomQILy hung a e neighborhooo{nine, one watch52he PAat a ="K1thePdoor. NoF"orN Rit; n%aresembp2the 5ard=3te#Th promise]`fair one; sowent home`rat if adWAegre,Adark1cami AcomeT"maowupon he would slipthe keysE aclear,XmAclos2s(Tretiryan empty sugar hogs0welve. Tuesdac/&amE. Also Wedn/Thursday bbetter8"in$.sf0aunt's old tin lant 6 Qtoweldrlindfol 1ithh? <1 inp-'s began. A WB mid#v!upB2its1s ( !s 'd"s)!pu)*%02had Eseen+Dhad / }b. EverrV,3iou"Bblac5of SreignA peruQstill#waVbruptedby occasional/)#ofAt th<ggs1liti n~,=tl: Bowelx&wo2rs D A glokw>y.stood sentryrTom fel3wayZTjz  !of8ing anxiety$weighed iga(a mountainh$%sh?ra flashH$ C--it.f"en!buZO6ell- alive yet. I4s1Tomdisappeared. Surely"us Ded; &A was7`+!rtQaburst #D'Band ,G'1 In4auneasi L rdrawing-DrK a; fear rdreadful ] $/1ari1pecm0some catastroph 2Atake 1792not&to,]$heUable to inhale it(imbleful- TK$ar Athe beating. S1Tn"ofh%tEby him: "Run!"he; "runAyourt!" He needn',Q repe drit; onc ;#mairty or forty miles,RrepetCwas -3. Tj!tor  "J1sheʁerted sl#1er- e lower en/the villagxa By goin its shelter]Sstorm xrain poubwn. AsxJ] 0AHuckwas awful! I t3twob keys, aas sofI R; butsto make of racket=rdly get myRso scBT1bn't tuVck, either. Well,?!ou.Ticingkboing, I tookcthe kn!A ope@e !H&E@R! I h1in,!sh5fP, GREAT CAESAR'S GHOST What!--whatQ'seo1steFonto's hand!" "NoAYes!A#Ras ly s%asleep oARfloor4?Aold 5"ey his arms sprea[d1did Tdo? D0Bke u91 budged. Drunk, 2. IjUgrabbBAowel F+usIX'a' thoughS33tIx. My aunmby sick3alost iM A"Say,1box!diw@o_00.-}44 /8 .:ea bott|Sdtin cu 6 by(!; I saw two barrelslots moreUs S.u2now'!Fmatt'3at R roomTr!it mG o1ALLaTemperTYs have got aeC, hepd[3Who8u? But sAnow'Rightyt 1timg&ifqb's dru""Ithat! YouiQshuddIEno--"nom5And-B not3. O1  alongsidf, :u'< three, h  -&@oaTp*for reflectioZ+ S:38oky82les#tr 1 an#e}wwcR Joe'5'reQscaryhw eSnight# bp"su2 go  "orbwe'll Gbox quicker'n nJV<the wholBlongj%ido it 1too3you"<Ather4$"A= bill. A.v!to{"tr0Hooper Street a block EmaowWRthrow:bgravel=e0 3bfetch 1T"Agre01goo'Awhea*B"Now,  T's ov*bgo hom2gin" , %Qcoupl" +2"go61will youe!I TJ]t5#Ryear! Ev "damF&st2allIawooo[nǑ' hayloftZTlets nqso does pap's nigger man, Uncle JKA toteex  B wheahe wan`" t}JA any I ask him QzQves mGiBsomeBto eWhe can spare  !ik\r, becuzP'[" aL Bwas 3;him. SometimeQset rdeat WITH/1But  A body'sv!thwhen he' sr: 1n'tBas a steadyd-wXK,q"le.?A com hAS's up2'!, Cskip, @*."*IX THE firsR1earQ4QFridan glad piecnews --Judge ThG's familyL*7- before. Both 9o &Bsunksecondary import, and Beckyv the chiefCboy'="esSsaw h%tad an exhausi&1pla "hi-spy"c"gullyu!" $da crow2ir S-mate1day^scomplet[DRcrownsa peculi9satisfactory way:!ea[Aer mK to appointnext day foUlong-z1and\-delayed picnicfshe consentechild'>boundless;,Xore moderat.R invi*slAsent^s sunsettraightwayA AfolkLn4Ra fevapreparu(bpleasu6qanticip6's q enable90" ap dntil aQlate houh%%:vt!ofd1ingO4's s!an(ahaving to astonish1nickers with,2; b\3was$"oiNo signal c'vC. Mqcame, eBallyby ten or eleven o'cQ giddq rollic!c;/!ga  4_s -ro.UQustomelderly peop2 ma#;p$*!ce2ren@sed safe R unde9AwingAa feh"1dieeAe# gentlemeqtwenty-  sreabout1oldqm ferryboatQchart;t7! g<.flJ9r main sg Cladeprovision-baskets. Sid1andato mis/ fun; Mary remain!hovBtainT9nTMrs. 6 "tob, was:d7?oBback lIaPerhap H Astay   eRgirlslive neah"-lQ,c !y aSusy H,q, mamma+AVeryO. And mind !bey%yourself3bmR9T." P,"trQalong` 1: "Say-- 2you8 ntQ'Stead 3Joe2's *SclimbE!up AhillDstop` Widow Douglas'. She'll ice-cream! SsoJ"os Ai!--|+Aload8"it4sH#be t&!usg"Oh[ K/2un!?=nC%ed3But2illA say How'll shH6Rknow?^Q girl!edidea over a1r reluctantly(it's wrongK3--"shucks! Youg ! k REo!'sQharm?_sN1nts[!hao '"Bsafe4I b 1'a'" 6if IAwoulT splendid hos"itaa tempP 2baiand Tom's persuas02car+S q. So it>u Qay no? anybody?t 's programme. i1 itv(!rrJM)^7+''XAgiveZ ;took a deaV%s!ofAs. S"het&I"tolmfun atAnd why sh1he 5!it: h"qsoned--/c! W, so Ti2mor l^>o-night? T6QrA eveV 4out6theM1, boy-lik2 determined to yiel +5Aclin Tnot a{9t Qk of 0ox of money5  day. ThreeVbelow >EboatayAmouta woody hh& 1ied|3The* swarmed ashoreAorest distancescraggy hxs echoed farQshoutDand 95theØ1get!ho " Egone=y mry-and-barovers Sggledao camp31ifi th responsible appetitesVt destrucHJ" "L>2 feoC!reBFFing ( 2resbchat i2shaspreading oaks. BAsomef[ed: "Who' the cave?" Ever!wa5$. b of ca \Bproc   a general scamperhT+x0' hillside--an opshaped likO A. Its mass׎2ake&& !unbarred. WK small chamberM Aly a2ice" w0by Natur% solid limeston w 1a c& rweat. I1romJmysterious!t %erdeep gloom/look out upr!grKC'"sh--""un?1O6!ve!UDly wore offdQrompiDL2ganjIcment al]  Frush2ownit; a struggugallant~f1ed,62ursoon kn)/or blownlad clamop and a new chaseB3allQ havex(ndlrocession (!fiv(eep descenW4ain avenue,p!fl0qing ranGOVs dimly reveaYf!llqrock al5t1ir er of jun sixty feet overhead. Thisnot more than "en?Cwide?&nSstepsy%ill narr crevices bran@!from it on--for McDougal's`Rbut a%D7imepqraft.  blready.w's went gliW# p a wharfCAhear!noise on board(   C3as $usually are whornearly cto dea.AwondnQwhat 1de:Rstop w<<dropped her88'put his atten *rusiness`Bclou dark. Ten eKf vehicles ceased, sca) abegan ,#nk !ll 2foot-passengerkp |)1 be$itt)l <2lef| = qwatcher qthe silae ghosts. E  Swere /;/ Qevery$A$it1see weary long 2:b)u3},ed. His faith wasB4bing. Wvy use? "reA Whyk)C? AFfell~"ea;&l U instantQ Bdoord*^Tprangqx8$ Ti two men br,%onW- z Runder!rm0 ]Cbox! So sto remoE.Bcall Tom now?Ibe absurd--1en  get awayq #$anc7EDNo, c stick1!ire!foAthem<k5truP for security^discoverQcommuG3Rmself#*!ut Eglidg 2beh!e men, cat-like,qbare fe~!ll_E the8*5far&!noqbe invi  y |GP q blocks0n^ left upJ2ss-8y?"E,!qcame to% !pa}1Cardiff Hill;5Ctookfthe old Welshman's Whalf-m(hi-1hes!ng Qclimbward. Good, 5*VSdury itold quarryC) "stfa &-3on,b summixy plung.T7 1run 1ook whe pistols wekf#I Astop$t..Scome now becuz 7# 5it,7 ;I:lF3 I x1wan7runo}m devils88! i,2 deUph2hapAdo l?  Byou'aO1a--but +b's a bM!e2you:Ryou'v^Fyour=A. No"y U Adead--we are sorryC|#atCee wiqright w!toq#ou6 Rm, bydescription #weOaC = !we?RfteenTnAm--dis a cellard2was(sn I fouE sneeze. It wHmeanest kin16!lu " t3o keep it bp use --'twas bjt!it(#I iR lead/ 2my :3theR star-ose scoundr Q-rust*6! pbI sung"B'Fir!!'cblazedtt5he aqwas. So".  2offrjiffy, svillainwZ4N  a%oods. I B we eatouche|mydgAot a y4  bullets whizzed bdo us any harm. Ak!we9 the sou$Tw at chas2entS }!tio5_>ctablesgot a posse fH1offuV R bank&Cit i+qsheriffaa gangE bea8}"My}!.\XAsh wz"A sor2 ose rascals2H uadeal. But you cy  dRlike,euY2ladQpposetOh yes;JAown-(and follc AthemSplendid! Db2m--d BOne'B!olfdumb SpaniQben a*;once or twicQt'oth[sa mean-", VTP men! Happeng Dthem1R back2one 2andoQslunkR. OffAyou, 8ellfA--ge to-morrow Y Y"2depS!1. A__qe room   : "Oh, ptell ANYbod bR! Oh, eAG_ gByou -N%credit of w:1 di"Oh no, no! DVA!" )B men g  o said: "T2 7w Cwon'B2whyoia#n?  explain,!tothat he al Aknewn w"on3 Ahose!+4manUv 2anyHast him Juworld--c& for knowing it% ?d secrecy3morW1How&se fellowsA? We!ey Ding &usea!t #ramed a duly H rep -S lot,--leasyrsays soI5see)ragin it@ =much, on #!inx }3tryQstrik a new way of do7"ay u ' I,BleepQso I r  up-street 'bout midf a, a-tu~fg - AI go old shackly brick store by WP1, I3 Red upO%ll#2k.  %bcomes fQtwo c B"slf0%lose by me,+1unddreir arm'( V y'd stole1OneAa-sm3b one wah, !ri.s\ !me"igACt upBfaceIy og 1ig - eA, bywhite whiskerQ xT `ua rustyo a." "CmDrags ?Cis staggq5forA !n ?5Aknow Qhow i#msCIQTJy o52you<Fb'em--y eiO&to| awas up8y sneakedsso. I do$!'4+1iddDstilG& $ d:# JgVe begK%heX swear he'd sp;rr looks'as}2two  What! The DEAF AND DUMB ma8ia4at!!'aderrible mistake! H63his.jC Ru>sthe fai+i2 whNK smight bQ1yetdtongue/0@$to in spitball heFr do. He several efforts to creep!of1scrape, R's ey 1mh["bl5 9. P  ,be afrai!me 6 hurt a hair o qr head v3=I'd protec !. 1 is ;#leAslipout intend+ D. up now. YGEthat4 K q. Now tAme-- m S it i"3 -- a betra Alookit!ho51eye Qomenton bent over 9ear: "'Tab--it'sO'1 Joz ) gjumped chair. InWQ 1ll ,pe 4you{m#2ing#and slitting noses2wasown embellish 3men3tak1sorYrrevenge\"an #! a different matt242q." Dur7B&:alk! c Y 1 sades (h2hishad done,_ C#!d,^a7eqexamine,its vicinity AmarkP Qblood11y fnvut captured a bulky bundle of)Of WHAT?" IfqBwordBbeenn 3hey leaped withcqre stun0O!5AblanBlips]!-were star1ide3Qreath$ended--wao! )tarted--st?+in return--1QRgs--fiv1ten%!end i<f burglar's toolsY4,G' bMATTER sank back, pan5deeply, unaEably !eyt/m gravely, cur!V--and= NYes,appears to relieveB Butcdid gi# 3urn9!YOU expecBwe'd2?" a \H a inqui *Q havenfor material$ aa plau4#-- suggesteR?elf|!boadeeper --a senseless1y o~dK^/!noq+ to weighiokventure he c it--feebly: "-+T books, maybe." Poortoo distress!sma Cqed loudfjoyouseb detai$.Ratomy1hea Bfoot%b by sahat such armoney in a- pocket, q it cutoctor's bill likM Aadde!olG!p,y2re Z !a5Byou awell a bit--no wo8aqf #of8 Z'.*!ouit. Rest6Rsleep6Afetc2all_#brritat<6 heaBgoos!ed{! a)!icM!esf"aroppednBideaarcel b%.K%2Avern]9. c talk 3XW ahad on%rought i3"nod however "ha"kn/ bwasn't!sot%a qoo much:Helf-w!Bu![ 4'2gla@. Shad hnt!no4 beyond all qusnot THE,Oo mind was at rkexceedingly comfortaban factC Q drifbjust iD dir_`Anow;WA musw ;) in No. 2 zy!ilybat dayhATom a seizeo3golS \1out !or fear of interruption. Ju# pYea knoc9#l ` 0 hiding-"noX connecte!n remotely1lat admittedtRladiev gentlemen, amo*Widow Dougla Tnoticngroups of citizeny bclimbi2the hill--to 7 S\Qnews xBprea h(h the stor$Z'he visitor#gratitude"erbrvatiooutspoken. "Don't}a# it, madaGre's]z"'r beholdeQthan -Tre todmy boyc#he ballow Atellsname. WAn't ] v2butim." Of $&uriosity so va|"be1d tV#in )twa to eaAvita'mm be trans }Dtownb refus"BpartjCcretorall els> qlearnedO  I "to% rJ9"ypV8a noise L#Rake m:rWe judg0j2worMgQle. T"dlikely! !--Shadn'CoolsBao work pAhe u1 waGbyou up4carDR? My BnegrAstood guard sr houseeLmk By've`ack." More!C cam"beD,aand re G couple of hours more.G tSabbath d 1vacecQ1 waVly at churchQ stir1Beven` canvassed. NewV#n Dsign5two! 5yetA#edthe sermfinished, Judge ThDu's wife alongsidRMrs. mZQ as sI6ved1 Qaisle;-BcrowqIs my Becky>all day? I !edhB tirQdeathBYourS(RYes,"a;!tlp Sok--"T"sa2youIQnightEE/!noa kced palh$sabba pew,as Aunt Polly, ing brisklwa5pG by.64qGood-mo), A 'got a boy up missing.o1 myD!st Qlast !#--7you. AndY $'snvtto sett'q  "he H andar than7d. "HeB$us(`b, begi !to uneasy. A marked anxietCc's face. "JoeVSK?Y1No'b"1didqsee hima?" Jo="wa!su7 "ayWQpeopl amoving %ofWs}3aloD a boding Aines&k 1 ofzy counten\'of!if  .!On!ngfinally blurt2his  !we4ill Zcave! swooned awa f#Ao crrringing'Bands alarm swept/lip to lip,Agrou 2to ithin five minutesCbell fwildlyN6he "upF/EJ insignificanD<xforgotten, horsesaddled, skiff4man !!rd#ou1bef{nDrror was half an old, two h)dbcere po6aighroaA riv gC. A Blong091nooge seemed emptydead. Many women (ed9#anPa'q They cC)2too"wa/"l N;z#. tedious022ews/>wA dawqt last,   was, "Send candlesrsend food."4wasqcrazed;L{, also. sent messages! p encouragVtWaonveyereal cheT3 ]3h4'BdaylpQspattRwith -grease, smeTBclay Bworn7#HeJHuck#behad been provid%3 hi"Adelic feveruhysiciano4allrcave, s  ook chargg "ient. She ! s B herb4,'ahe was@Q, bad;7%in,fBr Lord'sKu !R"a \neglectez"aik good spotvQ-`"You can depen(>2at'xAmarkdon't lea9Doff. He n3does. Puts"2ome)0$on"re\Ccome(Bhis TA" E AforeRparti3jad Q ctraggl< bGllag strongeswEthe qcontinuxAarch gBnewsbe gaineBness]7edhansack71vis;Y S cornAZ ,o#ly#edCver one wan4z"pax!, [wcseen fE hit Bdist@qhouting0-shots sentr9:)1berrthe earthe sombr Qs. In&ar1sec21usu. rtravers/rtouristI7s "BECKY & TOM"DbtracedbRL=2cky'#Csmok near at h =1-so!biqribbon.   recogniz'e%>4hover ii7crh. !ofiAno omemorial )@be so precious Q this parted latestqliving h*RawfulpV! c.3SomzAw ann/a far-away speck ofzWglimm*&rn a gloKDshou)~fAscor'men go tro:1dow echoingz1aa sick; Vointment always f!e  a 0 donly a2r'st ree dreadD2^ 2s d#0 ]% jt # a hopeless stupor. N 0_;accidentaly, just made,groprietorS ++Tiquor)premises,qcely fl3  public pulse, tremendou)1the 2 wa5qa lucid%Rrval,lasubjecta asked--dimly 7" worst-- W.! Thd sinceaEill.p.h "stSup inr#bild-ey1vWhat? W)$Lm;lace has shut up. Lie dV! a&&+!me!" "Only02 meQing--&one--please! Was it Tom Sawyer TT burse>"Hush, h !Byou 5 must NOT talky'Bare very sick!zAn no5 bu1rF t powwow if i the gold. Sctreasu2gon Ugone MmJ$e bout? CuM +@TR.2houoD1dimu/7$3min^uF the wearrhey gavhh(|?&. o herself: "TNJh/poor wreck. find it! Pitysomebody !KR! Ah,j!PDAleftIThope ^5or strength either, to go on| E CHAPTER XXXI NOW to%1 toZ's shareapicnic*By trNathe murkyqSVr ompany, visit familiar !eI$--adubbedw rather over7ptive nam uch as "The Drawing-Room,"Cathedral," "Aladdin's Palace,"\so on+hide-and-seek fro^u b AengaBn itzeal until!exertionDrow a trifle Asomen6 a sinuous avenue hol+-/kf #tangled web-work of Idates, post-office addrU rmottoes~) g walls rescoed (in ). Still Uand talk:CscarcelyM3nowXK"ar!H! w+tq. They b2ownPK!anphHA she[.ed,yD   2 a am of watrickling over a ledgkQcarry k sedimenVuit, had Qslow-y 81gesm3= and ruffled Niagara in gleam5nd imperishabAone.%squeezed his smallP h in order to illuminate i q's gratAtion rit curta,]jnatural stairwaywas encloZ etween na9ce the ambi Ya r"bd him. respondehis call,1hey_ " aM-mark for future guid oqir quesAey wD, "waBthatXAinto depths ofL  2Bmark|g$ed?( of novelties to @!the upper worl. 3oneQa spa s", L1cei3muld"Rof sh[stalactit" land circuml.c7 [' H) 1kedG" OQadmir_ +1lef~bnumerous Aopen?0#toi artly bm Qbewit2 sp}Rbasint(dncrustsa frosta glitt crystals Amidsa| supported by rfantastic pillarsR# ?Q8"joof great katalagmCtogehe resul1eas  Q-dripqenturies. UnIZaof vast(ts of batfp themselvwaousand#qa bunch(s+3urb flockings 4 byrs, sque"and darting f  FCkneww4the danger%isqconduct'#'snd hurried herthe first kDffern qoo soon)Q a ba#Duck gGmits wing ,ugitives plungnevery newr#ag!atRb got r5the perilous 7 ubterranean lake,,a stret?its dim 3way !it@ p!lo2shaQrHe wantLexplore its b;,0t conclur!habe best to sit#Ast a9TR. NowO1timbe deepA lai&Rlammygb spiri@*Why, I didn't ,it seems1so M gaI hearY!ot+:m bthink,#, 9Hqdown beLhem--and:!n'=Qw howK/north, or sou AeastQwhichit is. W8Dn't >bm0Cweek9!ye"qwas plaT"at cf 2 beAthei8 3dleAnot cyet. Aqime aft"isZ< P CR--Tom qgo softlo for dripp`BaterZ3 aMf satR Bothcruelly tired, ye CssMfuld go 73 .Tom dissenD F2not>!st8D !ey'2 fae-bin froPBthemTrclay. Toon busy;G'1aid* 7Atimeh^broke the:AI am DAungr5J!me!!of . "Do you remembP"?"4he.Zbalmost1d|'s our wedding-cakeMSYes--!asTQas a 6li"goaI saveA&"us to dream onyF1way$n-up people do'll be ourSS"pp<Q sentP6  Bdivi#Re cakw 3 atT2appetite,Tom nibbled a:amoietys abunda"co"RfinisfQ with. By-and-byGtey move on 'yilent a mom"qThen he:z1can/ rit if In1you k#?"8'4pal}`.Qnw 1stamB!er Bre's ink. Thatw " iClast6 ! gave loos)S&il#diA{to comfor$ `$AtU!C"?")y'll miss uKChunt4rwill! Cl"!ithey're hun Ror us,laDare.Bhen $S"Whby get o the boatHM#itbe dark then--enotice w/1n'tnbIaanywayNr mother8you"bthey got q." A fBened "inT"brfSSsenseRe sawh made a blunderw% _hs2hat08! Tebecame$ndO uful. In a new burst of grief21 sh  ^ g"ingQstruc@s also--QCR:half spent before Mrs. Thatcher discov M""at/Harper's. 2 GR !biqno doub2:)Bwas a !on/M $on1it; }!%esso hideouswbat he 2$itG!waa5ger1torX,K [/s A portio0h z was left;Q Band ,.~dhungriD poor morsel of food whetted desir c : "SH! DiuAthat 2othyV " aq like the faintest, far-off. InstantlAanswYul|/d M)Uhand,@"*gr7 corridorG0s4. P  s(R ;.BV%Rappar a BnearU DthemdTom; "coming! Come"-- b now!"54joy,rprisone overwhelmFT2spe[ %moTswarmingfrantic half-clad pT, whowA, "T2Vut! t F " Tin panChorn 6addAdin,#Qpopul massed g}*!to ver, met=in an open carriage%"byaitizendrongedA it, joined itsWRmarchswept magnific? Q main et roaring huzzah* !was illuminated;~Pb;ar3est(t!tt w0Cever_ 2Dur%re firsthour a processars fil rough Judge-'s house,f<n"sa+,ejsqueezedt'", to speak butn't--and dr out rainiY"rs veK& c1ppi% romplete nearly so5[ a messe AdispSdkH#2cav2!ldv"!orL 1usbNTom lay 0aa sofaXWasuditory71him=1tol~A his!ofwonderful adjB, puR+"inAstri1add adorn it1"al JCudescriptOahow he %tent on Bexpel;7'Btwo Fs!as0* ARa thi^aullest4tchM3wasT"to he glimpsed aD speh6Clook*A day ;"2lin Oit, pushedshouldersa small hol1sawbroad Mississippi ro by! And if it5 F0Rappen#beVhU@ !se* 2at %oft/d[ %4rore! Hec7for/I%j @ @"imoAo fr.r$such stuff, $  &# w Sto diR~?ɆU laboher and convincg %"hoe@Q died1joy A she  actually>lueG he >1wayI& !anbn help2 ou?gAat t]for gladness+some men a8Qskiff cTom haI!em G33con rddidn'tE=qild talfirst, "#,"Dahey, "Q"$re]2les> bhWavalley cave is in" n m aboard, rowFa""gam supperqGthem rest G 1two4hreDdarkn.Fhome. B!day-dawn,=q handfu% Ahim Rtrackg,5R+twine clewyctrung +sformed A. T+# }BtoiluPi~Rbe sh3'ffA9s#Foon " y bedriddenFf}5and~to grow mo7 QBwornP ><2got,MV, on e"wa- {a"as  `"di8her room1Sun34she$ash1hadT'edk1wasaillnes#$omi of Huck's sickm Rto seoAbut be admitDthe bedroom; neit5- Uhe onB or H-x-bwas wam8; s introduce no exciQtopicL Widow Douglas staye1thaKaobeyed/Ahome? the Cardiff Hill event; alsoDthe "ragged man's" bod-%  ;6 erry-landing2had7Adrow&\trying to , perhaps. About a fortiVrescu E, he a visit:yi#plGrong enough!toc2Tom'Aintel:.., A waswm,t " ome friend4Tom$2ing>2oneW him ironicsqn't lik%!goHRy10he thoughqRn't mqO said: "Well,1others jusuQyou, )3I'v| ast doubt.)Ave t3caraat. NoAwill !atA anyH*)*Because Iits big do $atb boiler ironP weeks agoriple-lockedO"goTbkeys."tjite as a sheet.1at' matter, boy! H,Arun,qbody! F=aa glasL1!" "* gba!!thJface. "Aqall right. W1a M#Oh,'[cave!vXIII WITHIN a fewj2new1spr.%b dozen b-loads3nq @!to McDougal'sE1boatll fill#pak"s,5 CSawy[deDD bor4. -bbwas un4,%rrrowfulFeCelf sqdim twi xD lay^1ed )@,)"hiQ closrthe cra} "thif his longing f+dfixed,>clatest,,s cheer CfreeQcoutsidwas touchedd v-tick--a dessertspoonVZ2fou&J3was fallingsPyramids' Bnew;Troy fell#this of Rome7Claid(bChristtrucifiethe Conqueror creat British empireJolumbus sailEqmassacrqLexingtons"news." K2now3ill=4be #whBthesy3gU"ll\Bsunk2then| 3of ,w "raCw;} ]c thickof oblivion. Hoa purpos Aa mi=? Did thisR pati$d!fi ousand yearsready forD2flihuman insect's need?has it another important object to accomplish  xcome? No .Band 2hap alf-bree1out ^>Qprice8drops, bu3a(e !t patheticslow-droppVBater@!hey8e1seeb!< .b's cupC6Ts firde list2bcavernmnQvels; 4b" cannot rival i 4xKn,VB BcaveI flocked in boatsfwagons|3towAfromthe farm1 hamletsseven miles|I >1ugh%irYSrall sorAprov~NsUO/3hadN! as satisfactory a%. funeral y"av&1 ha Y%is5Ir*Bgrow[#oni#agovernIrcpardon5k qlargelyT2ed;Qqtearfuleloquent meet<$he#a committeJCsappt!apBo inrRF%1ingjSwail timplore*be a mercis trample $ut| Gfoot/h0"tokfive citizenwt&+idat? If. ASataC Cselfe$/!ofl)SlingsRto scribblir names-a tear on itLir permans impair Rleaky{Q-work"2TomAvHuck to& gave anRtalk.3!haw1rneQ aboum'the Welshmant, !is}Yq>s!? old him; R  5he TS talk2now's face saddenedw bI knowJit is. You got5QNo. 233 anbut whiskeytold me itAyou;aI justp must 'a' ben ]usoon as\'fA bus|"em8q hadn'tt)ney becuzdl!go!me ! w Dand aif you!musdB els's alwaysG4we';uget holT swag, Huck, I-It-keeper. YOUF -" I"DD.mI D1youHAto w   yes! Why, it seems!ag#8> CI folleredK-YOU foll1him2Yes]2youqcmum. ISS"'s;Q2himI don't want 'em soV Bon m me mean 6s. If itpben for me he'5V ain Tex@&w,.ns entire+%in-5Aonly* Ofit before.lp:,'!ba@ main question, "whoever nipp "in(, --anyways it's a g.afor us;G wasn't n!;Bat!"Lphis comradekeenly. "Tom,agot onO twQagainti1 cave!" cblazed. "SayM FgainT*"Tom--hone 1junf--is it funV!strEarnest;!--^$as# f ! ILlife. WiF#go"reAhelpZRit ounsI bet IxE2 ifwCRe can5 ouV  6"doDwith dlittleBatroubl the worl?aGood aat! What makesRthinkoney's--2you;rtill wef!re#we1mit I'll aSto giVqmy drum71&Cq I will0jxGT" "A!--va whiz. [!do1say "Ri$w,say it. Are*4IWaPave? I ben o-cpins a,"oradays, tbut I caKlk more'n a "--IAI$.">q G$qanybodyRm 1go,1^Qmight,Drt cK]  N ; ,Gri.bskiff.&2flo] ["re I'll pull itj_by myself A neeturn yourq$Q over2Lw2artA offm@B. We"bT32eatour pipes bag or two T%kite-stru ese new-fp!thA ycall lucifer m+rs. I te, "'s1imetbshed I2omeD" Aqaafter the boys borU&) #a W B whoU Cbsen(got undec^were sev` below "Cave H%," R: "NNis bluff herJ$s!Balik d5--no houses, no wood-yards, busheRO"ee5whi4 Rup yok#'s4 landslide? Aat'sof my marks. We' aashore.yG97inU're a-sta#8'6ahole I bout of~Qa fispole. See#4can.Biplace abou$P proudly mar"a clump of sumachncc: "Heare! Look at i;athe snuggesDis country9 "ll2Drwanting/ a robberrknew I'rto have1ng 3thi1o run acros]vAther!ve1it :&2'llit quiet,1let< K:aBen RoU1Cin--*$ o@ be a GangC #lsj* any styl it. Tom Sawyer'sA:1sou$plendid,L?  "it3doe And who'c1rob/aOh, mo6. Waylay people--W$!lyV2wayRnd ki "No-@Q. Hivm# t4y26a ransomUeWhat'sCMoneg3makR<y can, off'$ir{ b; and you've kep.mqit ain'2!seV2. T!enkway. Onlyb women1shu`9 2men5Cm. T5Fb beautqnd rich awfully scaredgt"irI!es5sZStake t|+"nd4pol7y!3 as3 ass --you'llMany book. cto lovXfter they,m s a week y stop cr!eRto le'i4dro Ay'd  { Raroun2com9. It's so insy real bully' $ Ibdbetter'n a piratQC"YesF&^7way Cit's6"!toQQccircus\!at{@y+ %1andaboys ew)#ho\  $ l0Qy toi#*a7tunnel, then madir spliced 1 fadK$a on. A&E z'%pr)Tom felt ams quiver him. HeQCragm> -wick pexSon a oC cla$De wa; t2ox*_ d flame struggl)AexpiQTf!ga4 o whispers,!foS-d gloommcoppresBirit yYBpres:ar 0LQuntilE reaAG,Wndles%rhe factx not really a, BpiceLa steep DhillFirty feet highW @eW+2Now@ AshowY.  Ae he+sa aloft+` sNAorne7ban. Doi!ee? There--0big rock over$ S--donKp}3TomCqa CROSS2NOWZ '{ r Number Two? 'UNDER THE2,' hey?  2's eI saw &# p`+r stared Qe mys Qign afB 6R shaky voice:qless gi} " o QWhat!>treasureVRYes--6it.'s ghost is  ere, certain."B 81, nKB. It Q ha'nk8Qhe di,Away /%2mou!Vave--z ChereS \wouldy#ngkJ 4"ofV #so & &omi3feaX5. Misgivm!ga+d}CR mind 7Lc him--)ym$Sfools m@of ourselves! & a 8|; Z!a = !R poin`#wen1had)teffect.I6_"atA #so/EluckxQthat {7 isJ VpS AhuntG4box5wen77c -ink of fetc4theBbagsFS@B1soog oys tookr1 tofm a rock. qw less w!#gue*<,Q2<  `3'reOEickswhen we go to robbingNSe tim hold our orgieCsre, too ful snug9 ) 0CW@ bI dono P%;#ofT% wWCto hem,] /"ing!a Btime getting late, chungry`We'll eat0bUwe gec6y Temerg4/ 0ed warily f 5oast clear!weZbon lun$in ! Ac sun d#Bowar[Rhoriz] Ay pun  kimmed uDe@KR2wil1chai 91ilyZ7 alandedI3tlyd4dar7c"!id!in 1lof the widow's woodshedrAI'll.3 up*ev1 it(Upa?!unna!ou"od!.#it"it=be safe. Jus 3lay\-  Atuff1 I nd hook Benny Taylor'swagon; Iqbe gone!"nuHe disappear#re agon, putcBtwo Rsacks!"itA"w"ld,Qon to!tarted off, dragging7rgo'|h+"'sh &tgay9q fy1 on: Pp~ allo, whop  nLWGood!1me,, !ar&Gpingy*waiting. Hhurry up, trot ahead--Ahaul~Vyou. qnot as b as it4# be. Got b;in it?--orQmetalO+4tal2Tomjudged so9 1boyGthis townAtake0$%sol away1imeNing up six bits' woraold irNS sellh foundry thaz3y w; 8wic'$at6 work. But that's:4Fnatux ",  '!"!wa1to [$Ch#wa$ever mind; !n&% !E'1uckGRf=hension--for heub} falsely accus; r. Jones, we haven't!Udoing Rlaugh!'-,ymy boy.i that. Ain'bgDgood+%Ye_"sh"nA &B to #yw%"n.-(n,%to be afraid for?%is+J3not+qly answ"!inq's slow$ ~1S,;into Mrs.# dXeroom. 3 le nae doorz3gwas grandlyn1bod4tof any consequenceu2&~ ThatchersQkB Har3the!es, Aunt Polly, Sid, Mac he minister3beditor-qa great0&)?all dressX bAThe a recei;<RBartiJdany onP#we!iv such loP Dare cov Bwith:and. 2 bl[ rcrimson rhumiliaUNHv u at TomFAsuffhalf as muchQboys "however. Mr. Bn't at home, yet, so I gave him up;5$astumbl2anda Qat myG"br "Bin a(0!An1B did3Sv 1. "TyNr." She cto a bedchanRNow washI% y. Here arnew suit$ clothes --shirts, socks, .UCy're+A--nobthanks*&--b! And IY%Bz y'll fit boyou. Get Dthem await--Bdown 1youRslick .3n s \rV HUCKD! "we can slope, ifu'Ra rop" high fro"Shucks!D d|%IQrthat kiUfa crowd.,^(8 athere,a"|&4! I"an!miRA a bX'Scare Q" Silm .vhe, "auntie has been  afternoon. Mary(your Sundayb readyU 7aen fre  . baAthisus qclay, o;ra)Mr. Siddy jist 'tend toT own busiO#'sis blow-nb`It's one2#atx1havtime it'sF 1andl sons, on=uw"Vcrape they helpej9&of4'Rsay--h, 21, i yk+wK  Fold 2is to try toq#_ J( C1to-,overheard himvbto-dayvas a secre"B it' lRof a (XE RknowsSL##1allf!trro let oz!doVQwas bqHuck sh !be!--xn't geta yG1outAknowS"AwhatA'zAtracYAbbero'V  a  BovercurprisQ#AI be4 drop pretty flatWbchuckl aa verygEe aatisfiZy. "Sid, ib2tol3Oh,:Qwho i# . SOMEBODY told--3 @ZJl_ Dpers:Cmean:R to d XI7<x !you'd 'a' sne sn9EtoldZ)0)Tdo an{21an !y&~mo_Tp(+J >  cones. X$nn:N  says"--Dcuffed Sid's {i  0k8q"Now go"if2arenQto-moFit!" Som Autes'GSguest a WD-tab[$ua dozen@/"pr!upittle side;F1e sixQoom, {t1at r vAbproperl Amadev4 speech, iY!!heOkNHB honPQF [T was Dwhose modesty-- A: fo)sHe spru+{a'Er adventu finest dramatic mann_ master ofDthe B it !onJs largelyFerfe8 as clamorousNeffusivechappier K+amstanc  &, ( air show of astonishment,AheapF compliment2 so: ntude upon)(a he al/Rforgoanearlyv l܎K!Amfor%this new2 K :k set up as a targeh  \gaze laudations <"sh<2giv s a homesher rooave him educated;Rcs-Fuld spar2 sAtartFi  \'s chancrcome. H#F32uck"2 ne's rich." Noa heavy strain2the9 tmpany kept baBe du E:2aryis pleasant jos5DsilearawkwardObroke it@(AMayb. cbut he0!lo it. Oh, you%n't smile--  1eY;&a 'tTom ran Bdoor1looked at eacha perplexbterestuinquiringly a_ Ttongue-ti* #ls Tom?"P. "He--well - any making at boy out. I(<4Tom}/,q#Dggli{Eeigh,2 di"afinishsentenceCpourU1masyellow coQ the C^Cqwhat dih ? Half of FRmine! spectacl1 general{way. All gazed, nwpoke for a momentn a unanimous :.n explan  #1fur5i nd he did^B tal!bumful of _,ca scarc!n rruptiony!tok the char/its flow|che had"edAJoneM)d: I,x^Jf#%isP2it BamoupC nowone makeFBsingy), I'm wilbto allhT3was[3sumt"edRG over twelve thousand dollarsr-!as+ 7 [Qaresentever seenl`e time before, "  Q N"ho1 worth consido7av,tyaV THEer may rest Aaj's windfall33$a j4tirDpoor(vof St. o. So vast a sum, in actual cash, seemed nexincrediblejqtalked , gloated0rified, until thOs' mTJdtotter&2*'e unhealthy excite "haunted" housq 2 anneighboring villzwas dissected, plank by U3oun1 duand ransafor hidden treasu Qnot b=st men--0 grave, unromantic menWmH1Tom >Q cour2adm(gz1qnot abl|arememb~2at 4bremarkLqpossessJ&};3now1say0Twere dBrepe 4didvrsomehow regardedv8Aableyidently lo{5power of doV'2nd r common !s;5#ovir past historr!up X v2ar " of conspicuous originalityto paper published biographical sketcheNt.1 # p>#'s !ousix per cent.dJudge " lt's request. Each lad had an incBnow, was simply prodigious--a9D-dayC8Ayear7?2jus  got --no, hpromised--MrcollectD Ha quarter a7 board, lodgd school a <^1ose  be daysF 2 hiBwashbrmatter.  ,@RopiniR 8no 3boy!goz daughtPAcavepqn Beckyd@ 1fatzwin strictCw!ceA TomAtake&a whippt6  dy2isiFv  Cplea,!ceK4thei3lie-w!olorder to shi*&at!hemo8own3saiTaq outburh$atyBa nod !ou<,5magz lie--a litaworthyzaold up-2hea-Rmarch1]breast to George WaBton's lauded TruthU"ratchet!mQ 7ghtzU bso talSso superb wR walk4 fl qstamped\AfootdVv!2Shec:straight of1tol#/it"op& 1seexqlawyer  soldier some day0look to i"T#!AdmitkY National Military AcademRafter(Qraine!es  9[Amigh9'Ieither care both. Finn's w0 qsthe fac#now undeQ_ Douglas' protec introduced him)"society--no2' it, hurluis suffer%1mornj1R bear?servants1cle 1d naHQcombeC1 br hCbeddly in unsympathet3ets2ad 3e[ spot or stx~uld pres/2earQknow yK$!haE#eaba knifufork; h%use napkin, cupXplate&QlearndWbook,@go to church2stalk so "lyaspeechT become insipid in hisX; whithersoXees"edC2bar ashackl civiliz;B shuiQbound1han foot. He bravely b4is miser|1ree!thTLSe day up missFor forty-e\Qhours^g! hO j2himw2in Qdistress. The cS profoundoncerned;~7u E %eyF- @1forqbody. EThird V)r wiselyPp*$Qamong old empty hogsheads down*]AbandU#sl-T p'inQm he $rrefugeeL had slepor breakfastoB stolen odd61end Bfoodbwas ly<f in comfort969"ipwas unkempt, unM1cla old ruin of +,had madepicturesqueRays ws01frea happy[S routvBout,"his"*been causing,s 3urg=Qto go gr's face its tranquilv took a melancholy cas63RDon't X CI'vey #itwT work6"T;"#"it:~U 2to :)d("ly_&7#them waysA!mex!up% / Bsameq 7+9Awashy comb mLo thunder0w&let me sleepJ/a; I go61wea[m blamed cloth!atA smo?" m#'dg1seeany air git A'em,Show; !y'1 rotten ni,a=!et, nor lay^ croll a@nywher's; I hai"liD cellar-doErit 'pea b A  and swea q--I hatm!m Cy sermons!Aketc xK,[chaw.Qshoes$w eats by a bell1goeybed by fits up!--VK's so awful reg'lar)dy!it_(,>#dvhat way, Huck(&qmake no differI`Qybodyq STAND &3t's1 ti so. And grub como easy--I# t{!esvittles,}3askAa-fi 1; I  in a-swimming--dern'd if{AQ1do 6t". H!I'42 to"sodn't no(#--. OuRattic"ipRSwhileA daym1git!st"my , or I'd a died, TomnKBAmokeu y?5Bgapeqstretch Q scra before folks--" [The+a spasm ofsial irrit and injury]--"And dad fq"itaprayedNDime!A see, a woman! I HAD1ove2--I yUbesidHZ5's $Copen_<S$it%I G!st"QHAT, QLooky%,0S rich@what it's crack); Bworr  9 2a-wwas dead <2. N7%seBsuitis bar'l %shake 'emmc>B got into%isAif in't 'a' ben Kmoney; ntake my sh@&Syour'gimme a ten-centtimes--not manyX#s,K_# Ra derR2'th's tollable hyx4you$qbeg offSQidderv"OhK3d6%Rt. 'TBfair if you'll try^;B!a UQ longI*e $tok<Like it! Yes--bay I'd&a hot stovAI was(!itcLC. No7Brichi4liv m cussed y_Bs. I6oodv  Rf  I'll stictoo. BlamBall!QSas we3gun_1a c*"ll+AfixeEArob,p&olishness has  k"up5pil~x1sawx opportuni%"CDhereHECUevYnturning 'qNo! Oh, -licks; ara!qin real3-wood earnest)J+CbR'm siV-?5But<l)#qgang ifarespec5R's jo3h!!C"inq Didn't[!go~a piraterYes, bu%'sRt. A 7 zfAgh-ti7"a NQ is--rgeneral~A. InTr!ri 6  Qup inQnobilRdukes03uchw,! aS2lwme? YouhC  A youP *nVWOULD+B" "wR%,tI DON'TR--but(vpeople say? Why 'd say, 'Mph! V#!  low characters in it!' TCU+ {h+`$t*#so , engaged%Tental"#e. Finally h# Rll go}aba monttC!nd1if  `3it,49XRme b't>%Q gang e_b, it'sQz! Coxo8X`2and G>Toh# a[oEWill/!--yg2? Tggood. If sheUt"ofroughestK"s,@qprivate-Dcussdcrowd ror bust] Astar/4NCturn$s? 3right offBB@Atogem"avQiniti  0Qmaybe(H(Lj;+W6t$12Bto sn9Cone [+ O#te rgang's 8+sd nNre choppl o flinder qkill an 2 anV his famiWhurtsX%ay9/e3y g8,!_3E bet it is3 "at1ing Abe dt midnightthe lonesom|3est@ you can find--a ha'nted " ib:-Bll rNB3up M#yw{(socyou've3 on a coffi 1sigh with bloodOt)Bsome RLIKE!frmillion )X!ieh n 8 s QidderAR I ro 8#gi% acr of aRLbody tal('-&itD bu+!sn!,wet." CONCLUSION SO endeth schronicP$G strictly a}!BOY, it kAstop ;Sstoryz!nofEmuch)p"wi becoming ^3MANone writes a!! a Sgrown*Q, he O4A exarto stopOB is,a marriage) iof juveniles, he W can. Mosgyrperform still liveare prospc2Som.it may seem ZQke upzyounger ones agaiM9 1sor"meAwomey turned@krRit wiwRwisesyOto reveaH&Rat pacQtheirs at present. @W