#include #include "map.h" namespace SassTypes { Map::Map(Sass_Value* v) : SassValueWrapper(v) {} Sass_Value* Map::construct(const std::vector> raw_val, Sass_Value **out) { size_t length = 0; if (raw_val.size() >= 1) { if (!raw_val[0]->IsNumber()) { return fail("First argument should be an integer.", out); } length = Nan::To(raw_val[0]).FromJust(); } return *out = sass_make_map(length); } void Map::initPrototype(v8::Local proto) { Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(proto, "getLength", GetLength); Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(proto, "getKey", GetKey); Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(proto, "setKey", SetKey); Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(proto, "getValue", GetValue); Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(proto, "setValue", SetValue); } NAN_METHOD(Map::GetValue) { if (info.Length() != 1) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Expected just one argument"); } if (!info[0]->IsNumber()) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Supplied index should be an integer"); } Sass_Value* map = Map::Unwrap(info.This())->value; size_t index = Nan::To(info[0]).FromJust(); if (index >= sass_map_get_length(map)) { return Nan::ThrowRangeError(Nan::New("Out of bound index").ToLocalChecked()); } info.GetReturnValue().Set(Factory::create(sass_map_get_value(map, Nan::To(info[0]).FromJust()))->get_js_object()); } NAN_METHOD(Map::SetValue) { if (info.Length() != 2) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Expected two arguments"); } if (!info[0]->IsNumber()) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Supplied index should be an integer"); } if (!info[1]->IsObject()) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Supplied value should be a SassValue object"); } Value* sass_value = Factory::unwrap(info[1]); if (sass_value) { sass_map_set_value(Map::Unwrap(info.This())->value, Nan::To(info[0]).FromJust(), sass_value->get_sass_value()); } else { Nan::ThrowTypeError("A SassValue is expected as a map value"); } } NAN_METHOD(Map::GetKey) { if (info.Length() != 1) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Expected just one argument"); } if (!info[0]->IsNumber()) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Supplied index should be an integer"); } Sass_Value* map = Map::Unwrap(info.This())->value; size_t index = Nan::To(info[0]).FromJust(); if (index >= sass_map_get_length(map)) { return Nan::ThrowRangeError(Nan::New("Out of bound index").ToLocalChecked()); } SassTypes::Value* obj = Factory::create(sass_map_get_key(map, Nan::To(info[0]).FromJust())); v8::Local js_obj = obj->get_js_object(); info.GetReturnValue().Set(js_obj); } NAN_METHOD(Map::SetKey) { if (info.Length() != 2) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Expected two arguments"); } if (!info[0]->IsNumber()) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Supplied index should be an integer"); } if (!info[1]->IsObject()) { return Nan::ThrowTypeError("Supplied value should be a SassValue object"); } Value* sass_value = Factory::unwrap(info[1]); if (sass_value) { sass_map_set_key(Map::Unwrap(info.This())->value, Nan::To(info[0]).FromJust(), sass_value->get_sass_value()); } else { Nan::ThrowTypeError("A SassValue is expected as a map key"); } } NAN_METHOD(Map::GetLength) { info.GetReturnValue().Set(Nan::New(sass_map_get_length(Map::Unwrap(info.This())->value))); } }