## ## Based on Carp.pm from Perl 5.005_03. ## Last modified 22-May-2016 by Kent Fredric. ## Should be reasonably backwards compatible. ## ## This module is free software and can ## be used, modified and redistributed ## under the same terms as Perl itself. ## @DB::args = (); # Avoid warning "used only once" in Perl 5.003 package Carp::Clan; use strict; use vars qw( $MaxEvalLen $MaxArgLen $MaxArgNums $Verbose $VERSION ); use overload (); # Original comments by Andy Wardley 09-Apr-1998. # The $Max(EvalLen|(Arg(Len|Nums)) variables are used to specify how # the eval text and function arguments should be formatted when printed. $MaxEvalLen = 0; # How much eval '...text...' to show. 0 = all. $MaxArgLen = 64; # How much of each argument to print. 0 = all. $MaxArgNums = 8; # How many arguments to print. 0 = all. $Verbose = 0; # If true then make _shortmsg call _longmsg instead. $VERSION = '6.06'; # _longmsg() crawls all the way up the stack reporting on all the function # calls made. The error string, $error, is originally constructed from the # arguments passed into _longmsg() via confess(), cluck() or _shortmsg(). # This gets appended with the stack trace messages which are generated for # each function call on the stack. sub _longmsg { return (@_) if ( ref $_[0] ); local $_; # Protect surrounding program - just in case... my ( $pack, $file, $line, $sub, $hargs, $eval, $require, @parms, $push ); my $error = join( '', @_ ); my $msg = ''; my $i = 0; while ( do { { package DB; ( $pack, $file, $line, $sub, $hargs, undef, $eval, $require ) = caller( $i++ ) } } ) { next if ( $pack eq 'Carp::Clan' ); if ( $error eq '' ) { if ( defined $eval ) { $eval =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g unless ($require); # Escape \ and ' $eval =~ s/([\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF])/sprintf("\\x%02X",ord($1))/eg; substr( $eval, $MaxEvalLen ) = '...' if ( $MaxEvalLen && length($eval) > $MaxEvalLen ); if ($require) { $sub = "require $eval"; } else { $sub = "eval '$eval'"; } } elsif ( $sub eq '(eval)' ) { $sub = 'eval {...}'; } else { @parms = (); if ($hargs) { $push = 0; @parms = @DB::args ; # We may trash some of the args so we take a copy if ( $MaxArgNums and @parms > $MaxArgNums ) { $#parms = $MaxArgNums; pop(@parms); $push = 1; } for (@parms) { if ( defined $_ ) { if ( ref $_ ) { $_ = overload::StrVal($_); } else { unless ( /^-?\d+(?:\.\d+(?:[eE][+-]\d+)?)?$/ ) # Looks numeric { s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g; # Escape \ and ' s/([\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF])/sprintf("\\x%02X",ord($1))/eg; substr( $_, $MaxArgLen ) = '...' if ( $MaxArgLen and length($_) > $MaxArgLen ); $_ = "'$_'"; } } } else { $_ = 'undef'; } } push( @parms, '...' ) if ($push); } $sub .= '(' . join( ', ', @parms ) . ')'; } if ( $msg eq '' ) { $msg = "$sub called"; } else { $msg .= "\t$sub called"; } } else { $msg = quotemeta($sub); if ( $error =~ /\b$msg\b/ ) { $msg = $error; } else { if ( $sub =~ /::/ ) { $msg = "$sub(): $error"; } else { $msg = "$sub: $error"; } } } $msg .= " at $file line $line\n" unless ( $error =~ /\n$/ ); $error = ''; } $msg ||= $error; $msg =~ tr/\0//d; # Circumvent die's incorrect handling of NUL characters $msg; } # _shortmsg() is called by carp() and croak() to skip all the way up to # the top-level caller's package and report the error from there. confess() # and cluck() generate a full stack trace so they call _longmsg() to # generate that. In verbose mode _shortmsg() calls _longmsg() so you # always get a stack trace. sub _shortmsg { my $pattern = shift; my $verbose = shift; return (@_) if ( ref $_[0] ); goto &_longmsg if ( $Verbose or $verbose ); my ( $pack, $file, $line, $sub ); my $error = join( '', @_ ); my $msg = ''; my $i = 0; while ( ( $pack, $file, $line, $sub ) = caller( $i++ ) ) { next if ( $pack eq 'Carp::Clan' or $pack =~ /$pattern/ ); if ( $error eq '' ) { $msg = "$sub() called"; } else { $msg = quotemeta($sub); if ( $error =~ /\b$msg\b/ ) { $msg = $error; } else { if ( $sub =~ /::/ ) { $msg = "$sub(): $error"; } else { $msg = "$sub: $error"; } } } $msg .= " at $file line $line\n" unless ( $error =~ /\n$/ ); $msg =~ tr/\0//d; # Circumvent die's incorrect handling of NUL characters return $msg; } goto &_longmsg; } # In the two identical regular expressions (immediately after the two occurrences of # "quotemeta") above, the "\b ... \b" helps to avoid confusion between function names # which are prefixes of each other, e.g. "My::Class::print" and "My::Class::println". # The following four functions call _longmsg() or _shortmsg() depending on # whether they should generate a full stack trace (confess() and cluck()) # or simply report the caller's package (croak() and carp()), respectively. # confess() and croak() die, carp() and cluck() warn. # Following code kept for calls with fully qualified subroutine names: # (For backward compatibility with the original Carp.pm) sub croak { my $callpkg = caller(0); my $pattern = ( $callpkg eq 'main' ) ? '^:::' : "^$callpkg\$"; die _shortmsg( $pattern, 0, @_ ); } sub confess { die _longmsg(@_); } sub carp { my $callpkg = caller(0); my $pattern = ( $callpkg eq 'main' ) ? '^:::' : "^$callpkg\$"; warn _shortmsg( $pattern, 0, @_ ); } sub cluck { warn _longmsg(@_); } # The following method imports a different closure for every caller. # I.e., different modules can use this module at the same time # and in parallel and still use different patterns. sub import { my $pkg = shift; my $callpkg = caller(0); my $pattern = ( $callpkg eq 'main' ) ? '^:::' : "^$callpkg\$"; my $verbose = 0; my $item; my $file; for $item (@_) { if ( $item =~ /^\d/ ) { if ( $VERSION < $item ) { $file = "$pkg.pm"; $file =~ s!::!/!g; $file = $INC{$file}; die _shortmsg( '^:::', 0, "$pkg $item required--this is only version $VERSION ($file)" ); } } elsif ( $item =~ /^verbose$/i ) { $verbose = 1; } else { $pattern = $item; } } # Speed up pattern matching in Perl versions >= 5.005: # (Uses "eval ''" because qr// is a syntax error in previous Perl versions) if ( $] >= 5.005 ) { eval '$pattern = qr/$pattern/;'; } else { eval { $pkg =~ /$pattern/; }; } if ($@) { $@ =~ s/\s+$//; $@ =~ s/\s+at\s.+$//; die _shortmsg( '^:::', 0, $@ ); } { local ($^W) = 0; no strict "refs"; *{"${callpkg}::croak"} = sub { die _shortmsg( $pattern, $verbose, @_ ); }; *{"${callpkg}::confess"} = sub { die _longmsg ( @_ ); }; *{"${callpkg}::carp"} = sub { warn _shortmsg( $pattern, $verbose, @_ ); }; *{"${callpkg}::cluck"} = sub { warn _longmsg ( @_ ); }; } } 1;