=head1 NAME DBD::ODBC::TO_DO - Things to do in DBD::ODBC As of $LastChangedDate: 2010-10-08 17:00:31 +0100 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010)$ $Revision: 10667 $ =cut =head1 Todo Add array parameter binding (per new DBI Spec) Add row caching/multiple row fetches to speed selects Better/more tests on multiple statement handles which ensure the correct number of rows Better/more tests on all queries which ensure the correct number of rows and data Better tests on SQLExecDirect/do Keep checking Oracle's ODBC drivers for Windows to fix the Date binding problem Add support for $sth->more_results based on DBD::ODBC-specific attribute There is a Columns private ODBC method which is not documented. Add support for sending lobs in chunks instead of all in one go. Although DBD::ODBC uses SQLParamData and SQLPutData internally they are not exposed so anyone binding a lob has to have all of it available before it can be bound. Try to produce a Module::Install build. Why does level 15 tracing of any DBD::ODBC script show alot of these: !!DBD::ODBC unsupported attribute passed (PrintError) !!DBD::ODBC unsupported attribute passed (Username) !!DBD::ODBC unsupported attribute passed (dbi_connect_closure) !!DBD::ODBC unsupported attribute passed (LongReadLen) Add a perlcritic test - see DBD::Pg Anywhere we are storing a value in an SV that we didn't create (and thus might have magic) should probably set magic. Work out how to use Unicode in freeTDS as it does not have SQLW functions see examples/freetds_unicode.pl latest CVS trunk apparently has SQLW functions Add a test for ChopBlanks and unicode data Add some private SQLGetInfo values for whether SQL_ROWSET_SIZE hack works etc. How can you tell a driver supports MARS_CONNECTION. Might be able to detect MARS capable with SS_COPT_MARS_ENABLED Bump requirement to Test::Simple 0.96 so we can use subtest which is really cool and reorganise tests to use it. 0.96, because it seems to be the first really stable version of subtest. Change SQLError to SQLGetDiagRec and perhaps SQLGetDiagField to get further details on the error. Add more Oracle-specific tests - like calling functions/procedures and in/out params.