#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Sullivan Beck. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the same terms as Perl itself. ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # This script is the wrapper which is used to harvest and check data of a # single type. # # It first loads the old data. Then it harvests the new data. Then it # compares the new data to the old data and shows the difference in a # usable way. require 5.000000; use warnings; use strict; use lib "./lib"; ############################################################################### # GLOBAL VARIABLES ############################################################################### our %type = ( 'country' => { 'label' => 'Country', 'sets' => [qw(alpha-2 alpha-3 numeric dom)], 'opt' => '-c' }, 'language' => { 'label' => 'Language', 'sets' => [qw(alpha-2 alpha-3 term)], 'opt' => '-l' }, 'currency' => { 'label' => 'Currency', 'sets' => [qw(alpha num)], 'opt' => '-r' }, 'script' => { 'label' => 'Script', 'sets' => [qw(alpha num)], 'opt' => '-s' }, 'langext' => { 'label' => 'LangExt', 'sets' => [qw(alpha)], 'opt' => '-L' }, 'langvar' => { 'label' => 'LangVar', 'sets' => [qw(alpha)], 'opt' => '-V' }, 'langfam' => { 'label' => 'LangFam', 'sets' => [qw(alpha)], 'opt' => '-F' }, ); ############################################################################### # HELP ############################################################################### our($usage); my $COM = $0; $COM =~ s/^.*\///; my @type = sort keys %type; $usage= "usage: $COM OPTS TYPE -h/--help : Print help. -d/--debug : Run the harvest_data script in the debugger. TYPE is one of: @type "; ############################################################################### # PARSE ARGUMENTS ############################################################################### our $type; our $debug = 0; while ($_ = shift) { (print $usage), exit if ($_ eq "-h" || $_ eq "--help"); $debug = 1, next if ($_ eq "-d" || $_ eq "--debug"); $type = $_; last; } die $usage if (@ARGV || ! $type || ! exists $type{$type}); ############################################################################ # MAIN PROGRAM ############################################################################ our $label = $type{$type}{'label'}; our @sets = sort @{ $type{$type}{'sets'} }; our $opt = $type{$type}{'opt'}; our $main_mod = "Locale::Codes::$label"; our $code_mod = "Locale::Codes::${label}_Codes"; our $file = "lib/Locale/Codes/${label}_Codes.pm"; print "#"x70,"\n"; print "$label\n"; print "#"x70,"\n"; # If we have $file.bak, restore it so that if we run this multiple times, # we'll always have the same behavior. if ( -f "$file.bak" ) { system("mv $file.bak $file"); } our %old = get_data(); # Now backup the file. system("cp -p $file $file.bak"); # Harvest the data my $deb = ($debug ? "-d" : ""); system("perl $deb ./internal/harvest_data $opt"); our %new = get_data(); # We want to check to see if there is any HTML in the new file. print "#"x70,"\n"; print "Suspected HTML in codes:\n\n"; system("egrep '<' $file"); compare("NAMES"); foreach my $set (@sets) { compare("SET: $set"); } ############################################################################ sub compare { my($grp) = @_; my @old = sort keys %{ $old{$grp} }; my $old = @old; my @new = sort keys %{ $new{$grp} }; my $new = @new; print "#"x70,"\n"; print "Changes to: $grp:\n"; print " Size: $old -> $new\n" if ($old != $new); print "\n"; while (@old || @new) { if ( (@old && ! @new) || (@old && @new && $old[0] lt $new[0]) ) { print " - $old[0]\n"; foreach my $val (@{ $old{$grp}{$old[0]} }) { print " - $val\n"; } shift(@old); } elsif ( (@new && ! @old) || (@old && @new && $new[0] lt $old[0]) ) { print " + $new[0]\n"; foreach my $val (@{ $new{$grp}{$new[0]} }) { print " + $val\n"; } shift(@new); } else { my $key = shift(@old); shift(@new); my @diff; my @oval = sort @{ $old{$grp}{$key} }; my @nval = sort @{ $new{$grp}{$key} }; while (@oval || @nval) { if ( (@oval && ! @nval) || (@oval && @nval && $oval[0] lt $nval[0]) ) { push(@diff,"- $oval[0]"); shift(@oval); next; } elsif ( (@nval && ! @oval) || (@oval && @nval && $nval[0] lt $oval[0]) ) { push(@diff,"+ $nval[0]"); shift(@nval); next; } else { shift(@oval); shift(@nval); next; } } if (@diff) { print " * $key\n"; foreach my $diff (@diff) { print " $diff\n"; } } } } } sub get_data { my @in = `./internal/print_curr_data $code_mod`; chomp @in; my %in; my $grp = ""; my $ele = ""; LINE: while (@in) { my $line = shift(@in); if ($line eq "NAMES" || $line =~ /^SET: /) { $grp = $line; next LINE; } if ($line =~ /^ /) { $line =~ s/^ *//; push @{ $in{$grp}{$ele} },$line; } else { $ele = $line; $in{$grp}{$ele} = []; } } return %in; } # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # cperl-indent-level: 3 # cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2 # cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0 # cperl-brace-offset: 0 # cperl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0 # cperl-label-offset: 0 # End: