[[XNIO_Client_Configuration]] = XNIO Client Configuration == - XNIO Client You can use the `worker` element, which is in the `urn:xnio:3.5` namespace, to configure a default XNIO worker using the `wildfly-config.xml` file. This section describes how to do this. [source, xml] ---- ... ... ... ---- This section describes the child elements that can be configured within this root `worker` element. The __ element can optionally contain the following child elements, as described in the next sections: * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** === This optional element takes a single required attribute: [cols=",",options="header"] |=== | Attribute Name | Attribute Description | `value` | The value of the setting (required). A value of `true` indicates that worker and task threads should be daemon threads, and `false` indicates that they should not be daemon threads. If this element is not given, a value of `true` is assumed. | |=== This element has no content. === This element defines the name of the worker. The worker name will appear in thread dumps and in JMX. [cols=",",options="header"] |=== | Attribute Name | Attribute Description | `value` | The worker's name (required). |=== This element has no content. === This optional element defines the size parameters of the worker's task thread pool. The following attributes are allowed: [cols=",",options="header"] |=== | Attribute Name | Attribute Description | `max-threads` | A positive integer which specifies the maximum number of threads that should be created (required). |=== === This optional element establishes the keep-alive time of task threads before they may be expired. [cols=",",options="header"] |=== | Attribute Name | Attribute Description | `value` | A positive integer which represents the minimum number of seconds to keep idle threads alive (required). |=== === This optional element determines how many I/O (selector) threads should be maintained. Generally this number should be a small constant multiple of the number of available cores. [cols=",",options="header"] |=== | Attribute Name | Attribute Description | `value` | A positive integer value for the number of I/O threads (required). |=== === This optional element establishes the desired minimum thread stack size for worker threads. [cols=",",options="header"] |=== | Attribute Name | Attribute Description | `value` | A positive integer value which indicates the requested stack size, in bytes (required). |=== === This optional element specifies bind addresses to use for outbound connections. Each bind address mapping consists of a destination IP address block, and a bind address and optional port number to use for connections to destinations within that block. ==== This element defines an individual bind address mapping. [cols=",",options="header"] |=== | Attribute Name | Attribute Description | `match` | The IP address block in CIDR notation to match (required). | `bind-address` | The IP address to bind to if the address block matches (required). | `bind-port` | A specific port number to bind to if the address block matches (optional, defaults to 0 meaning "any port"). |===