[[jboss-ejb-client]] = jboss-ejb-client - EJB Client The __ element in a wildfly-config.xml file can be used to specify EJB Client configuration. This element is from the “urn:jboss:wildfly-client-ejb:3.0” namespace, e.g. [source, xml] ---- ... ... ... ---- This section describes the child elements and attributes that can be configured within this element. The _ element can optionally contain the following three child elements, as described in the next sections: * ** * ** * ** == This element is used to specify an EJB invocation timeout. It has one attribute which is required: [cols=",",options="header"] |==== | Attribute | Description | seconds | The timeout, in seconds, for the EJB handshake or method invocation request/response cycle. The invocation of any method throws a {{java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException}} if the execution takes longer than the timeout period. The server side will not be interrupted. \\ | |==== == This element is used to specify global EJB client interceptors. It can contain any number of __ elements. == This element is used to specify an EJB client interceptor. It has two attributes: [cols=",",options="header"] |==== | Attribute | Description | class | The name of a class that implements the {{org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientInterceptor}} interface. | module | The optional name of the module that should be used to load the interceptor class. |==== == This element is used to specify EJB client connections. It can contain any number of __ elements. == This element is used to specify an EJB client connection. It has one required attribute. It can also optionally contain an __ element. [cols=",",options="header"] |==== | Attribute | Description | uri | The connection destination URI. |==== == This element is used to specify EJB client interceptors and can contain any number of __ elements.