[[Deployment_Descriptors_used_In_WildFly]] = Deployment Descriptors used In WildFly This page gives a list and a description of all the valid deployment descriptors that a WildFly deployment can use. This document is a work in progress. [cols=",,,,",options="header"] |======================================================================= |Descriptor |Location |Specification |Description |Info |jboss-deployment-structure.xml |META-INF or WEB-INF of the top level deployment |  |This file can be used to control class loading for the deployment |Class Loading in WildFly |beans.xml |WEB-INF or META-INF |CDI |The presence of this descriptor (even if empty) activates CDI |Weld Reference Guide |web.xml |WEB-INF |Servlet |Web deployment descriptor |  |jboss-web.xml |WEB-INF |  |JBoss Web deployment descriptor. This can be use to override settings from web.xml, and to set WildFly specific options |  |ejb-jar.xml |WEB-INF of a war, or META-INF of an EJB jar |EJB |The EJB spec deployment descriptor |ejb-jar.xml schema |jboss-ejb3.xml |WEB-INF of a war, or META-INF of an EJB jar |  |The JBoss EJB deployment descriptor, this can be used to override settings from ejb-jar.xml, and to set WildFly specific settings |  |application.xml |META-INF of an EAR |Java EE Platform Specification |  |application.xml schema |jboss-app.xml |META-INF of an EAR |  |JBoss application deployment descriptor, can be used to override settings application.xml, and to set WildFly specific settings |  |persistence.xml |META-INF |JPA |JPA descriptor used for defining persistence units |Hibernate Reference Guide |jboss-ejb-client.xml |WEB-INF of a war, or META-INF of an EJB jar |  |Remote EJB settings. This file is used to setup the EJB client context for a deployment that is used for remote EJB invocations |EJB invocations from a remote server instance |jbosscmp-jdbc.xml |META-INF of an EJB jar |  |CMP deployment descriptor. Used to map CMP entity beans to a database. The format is largely unchanged from previous versions. |  |ra.xml |META-INF of a rar archive |  |Spec deployment descriptor for resource adaptor deployments |IronJacamar Reference Guide Schema |ironjacamar.xml |META-INF of a rar archive |  |JBoss deployment descriptor for resource adaptor deployments |IronJacamar Reference Guide |*-jms.xml |META-INF or WEB-INF |  |JMS message destination deployment descriptor, used to deploy message destinations with a deployment |  |*-ds.xml |META-INF or WEB-INF |  |Datasource deployment descriptor, use to bundle datasources with a deployment |DataSource Configuration |application-client.xml |META-INF of an application client jar |Java EE6 Platform Specification |The spec deployment descriptor for application client deployments |application-client.xml schema |jboss-client.xml |META-INF of an application client jar |  |The WildFly specific deployment descriptor for application client deployments |  |jboss-webservices.xml |META-INF for EJB webservice deployments or WEB-INF for POJO webservice deployments/EJB webservice endpoints bundled in .war |  |The JBossWS 4.0.x specific deployment descriptor for webservice endpoints |  |=======================================================================