[[JPA_Reference_Guide]] = JPA Reference Guide [[introduction]] == Introduction The WildFly JPA subsystem implements the JPA 2.1 container-managed requirements. Deploys the persistence unit definitions, the persistence unit/context annotations and persistence unit/context references in the deployment descriptor. JPA Applications use the Hibernate (version 5.1) persistence provider, which is included with WildFly. The JPA subsystem uses the standard SPI (javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider) to access the Hibernate persistence provider and some additional extensions as well. During application deployment, JPA use is detected (e.g. persistence.xml or @PersistenceContext/Unit annotations) and injects Hibernate dependencies into the application deployment. This makes it easy to deploy JPA applications. In the remainder of this documentation, "entity manager" refers to an instance of the _javax.persistence.EntityManager_ class. http://download.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/persistence/package-summary.html[Javadoc for the JPA interfaces]and https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=338[JPA 2.1 specification]. The index of the Hibernate documentation is at http://hibernate.org/orm/documentation/5.1/. [[update-your-persistence.xml-for-hibernate-5.1]] == Update your Persistence.xml for Hibernate 5.1 The persistence provider class name in Hibernate 4.3.0 (and greater) is *org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider*. Instead of specifying: *org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence* Switch to: *org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider* Or remove the persistence provider class name from your persistence.xml (so the default provider will be used). [[entity-manager]] == Entity manager The entity manager (javax.persistence.EntityManager class) is similar to the Hibernate Session class; applications use it to create/read/update/delete data (and related operations). Applications can use application-managed or container-managed entity managers. Keep in mind that the entity manager is not thread safe, don't share the same entity manager instance with multiple threads. Internally, the entity manager, has a persistence context for managing entities. You can think of the persistence context as being closely associated with the entity manager. [[container-managed-entity-manager]] == Container-managed entity manager When you inject a container-managed entity managers into an application variable, it is treated like an (EE container controlled) Java proxy object, that will be associated with an underlying EntityManager instance, for each started JTA transaction and is flushed/closed when the JTA transaction commits. Such that when your application code invokes EntityManager.anyMethod(), the current JTA transaction is searched (using persistence unit name as key) for the underlying EntityManager instance, if not found, a new EntityManager instance is created and associated with the current JTA transaction, to be reused for the next EntityManager invocation. Use the @PersistenceContext annotation, to inject a container-managed entity manager into a javax.persistence.EntityManager variable. [[application-managed-entity-manager]] == Application-managed entity manager An application-managed entity manager is kept around until the application closes it. The scope of the application-managed entity manager is from when the application creates it and lasts until the application closes it. Use the _@PersistenceUnit_ annotation, to inject a persistence unit into a _javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory variable_. The EntityManagerFactory can return an application-managed entity manager. [[persistence-context]] == Persistence Context The JPA persistence context contains the entities managed by the entity manager (via the JPA persistence provider). The underlying entity manager maintains the persistence context. The persistence context acts like a first level (transactional) cache for interacting with the datasource. Loaded entities are placed into the persistence context before being returned to the application. Entities changes are also placed into the persistence context (to be saved in the database when the transaction commits). [[transaction-scoped-persistence-context]] == Transaction-scoped Persistence Context The transaction-scoped persistence context coordinates with the (active) JTA transaction. When the transaction commits, the persistence context is flushed to the datasource (entity objects are detached but may still be referenced by application code). All entity changes that are expected to be saved to the datasource, must be made during a transaction. Entities read outside of a transaction will be detached when the entity manager invocation completes. Example transaction-scoped persistence context is below. [source, java] ---- @Stateful // will use container managed transactions public class CustomerManager { @PersistenceContext(unitName = "customerPU") // default type is PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION EntityManager em; public customer createCustomer(String name, String address) { Customer customer = new Customer(name, address); em.persist(customer); // persist new Customer when JTA transaction completes (when method ends). // internally: // 1. Look for existing "customerPU" persistence context in active JTA transaction and use if found. // 2. Else create new "customerPU" persistence context (e.g. instance of org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence) // and put in current active JTA transaction. return customer; // return Customer entity (will be detached from the persistence context when caller gets control) } // Transaction.commit will be called, Customer entity will be persisted to the database and "customerPU" persistence context closed ---- [[extended-persistence-context]] == Extended Persistence Context The (ee container managed) extended persistence context can span multiple transactions and allows data modifications to be queued up (like a shopping cart), without an active JTA transaction (to be applied during the next JTA TX). The Container-managed extended persistence context can only be injected into a stateful session bean. You can also think of the extended persistence context, as being an entity manager. [source, java] ---- @PersistenceContext(type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED, unitName = "inventoryPU") EntityManager em; ---- [[extended-persistence-context-inheritance]] === Extended Persistence Context Inheritance ---- JPA 2.0 specification section   If a stateful session bean instantiates a stateful session bean (executing in the same EJB container instance) which also has such an extended persistence context, the extended persistence context of the first stateful session bean is inherited by the second stateful session bean and bound to it, and this rule recursively applies—independently of whether transactions are active or not at the point of the creation of the stateful session beans. ---- By default, the current stateful session bean being created, will ( *deeply*) inherit the extended persistence context from any stateful session bean executing in the current Java thread. The *deep* inheritance of extended persistence context includes walking multiple levels up the stateful bean call stack (inheriting from parent beans). The *deep* inheritance of extended persistence context includes sibling beans. For example, parentA references child beans beanBwithXPC & beanCwithXPC. Even though parentA doesn't have an extended persistence context, beanBwithXPC & beanCwithXPC will share the same extended persistence context. Some other EE application servers, use *shallow* inheritance, where stateful session bean only inherit from the parent stateful session bean (if there is a parent bean). Sibling beans do not share the same extended persistence context unless their (common) parent bean also has the same extended persistence context. Applications can include a (top-level) *jboss-all.xml* deployment descriptor that specifies either the (default) *DEEP* extended persistence context inheritance or *SHALLOW*. The WF/docs/schema/jboss-jpa_1_0.xsd describes the *jboss-jpa* deployment descriptor that may be included in the *jboss-all.xml*. Below is an example of using *SHALLOW* extended persistence context inheritance: ________________________________________________________ + + + + ________________________________________________________ Below is an example of using *DEEP* extended persistence inheritance: ________________________________________________________ + + + + ________________________________________________________ The AS console/cli can change the *default* extended persistence context setting (DEEP or SHALLOW). The following cli commands will read the current JPA settings and enable SHALLOW extended persistence context inheritance for applications that do not include the *jboss-jpa* deployment descriptor: _______________________________________________________________________________ ./jboss-cli.sh + cd subsystem=jpa + :read-resource + :write-attribute(name=default-extended-persistence-inheritance,value="SHALLOW") _______________________________________________________________________________ [[entities]] == Entities JPA allows use of your (pojo) plain old Java class to represent a database table row. [source, java] ---- @PersistenceContext EntityManager em; Integer bomPk = getIndexKeyValue(); BillOfMaterials bom = em.find(BillOfMaterials.class, bomPk); // read existing table row into BillOfMaterials class   BillOfMaterials createdBom = new BillOfMaterials("..."); // create new entity em.persist(createdBom); // createdBom is now managed and will be saved to database when the current JTA transaction completes ---- The entity lifecycle is managed by the underlying persistence provider. * New (transient): an entity is new if it has just been instantiated using the new operator, and it is not associated with a persistence context. It has no persistent representation in the database and no identifier value has been assigned. * Managed (persistent): a managed entity instance is an instance with a persistent identity that is currently associated with a persistence context. * Detached: the entity instance is an instance with a persistent identity that is no longer associated with a persistence context, usually because the persistence context was closed or the instance was evicted from the context. * Removed: a removed entity instance is an instance with a persistent identity, associated with a persistence context, but scheduled for removal from the database. [[deployment]] == Deployment The persistence.xml contains the persistence unit configuration (e.g. datasource name) and as described in the JPA 2.0 spec (section 8.2), the jar file or directory whose META-INF directory contains the persistence.xml file is termed the root of the persistence unit. In Java EE environments, the root of a persistence unit must be one of the following (quoted directly from the JPA 2.0 specification): " * an EJB-JAR file * the WEB-INF/classes directory of a WAR file * a jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory of a WAR file * a jar file in the EAR library directory * an application client jar file The persistence.xml can specify either a JTA datasource or a non-JTA datasource. The JTA datasource is expected to be used within the EE environment (even when reading data without an active transaction). If a datasource is not specified, the default-datasource will instead be used (must be configured). NOTE: Java Persistence 1.0 supported use of a jar file in the root of the EAR as the root of a persistence unit. This use is no longer supported. Portable applications should use the EAR library directory for this case instead. " Question: Can you have a EAR/META-INF/persistence.xml? Answer: No, the above may deploy but it could include other archives also in the EAR, so you may have deployment issues for other reasons. Better to put the persistence.xml in an EAR/lib/somePuJar.jar. [[troubleshooting]] == Troubleshooting The *org.jboss.as.jpa* logging can be enabled to get the following information: * INFO - when persistence.xml has been parsed, starting of persistence unit service (per deployed persistence.xml), stopping of persistence unit service * DEBUG - informs about entity managers being injected, creating/reusing transaction scoped entity manager for active transaction * TRACE - shows how long each entity manager operation took in milliseconds, application searches for a persistence unit, parsing of persistence.xml To enable TRACE, open the as/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml (or as/domain/configuration/domain.xml) file. Search for ** and add the *org.jboss.as.jpa* category. You need to change the console-handler level from *INFO* to *TRACE*. [source, java] ----   ...                                    ... ---- To see what is going on at the JDBC level, enable *jboss.jdbc.spy* TRACE and add spy="true" to the datasource. [source, java] ----   ---- To troubleshoot issues with the Hibernate second level cache, try enabling trace for *org.hibernate.SQL + org.hibernate.cache.infinispan + org.infinispan:* [source, java] ----   ...                                                            ... ---- [[using-the-infinispan-second-level-cache]] == Using the Infinispan second level cache To enable the second level cache with Hibernate 5.1, just set the *hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache* property to true, as is done in the following example (also set the http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/persistence/SharedCacheMode.html[shared-cache-mode] accordingly). By default the application server uses Infinispan as the cache provider for *JPA applications*, so you don't need specify anything on top of that. The Infinispan version that is included in WildFly is expected to work with the Hibernate version that is included with WildFly. Example persistence.xml settings: [source,xml] ---- example of enabling the second level cache. java:jboss/datasources/mydatasource ENABLE_SELECTIVE ---- Here is an example of enabling the second level cache for a Hibernate native API hibernate.cfg.xml file: [source,xml] ---- ---- The Hibernate native API application will also need a MANIFEST.MF: .... Dependencies: org.infinispan,org.hibernate .... http://infinispan.org/docs/8.0.x/user_guide/user_guide.html#_using_infinispan_as_jpa_hibernate_second_level_cache_provider[Infinispan Hibernate/JPA second level cache provider documentation] contains advanced configuration information but you should bear in mind that when Hibernate runs within WildFly {wildflyVersion}, some of those configuration options, such as region factory, are not needed. Moreover, the application server providers you with option of selecting a different cache container for Infinispan via *hibernate.cache.infinispan.container* persistence property. To reiterate, this property is not mandatory and a default container is already deployed for by the application server to host the second level cache. Here is an example of what the Hibernate cache settings may currently be in your standalone.xml: [source,xml] ----                                                             ---- Below is an example of customizing the "entity", "immutable-entity", "local-query", "pending-puts", "timestamps" cache configuration may look like: [source,xml] ----                                                                                                                                                 ---- Persistence.xml to use the above custom settings: [source,xml] ----                     ---- [[replacing-the-current-hibernate-5.x-jars-with-a-newer-version]] == Replacing the current Hibernate 5.x jars with a newer version Just update the current wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/main folder to contain the newer version (after stopping your WildFly server instance). 1. Delete *.index files in wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/main and wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/envers/main folders. 2. Backup the current contents of wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate in case you make a mistake. 3. Remove the older jars and copy new Hibernate jars into wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/main + wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/envers/main. 4. Update the wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/main/module.xml + wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/envers/main/module.xml to name the jars that you copied in. 5. Also update the hibernate-infinispan jars in wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/hibernate/infinispan. [[using-hibernate-search]] == Using Hibernate Search WildFly includes Hibernate Search. If you want to use the bundled version of Hibernate Search - which requires to use the default Hibernate ORM 5.1 persistence provider - this will be automatically enabled. + Having this enabled means that, provided your application includes any entity which is annotated with *org.hibernate.search.annotations.Indexed*, the module *org.hibernate.search.orm:main* will be made available to your deployment; this will also include the required version of Apache Lucene. If you do not want this module to be exposed to your deployment, set the persistence property *wildfly.jpa.hibernate.search.module* to either *none* to not automatically inject any Hibernate Search module, or to any other module identifier to inject a different module. + For example you could set *wildfly.jpa.hibernate.search.module=org.hibernate.search.orm:5.4.0.Alpha1* to use the experimental version 5.4.0.Alpha1 instead of the provided module; in this case you'll have to download and add the custom modules to the application server as other versions are not included. + When setting *wildfly.jpa.hibernate.search.module=none* you might also opt to include Hibernate Search and its dependencies within your application but we highly recommend the modules approach. [[packaging-the-hibernate-jpa-persistence-provider-with-your-application]] == Packaging the Hibernate JPA persistence provider with your application WildFly allows the packaging of Hibernate persistence provider jars with the application. The JPA deployer will detect the presence of a persistence provider in the application and *jboss.as.jpa.providerModule* needs to be set to *application*. [source, xml] ---- + + + Hibernate Persistence Unit. + java:jboss/datasources/PlannerDS + + + + + ---- [[migrating-from-openjpa]] == Migrating from OpenJPA You need to copy the OpenJPA jars (e.g. openjpa-all.jar serp.jar) into the WildFly modules/org/apache/openjpa/main folder and update modules/org/apache/openjpa/main/module.xml to include the same jar file names that you copied in. This will help you get your application that depends on OpenJPA, to deploy on WildFly. [source, java] ----                                                                                                                                   ---- [[migrating-from-eclipselink]] == Migrating from EclipseLink You need to copy the EclipseLink jar (e.g. eclipselink-2.6.0.jar or eclipselink.jar as in the example below) into the WildFly modules/org/eclipse/persistence/main folder and update modules/org/eclipse/persistence/main/module.xml to include the EclipseLink jar (take care to use the jar name that you copied in). If you happen to leave the EclipseLink version number in the jar name, the module.xml should reflect that. This will help you get your application that depends on EclipseLink, to deploy on WildFly. [source,xml] ----                                                                                                                                           ---- As a workaround for issue https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=414974[id=414974], set (WildFly) system property "eclipselink.archive.factory" to value "org.jipijapa.eclipselink.JBossArchiveFactoryImpl" via jboss-cli.sh command (WildFly server needs to be running when this command is issued): [source,ruby] ---- jboss-cli.sh --connect '/system-property=eclipselink.archive.factory:add(value=org.jipijapa.eclipselink.JBossArchiveFactoryImpl)' ---- . The following shows what the standalone.xml (or your WildFly configuration you are using) file might look like after updating the system properties: [source,xml] ---- ... ---- You should then be able to deploy applications with persistence.xml that include; [source,xml] ---- org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider ---- Also refer to page https://community.jboss.org/wiki/HowToUseEclipseLinkWithAS7[how to use EclipseLink with WildFly guide here]. [[migrating-from-datanucleus]] == Migrating from DataNucleus Read the http://www.datanucleus.org/products/accessplatform_5_0/jpa/javaee.html[how to use DataNucleus with WildFly guide here]. [[native-hibernate-use]] == Native Hibernate use Applications that use the Hibernate API directly, are referred to here as native Hibernate applications. Native Hibernate applications, can choose to use the Hibernate jars included with WildFly or they can package their own copy of the Hibernate jars. Applications that utilize JPA will automatically have the Hibernate classes injected onto the application deployment classpath. Meaning that JPA applications, should expect to use the Hibernate jars included in WildFly. Example MANIFEST.MF entry to add dependency for Hibernate native applications: .... Manifest-Version: 1.0 ... Dependencies: org.hibernate .... If you use the Hibernate native api in your application and also use the JPA api to access the same entities (from the same Hibernate session/EntityManager), you could get surprising results (e.g. HibernateSession.saveOrUpdate(entity) is different than EntityManager.merge(entity). Each entity should be managed by either Hibernate native API or JPA code. [[injection-of-hibernate-session-and-sessionfactoryinjection-of-hibernate-session-and-sessionfactory]] == Injection of Hibernate Session and SessionFactoryInjection of Hibernate Session and SessionFactory You can inject a org.hibernate.Session and org.hibernate.SessionFactory directly, just as you can do with EntityManagers and EntityManagerFactorys. [source, java] ---- import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; @Stateful public class MyStatefulBean ... {    @PersistenceContext(unitName="crm") Session session1;    @PersistenceContext(unitName="crm2", type=EXTENDED) Session extendedpc;    @PersistenceUnit(unitName="crm") SessionFactory factory; } ---- [[hibernate-properties]] == Hibernate properties WildFly automatically sets the following Hibernate (5.x) properties (if not already set in persistence unit definition): [cols=",",options="header"] |======================================================================= |Property |Purpose |hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings =true |New applications should let this default to true, older applications with existing data might need to set to false (see note below). It really depends on whether your application uses the @GeneratedValue(AUTO) which will generates new key values for newly created entities. The application can override this value (in the persistence.xml). |hibernate.transaction.jta.platform= instance of org.hibernate.service.jta.platform.spi.JtaPlatform interface |The transaction manager, user transaction and transaction synchronization registry is passed into Hibernate via this class. |hibernate.ejb.resource_scanner = instance of org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.Scanner interface |Instance of entity scanning class is passed in that knows how to use the AS annotation indexer (for faster deployment). |hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class |This property is removed if found in the persistence.xml (could conflict with JtaPlatform) |hibernate.session_factory_name = qualified persistence unit name |Is set to the application name + persistence unit name (application can specify a different value but it needs to be unique across all application deployments on the AS instance). |hibernate.session_factory_name_is_jndi = false |only set if the application didn't specify a value for hibernate.session_factory_name. |hibernate.ejb.entitymanager_factory_name = qualified persistence unit name |Is set to the application name + persistence unit name (application can specify a different value but it needs to be unique across all application deployments on the AS instance). |hibernate.query.jpaql_strict_compliance=true |  |hibernate.auto_quote_keyword=false |  |hibernate.implicit_naming_strategy=org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.ImplicitNamingStrategyJpaCompliantImpl |  |======================================================================= In Hibernate 4.x (and greater), if *new_generator_mappings* is *true*: * @GeneratedValue(AUTO) maps to org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator * @GeneratedValue(TABLE) maps to org.hibernate.id.enhanced.TableGenerator * @GeneratedValue(SEQUENCE) maps to org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator In Hibernate 4.x (and greater), if *new_generator_mappings* is *false*: * @GeneratedValue(AUTO) maps to Hibernate "native" * @GeneratedValue(TABLE) maps to org.hibernate.id.MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator * @GeneratedValue(SEQUENCE) to Hibernate "seqhilo" [[persistence-unit-properties]] == Persistence unit properties The following properties are supported in the persistence unit definition (in the persistence.xml file): [cols=",",options="header"] |======================================================================= |Property |Purpose |jboss.as.jpa.providerModule |name of the persistence provider module (default is org.hibernate). Should be application, if a persistence provider is packaged with the application. See note below about some module names that are built in (based on the provider). |jboss.as.jpa.adapterModule |name of the integration classes that help WildFly to work with the persistence provider. |jboss.as.jpa.adapterClass |class name of the integration adapter. |jboss.as.jpa.managed |set to false to disable container managed JPA access to the persistence unit. The default is true, which enables container managed JPA access to the persistence unit. This is typically set to false for Spring applications. |jboss.as.jpa.classtransformer |set to false to disable class transformers for the persistence unit. Set to true, to allow entity class enhancing/rewriting. |wildfly.jpa.default-unit |set to true to choose the default persistence unit in an application. This is useful if you inject a persistence context without specifying the unitName (@PersistenceContext EntityManager em) but have multiple persistence units specified in your persistence.xml. |wildfly.jpa.twophasebootstrap |persistence providers (like Hibernate ORM 4.3+ via EntityManagerFactoryBuilder), allow a two phase persistence unit bootstrap, which improves JPA integration with CDI. Setting the wildfly.jpa.twophasebootstrap hint to false, disables the two phase bootstrap (for the persistence unit that contains the hint). |wildfly.jpa.allowdefaultdatasourceuse |set to false to prevent persistence unit from using the default data source. Defaults to true. This is only important for persistence units that do not specify a datasource. |jboss.as.jpa.deferdetach |Controls whether transaction scoped persistence context used in non-JTA transaction thread, will detach loaded entities after each EntityManager invocation or when the persistence context is closed (e.g. business method ends). Defaults to false (entities are cleared after EntityManager invocation) and if set to true, the detach is deferred until the context is closed. |wildfly.jpa.hibernate.search.module |Controls which version of Hibernate Search to include on classpath. Only makes sense when using Hibernate as JPA implementation. The default is auto; other valid values are none or a full module identifier to use an alternative version. |jboss.as.jpa.scopedname |Specify the qualified (application scoped) persistence unit name to be used. By default, this is internally set to the application name + persistence unit name. The hibernate.cache.region_prefix will default to whatever you set jboss.as.jpa.scopedname to. Make sure you set the jboss.as.jpa.scopedname value to a value not already in use by other applications deployed on the same application server instance. |wildfly.jpa.allowjoinedunsync |If set to true, allows an SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED persistence context that has been joined to the active JTA transaction, to be propagated into a SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED persistence context. Otherwise, an IllegalStateException exception would of been thrown that complains that an unsychronized persistence context cannot be propagated into a synchronized persistence context. Defaults to false. |wildfly.jpa.skipmixedsynctypechecking |Set to true to disable the throwing of an IllegalStateException exception when propagating an SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED persistence context into a SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED persistence context. This is a workaround intended to allow applications that used to incorrectly not get IllegalStateException exception with extended persistence contexts, to avoid the IllegalStateException, so they don't have to change their application right away (for compatibility purposes). This hint may be deprecated in a future release. See WFLY-7108 for more details. Defaults to false. |======================================================================= [[determine-the-persistence-provider-module]] == Determine the persistence provider module As mentioned above, if the *jboss.as.jpa.providerModule* property is not specified, the provider module name is determined by the *provider* name specified in the persistence.xml. The mapping is: [cols=",",options="header"] |======================================================================= |Provider Name |Module name |blank |org.hibernate |org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence |org.hibernate |org.hibernate.ogm.jpa.HibernateOgmPersistence |org.hibernate.ogm |oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider |oracle.toplink |oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerFactoryProvider |oracle.toplink |org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider |org.eclipse.persistence |org.datanucleus.api.jpa.PersistenceProviderImpl |org.datanucleus |org.datanucleus.store.appengine.jpa.DatastorePersistenceProvider |org.datanucleus:appengine |org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl |org.apache.openjpa |======================================================================= [[binding-entitymanagerfactoryentitymanager-to-jndi]] == Binding EntityManagerFactory/EntityManager to JNDI By default WildFly does *not* bind the entity manager factory to JNDI. However, you can explicitly configure this in the persistence.xml of your application by setting the `jboss.entity.manager.factory.jndi.name` `hint. The value of that property should be the JNDI name to which the entity manager factory should be bound.` `You can also bind a container managed (transaction scoped) entity manager to JNDI as well, }}via hint` `jboss.entity.manager.jndi.name`\{ `}{{. As a reminder, a transaction scoped entity manager (persistence context), acts as a proxy that always gets an unique underlying entity manager (at the persistence provider level).` `Here's an example:` persistence.xml [source,xml] ----                java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS                                   ---- [source, java] ---- @Stateful public class ExampleSFSB { public void createSomeEntityWithTransactionScopedEM(String name) { Context context = new InitialContext(); javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager = (javax.persistence.EntityManager) context.lookup("java:/myEntityManager"); SomeEntity someEntity = new SomeEntity();  someEntity.setName(name); entityManager.persist(name); } } ---- [[community]] == Community Many thanks to the community, for reporting issues, solutions and code changes. A number of people have been answering Wildfly forum questions related to JPA usage. I would like to thank them for this, as well as those reporting issues. For those of you that haven't downloaded the AS source code and started hacking patches together. I would like to encourage you to start by reading https://community.jboss.org/wiki/HackingOnWildFly[Hacking on WildFly]. You will find that it easy very easy to find your way around the WildFly/JPA/* source tree and make changes. Also, new for WildFly, is the JipiJapa project that contains additional integration code that makes EE JPA application deployments work better. The following list of contributors should grow over time, I hope to see more of you listed here. [[people-who-have-contributed-to-the-wildfly-jpa-layer]] === People who have contributed to the WildFly JPA layer: * https://community.jboss.org/people/wolfc[Carlo de Wolf] (lead of the EJB3 project) * *http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Steve[Steve Ebersole]* (lead of the Hibernate ORM project) * *https://community.jboss.org/people/swd847[Stuart Douglas]* (lead of the Seam Persistence project, WildFly project team member/committer) * https://community.jboss.org/people/jaikiran[Jaikiran Pai] (Active member of JBoss forums and JBoss EJB3 project team member) * http://relation.to/Bloggers/StrongLiu[Strong Liu] (leads the productization effort of Hibernate in the EAP product) * *https://community.jboss.org/people/smarlow[Scott Marlow]* (lead of the WildFly container JPA sub-project) * *https://community.jboss.org/people/alaisi[Antti Laisi]* *(OpenJPA integration changes)* * https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/~galder.zamarreno[Galder Zamarreño] (Infinispan 2lc documentation) * https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/~sannegrinovero[Sanne Grinovero] (lead of the Hibernate Search project) * https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=pferraro[Paul Ferraro] (Infinispan 2lc integration)