[[Using_the_Elytron_Subsystem]] = Using the Elytron Subsystem [[set-up-and-configure-authentication-for-applications]] == Set Up and Configure Authentication for Applications [[configure-authentication-with-a-properties-file-based-identity-store]] === Configure Authentication with a Properties File-Based Identity Store [[create-properties-files]] ==== Create properties files: You need to create two properties files: one that maps user to passwords and another that maps users to roles. Usually these files are located in the _jboss.server.config.dir_ directory and follow the naming convention _*-users.properties_ and _*-roles.properties_, but other locations and names may be used. The _*-users.properties_ file must also contain a reference to the _properties-realm_, which you will create in the next step: _#$REALM_NAME=YOUR_PROPERTIES_REALM_NAME$_ *Example user to password file: example-users.properties* .... #$REALM_NAME=examplePropRealm$ user1=password123 user2=password123 .... *Example user to roles file: example-roles.properties* .... user1=Admin user2=Guest .... [[configure-a-properties-realm-in-wildfly]] ==== Configure a properties-realm in WildFly: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/properties-realm=examplePropRealm:add(groups-attribute=groups,groups-properties={path=example-roles.properties,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir},users-properties={path=example-users.properties,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,plain-text=true}) ---- The name of the _properties-realm_ is _examplePropRealm_, which is used in the previous step in the _example-users.properties_ file. Also, if your properties files are located outside of _jboss.server.config.dir_, then you need to change the _path_ and _relative-to_ values appropriately. [[configure-a-security-domain]] ==== Configure a security-domain: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/security-domain=exampleSD:add(realms=[{realm=examplePropRealm,role-decoder=groups-to-roles}],default-realm=examplePropRealm,permission-mapper=default-permission-mapper) ---- [[configure-an-http-authentication-factory]] ==== Configure an http-authentication-factory: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=example-http-auth:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global,security-domain=exampleSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=BASIC,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleApplicationDomain}]}]) ---- This example shows creating an _http-authentication-factory_ using _BASIC_ authentication, but it could be updated to other mechanisms such as _FORM_. [[configure-an-application-security-domain-in-the-undertow-subsystem]] ==== Configure an application-security-domain in the Undertow subsystem: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/application-security-domain=exampleApplicationDomain:add(http-authentication-factory=example-http-auth) ---- [[configure-your-applications-web.xml-and-jboss-web.xml.]] ==== Configure your application's web.xml and jboss-web.xml. Your application's _web.xml_ and _jboss-web.xml_ must be updated to use the _application-security-domain_ you configured in WildFly. An example of this is available in the <> section. [[configure-authentication-with-a-filesystem-based-identity-store]] === Configure Authentication with a Filesystem-Based Identity Store [[chose-a-directory-for-users]] ==== Chose a directory for users: You need a directory where your users will be stored. In this example, we are using a directory called _fs-realm-users_ located in _jboss.server.config.dir_. [[configure-a-filesystem-realm-in-wildfly]] ==== Configure a filesystem-realm in WildFly: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm:add(path=fs-realm-users,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir) ---- If your directory is located outside of _jboss.server.config.dir_, then you need to change the _path_ and _relative-to_ values appropriately. [[add-a-user]] ==== Add a user: When using the _filesystem-realm_, you can add users using the management CLI. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm/identity=user1:add() /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm/identity=user1:set-password( clear={password="password123"}) /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm/identity=user1:add-attribute(name=Roles, value=["Admin","Guest"]) ---- [[add-a-simple-role-decoder]] ==== Add a simple-role-decoder: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/simple-role-decoder=from-roles-attribute:add(attribute=Roles) ---- This _simple-role-decoder_ decodes a principal's roles from the _Roles_ attribute. You can change this value if your roles are in a different attribute. [[configure-a-security-domain-1]] ==== Configure a security-domain: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/security-domain=exampleFsSD:add(realms=[{realm=exampleFsRealm,role-decoder=from-roles-attribute}],default-realm=exampleFsRealm,permission-mapper=default-permission-mapper) ---- [[configure-an-http-authentication-factory-1]] ==== Configure an http-authentication-factory: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=example-fs-http-auth:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global,security-domain=exampleFsSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=BASIC,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleApplicationDomain}]}]) ---- This example shows creating an _http-authentication-factory_ using _BASIC_ authentication, but it could be updated to other mechanisms such as _FORM_. [[configure-an-application-security-domain-in-the-undertow-subsystem-1]] ==== Configure an application-security-domain in the Undertow subsystem: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/application-security-domain=exampleApplicationDomain:add(http-authentication-factory=example-fs-http-auth) ---- [[configure-your-applications-web.xml-and-jboss-web.xml.-1]] ==== Configure your application's web.xml and jboss-web.xml. Your application's _web.xml_ and _jboss-web.xml_ must be updated to use the _application-security-domain_ you configured in WildFly. An example of this is available in the <> section. Your application is now using a filesystem-based identity store for authentication. [[configure-authentication-with-a-database-identity-store]] === Configure Authentication with a Database Identity Store [[determine-your-database-format-for-usernames-passwords-and-roles]] ==== Determine your database format for usernames, passwords, and roles: To set up authentication using a database for an identity store, you need to determine how your usernames, passwords, and roles are stored in that database. In this example, we are using a single table with the following sample data: [cols=",,",options="header"] |========================= |username |password |roles |user1 |password123 |Admin |user2 |password123 |Guest |========================= [[configure-a-datasource]] ==== Configure a datasource: To connect to a database from WildFly, you must have the appropriate database driver deployed as well as a datasource configured. This example shows deploying the driver for postgres and configuring a datasource in WildFly: [source, ruby] ---- deploy /path/to/postgresql-9.4.1210.jar   data-source add --name=examplePostgresDS --jndi-name=java:jboss/examplePostgresDS --driver-name=postgresql-9.4.1210.jar --connection-url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgresdb --user-name=postgresAdmin --password=mysecretpassword ---- [[configure-a-jdbc-realm-in-wildfly]] ==== Configure a jdbc-realm in WildFly: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/jdbc-realm=exampleDbRealm:add(principal-query=[{sql="SELECT password,roles FROM wildfly_users WHERE username=?",data-source=examplePostgresDS,clear-password-mapper={password-index=1},attribute-mapping=[{index=2,to=groups}]}]) ---- *NOTE:* The above example shows how to obtain passwords and roles from a single _principal-query_. You can also create additional _principal-query_ with _attribute-mapping_ attributes if you require multiple queries to obtain roles or additional authentication or authorization information. [[configure-a-security-domain-2]] ==== Configure a security-domain: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/security-domain=exampleDbSD:add(realms=[{realm=exampleDbRealm,role-decoder=groups-to-roles}],default-realm=exampleDbRealm,permission-mapper=default-permission-mapper) ---- [[configure-an-http-authentication-factory-2]] ==== Configure an http-authentication-factory: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=example-db-http-auth:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global,security-domain=exampleDbSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=BASIC,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleDbSD}]}]) ---- This example shows creating an _http-authentication-factory_ using _BASIC_ authentication, but it could be updated to other mechanisms such as _FORM_. [[configure-an-application-security-domain-in-the-undertow-subsystem-2]] ==== Configure an application-security-domain in the Undertow subsystem: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/application-security-domain=exampleApplicationDomain:add(http-authentication-factory=example-db-http-auth) ---- [[configure-your-applications-web.xml-and-jboss-web.xml.-2]] ==== Configure your application's web.xml and jboss-web.xml. Your application's _web.xml_ and _jboss-web.xml_ must be updated to use the _application-security-domain_ you configured in WildFly. An example of this is available in the <> section. [[configure-authentication-with-an-ldap-based-identity-store]] === Configure Authentication with an LDAP-Based Identity Store [[determine-your-ldap-format-for-usernames-passwords-and-roles]] ==== Determine your LDAP format for usernames, passwords, and roles: To set up authentication using an LDAP server for an identity store, you need to determine how your usernames, passwords, and roles are stored. In this example, we are using the following structure: [source,java] ---- dn: dc=wildfly,dc=org dc: wildfly objectClass: top objectClass: domain   dn: ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org objectClass: organizationalUnit objectClass: top ou: Users   dn: uid=jsmith,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: inetOrgPerson cn: John Smith sn: smith uid: jsmith userPassword: password123   dn: ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org objectclass: top objectclass: organizationalUnit ou: Roles   dn: cn=Admin,ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org objectClass: top objectClass: groupOfNames cn: Admin member: uid=jsmith,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org ---- [[configure-a-dir-context]] ==== Configure a dir-context: To connect to the LDAP server from WildFly, you need to configure a _dir-context_ that provides the URL as well as the principal used to connect to the server. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/dir-context=exampleDC:add(url="ldap://",principal="uid=admin,ou=system",credential-reference={clear-text="secret"}) ---- [[configure-an-ldap-realm-in-wildfly]] ==== Configure an ldap-realm in WildFly: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/ldap-realm=exampleLR:add(dir-context=exampleDC,identity-mapping={search-base-dn="ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org",rdn-identifier="uid",user-password-mapper={from="userPassword"},attribute-mapping=[{filter-base-dn="ou=Roles,dc=wildfly,dc=org",filter="(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={1}))",from="cn",to="Roles"}]}) ---- [[add-a-simple-role-decoder-1]] ==== Add a simple-role-decoder: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/simple-role-decoder=from-roles-attribute:add(attribute=Roles) ---- [[configure-a-security-domain-3]] ==== Configure a security-domain: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/security-domain=exampleLdapSD:add(realms=[{realm=exampleLR,role-decoder=from-roles-attribute}],default-realm=exampleLR,permission-mapper=default-permission-mapper) ---- [[configure-an-http-authentication-factory-3]] ==== Configure an http-authentication-factory: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=example-ldap-http-auth:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global,security-domain=exampleLdapSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=BASIC,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleApplicationDomain}]}]) ---- This example shows creating an _http-authentication-factory_ using _BASIC_ authentication, but it could be updated to other mechanisms such as _FORM_. [[configure-an-application-security-domain-in-the-undertow-subsystem-3]] ==== Configure an application-security-domain in the Undertow subsystem: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/application-security-domain=exampleApplicationDomain:add(http-authentication-factory=example-ldap-http-auth) ---- [[configure-your-applications-web.xml-and-jboss-web.xml.-3]] ==== Configure your application's web.xml and jboss-web.xml. Your application's _web.xml_ and _jboss-web.xml_ must be updated to use the _application-security-domain_ you configured in WildFly. An example of this is available in the <> section. *IMPORTANT:* In cases where you configure an LDAP server in the _elytron_ subsystem for authentication and that LDAP server then becomes unreachable, WildFly will return a _500_, or internal server error, error code when attempting authentication using that unreachable LDAP server. This behavior differs from the legacy _security_ subsystem, which will return a _401_, or unauthorized, error code under the same conditions. [[configure-authentication-with-certificates]] === Configure Authentication with Certificates *IMPORTANT:* Before you can set up certificate-based authentication, you must have two-way SSL configured. [[configure-a-key-store-realm.]] ==== Configure a key-store-realm. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store-realm=ksRealm:add(key-store=twoWayTS) ---- You must configure this realm with a truststore that contains the client's certificate. The authentication process uses the same certificate presented by the client during the two-way SSL handshake. [[create-a-decoder.]] ==== Create a Decoder. You need to create a _x500-attribute-principal-decoder_ to decode the principal you get from your certificate. The below example will decode the principal based on the first _CN_ value. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/x500-attribute-principal-decoder=CNDecoder:add(oid="",maximum-segments=1) ---- For example, if the full _DN_ was _CN=client,CN=client-certificate,DC=example,DC=jboss,DC=org_, _CNDecoder_ would decode the principal as _client_. This decoded principal is used as the _alias_ value to lookup a certificate in the truststore configured in _ksRealm_. *IMPORTANT:* The decoded principal * *MUST** must be the _alias_ value you set in your server's truststore for the client's certificate. [[add-a-constant-role-mapper-for-assigning-roles.]] ==== Add a constant-role-mapper for assigning roles. This is example uses a _constant-role-mapper_ to assign roles to a principal from _ksRealm_ but other approaches may also be used. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/constant-role-mapper=constantClientCertRole:add(roles=[Admin,Guest]) ---- [[configure-a-security-domain.]] ==== Configure a security-domain. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/security-domain=exampleCertSD:add(realms=[{realm=ksRealm}],default-realm=ksRealm,permission-mapper=default-permission-mapper,principal-decoder=CNDecoder,role-mapper=constantClientCertRole) ---- [[configure-an-http-authentication-factory.]] ==== Configure an http-authentication-factory. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=exampleCertHttpAuth:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global,security-domain=exampleCertSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=CLIENT_CERT,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleApplicationDomain}]}]) ---- [[configure-an-application-security-domain-in-the-undertow-subsystem.]] ==== Configure an application-security-domain in the Undertow subsystem. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/application-security-domain=exampleApplicationDomain:add(http-authentication-factory=exampleCertHttpAuth) ---- [[update-server-ssl-context.]] ==== Update server-ssl-context. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=twoWaySSC:write-attribute(name=security-domain,value=exampleCertSD) /subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=twoWaySSC:write-attribute(name=authentication-optional, value=true) ---- [[configure-your-applications-web.xml-and-jboss-web.xml.-4]] ==== Configure your application's web.xml and jboss-web.xml. Your application's _web.xml_ and _jboss-web.xml_ must be updated to use the _application-security-domain_ you configured in WildFly. An example of this is available in the <> section. In addition, you need to update your _web.xml_ to use _CLIENT-CERT_ as its authentication method. [source, xml] ---- CLIENT-CERT exampleApplicationDomain ---- [[configure-authentication-with-a-kerberos-based-identity-store]] === Configure Authentication with a Kerberos-Based Identity Store *IMPORTANT*: The following steps assume you have a working KDC and Kerberos domain as well as your client browsers configured. [[configure-a-kerberos-security-factory.]] ==== Configure a kerberos-security-factory. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/kerberos-security-factory=krbSF:add(principal="HTTP/host@REALM",path="/path/to/http.keytab",mechanism-oids=[1.2.840.113554.1.2.2,]) ---- [[configure-the-system-properties-for-kerberos.]] ==== Configure the system properties for Kerberos. Depending on how your environment is configured, you will need to set some of the system properties below. [cols=",",options="header"] |====================================================================== |System Property |Description |java.security.krb5.kdc |The host name of the KDC. |java.security.krb5.realm |The name of the realm. |java.security.krb5.conf |The path to the configuration krb5.conf file. |sun.security.krb5.debug |If true, debugging mode will be enabled. |====================================================================== To configure a system property in WildFly: [source, java] ---- /system-property=java.security.krb5.conf:add(value="/path/to/krb5.conf") ---- [[configure-an-eltyron-security-realm-for-assigning-roles.]] ==== Configure an Eltyron security realm for assigning roles. The the client's Kerberos token will provide the principal, but you need a way to map that principal to a role for your application. There are several ways to accomplish this, but this example creates a _filesystem-realm_, adds a user to the realm that matches the principal from the Kerberos token, and assigns roles to that user. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm:add(path=fs-realm-users,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir) /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm/identity=user1@REALM:add() /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm/identity=user1@REALM:add-attribute(name=Roles, value=["Admin","Guest"]) ---- [[add-a-simple-role-decoder.]] ==== Add a simple-role-decoder. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/simple-role-decoder=from-roles-attribute:add(attribute=Roles) ---- This _simple-role-decoder_ decodes a principal's roles from the _Roles_ attribute. You can change this value if your roles are in a different attribute. [[configure-a-security-domain.-1]] ==== Configure a security-domain. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/security-domain=exampleFsSD:add(realms=[{realm=exampleFsRealm,role-decoder=from-roles-attribute}],default-realm=exampleFsRealm,permission-mapper=default-permission-mapper) ---- [[configure-an-http-authentication-factory-that-uses-the-kerberos-security-factory.]] ==== Configure an http-authentication-factory that uses the kerberos-security-factory. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=example-krb-http-auth:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global,security-domain=exampleFsSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=SPNEGO,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleFsSD}],credential-security-factory=krbSF}]) ---- [[configure-an-application-security-domain-in-the-undertow-subsystem-4]] ==== Configure an application-security-domain in the Undertow subsystem: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/application-security-domain=exampleApplicationDomain:add(http-authentication-factory=example-krb-http-auth) ---- [[configure-your-applications-web.xml-jboss-web.xml-and-jboss-deployment-structure.xml.]] ==== Configure your application's web.xml, jboss-web.xml and jboss-deployment-structure.xml. Your application's _web.xml_ and _jboss-web.xml_ must be updated to use the _application-security-domain_ you configured in WildFly. An example of this is available in the <> section. In addition, you need to update your _web.xml_ to use _SPNEGO_ as its authentication method. [source, xml] ---- SPNEGO exampleApplicationDomain ---- [[configure-authentication-with-a-form-as-a-fallback-for-kerberos]] === Configure Authentication with a Form as a Fallback for Kerberos [[configure-kerberos-based-authentication.]] ==== Configure kerberos-based authentication. Configuring kerberos-based authentication is covered in a previous section. [[add-a-mechanism-for-form-authentication-in-the-http-authentication-factory.]] ==== Add a mechanism for FORM authentication in the http-authentication-factory. You can use the existing _http-authentication-factory_ you configured for kerberos-based authentication and and an additional mechanism for _FORM_ authentication. [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=example-krb-http-auth:list-add(name=mechanism-configurations, value={mechanism-name=FORM}) ---- [[add-additional-fallback-principals.]] ==== Add additional fallback principals. The existing configuration for kerberos-based authentication should already have a security realm configured for mapping principals from kerberos token to roles for the application. You can add additional users for fallback authentication to that realm. For example if you used a _filesystem-realm_, you can simply create a new user with the appropriate roles: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm/identity=fallbackUser1:add() /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm/identity=fallbackUser1:set-password(clear={password="password123"}) /subsystem=elytron/filesystem-realm=exampleFsRealm/identity=fallbackUser1:add-attribute(name=Roles, value=["Admin","Guest"]) ---- [[update-the-web.xml-for-form-fallback.]] ==== Update the web.xml for FORM fallback. You need to update the _web.xml_ to use the value _SPNEGO,FORM_ for the _auth-method_, which will use _FORM_ as a fallback authentication method if _SPNEGO_ fails. You also need to specify the location of your login and error pages. [source, xml] ---- SPNEGO,FORM exampleApplicationDomain /login.jsp /error.jsp ---- [[configure-applications-to-use-elytron-or-legacy-security-for-authentication]] === Configure Applications to Use Elytron or Legacy Security for Authentication After you have configured the _elytron_ or legacy _security_ subsystems for authentication, you need to configure your application to use it. [[configure-your-applications-web.xml.]] ==== Configure your application's web.xml. Your application's _web.xml_ needs to be configured to use the appropriate authentication method. When using _elytron_, this is defined in the _http-authentication-factory_ you created. When using the legacy _security_ subsystem, this depends on your login module and the type of authentication you want to configure. Example _web.xml_ with _BASIC_ Authentication [source, xml] ---- secure /secure/* Admin The role that is required to log in to /secure/* Admin BASIC exampleApplicationDomain ---- [[configure-your-application-to-use-a-security-domain.]] ==== Configure your application to use a security domain. You can configure your application's _jboss-web.xml_ to specify the security domain you want to use for authentication. When using the _elytron_ subsystem, this is defined when you created the _application-security-domain_. When using the legacy _security_ subsystem, this is the name of the legacy security domain. Example _jboss-web.xml_ [source, xml] ---- exampleApplicationDomain ---- Using _jboss-web.xml_ allows you to configure the security domain for a single application only. Alternatively, you can specify a default security domain for all applications using the _undertow_ subsystem. This allows you to omit using _jboss-web.xml_ to configure a security domain for an individual application. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow:write-attribute(name=default-security-domain, value="exampleApplicationDomain") ---- *IMPORTANT*: Setting _default-security-domain_ in the _undertow_ subsystem will apply to *ALL* applications. If _default-security-domain_ is set and an application specifies a security domain in a _jboss-web.xml_ file, the configuration in _jboss-web.xml_ will override the _default-security-domain_ in the _undertow_ subsystem. [[using-elytron-and-legacy-security-subsystems-in-parallel]] ==== Using Elytron and Legacy Security Subsystems in Parallel You can define authentication in both the _elytron_ and legacy _security_ subsystems and use them in parallel. If you use both _jboss-web.xml_ and _default-security-domain_ in the _undertow_ subsystem, WildFly will first try to match the configured security domain in the _elytron_ subsystem. If a match is not found, then WildFly will attempt to match the security domain with one configured in the legacy _security_ subsystem. If the _elytron_ and legacy _security_ subsystem each have a security domain with the same name, the _elytron_ security domain is used. [[override-an-applications-authentication-configuration]] === Override an Application's Authentication Configuration You can override the authentication configuration of an application with one configured in WildFly. To do this, use the _override-deployment-configuration_ property in the _application-security-domain_ section of the _undertow_ subsystem: [source,ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/application-security-domain=exampleApplicationDomain:write-attribute(name=override-deployment-config,value=true) ---- For example, an application is configured to use _FORM_ authentication with the _exampleApplicationDomain_ in its _jboss-web.xml_. _Example jboss-web.xml_ [source, xml] ---- FORM exampleApplicationDomain ---- By enabling _override-deployment-configuration_, you can create a new _http-authentication-factory_ that specifies a different authentication mechanism such as _BASIC_. _Example http-authentication-factory_ [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=exampleHttpAuth:read-resource() { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "http-server-mechanism-factory" => "global", "mechanism-configurations" => [{ "mechanism-name" => "BASIC", "mechanism-realm-configurations" => [{"realm-name" => "exampleApplicationDomain"}] }], "security-domain" => "exampleSD" } } ---- This will override the authentication mechanism defined in the application's _jboss-web.xml_ and attempt to authenticate a user using _BASIC_ instead of _FORM_. [[create-and-use-a-credential-store]] === Create and Use a Credential Store [[create-credential-store.]] ==== Create credential store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/credential-store=exampleCS:add(uri="cr-store://exampleCS?create=true",credential-reference={clear-text=cs-secret}) ---- [[add-a-credential-to-a-credential-store.]] ==== Add a credential to a credential store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/credential-store=exampleCS/alias=keystorepw:add(secret-value="secret") ---- [[list-all-credentials-in-a-credential-store.]] ==== List all credentials in a credential store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/credential-store=exampleCS:read-children-names(child-type=alias) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => ["keystorepw"] } ---- [[remove-a-credential-from-a-credential-store.]] ==== Remove a credential from a credential store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/credential-store=exampleCS/alias=keystorepw:remove ---- [[use-a-credential-store.]] ==== Use a credential store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:write-attribute(name=credential-reference,value={store=exampleCS,alias=keystorepw}) ---- [[set-up-and-configure-authentication-for-the-management-interfaces]] == Set up and Configure Authentication for the Management Interfaces [[secure-the-management-interfaces-with-a-new-identity-store]] === Secure the Management Interfaces with a New Identity Store [[create-a-security-domain-and-any-supporting-security-realms-decoders-or-mappers-for-your-identity-store.]] ==== Create a security domain and any supporting security realms, decoders, or mappers for your identity store. This process is covered in a previous section. For example, if you wanted to secure the management interfaces using a filesystem-based identity store, you would follow the steps in <>. [[create-an-http-authentication-factory-or-sasl-authentication-factory.]] ==== Create an http-authentication-factory or sasl-authentication-factory. Example _http-authentication-factory_ [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/http-authentication-factory=example-http-auth:add(http-server-mechanism-factory=global,security-domain=exampleSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=DIGEST,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleManagementRealm}]}]) ---- Example _sasl-authentication-factory_ [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/sasl-authentication-factory=example-sasl-auth:add(sasl-server-factory=configured,security-domain=exampleSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=DIGEST-MD5,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleManagementRealm}]}]) ---- [[update-the-management-interfaces-to-use-your-http-authentication-factory-or-sasl-authentication-factory.]] ==== Update the management interfaces to use your http-authentication-factory or sasl-authentication-factory. Example update _http-authentication-factory_ [source, ruby] ---- /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=http-authentication-factory, value=example-http-auth) { "outcome" => "success", "response-headers" => { "operation-requires-reload" => true, "process-state" => "reload-required" } }   reload ---- Example update _sasl-authentication-factory_ [source, ruby] ---- /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=http-upgrade.sasl-authentication-factory, value=example-sasl-auth) { "outcome" => "success", "response-headers" => { "operation-requires-reload" => true, "process-state" => "reload-required" } }   reload ---- [[silent-authentication]] === Silent Authentication By default, WildFly provides an authentication mechanism for local users, also know as silent authentication, through the _local_ security realm. Silent authentication must be used via a _sasl-authentication-factory_. *IMPORTANT*: When enabling silent authentication, you must ensure the security domain referenced by your _sasl-authentication-factory_ references a security realm that contains the _$local_ user. By default, WildFly provides the _local_ identity realm that provides this user. [[add-silent-authentication-to-an-existing-sasl-authentication-factory.]] ==== Add silent authentication to an existing sasl-authentication-factory. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/sasl-authentication-factory=example-sasl-auth:list-add(name=mechanism-configurations, value={mechanism-name=JBOSS-LOCAL-USER, realm-mapper=local})   reload ---- [[create-a-new-sasl-server-factory-with-silent-authentication.]] ==== Create a new sasl-server-factory with silent authentication. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/sasl-authentication-factory=example-sasl-auth:add(sasl-server-factory=configured,security-domain=exampleSD,mechanism-configurations=[{mechanism-name=DIGEST-MD5,mechanism-realm-configurations=[{realm-name=exampleManagementRealm}]},{mechanism-name=JBOSS-LOCAL-USER, realm-mapper=local}])   reload ---- [[remove-silent-authentication-from-an-existing-sasl-server-factory]] ==== Remove silent authentication from an existing sasl-server-factory: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/sasl-authentication-factory=managenet-sasl-authentication:read-resource { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "mechanism-configurations" => [ { "mechanism-name" => "JBOSS-LOCAL-USER", "realm-mapper" => "local" }, { "mechanism-name" => "DIGEST-MD5", "mechanism-realm-configurations" => [{"realm-name" => "ManagementRealm"}] } ], "sasl-server-factory" => "configured", "security-domain" => "ManagementDomain" } }   /subsystem=elytron/sasl-authentication-factory=temp-sasl-authentication:list-remove(name=mechanism-configurations,index=0)   reload ---- [[using-rbac-with-elytron]] === Using RBAC with Elytron RBAC can be configured to automatically assign or exclude roles for users that are members of groups. This is configured in the _access-control_ section of the core management. When the management interfaces are secured with the _elytron_ subsystem, and users are assigned groups when they authenticate. You can also configure roles to be assigned to authenticated users in a variety of ways using the _elytron_ subsystem, for example using a role mapper or a role decoder. [[configure-ssltls]] == Configure SSL/TLS [[enable-one-way-ssltls-for-applications]] === Enable One-way SSL/TLS for Applications There are a couple ways to enable one-way SSL/TLS for deployed applications. [[one-way-ssl-applications-using-security-command]] ==== Using a security command: The _security enable-ssl-http-server_ command can be used to enable one-way SSL/TLS for deployed applications. Example of wizard usage: [source,java] ---- security enable-ssl-http-server --interactive Please provide required pieces of information to enable SSL: Key-store file name (default default-server.keystore): keystore.jks Password (blank generated): secret What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: localhost What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: Is CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct y/n [y]? Validity (in days, blank default): 365 Alias (blank generated): localhost Enable SSL Mutual Authentication y/n (blank n): n SSL options: key store file: keystore.jks distinguished name: CN=localhost, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown password: secret validity: 365 alias: localhost Server keystore file keystore.jks, certificate file keystore.pem and keystore.csr file will be generated in server configuration directory. Do you confirm y/n: y ---- NB: Once the command is executed, the CLI will reload the server. HTTPS is now enabled for applications. [[one-way-ssl-applications-using-elytron-subsystem-commands]] ==== Using Elytron subsystem commands: You can also use the Elytron subsystem, along with the Undertow subsystem, to enable HTTPS for deployed applications. [[configure-a-key-store-in-wildfly]] ===== Configure a key-store in WildFly: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:add(path=/path/to/keystore.jks,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},type=JKS) ---- The previous command uses an absolute path to the keystore. Alternatively you can use the _relative-to_ attribute to specify the base directory variable and _path_ specify a relative path. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:add(path=keystore.jks,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},type=JKS) ---- If the keystore file does not exist yet, the following commands can be used to generate an example key pair: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:generate-key-pair(alias=localhost,algorithm=RSA,key-size=1024,validity=365,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},distinguished-name="CN=localhost") /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:store() ---- [[configure-a-key-manager-in-that-references-your-key-store]] ===== Configure a key-manager that references your key-store: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-manager=httpsKM:add(key-store=httpsKS,credential-reference={clear-text=secret}) ---- [[configure-a-server-ssl-context-in-that-references-your-key-manager]] ===== Configure a server-ssl-context that references your key-manager: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=httpsSSC:add(key-manager=httpsKM,protocols=["TLSv1.2"]) ---- *IMPORTANT*: You need to determine what SSL/TLS protocols you want to support. The example commands above uses _TLSv1.2_. [[check-and-see-if-the-https-listener-is-configured-to-use-a-legacy-security-realm-for-its-ssl-configuration]] ===== Check and see if the https-listener is configured to use a legacy security realm for its SSL configuration: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:read-attribute(name=security-realm) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => "ApplicationRealm" } ---- The above command shows that the _https-listener_ is configured to use the _ApplicationRealm_ legacy security realm for its SSL configuration. Undertow cannot reference both a legacy security realm and an _ssl-context_ in Elytron at the same time so you must remove the reference to the legacy security realm. Also there has to be always configured either _ssl-context_ or _security-realm_. Thus when changing between those, you have to use batch operation: *Remove the reference to the legacy security realm and update the* *_https-listener_* *to use the* *_ssl-context_* *from Elytron* *:* [source, ruby] ---- batch /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:undefine-attribute(name=security-realm) /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:write-attribute(name=ssl-context,value=httpsSSC) run-batch ---- [[reload-the-server]] ===== Reload the server: [source, ruby] ---- reload ---- HTTPS is now enabled for applications. [[enable-two-way-ssltls-in-wildfly-for-applications]] === Enable Two-way SSL/TLS in WildFly for Applications First, obtain or generate your client keystore. [source, bash] ---- $ keytool -genkeypair -alias client -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -validity 365 -keystore client.keystore.jks -dname "CN=client" -keypass secret -storepass secret ---- Export the client certificate: [source, bash] ---- $ keytool -exportcert -keystore client.keystore.jks -alias client -keypass secret -storepass secret -file /path/to/client.cer ---- There are a couple ways to enable two-way SSL/TLS for deployed applications. [[two-way-ssl-applications-using-security-command]] ==== Using a security command: The _security enable-ssl-http-server_ command can be used to enable two-way SSL/TLS for the deployed applications. Example of wizard usage: [source,java] ---- security enable-ssl-http-server --interactive Please provide required pieces of information to enable SSL: Key-store file name (default default-server.keystore): server.keystore.jks Password (blank generated): secret What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: localhost What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: Is CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct y/n [y]? Validity (in days, blank default): 365 Alias (blank generated): localhost Enable SSL Mutual Authentication y/n (blank n): y Client certificate (path to pem file): /path/to/client.cer Validate certificate y/n (blank y): Trust-store file name (management.truststore): server.truststore.jks Password (blank generated): secret SSL options: key store file: server.keystore.jks distinguished name: CN=localhost, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown password: secret validity: 365 alias: localhost client certificate: /path/to/client.cer trust store file: server.trustore.jks trust store password: secret Server keystore file server.keystore.jks, certificate file server.pem and server.csr file will be generated in server configuration directory. Server truststore file server.trustore.jks will be generated in server configuration directory. Do you confirm y/n: y ---- NB: Once the command is executed, the CLI will reload the server. To complete the two-way SSL/TLS authentication, you need to <> into the client truststore and <> to present the client certificate. [[two-way-ssl-applications-using-elytron-subsystem-commands]] ==== Using Elytron subsystem commands: You can also use the Elytron subsystem, along with the Undertow subsystem, to enable two-way SSL/TLS for deployed applications. [[obtain-or-generate-your-keystores-applications]] ===== Obtain or generate your key stores: Before enabling HTTPS in WildFly, you must obtain or generate the server key store and trust store you plan on using. To generate an example key store and trust store, use the following commands. Create a server key-store: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:add(path=/path/to/server.keystore.jks,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},type=JKS) /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:generate-key-pair(alias=localhost,algorithm=RSA,key-size=1024,validity=365,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},distinguished-name="CN=localhost") /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:store() ---- *NOTE* + The first command above uses an absolute path to the keystore. Alternatively you can use the _relative-to_ attribute to specify the base directory variable and _path_ specify a relative path. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:add(path=server.keystore.jks,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},type=JKS) ---- Export the server certificate: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:export-certificate(alias=localhost,path=/path/to/server.cer,pem=true) ---- [[import-client-certificate]] Create a key-store for the server truststore and import the client certificate into the server truststore: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayTS:add(path=/path/to/server.truststore.jks,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},type=JKS) /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayTS:import-certificate(alias=client,path=/path/to/client.cer,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},trust-cacerts=true) /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayTS:store() ---- [[configure-a-key-manager-in-that-references-your-key-store-key-store]] ===== Configure a key-manager that references your key store key-store: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-manager=twoWayKM:add(key-store=twoWayKS,credential-reference={clear-text=secret}) ---- [[configure-a-trust-manager-in-that-references-your-truststore-key-store]] ===== Configure a trust-manager that references your truststore key-store: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/trust-manager=twoWayTM:add(key-store=twoWayTS) ---- [[configure-a-server-ssl-context-in-that-references-your-key-manager-trust-manager-and-enables-client-authentication]] ===== Configure a server-ssl-context that references your key-manager, trust-manager, and enables client authentication: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=twoWaySSC:add(key-manager=twoWayKM,protocols=["TLSv1.2"],trust-manager=twoWayTM,need-client-auth=true) ---- *IMPORTANT* + You need to determine what SSL/TLS protocols you want to support. The example commands above uses _TLSv1.2_. [[check-and-see-if-the-https-listener-is-configured-to-use-a-legacy-security-realm-for-its-ssl-configuration-1]] ===== Check and see if the https-listener is configured to use a legacy security realm for its SSL configuration: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:read-attribute(name=security-realm) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => "ApplicationRealm" } ---- The above command shows that the _https-listener_ is configured to use the _ApplicationRealm_ legacy security realm for its SSL configuration. Undertow cannot reference both a legacy security realm and an _ssl-context_ in Elytron at the same time so you must remove the reference to the legacy security realm. Also there has to be always configured either _ssl-context_ or _security-realm_. Thus when changing between those, you have to use batch operation: [[remove-the-reference-to-the-legacy-security-realm-and-update-the-https-listener-to-use-the-ssl-context-from-elytron]] ===== Remove the reference to the legacy security realm and update the https-listener to use the ssl-context from Elytron: [source, ruby] ---- batch /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:undefine-attribute(name=security-realm) /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:write-attribute(name=ssl-context,value=twoWaySSC) run-batch ---- [[reload-the-server-1]] ===== Reload the server [source, ruby] ---- reload ---- To complete the two-way SSL/TLS authentication, you need to <> into the client truststore and <> to present the client certificate. [[import-server-certificate-into-client-truststore-applications]] ==== Import the server certificate into the client truststore [source, bash] ---- $ keytool -importcert -keystore client.truststore.jks -storepass secret -alias localhost -trustcacerts -file /path/to/server.cer ---- [[configure-your-client-to-use-the-client-certificate-applications]] ==== Configure your client to use the client certificate You need to configure your client to present the trusted client certificate to the server to complete the two-way SSL/TLS authentication. For example, if using a browser, you need to import the trusted certificate into the browser's truststore. Two-Way HTTPS is now enabled for applications. [[enable-one-way-ssltls-for-the-management-interfaces]] === Enable One-way SSL/TLS for the Management Interfaces There are a couple ways to enable one-way SSL/TLS for the management interfaces. [[one-way-ssl-management-interfaces-using-security-command]] ==== Using a security command: The _security enable-ssl-management_ command can be used to enable one-way SSL/TLS for the management interfaces. Example of wizard usage: [source,java] ---- security enable-ssl-management --interactive Please provide required pieces of information to enable SSL: Key-store file name (default management.keystore): keystore.jks Password (blank generated): secret What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: localhost What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: Is CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct y/n [y]? Validity (in days, blank default): 365 Alias (blank generated): localhost Enable SSL Mutual Authentication y/n (blank n): n SSL options: key store file: keystore.jks distinguished name: CN=localhost, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown password: secret validity: 365 alias: localhost Server keystore file keystore.jks, certificate file keystore.pem and keystore.csr file will be generated in server configuration directory. Do you confirm y/n :y ---- NB: Once the command is executed, the CLI will reload the server and reconnect to it. HTTPS is now enabled for the management interfaces. [[one-way-ssl-management-interfaces-using-elytron-subsystem-commands]] ==== Using Elytron subsystem commands: Elytron subsystem commands can also be used to enable one-way SSL/TLS for the management interfaces. [[configure-key-store]] ===== Configure a key-store: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:add(path=keystore.jks,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},type=JKS) ---- *NOTE:* The above command uses _relative-to_ to reference the location of the keystore file. Alternatively, you can specify the full path to the keystore in _path_ and omit _relative-to_. If the keystore file does not exist yet, the following commands can be used to generate an example key pair: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:generate-key-pair(alias=localhost,algorithm=RSA,key-size=1024,validity=365,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},distinguished-name="CN=localhost") /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:store() ---- [[create-a-key-manager-and-server-ssl-context]] ===== Create a key-manager and server-ssl-context. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-manager=httpsKM:add(key-store=httpsKS,credential-reference={clear-text=secret})   /subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=httpsSSC:add(key-manager=httpsKM,protocols=["TLSv1.2"]) ---- *IMPORTANT:* You need to determine what SSL/TLS protocols you want to support. The example commands above uses _TLSv1.2_. [[enable-https-on-the-management-interface.]] ===== Enable HTTPS on the management interface. [source, ruby] ---- /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=ssl-context, value=httpsSSC)   /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=secure-socket-binding, value=management-https) ---- [[reload-the-wildfly-instance.]] ===== Reload the WildFly instance. [source, ruby] ---- reload ---- HTTPS is now enabled for the management interfaces. [[enable-two-way-ssltls-for-the-management-interfaces]] === Enable Two-way SSL/TLS for the Management Interfaces First, obtain or generate your client keystore. [source, bash] ---- $ keytool -genkeypair -alias client -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -validity 365 -keystore client.keystore.jks -dname "CN=client" -keypass secret -storepass secret ---- Export your client certificate. [source, bash] ---- $ keytool -exportcert -keystore client.keystore.jks -alias client -keypass secret -storepass secret -file /path/to/client.cer ---- There are a couple ways to enable two-way SSL/TLS for the management interfaces. [[two-way-ssl-management-interfaces-using-security-command]] ==== Using a security command: The _security enable-ssl-management_ command can be used to enable two-way SSL/TLS for the management interfaces. Example of wizard usage: [source,java] ---- security enable-ssl-management --interactive Please provide required pieces of information to enable SSL: Key-store file name (default management.keystore): server.keystore.jks Password (blank generated): secret What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: localhost What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: Is CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct y/n [y]? Validity (in days, blank default): 365 Alias (blank generated): localhost Enable SSL Mutual Authentication y/n (blank n): y Client certificate (path to pem file): /path/to/client.cer Validate certificate y/n (blank y): Trust-store file name (management.truststore): server.truststore.jks Password (blank generated): secret SSL options: key store file: server.keystore.jks distinguished name: CN=localhost, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown password: secret validity: 365 alias: localhost client certificate: /path/to/client.cer trust store file: server.trustore.jks trust store password: secret Server keystore file server.keystore.jks, certificate file server.pem and server.csr file will be generated in server configuration directory. Server truststore file server.trustore.jks will be generated in server configuration directory. Do you confirm y/n: y ---- NB: Once the command is executed, the CLI will reload the server and attempt to reconnect to it. To complete the two-way SSL/TLS authentication, you need to <> into the client truststore and <> to present the client certificate. [[two-way-ssl-management-interfaces-using-elytron-subsystem-commands]] ==== Using Elytron subsystem commands: Elytron subsystem commands can also be used to enable two-way SSL/TLS for the management interfaces. [[obtain-or-generate-your-key-stores-management]] ===== Obtain or generate your key stores. Before enabling HTTPS in WildFly, you must obtain or generate the server key store and trust store you plan on using. To generate an example key store and trust store, use the following commands. Configure a key-store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:add(path=server.keystore.jks,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},type=JKS) /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:generate-key-pair(alias=localhost,algorithm=RSA,key-size=1024,validity=365,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},distinguished-name="CN=localhost") /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:store() ---- *NOTE:* The above command uses _relative-to_ to reference the location of the keystore file. Alternatively, you can specify the full path to the keystore in _path_ and omit _relative-to_. Export your server certificate. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayKS:export-certificate(alias=localhost,path=/path/to/server.cer,pem=true) ---- [[import-client-certificate-into-server-truststore]] Create a key-store for the server trust store and import the client certificate into the server trust store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayTS:add(path=server.truststore.jks,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},type=JKS) /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayTS:import-certificate(alias=client,path=/path/to/client.cer,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},trust-cacerts=true) /subsystem=elytron/key-store=twoWayTS:store() ---- [[configure-a-key-manager-trust-manager-and-server-ssl-context-for-the-server-key-store-and-trust-store]] ===== Configure a key-manager, trust-manager, and server-ssl-context for the server key store and trust store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-manager=twoWayKM:add(key-store=twoWayKS,credential-reference={clear-text=secret})   /subsystem=elytron/trust-manager=twoWayTM:add(key-store=twoWayTS)   /subsystem=elytron/server-ssl-context=twoWaySSC:add(key-manager=twoWayKM,protocols=["TLSv1.2"],trust-manager=twoWayTM,want-client-auth=true,need-client-auth=true) ---- *IMPORTANT:* You need to determine what SSL/TLS protocols you want to support. The example commands above uses _TLSv1.2_. [[enable-https-on-the-management-interface.-1]] ===== Enable HTTPS on the management interface. [source, ruby] ---- /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=ssl-context, value=twoWaySSC)   /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=secure-socket-binding, value=management-https) ---- [[reload-the-wildfly-instance.-1]] ===== Reload the WildFly instance. [source, ruby] ---- reload ---- To complete the two-way SSL/TLS authentication, you need to <> into the client truststore and <> to present the client certificate. [[import-server-certificate-into-client-truststore-management]] ==== Import the server certificate into the client truststore. [source, bash] ---- $ keytool -importcert -keystore client.truststore.jks -storepass secret -alias localhost -trustcacerts -file /path/to/server.cer ---- [[configure-your-client-to-use-the-client-certificate-management]] ==== Configure your client to use the client certificate. You need to configure your client to present the trusted client certificate to the server to complete the two-way SSL/TLS authentication. For example, if using a browser, you need to import the trusted certificate into the browser's trust store. Two-way SSL/TLS is now enabled for the management interfaces. [[keystore-manipulation-operations]] === KeyStore manipulation operations It is possible to perform various KeyStore manipulation operations on an Elytron key-store resource using the management CLI. [[generate-key-pair]] ==== Generate a key pair The _generate-key-pair_ command generates a key pair and wraps the resulting public key in a self-signed X.509 certificate. The generated private key and self-signed certificate will be added to the KeyStore. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:generate-key-pair(alias=example,algorithm=RSA,key-size=1024,validity=365,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},distinguished-name="CN=www.example.com") ---- [[generate-certificate-signing-request]] ==== Generate a certificate signing request The _generate-certificate-signing-request_ command generates a PKCS #10 certificate signing request using a PrivateKeyEntry from the KeyStore. The generated certificate signing request will be output to a file. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:generate-certificate-signing-request(alias=example,path=server.csr,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,distinguished-name="CN=www.example.com",extensions=[{critical=false,name=KeyUsage,value=digitalSignature}],credential-reference={clear-text=secret}) ---- [[import-certificate]] ==== Import a certificate or certificate chain The _import-certificate_ command imports a certificate or certificate chain from a file into an entry in the KeyStore. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:import-certificate(alias=example,path=/path/to/certificate_or_chain/file,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,credential-reference={clear-text=secret},trust-cacerts=true) ---- [[export-certificate]] ==== Export a certificate The _export-certificate_ command exports a certificate from an entry in the KeyStore to a file. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:export-certificate(alias=example,path=serverCert.cer,relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir,pem=true) ---- [[change-alias]] ==== Change an alias The _change-alias_ command moves an existing KeyStore entry to a new alias. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:change-alias(alias=example,new-alias=newExample,credential-reference={clear-text=secret}) ---- [[store-changes]] ==== Store changes made to key-stores The _store_ command persists any changes that have been made to the file that backs the KeyStore. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:store() ---- [[using-an-ldap-key-store]] === Using an ldap-key-store An _ldap-key-store_ allows you to use a keystore stored in an LDAP server. You can use an _ldap-key-store_ in same way you can use a _key-store_. To create and use an _ldap-key-store_: [[configure-a-dir-context.]] ==== Configure a dir-context. To connect to the LDAP server from WildFly, you need to configure a _dir-context_ that provides the URL as well as the principal used to connect to the server. *Example dir-context* [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/dir-context=exampleDC:add( \ url="ldap://", \ principal="uid=admin,ou=system", \ credential-reference={clear-text=secret} \ ) ---- [[configure-an-ldap-key-store.]] ==== Configure an ldap-key-store. When configure an _ldap-key-store_, you need to specify both the _dir-context_ used to connect to the LDAP server as well as how to locate the keystore stored in the LDAP server. At a minimum, this requires you specify a _search-path_. *Example ldap-key-store* [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/ldap-key-store=ldapKS:add( \ dir-context=exampleDC, \ search-path="ou=Keystores,dc=wildfly,dc=org" \ ) ---- [[use-the-ldap-key-store.]] ==== Use the ldap-key-store. Once you have defined your _ldap-key-store_, you can use it in the same places where a _key-store_ could be used. For example, you could use an _ldap-key-store_ when configuring HTTPS and Two-Way HTTPS for applications. [[using-a-filtering-key-store]] === Using a filtering-key-store A _filtering-key-store_ allows you to expose a subset of aliases from an existing _key-store_, and use it in the same places you could use a _key-store_. For example, if a keystore contained _alias1_, _alias2_, and _alias3_, but you only wanted to expose _alias1_ and _alias3_, a _filtering-key-store_ provides you several ways to do that. To create a _filtering-key-store_: [[configure-a-key-store.]] ==== Configure a key-store. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=myKS:add( \ path=keystore.jks, \ relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir, \ credential-reference={ \ clear-text=secret \ }, \ type=JKS \ ) ---- [[configure-a-filtering-key-store.]] ==== Configure a filtering-key-store. When you configure a _filtering-key-store_, you specify which _key-store_ you want to filter and the _alias-filter_ for filtering aliases from the _key-store_. The filter can be specified in one of the following formats: * _alias1,alias3_, which is a comma-delimited list of aliases to expose. * _ALL:-alias2_, which exposes all aliases in the keystore except the ones listed. * _NONE:+alias1:+alias3_, which exposes no aliases in the keystore except the ones listed. This example uses a comma-delimted list to expose _alias1_ and _alias3_. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/filtering-key-store=filterKS:add( \ key-store=myKS, \ alias-filter="alias1,alias3" \ ) ---- [[use-the-filtering-key-store.]] ==== Use the filtering-key-store. Once you have defined your _filtering-key-store_, you can use it in the same places where a _key-store_ could be used. For example, you could use a _filtering-key-store_ when configuring HTTPS and Two-Way HTTPS for applications. [[reload-a-keystore]] === Reload a Keystore You can reload a keystore configured in WildFly from the management CLI. This is useful in cases where you have made changes to certificates referenced by a keystore. To reload a keystore. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS:load ---- [[check-the-content-of-a-keystore-by-alias]] === Check the Content of a Keystore by Alias If you add a keystore to the _elytron_ subsystem using the _key-store_ component, you can check the keystore's contents using the _alias_ child element and reading its attributes. For example: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/key-store=httpsKS/alias=localhost:read-attribute(name=certificate-chain) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => [{ "type" => "X.509", "algorithm" => "RSA", "format" => "X.509", "public-key" => "30:81:9f:30:0d:06:09:2a:8...... ---- The following attributes can be read: [cols=",",options="header"] |======================================================================= |Attribute |Description |certificate |The certificate associated with the alias. If the alias has a certificate chain this will always be undefined. |certificate-chain |The certificate chain associated with the alias. |creation-date |The creation date of the entry represented by this alias. |entry-type |The type of the entry for this alias. Available types: PasswordEntry, PrivateKeyEntry, SecretKeyEntry, TrustedCertificateEntry, and Other. Unrecognized types will be reported as Other. |======================================================================= [[custom-components]] === Custom Components When configuring SSL/TLS in the _elytron_ subsystem, you can provide and use custom implementations of the following components: * _key-store_ * _key-manager_ * _trust-manager_ * _client-ssl-context_ * _server-ssl-context_ When creating custom implementations of Elytron components, they must present the appropriate capabilities and requirements. [[configuring-the-elytron-and-security-subsystems]] == Configuring the Elytron and Security Subsystems [[enable-and-disable-the-elytron-subsystem]] === Enable and Disable the Elytron Subsystem [[to-add-the-elytron-extension-required-for-the-elytron-subsystem]] ==== To add the elytron extension required for the elytron subsystem: [source, ruby] ---- /extension=org.wildfly.extension.elytron:add() ---- [[to-enable-the-elytron-subsystem-in-wildfly]] ==== To enable the Elytron subsystem in WildFly: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron:add   reload ---- [[to-disable-the-elytron-subsystem-in-wildfly]] ==== To disable the Elytron subsystem in WildFly: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron:remove   reload ---- *IMPORTANT:* Other subsystems within WildFly may have dependencies on the _elytron_ subsystem. If these dependencies are not resolved before disabling it, you will see errors when starting WildFly. [[enable-and-disable-the-security-subsystem]] === Enable and Disable the Security Subsystem [[to-disable-the-security-subsystem-in-wildfly]] ==== To disable the security subsystem in WildFly: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=security:remove   reload ---- *IMPORTANT:* Other subsystems within WildFly may have dependencies on the _security_ subsystem. If these dependencies are not resolved before disabling it, you will see errors when starting WildFly. [[to-enable-the-security-subsystem-in-wildfly]] ==== To enable the security subsystem in WildFly: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=security:add   reload ---- [[use-the-elytron-and-security-subsystems-in-parallel]] === Use the Elytron and Security Subsystems in Parallel By default the _elytron_ and _security_ subsystems will run in parallel if both are enabled. For authentication in applications, you can use the _application-security-domain_ property in the _undertow_ subsystem to configure a security domain in the _elytron_ subsystem. [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/application-security-domain=exampleApplicationDomain:add(http-authentication-factory=example-http-auth) ---- *NOTE:* This must match the _security-domain_ configured in the _jboss-web.xml_ of your application. If the _application-security-domain_ is not set, WildFly will look for a security domain configured in the _security_ subsystem that matches the _security-domain_ configured in the _jboss-web.xml_ of your application. For enabling HTTPS using a legacy security realm, you can use the _security-realm_ attribute in the _https-listener_ section of the _undertow_ subsystem: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:read-attribute(name=security-realm) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => "ApplicationRealm" } ---- For enabling HTTPS using _elytron_, you need to undefine the _security-realm_ attribute and set the _ssl-context_ attribute. As there has to be always configured either _ssl-context_ or _security-realm_ you have to use batch operation when changing between those: [source, ruby] ---- batch /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:undefine-attribute(name=security-realm) /subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https:write-attribute(name=ssl-context,value=httpsSSC) run-batch ---- [[creating-elytron-subsystem-components]] == Creating Elytron Subsystem Components [[create-an-elytron-security-realm]] === Create an Elytron Security Realm Security realms in the Elytron subsystem, when used in conjunction with security domains, are use for both core management authentication as well as for authentication with applications. Security realms are also specifically typed based on their identity store, for example _jdbc-realm_, _filesystem-realm_, _properties-realm_, etc. Adding a security realm takes the general form: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/type-of-realm=realmName:add(....) ---- Examples of adding specific realms, such as _jdbc-realm_, _filesystem-realm_, and _properties-realm_ can be found in previous sections. [[create-an-elytron-role-decoder]] === Create an Elytron Role Decoder A role decoder converts attributes from the identity provided by the security realm into roles. Role decoders are also specifically typed based on their functionality, for example _empty-role-decoder_, _simple-role-decoder_, and _custom-role-decoder_. Adding a role decoder takes the general form: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/ROLE-DECODER-TYPE=roleDeoderName:add(....) ---- [[create-an-elytron-permission-mapper]] === Create an Elytron Permission Mapper In addition to roles being assigned to a identity, permissions may also be assigned. A permission mapper assigns permissions to an identity. Permission mappers are also specifically typed based on their functionality, for example _logical-permission-mapper_, _simple-permission-mapper_, and _custom-permission-mapper_. Adding a permission mapper takes the general form: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/simple-permission-mapper=PermissionMapperName:add(...) ---- [[create-an-elytron-role-mapper]] === Create an Elytron Role Mapper A role mapper maps roles after they have been decoded to other roles. Examples include normalizing role names or adding and removing specific roles from principals after they have been decoded. Role mappers are also specifically typed based on their functionality, for example _add-prefix-role-mapper_, _add-suffix-role-mapper_, and _constant-role-mapper_. Adding a role mapper takes the general form: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/ROLEM-MAPPER-TYPE=roleMapperName:add(...) ---- [[create-an-elytron-security-domain]] === Create an Elytron Security Domain Security domains in the Elytron subsystem, when used in conjunction with security realms, are use for both core management authentication as well as for authentication with applications. Adding a security domain takes the general form: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/security-domain=domainName:add(realms=[{realm=realmName,role-decoder=roleDecoderName}],default-realm=realmName,permission-mapper=permissionMapperName,role-mapper=roleMapperName,...) ---- [[create-an-elytron-authentication-factory]] === Create an Elytron Authentication Factory An authentication factory is an authentication policy used for specific authentication mechanisms. Authenticaion factories are specifically based on the authentication mechanism, for example _http-authentication-factory_ and + _sasl-authentication-factory_ and _kerberos-security-factory_. Adding an authentication factory takes the general form: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/AUTH-FACTORY-TYPE=authFactoryName:add(....) ---- [[create-an-elytron-policy-provider]] === Create an Elytron Policy Provider Elytron subsystem provides a specific resource definition that can be used to configure a default ruby Policy provider. The subsystem allows you to define multiple policy providers but select a single one as the default: [source, ruby] ---- /subsystem=elytron/policy=policy-provider-a:add(custom-policy=\[{name=policy-provider-a, class-name=MyPolicyProviderA, module=x.y.z}\]) ----