[[How_the_server_is_built_and_configured_for_testsuite_modules]] = How the WildFly is built and configured for testsuite modules. Refer to <> to see the mentioned build steps. \1) AS instance is copied from `${jboss.dist`} to `testsuite/target/jbossas`. + Defaults to AS which is built by the project ( `build/target/jboss-as-*`). 2) *testsuite/pom.xml:* from $\{jboss.home} to $\{basedir}/target/jbossas + phase generate-test-resources: resource-plugin, goal copy-resources *testsuite/integration/pom.xml:* phase process-test-resources: antrun-plugin: [source, xml] ---- ---- Which invokes [source, xml] ---- ---- Which invokes [source, xml] ----   ---- [[arquillian-config-file-location]] == Arquillian config file location [source, bash] ---- -Darquillian.xml=some-file-or-classpath-resource.xml ----