[[Shared_Test_Classes_and_Resources]] = Shared Test Classes and Resources [[among-testsuite-modules]] == Among Testsuite Modules Use the testsuite/shared module. Classes and resources in this module are available in all testsuite modules - i.e. in testsuite/* . Only use it if necessary - don't put things "for future use" in there. *Don't split packages across modules.* *Make sure the java package is unique in the WildFly project.* *Document your util classes* (javadoc) so they can be easily found and reused! A generated list will be put here. [[between-components-and-testsuite-modules]] == Between Components and Testsuite Modules To share component's test classes with some module in testsuite, you don't need to split to submodules. You can create a jar with classifier using this: [source, xml] ---- org.apache.maven.plugins maven-jar-plugin test-jar ---- This creates a jar with classifier "tests", so you can add it as dependency to a testsuite module: [source, xml] ---- org.wildfly wildfly-clustering-common tests ${project.version} test ----