# $Id$ # # Copyright (c) 2001-2012 NetApp, Inc., All Rights Reserved # Any use, modification, or distribution is prohibited # without prior written consent from NetApp, Inc. # ## @summary VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl ComponentState Module (auto-generated by CGT) ## @author dl-nacl-dev@netapp.com, pkj@netapp.com ## @status shared ## @pod here =head1 NAME NACL::CS::VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl =head1 DESCRIPTION C is a derived class of L. It represents the state of an ONTAP VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl. A related class is L, which represents access to an ONTAP VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl. =head1 ATTRIBUTES The individual pieces of data that are part of the state of the VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl element are the attributes of the VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl ComponentState. Additionally, the command_interface used to obtain the ComponentState object is also an attribute of the object. This makes it easier to obtain the component object corresponding to the CS object, using L. =over =item command_interface The command_interface with which the CS object was obtained. (Available in all CS objects regardless of requested_fields and the mode/interface) =item C<< rights >> Access Rights Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: $value =item C<< account >> Account Name or SID Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: $value =item C<< vserver >> Vserver Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: $value =item C<< ntfs_sd >> Security Descriptor Name Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: $value =item C<< advanced_rights >> Advanced Access Rights (Array) Note that for array fields, the accessor method can be invoked in either scalar or list context. my $advanced_rights = $obj->advanced_rights(); # $advanced_rights contains a reference to the array of values my @advanced_rights = $obj->advanced_rights(); # @advanced_rights contains the array of values If this field needs to be passed to the filter hash, the value for this field should be passed in as an arrayref # filter => { advanced_rights = [ value1, value2...] } Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: @values =item C<< access_type >> Allow or Deny Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: $value =item C<< rights_raw >> *Raw Access Rights Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: $value =item C<< apply_to >> Apply To (Array) Note that for array fields, the accessor method can be invoked in either scalar or list context. my $apply_to = $obj->apply_to(); # $apply_to contains a reference to the array of values my @apply_to = $obj->apply_to(); # @apply_to contains the array of values If this field needs to be passed to the filter hash, the value for this field should be passed in as an arrayref # filter => { apply_to = [ value1, value2...] } Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: @values =item C<< readable_access_rights >> Access Rights Filled in for CMode CLI/ZAPI. Maps to: CMode ZAPI: For "requested_fields", "filter" and Output mapping: $value =item C<< ntfs_sd_string >> Security Descriptor String Filled in for CMode CLI. =item C<< admin_account >> BUILTIN Administrators Filled in for CMode CLI. =item C<< owner_account >> CREATOR OWNER Filled in for CMode CLI. =item C<< users_account >> BUILTIN Users Filled in for CMode CLI. =item C<< system_account >> NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM Filled in for CMode CLI. =back =cut package NACL::CS::VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl; use strict; use warnings; use Params::Validate qw(validate); use NATE::Log qw(log_global); my $Log = log_global(); my $may_enter = $Log->may_enter(); my $may_exit = $Log->may_exit(); use NACL::CS::ComponentState::ZapiSkip qw(make_zapi_skip); use NACL::CS::ComponentState::ZapiArray qw(make_zapi_array); use NACL::Exceptions::NoElementsFound qw(:try); use base 'NACL::CS::ComponentState::ONTAP'; use Class::MethodMaker [ scalar => 'rights', scalar => 'account', scalar => 'vserver', scalar => 'ntfs_sd', array => 'advanced_rights', scalar => 'access_type', scalar => 'rights_raw', array => 'apply_to', scalar => 'readable_access_rights', scalar => 'ntfs_sd_string', scalar => 'admin_account', scalar => 'owner_account', scalar => 'users_account', scalar => 'system_account', ]; =head1 METHODS =head2 fetch my $VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl_state = NACL::CS::VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl->fetch(command_interface => $ci, ...); my @VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl_states = NACL::CS::VserverSecurityFileDirectoryNtfsDacl->fetch(command_interface => $ci, ...); (Class method) Discovers which elements are present and returns their state in ComponentState objects. Called in scalar context it returns only one state object, in list context it returns all state objects. See L for a more detailed description along with a complete explanation of the options it accepts. Supports CMode CLI/ZAPI. Invokes "file-directory-security-ntfs-dacl-get-iter" API for CMode ZAPI. =over =item Exceptions =over =item C When there are no elements matching the query specified or elements of that type doesn't exist, then this exception will be thrown. =back =back =cut sub fetch { $Log->enter() if $may_enter; my $pkg = shift; my @state_objs = $pkg->SUPER::fetch( @_, show_cmd => 'vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl show', choices => [ { method => '_fetch_cmode_cli', interface => 'CLI', set => 'CMode' }, { method => '_fetch_cmode_zapi', interface => 'ZAPI', set => 'CMode' }, ], exception_text => 'No matching vserver security file-directory ntfs dacl(s) found', ); $Log->exit() if $may_exit; return wantarray ? @state_objs : $state_objs[0]; } sub _fetch_cmode_cli { $Log->enter() if $may_enter; my $pkg = shift; my @state_objs = $pkg->SUPER::_fetch_cmode_cli(@_, api => 'vserver_security_file_directory_ntfs_dacl_show',); $Log->exit() if $may_exit; return @state_objs; } sub _fetch_cmode_zapi { $Log->enter() if $may_enter; my $pkg = shift; my @state_objs = $pkg->SUPER::_fetch_cmode_zapi( @_, api => 'file_directory_security_ntfs_dacl_get_iter', copy => [ qw( access-type account ntfs-sd readable-access-rights rights rights-raw vserver ) ], map => { 'apply-to' => [ make_zapi_array('apply-to'), make_zapi_skip('inheritance-level') ], 'advanced-rights' => [ make_zapi_array('advanced-rights'), make_zapi_skip('advanced-access-rights') ], }, ); $Log->exit() if $may_exit; return @state_objs; } sub _update_state_objs_cmode_zapi { $Log->enter() if $may_enter; my ($pkg, @args) = @_; $pkg->SUPER::_update_state_objs_cmode_zapi( @args, zapi_field_translations => { hyphenate_value => [qw(advanced-rights rights apply-to)], }, ); $Log->exit() if $may_exit; } 1;