#!/usr/bin/python ############################################################################# # Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF) # # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2005 # # # # This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) V1.0. # ############################################################################# import PYSTAF # Utility functions def STAFWrapData(message): return ":%d:%s" % (len(message), message) # Allows you to access this function using either name wrapData = STAFWrapData # Privacy utility methods def STAFAddPrivacyDelimiters(data): return "%s" % (PYSTAF.STAFAddPrivacyDelimiters(data)) def STAFEscapePrivacyDelimiters(data): return "%s" % (PYSTAF.STAFEscapePrivacyDelimiters(data)) def STAFMaskPrivateData(data): return "%s" % (PYSTAF.STAFMaskPrivateData(data)) def STAFRemovePrivacyDelimiters(data, numLevels = 0): return "%s" % (PYSTAF.STAFRemovePrivacyDelimiters(data, numLevels)) # Allows you to access these functions using either name addPrivacyDelimiters = STAFAddPrivacyDelimiters escapePrivacyDelimiters = STAFEscapePrivacyDelimiters maskPrivateData = STAFMaskPrivateData removePrivacyDelimiters = STAFRemovePrivacyDelimiters # STAFException class class STAFException: def __init__(self, rc = 0, result = ""): self.rc = rc self.result = result # STAFResult class class STAFResult: Ok = 0 InvalidAPI = 1 UnknownService = 2 InvalidHandle = 3 HandleAlreadyExists = 4 HandleDoesNotExist = 5 UnknownError = 6 InvalidRequestString = 7 InvalidServiceResult = 8 REXXError = 9 BaseOSError = 10 ProcessAlreadyComplete = 11 ProcessNotComplete = 12 VariableDoesNotExist = 13 UnResolvableString = 14 InvalidResolveString = 15 NoPathToMachine = 16 FileOpenError = 17 FileReadError = 18 FileWriteError = 19 FileDeleteError = 20 STAFNotRunning = 21 CommunicationError = 22 TrusteeDoesNotExist = 23 InvalidTrustLevel = 24 AccessDenied = 25 STAFRegistrationError = 26 ServiceConfigurationError = 27 QueueFull = 28 NoQueueElement = 29 NotifieeDoesNotExist = 30 InvalidAPILevel = 31 ServiceNotUnregisterable = 32 ServiceNotAvailable = 33 SemaphoreDoesNotExist = 34 NotSemaphoreOwner = 35 SemaphoreHasPendingRequests = 36 Timeout = 37 JavaError = 38 ConverterError = 39 MoveError = 40 InvalidObject = 41 InvalidParm = 42 RequestNumberNotFound = 43 InvalidAsynchOption = 44 RequestNotComplete = 45 ProcessAuthenticationDenied = 46 InvalidValue = 47 DoesNotExist = 48 AlreadyExists = 49 DirectoryNotEmpty = 50 DirectoryCopyError = 51 DiagnosticsNotEnabled = 52 HandleAuthenticationDenied = 53 HandleAlreadyAuthenticated = 54 InvalidSTAFVersion = 55 RequestCancelled = 56 CreateThreadError = 57 MaximumSizeExceeded = 58 MaximumHandlesExceeded = 59 NotRequester = 60 def __init__(self, rc = 0, result = ""): self.rc = rc self.result = result self.resultContext = None self.resultObj = None def __init__(self, rc, result, doUnmarshallResult): self.rc = rc self.result = result if doUnmarshallResult: self.resultContext = unmarshall(self.result) self.resultObj = self.resultContext.getRootObject() else: self.resultContext = None self.resultObj = None # STAFHandle class class STAFHandle: # STAFHandle types Standard = 0 Static = 1 # Modes for submit call Synchronous = 0 FireAndForget = 1 Queue = 2 Retain = 3 QueueRetain = 4 # Note: I would have liked to have used STAFHandle.Standard in place of "0" # in the methods below, but the class hasn't been defined yet. def __init__(self, handleNameOrNumber, handleType = 0): self.handleType = handleType self.doUnmarshallResult = 1 if (handleType == STAFHandle.Standard): if (type(handleNameOrNumber) != types.StringType): raise TypeError, 'A string is required if using standard handle type' rc, self.handle = PYSTAF.STAFRegister(handleNameOrNumber) if (rc != 0): raise STAFException(rc) else: if (type(handleNameOrNumber) != types.IntType): raise TypeError, 'An integer is required if using static handle type' self.handle = handleNameOrNumber def submit(self, location, service, request, mode = Synchronous): rc, result = PYSTAF.STAFSubmit(self.handle, mode, location, service, request) return STAFResult(rc, result, self.doUnmarshallResult) def unregister(self): if (self.handleType == 0): rc = PYSTAF.STAFUnregister(self.handle) if (rc != 0): raise STAFException(rc) self.handle = 0 return 0 # Set a flag (0, 1) to indicate if the result should be auto-unmarshalled def setDoUnmarshallResult(self, flag): if flag: self.doUnmarshallResult = 1 else: self.doUnmarshallResult = 0 # Retrieve the auto-unmarshall result flag def getDoUnmarshallResult(self): return self.doUnmarshallResult # Marshalling constants and imports import types UNMARSHALLING_DEFAULTS = 0 IGNORE_INDIRECT_OBJECTS = 1 MARSHALLED_DATA_MARKER = '@SDT/' NONE_MARKER = '@SDT/$0:0:' SCALAR_MARKER = '@SDT/$' SCALAR_STRING_MARKER = '@SDT/$S' LIST_MARKER = '@SDT/[' MAP_MARKER = '@SDT/{' MC_INSTANCE_MARKER = '@SDT/%' CONTEXT_MARKER = '@SDT/*' # Formatting constants and imports import os NONE_STRING = '' DISPLAY_NAME_KEY = 'display-name' MAP_CLASS_MAP_KEY = 'map-class-map' MAP_CLASS_NAME_KEY = 'staf-map-class-name' ENTRY_SEPARATOR = '' INDENT_DELTA = 2 # 80 spaces SPACES = (' ' + ' ') # STAFMapClassDefinitionClass class STAFMapClassDefinition: # Constructors def __init__(self, name = None, mapClassDef = None): if (mapClassDef is None) and (name is None): self.mapClassDef = { 'name': '', 'keys': [] } elif (name is not None): self.mapClassDef = { 'name': name, 'keys': [] } else: self.mapClassDef = mapClassDef def createInstance(self): return { 'staf-map-class-name' : self.mapClassDef['name'] } def addKey(self, keyName, displayName = None): theKey = { 'key': keyName } if displayName is not None: theKey['display-name'] = displayName self.mapClassDef['keys'].append(theKey) def setKeyProperty(self, keyName, property, value): for key in self.mapClassDef['keys']: if key['key'] == keyName: key[property] = value def keys(self): return self.mapClassDef['keys'] def name(self): return self.mapClassDef['name'] def getMapClassDefinitionObject(self): return self.mapClassDef def __str__(self): return formatObject(self.mapClassDef) def __repr__(self): return formatObject(self.mapClassDef) # STAFMarshallingContext class class STAFMarshallingContext: def isMarshalledData(self, someData): return someData.startswith('@SDT/') def __init__(self, obj = None, mapClassMap = None): if mapClassMap is None: self.mapClassMap = {} else: self.mapClassMap = mapClassMap self.rootObject = obj def setMapClassDefinition(self, mapClassDef): self.mapClassMap[mapClassDef.name()] = mapClassDef.getMapClassDefinitionObject() def getMapClassDefinition(self, mapClassName): return STAFMapClassDefinition( mapClassDef = self.mapClassMap.get(mapClassName, None)) def hasMapClassDefinition(self, mapClassName): return self.mapClassMap.has_key(mapClassName) def getMapClassMap(self): return self.mapClassMap def mapClassDefinitionIterator(self): return self.mapClassMap.keys() def setRootObject(self, rootObject): self.rootObject = rootObject def getRootObject(self): return self.rootObject def getPrimaryObject(self): if len(self.mapClassMap.keys()) == 0: return self.rootObject else: return self def marshall(self): return marshall(self, self) def __str__(self): return formatObject(self.rootObject, self) # XXX: Change to show the key map class in addition? def __repr__(self): return formatObject(self.rootObject, self) # Function that tests if a string is marshalled data def isMarshalledData(someData): return someData.startswith('@SDT/') # General marshalling function def marshall(object, context = None): if object is None: return NONE_MARKER if type(object) == types.ListType: # Build a list of strings and join them for performance reasons listDataList = [] for item in object: listDataList.append(marshall(item, context)) listData = ''.join(listDataList) return "%s%s:%s:%s" % (LIST_MARKER, len(object), len(listData), listData) if type(object) == types.DictType: # If a staf-map-class-name key exists in the map, make sure that # it's map class definition is provided in the marshalling context. # If it's not, then treat the map as a plain map object. isMapClass = 0 mapClassName = '' if ((context is not None) and (isinstance(context, STAFMarshallingContext)) and (object.has_key('staf-map-class-name'))): mapClassName = object['staf-map-class-name'] if context.hasMapClassDefinition(mapClassName): isMapClass = 1 if isMapClass: mapClass = context.getMapClassDefinition(mapClassName) # Build a list of strings and join them for performance reasons mapDataList = [] mapDataList.append(":%s:%s" % (len(mapClassName), mapClassName)) for key in mapClass.keys(): if object.has_key(key['key']): thisObj = object[key['key']] else: thisObj = None mapDataList.append(marshall(thisObj, context)) mapData = ''.join(mapDataList) return "%s:%s:%s" % (MC_INSTANCE_MARKER, len(mapData), mapData) else: # Build a list of strings and join them for performance reasons mapDataList = [] for key in object.keys(): mapDataList.append( ":%s:%s%s" % (len(str(key)), str(key), marshall(object[key], context))) mapData = ''.join(mapDataList) return "%s:%s:%s" % (MAP_MARKER, len(mapData), mapData) if isinstance(object, STAFMarshallingContext): if len(object.mapClassMap.keys()) == 0: return marshall(object.getRootObject(), context) else: contextMap = { 'map-class-map': object.mapClassMap } # Note: We can't simply put the root object as a map key like # "root-object" and then marshall the whole map, as in # the unmarshalling routines, we need to be able to # unmarshall the root object in the context of the # map-class-map. mcData = (marshall(contextMap, context) + marshall(object.getRootObject(), object)) return "%s:%s:%s" % (CONTEXT_MARKER, len(mcData), mcData) # if object has method 'marshall': return "%s:%s:%s" % (SCALAR_STRING_MARKER, len(str(object)), str(object)) # General unmarshalling function (catches all exceptions) # Unmarshalls the input data string and returns a marshalling context. # If an exception occurs, it returns a marshalling context of the # input data string def unmarshall(data, context = None, flags = UNMARSHALLING_DEFAULTS): try: if context is None: context = STAFMarshallingContext() if data.startswith(NONE_MARKER): return STAFMarshallingContext() elif data.startswith(SCALAR_MARKER): # @SDT/$S:: colonIndex = data.find(':', len(SCALAR_MARKER)) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 colonIndex = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) stringLength = int(data[dataIndex:colonIndex]) dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 if stringLength != (len(data) - dataIndex): return STAFMarshallingContext(data) theString = data[dataIndex:] if (theString.startswith(MARSHALLED_DATA_MARKER) and ((flags & IGNORE_INDIRECT_OBJECTS) != IGNORE_INDIRECT_OBJECTS)): return unmarshall(theString, context, flags) else: return STAFMarshallingContext(theString) elif data.startswith(LIST_MARKER): # @SDT/[::... # Get number-of-items in the list colonIndex = data.find(':', len(LIST_MARKER)) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) numItems = int(data[len(LIST_MARKER):colonIndex]) # Get array-length dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 colonIndex = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) arrayLength = int(data[dataIndex:colonIndex]) dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 if arrayLength != (len(data) - dataIndex): return STAFMarshallingContext(data) # Create a list of the data list = [] for i in range(numItems): # Get the next item in the list and unmarshall it and add it # to the list colonIndex1 = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex1 == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) colonIndex2 = data.find(':', colonIndex1 + 1) if colonIndex2 == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) itemLength = int(data[colonIndex1 + 1:colonIndex2]) list.append( unmarshall(data[dataIndex:colonIndex2 + itemLength + 1], context, flags).getPrimaryObject()) dataIndex = colonIndex2 + itemLength + 1 return STAFMarshallingContext(list) elif data.startswith(MAP_MARKER): # @SDT/{:::: # ... # :: # Get map-length colonIndex = data.find(':', len(MAP_MARKER)) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 colonIndex = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) mapLength = int(data[dataIndex:colonIndex]) dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 if mapLength != (len(data) - dataIndex): return STAFMarshallingContext(data) # Create the map (aka dictionary) of data map = {} while dataIndex < len(data): # Get the key first keyColonIndex1 = data.find(':', dataIndex) if keyColonIndex1 == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) keyColonIndex2 = data.find(':', keyColonIndex1 + 1) if keyColonIndex2 == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) keyLength = int(data[keyColonIndex1 + 1:keyColonIndex2]) key = data[keyColonIndex2 + 1:keyColonIndex2 + 1 + keyLength] dataIndex = keyColonIndex2 + 1 + keyLength # Now, get the object colonIndex1 = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex1 == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) colonIndex2 = data.find(':', colonIndex1 + 1) if colonIndex2 == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) itemLength = int(data[colonIndex1 + 1:colonIndex2]) map[key] = unmarshall( data[dataIndex:colonIndex2 + itemLength + 1], context, flags).getPrimaryObject() dataIndex = colonIndex2 + itemLength + 1 return STAFMarshallingContext(map) elif data.startswith(MC_INSTANCE_MARKER): # @SDT/%:::: # ... # Get the map-class-instance-length colonIndex = data.find(':', len(MC_INSTANCE_MARKER)) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 colonIndex = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) mapClassInstanceLength = int(data[dataIndex:colonIndex]) dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 if mapClassInstanceLength != (len(data) - dataIndex): return STAFMarshallingContext(data) # Get map-class-name-length colonIndex = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 colonIndex = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) mapClassNameLength = int(data[dataIndex:colonIndex]) # Get map-class-name dataIndex = colonIndex + 1 mapClassName = data[dataIndex : dataIndex + mapClassNameLength] dataIndex = dataIndex + mapClassNameLength # Create a map and add the the staf-map-class-name key and value # to the map map = { 'staf-map-class-name': mapClassName } # Unmarshall all of the actual keys and add to the map mapClass = context.getMapClassDefinition(mapClassName) keys = mapClass.keys() keyIndex = 0 while dataIndex < len(data): colonIndex = data.find(':', dataIndex) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) colonIndex2 = data.find(':', colonIndex + 1) if colonIndex2 == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) itemLength = int(data[colonIndex + 1:colonIndex2]) map[keys[keyIndex]['key']] = unmarshall( data[dataIndex:colonIndex2 + itemLength + 1], context, flags).getPrimaryObject() dataIndex = colonIndex2 + itemLength + 1 keyIndex = keyIndex + 1 return STAFMarshallingContext(map) elif data.startswith(CONTEXT_MARKER): # @SDT/*:: # @SDT/{:: # Get context-length colonIndex = data.find(':', len(CONTEXT_MARKER)) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) contextIndex = data.find(':', colonIndex + 1) if contextIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) contextLength = int(data[colonIndex + 1:contextIndex]) contextIndex = contextIndex + 1 if contextLength != (len(data) - contextIndex): return STAFMarshallingContext(data) # Get mapClassLength colonIndex = data.find(':', contextIndex) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) mapIndex = contextIndex mapDataIndex = data.find(':', colonIndex + 1) if mapDataIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) mapLength = int(data[colonIndex + 1:mapDataIndex]) mapDataIndex = mapDataIndex + 1 if mapLength > (len(data) - mapDataIndex): return STAFMarshallingContext(data) # Create a new marshalling context with the map classes # and root object contextMap = unmarshall(data[mapIndex:mapDataIndex + mapLength], context, flags).getPrimaryObject() mapClassMap = contextMap['map-class-map'] newContext = STAFMarshallingContext(None, mapClassMap) colonIndex = data.find(':', mapDataIndex + mapLength) if colonIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) rootObjIndex = mapDataIndex + mapLength rootObjDataIndex = data.find(':', colonIndex + 1) if rootObjDataIndex == -1: return STAFMarshallingContext(data) rootObjLength = int(data[colonIndex + 1:rootObjDataIndex]) rootObjDataIndex = rootObjDataIndex + 1 if rootObjLength > (len(data) - rootObjDataIndex): return STAFMarshallingContext(data) newContext.setRootObject( unmarshall(data[rootObjIndex:rootObjDataIndex + rootObjLength], newContext, flags).getPrimaryObject()) return newContext elif data.startswith(MARSHALLED_DATA_MARKER): # Here, we don't know what the type is return STAFMarshallingContext(data) except: # If any exception occurs unmarshalling the result, assume invalid # marshalled data and return a new marshalling context of the input # data string return STAFMarshallingContext(data) return STAFMarshallingContext(data) # Formatting function # # Notes: # 1) The indentLevel option is not meant to be used by a user calling # the formatObject procedure, thus we don't document it exernally. # It's meant to be used internally by the formatObject method when # recursively calling itself. # 2) The flags option is not currently used (it's for future use) def formatObject(obj, context = None, indentLevel = 0, flags = 0): # Build a list of strings to output and join them for performance reasons output = [] if type(obj) == types.ListType: list = obj output.append('[') indentLevel = indentLevel + 1 if len(list) > 0: output.append(os.linesep) # Format each object in the list i = 0 for item in list: indent = indentLevel * INDENT_DELTA output.append(SPACES[: indent]) if (type(item) == types.ListType or type(item) == types.DictType or isinstance(item, STAFMarshallingContext)): output.append(formatObject(item, context, indentLevel, flags)) elif item is None: output.append(NONE_STRING) else: output.append(str(item)) if i < (len(list) - 1): output.append(ENTRY_SEPARATOR) output.append(os.linesep) indentLevel = indentLevel - 1 if len(list) > 0: indent = indentLevel * INDENT_DELTA output.append(SPACES[: indent]) output.append(']') elif type(obj) == types.DictType: dict = obj output.append('{') indentLevel = indentLevel + 1 if len(dict) > 0: output.append(os.linesep) # Check if the map object has a map class key and if the context # is valid and contains a map class definition for this map class. # If not, treat as a plain map class. if (dict.has_key(MAP_CLASS_NAME_KEY) and (context is not None) and isinstance(context, STAFMarshallingContext) and context.hasMapClassDefinition(dict[MAP_CLASS_NAME_KEY])): mapClass = context.getMapClassDefinition(dict[MAP_CLASS_NAME_KEY]) # Determine maximum key length maxKeyLength = 0 for theKey in mapClass.keys(): theKeyString = theKey['key'] if theKey.has_key(DISPLAY_NAME_KEY): theKeyString = theKey[DISPLAY_NAME_KEY] if len(theKeyString) > maxKeyLength: maxKeyLength = len(theKeyString) # Now print each object in the map i = 0 for theKey in mapClass.keys(): theKeyString = theKey['key'] if theKey.has_key(DISPLAY_NAME_KEY): theKeyString = theKey[DISPLAY_NAME_KEY] indent = indentLevel * INDENT_DELTA output.append('%s%s' % (SPACES[: indent], theKeyString)) indent = maxKeyLength - len(theKeyString) output.append('%s: ' % (SPACES[: indent])) if dict.has_key(theKey['key']): thisObj = dict[theKey['key']] else: thisObj = None if (type(thisObj) == types.ListType or type(thisObj) == types.DictType or isinstance(thisObj, STAFMarshallingContext)): output.append(formatObject(thisObj, context, indentLevel, flags)) elif thisObj is None: output.append(NONE_STRING) else: output.append(str(thisObj)) if i < (len(dict) - 1): output.append(ENTRY_SEPARATOR) output.append(os.linesep) i = i + 1 else: # Determine maximum key length maxKeyLength = 0 for theKeyString in dict.keys(): if len(theKeyString) > maxKeyLength: maxKeyLength = len(theKeyString) # Now print each object in the map i = 0 for theKeyString in dict.keys(): indent = indentLevel * INDENT_DELTA output.append('%s%s' % (SPACES[: indent], theKeyString)) indent = maxKeyLength - len(theKeyString) output.append('%s: ' % (SPACES[: indent])) thisObj = dict[theKeyString] if (type(thisObj) == types.ListType or type(thisObj) == types.DictType or isinstance(thisObj, STAFMarshallingContext)): output.append(formatObject(thisObj, context, indentLevel, flags)) elif thisObj is None: output.append(NONE_STRING) else: output.append(str(thisObj)) if i < (len(dict) - 1): output.append(ENTRY_SEPARATOR) output.append(os.linesep) i = i + 1 indentLevel = indentLevel - 1 if len(dict) > 0: indent = indentLevel * INDENT_DELTA output.append(SPACES[: indent]) output.append('}') elif isinstance(obj, STAFMarshallingContext): inputContext = obj return formatObject(inputContext.getRootObject(), inputContext, indentLevel, flags) elif obj is None: return NONE_STRING else: return str(obj) return ''.join(output) # Used if called as script if (__name__ == "__main__"): import sys if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "Usage: %s location service request" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) location = sys.argv[1] service = sys.argv[2] request = sys.argv[3] for requestPart in sys.argv[4:]: request = request + " " + requestPart try: handle = STAFHandle("STAF/Client/Python") except STAFException, e: print "Error registering with STAF, RC: %d" % e.rc sys.exit(e.rc) result = handle.submit(location, service, request) resultMC = unmarshall(result.result) if (result.rc != 0): print "Error submitting request, RC: %d" % result.rc if (len(result.result) != 0): print "Additional info: %s" % resultMC else: print "Response" print "--------" print resultMC rc = handle.unregister() sys.exit(rc)