[ Color::NORMAL => '22;39', Color::RESET => '22;39', Color::BLACK => '0;30', Color::RED => '0;31', Color::GREEN => '0;32', Color::YELLOW => '0;33', Color::BLUE => '0;34', Color::MAGENTA => '0;35', Color::CYAN => '0;36', Color::WHITE => '0;37', Color::GRAY => '1;30', Color::LIGHT_RED => '1;31', Color::LIGHT_GREEN => '1;32', Color::LIGHT_YELLOW => '1;33', Color::LIGHT_BLUE => '1;34', Color::LIGHT_MAGENTA => '1;35', Color::LIGHT_CYAN => '1;36', Color::LIGHT_WHITE => '1;37', ], 'bg' => [ Color::NORMAL => '0;49', Color::RESET => '0;49', Color::BLACK => '40', Color::RED => '41', Color::GREEN => '42', Color::YELLOW => '43', Color::BLUE => '44', Color::MAGENTA => '45', Color::CYAN => '46', Color::WHITE => '47', Color::GRAY => '40', Color::LIGHT_RED => '41', Color::LIGHT_GREEN => '42', Color::LIGHT_YELLOW => '43', Color::LIGHT_BLUE => '44', Color::LIGHT_MAGENTA => '45', Color::LIGHT_CYAN => '46', Color::LIGHT_WHITE => '47', ], ]; /** * Last fetched TTY mode * * @var string|null */ protected $lastTTYMode = null; /** * Write a single line of text to console and advance cursor to the next line. * * This override works around a bug in some terminals that cause the background color * to fill the next line after EOL. To remedy this, we are sending the colored string with * appropriate color reset sequences before sending EOL character. * * @link https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/issues/4167 * @param string $text * @param null|int $color * @param null|int $bgColor */ public function writeLine($text = "", $color = null, $bgColor = null) { $this->write($text, $color, $bgColor); $this->write(PHP_EOL); } /** * Determine and return current console width. * * @return int */ public function getWidth() { static $width; if ($width > 0) { return $width; } /** * Try to read env variable */ if (($result = getenv('COLUMNS')) !== false) { return $width = (int) $result; } /** * Try to read console size from "tput" command */ $result = exec('tput cols', $output, $return); if (! $return && is_numeric($result)) { return $width = (int) $result; } return $width = parent::getWidth(); } /** * Determine and return current console height. * * @return false|int */ public function getHeight() { static $height; if ($height > 0) { return $height; } // Try to read env variable if (($result = getenv('LINES')) !== false) { return $height = (int) $result; } // Try to read console size from "tput" command $result = exec('tput lines', $output, $return); if (! $return && is_numeric($result)) { return $height = (int) $result; } return $height = parent::getHeight(); } /** * Run a mode command and store results * * @return void */ protected function runModeCommand() { exec('mode', $output, $return); if ($return || ! count($output)) { $this->modeResult = ''; } else { $this->modeResult = trim(implode('', $output)); } } /** * Check if console is UTF-8 compatible * * @return bool */ public function isUtf8() { // Try to retrieve it from LANG env variable if (($lang = getenv('LANG')) !== false) { return stristr($lang, 'utf-8') || stristr($lang, 'utf8'); } return false; } /** * Show console cursor */ public function showCursor() { echo "\x1b[?25h"; } /** * Hide console cursor */ public function hideCursor() { echo "\x1b[?25l"; } /** * Set cursor position * @param int $x * @param int $y */ public function setPos($x, $y) { echo "\x1b[" . $y . ';' . $x . 'f'; } /** * Prepare a string that will be rendered in color. * * @param string $string * @param int $color * @param null|int $bgColor * @throws Exception\BadMethodCallException * @return string */ public function colorize($string, $color = null, $bgColor = null) { $color = $this->getColorCode($color, 'fg'); $bgColor = $this->getColorCode($bgColor, 'bg'); return ($color !== null ? "\x1b[" . $color . 'm' : '') . ($bgColor !== null ? "\x1b[" . $bgColor . 'm' : '') . $string . "\x1b[22;39m\x1b[0;49m"; } /** * Change current drawing color. * * @param int $color * @throws Exception\BadMethodCallException */ public function setColor($color) { $color = $this->getColorCode($color, 'fg'); echo "\x1b[" . $color . 'm'; } /** * Change current drawing background color * * @param int $bgColor * @throws Exception\BadMethodCallException */ public function setBgColor($bgColor) { $bgColor = $this->getColorCode($bgColor, 'bg'); echo "\x1b[" . ($bgColor) . 'm'; } /** * Reset color to console default. */ public function resetColor() { echo "\x1b[0;49m"; // reset bg color echo "\x1b[22;39m"; // reset fg bold, bright and faint echo "\x1b[25;39m"; // reset fg blink echo "\x1b[24;39m"; // reset fg underline } /** * Set Console charset to use. * * @param Charset\CharsetInterface $charset */ public function setCharset(Charset\CharsetInterface $charset) { $this->charset = $charset; } /** * Get charset currently in use by this adapter. * * @return Charset\CharsetInterface $charset */ public function getCharset() { if ($this->charset === null) { $this->charset = $this->getDefaultCharset(); } return $this->charset; } /** * @return Charset\CharsetInterface */ public function getDefaultCharset() { if ($this->isUtf8()) { return new Charset\Utf8; } return new Charset\DECSG(); } /** * Read a single character from the console input * * @param string|null $mask A list of allowed chars * @return string */ public function readChar($mask = null) { $this->setTTYMode('-icanon -echo'); $stream = fopen('php://stdin', 'rb'); do { $char = fgetc($stream); } while (strlen($char) !== 1 || ($mask !== null && false === strstr($mask, $char))); fclose($stream); $this->restoreTTYMode(); return $char; } /** * Reset color to console default. */ public function clear() { echo "\x1b[2J"; // reset bg color $this->setPos(1, 1); // reset cursor position } /** * Restore TTY (Console) mode to previous value. * * @return void */ protected function restoreTTYMode() { if ($this->lastTTYMode === null) { return; } shell_exec('stty ' . escapeshellarg($this->lastTTYMode)); } /** * Change TTY (Console) mode * * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stty * @param string $mode */ protected function setTTYMode($mode) { // Store last mode $this->lastTTYMode = trim(`stty -g`); // Set new mode shell_exec('stty '.escapeshellcmd($mode)); } /** * Get the final color code and throw exception on error * * @param null|int|Xterm256 $color * @param string $type (optional) Foreground 'fg' or background 'bg'. * @throws Exception\BadMethodCallException * @return string */ protected function getColorCode($color, $type = 'fg') { if ($color instanceof Xterm256) { $r = new ReflectionClass($color); $code = $r->getStaticPropertyValue('color'); if ($type == 'fg') { $code = sprintf($code, $color::FOREGROUND); } else { $code = sprintf($code, $color::BACKGROUND); } return $code; } if ($color !== null) { if (! isset(static::$ansiColorMap[$type][$color])) { throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException(sprintf( 'Unknown color "%s". Please use one of the Zend\Console\ColorInterface constants ' . 'or use Zend\Console\Color\Xterm256::calculate', $color )); } return static::$ansiColorMap[$type][$color]; } return; } }