adapter = $adapter; $this->defaultSchema = ($adapter->getCurrentSchema()) ?: self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA; } /** * Get schemas * */ public function getSchemas() { $this->loadSchemaData(); return $this->data['schemas']; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTableNames($schema = null, $includeViews = false) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadTableNameData($schema); if ($includeViews) { return array_keys($this->data['table_names'][$schema]); } $tableNames = []; foreach ($this->data['table_names'][$schema] as $tableName => $data) { if ('BASE TABLE' == $data['table_type']) { $tableNames[] = $tableName; } } return $tableNames; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTables($schema = null, $includeViews = false) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $tables = []; foreach ($this->getTableNames($schema, $includeViews) as $tableName) { $tables[] = $this->getTable($tableName, $schema); } return $tables; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTable($tableName, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadTableNameData($schema); if (! isset($this->data['table_names'][$schema][$tableName])) { throw new \Exception('Table "' . $tableName . '" does not exist'); } $data = $this->data['table_names'][$schema][$tableName]; switch ($data['table_type']) { case 'BASE TABLE': $table = new TableObject($tableName); break; case 'VIEW': $table = new ViewObject($tableName); $table->setViewDefinition($data['view_definition']); $table->setCheckOption($data['check_option']); $table->setIsUpdatable($data['is_updatable']); break; default: throw new \Exception( 'Table "' . $tableName . '" is of an unsupported type "' . $data['table_type'] . '"' ); } $table->setColumns($this->getColumns($tableName, $schema)); $table->setConstraints($this->getConstraints($tableName, $schema)); return $table; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getViewNames($schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadTableNameData($schema); $viewNames = []; foreach ($this->data['table_names'][$schema] as $tableName => $data) { if ('VIEW' == $data['table_type']) { $viewNames[] = $tableName; } } return $viewNames; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getViews($schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $views = []; foreach ($this->getViewNames($schema) as $tableName) { $views[] = $this->getTable($tableName, $schema); } return $views; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getView($viewName, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadTableNameData($schema); $tableNames = $this->data['table_names'][$schema]; if (isset($tableNames[$viewName]) && 'VIEW' == $tableNames[$viewName]['table_type']) { return $this->getTable($viewName, $schema); } throw new \Exception('View "' . $viewName . '" does not exist'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getColumnNames($table, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadColumnData($table, $schema); if (! isset($this->data['columns'][$schema][$table])) { throw new \Exception('"' . $table . '" does not exist'); } return array_keys($this->data['columns'][$schema][$table]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getColumns($table, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadColumnData($table, $schema); $columns = []; foreach ($this->getColumnNames($table, $schema) as $columnName) { $columns[] = $this->getColumn($columnName, $table, $schema); } return $columns; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getColumn($columnName, $table, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadColumnData($table, $schema); if (! isset($this->data['columns'][$schema][$table][$columnName])) { throw new \Exception('A column by that name was not found.'); } $info = $this->data['columns'][$schema][$table][$columnName]; $column = new ColumnObject($columnName, $table, $schema); $props = [ 'ordinal_position', 'column_default', 'is_nullable', 'data_type', 'character_maximum_length', 'character_octet_length', 'numeric_precision', 'numeric_scale', 'numeric_unsigned', 'erratas' ]; foreach ($props as $prop) { if (isset($info[$prop])) { $column->{'set' . str_replace('_', '', $prop)}($info[$prop]); } } $column->setOrdinalPosition($info['ordinal_position']); $column->setColumnDefault($info['column_default']); $column->setIsNullable($info['is_nullable']); $column->setDataType($info['data_type']); $column->setCharacterMaximumLength($info['character_maximum_length']); $column->setCharacterOctetLength($info['character_octet_length']); $column->setNumericPrecision($info['numeric_precision']); $column->setNumericScale($info['numeric_scale']); $column->setNumericUnsigned($info['numeric_unsigned']); $column->setErratas($info['erratas']); return $column; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConstraints($table, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadConstraintData($table, $schema); $constraints = []; foreach (array_keys($this->data['constraints'][$schema][$table]) as $constraintName) { $constraints[] = $this->getConstraint($constraintName, $table, $schema); } return $constraints; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConstraint($constraintName, $table, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadConstraintData($table, $schema); if (! isset($this->data['constraints'][$schema][$table][$constraintName])) { throw new \Exception('Cannot find a constraint by that name in this table'); } $info = $this->data['constraints'][$schema][$table][$constraintName]; $constraint = new ConstraintObject($constraintName, $table, $schema); foreach ([ 'constraint_type' => 'setType', 'match_option' => 'setMatchOption', 'update_rule' => 'setUpdateRule', 'delete_rule' => 'setDeleteRule', 'columns' => 'setColumns', 'referenced_table_schema' => 'setReferencedTableSchema', 'referenced_table_name' => 'setReferencedTableName', 'referenced_columns' => 'setReferencedColumns', 'check_clause' => 'setCheckClause', ] as $key => $setMethod) { if (isset($info[$key])) { $constraint->{$setMethod}($info[$key]); } } return $constraint; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getConstraintKeys($constraint, $table, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadConstraintReferences($table, $schema); // organize references first $references = []; foreach ($this->data['constraint_references'][$schema] as $refKeyInfo) { if ($refKeyInfo['constraint_name'] == $constraint) { $references[$refKeyInfo['constraint_name']] = $refKeyInfo; } } $this->loadConstraintDataKeys($schema); $keys = []; foreach ($this->data['constraint_keys'][$schema] as $constraintKeyInfo) { if ($constraintKeyInfo['table_name'] == $table && $constraintKeyInfo['constraint_name'] === $constraint) { $keys[] = $key = new ConstraintKeyObject($constraintKeyInfo['column_name']); $key->setOrdinalPosition($constraintKeyInfo['ordinal_position']); if (isset($references[$constraint])) { //$key->setReferencedTableSchema($constraintKeyInfo['referenced_table_schema']); $key->setForeignKeyUpdateRule($references[$constraint]['update_rule']); $key->setForeignKeyDeleteRule($references[$constraint]['delete_rule']); //$key->setReferencedTableSchema($references[$constraint]['referenced_table_schema']); $key->setReferencedTableName($references[$constraint]['referenced_table_name']); $key->setReferencedColumnName($references[$constraint]['referenced_column_name']); } } } return $keys; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTriggerNames($schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadTriggerData($schema); return array_keys($this->data['triggers'][$schema]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTriggers($schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $triggers = []; foreach ($this->getTriggerNames($schema) as $triggerName) { $triggers[] = $this->getTrigger($triggerName, $schema); } return $triggers; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTrigger($triggerName, $schema = null) { if ($schema === null) { $schema = $this->defaultSchema; } $this->loadTriggerData($schema); if (! isset($this->data['triggers'][$schema][$triggerName])) { throw new \Exception('Trigger "' . $triggerName . '" does not exist'); } $info = $this->data['triggers'][$schema][$triggerName]; $trigger = new TriggerObject(); $trigger->setName($triggerName); $trigger->setEventManipulation($info['event_manipulation']); $trigger->setEventObjectCatalog($info['event_object_catalog']); $trigger->setEventObjectSchema($info['event_object_schema']); $trigger->setEventObjectTable($info['event_object_table']); $trigger->setActionOrder($info['action_order']); $trigger->setActionCondition($info['action_condition']); $trigger->setActionStatement($info['action_statement']); $trigger->setActionOrientation($info['action_orientation']); $trigger->setActionTiming($info['action_timing']); $trigger->setActionReferenceOldTable($info['action_reference_old_table']); $trigger->setActionReferenceNewTable($info['action_reference_new_table']); $trigger->setActionReferenceOldRow($info['action_reference_old_row']); $trigger->setActionReferenceNewRow($info['action_reference_new_row']); $trigger->setCreated($info['created']); return $trigger; } /** * Prepare data hierarchy * * @param string $type * @param string $key ... */ protected function prepareDataHierarchy($type) { $data = &$this->data; foreach (func_get_args() as $key) { if (! isset($data[$key])) { $data[$key] = []; } $data = &$data[$key]; } } /** * Load schema data */ protected function loadSchemaData() { } /** * Load table name data * * @param string $schema */ protected function loadTableNameData($schema) { if (isset($this->data['table_names'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('table_names', $schema); } /** * Load column data * * @param string $table * @param string $schema */ protected function loadColumnData($table, $schema) { if (isset($this->data['columns'][$schema][$table])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('columns', $schema, $table); } /** * Load constraint data * * @param string $table * @param string $schema */ protected function loadConstraintData($table, $schema) { if (isset($this->data['constraints'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('constraints', $schema); } /** * Load constraint data keys * * @param string $schema */ protected function loadConstraintDataKeys($schema) { if (isset($this->data['constraint_keys'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('constraint_keys', $schema); } /** * Load constraint references * * @param string $table * @param string $schema */ protected function loadConstraintReferences($table, $schema) { if (isset($this->data['constraint_references'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('constraint_references', $schema); } /** * Load trigger data * * @param string $schema */ protected function loadTriggerData($schema) { if (isset($this->data['triggers'][$schema])) { return; } $this->prepareDataHierarchy('triggers', $schema); } }