setModules($modules); if ($eventManager instanceof EventManagerInterface) { $this->setEventManager($eventManager); } } /** * Handle the loadModules event * * @return void */ public function onLoadModules() { if (true === $this->modulesAreLoaded) { return; } foreach ($this->getModules() as $moduleName => $module) { if (is_object($module)) { if (! is_string($moduleName)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Module (%s) must have a key identifier.', get_class($module) )); } $module = [$moduleName => $module]; } $this->loadModule($module); } $this->modulesAreLoaded = true; } /** * Load the provided modules. * * @triggers loadModules * @triggers * @return ModuleManager */ public function loadModules() { if (true === $this->modulesAreLoaded) { return $this; } $events = $this->getEventManager(); $event = $this->getEvent(); $event->setName(ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULES); $events->triggerEvent($event); /** * Having a dedicated .post event abstracts the complexity of priorities from the user. * Users can attach to the .post event and be sure that important * things like config merging are complete without having to worry if * they set a low enough priority. */ $event->setName(ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULES_POST); $events->triggerEvent($event); return $this; } /** * Load a specific module by name. * * @param string|array $module * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @triggers loadModule.resolve * @triggers loadModule * @return mixed Module's Module class */ public function loadModule($module) { $moduleName = $module; if (is_array($module)) { $moduleName = key($module); $module = current($module); } if (isset($this->loadedModules[$moduleName])) { return $this->loadedModules[$moduleName]; } /* * Keep track of nested module loading using the $loadFinished * property. * * Increment the value for each loadModule() call and then decrement * once the loading process is complete. * * To load a module, we clone the event if we are inside a nested * loadModule() call, and use the original event otherwise. */ if (! isset($this->loadFinished)) { $this->loadFinished = 0; } $event = ($this->loadFinished > 0) ? clone $this->getEvent() : $this->getEvent(); $event->setModuleName($moduleName); $this->loadFinished++; if (! is_object($module)) { $module = $this->loadModuleByName($event); } $event->setModule($module); $event->setName(ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULE); $this->loadedModules[$moduleName] = $module; $this->getEventManager()->triggerEvent($event); $this->loadFinished--; return $module; } /** * Load a module with the name * @param ModuleEvent $event * @return mixed module instance * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ protected function loadModuleByName(ModuleEvent $event) { $event->setName(ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULE_RESOLVE); $result = $this->getEventManager()->triggerEventUntil(function ($r) { return (is_object($r)); }, $event); $module = $result->last(); if (! is_object($module)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Module (%s) could not be initialized.', $event->getModuleName() )); } return $module; } /** * Get an array of the loaded modules. * * @param bool $loadModules If true, load modules if they're not already * @return array An array of Module objects, keyed by module name */ public function getLoadedModules($loadModules = false) { if (true === $loadModules) { $this->loadModules(); } return $this->loadedModules; } /** * Get an instance of a module class by the module name * * @param string $moduleName * @return mixed */ public function getModule($moduleName) { if (! isset($this->loadedModules[$moduleName])) { return; } return $this->loadedModules[$moduleName]; } /** * Get the array of module names that this manager should load. * * @return array */ public function getModules() { return $this->modules; } /** * Set an array or Traversable of module names that this module manager should load. * * @param mixed $modules array or Traversable of module names * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return ModuleManager */ public function setModules($modules) { if (is_array($modules) || $modules instanceof Traversable) { $this->modules = $modules; } else { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( 'Parameter to %s\'s %s method must be an array or implement the Traversable interface', __CLASS__, __METHOD__ ) ); } return $this; } /** * Get the module event * * @return ModuleEvent */ public function getEvent() { if (! $this->event instanceof ModuleEvent) { $this->setEvent(new ModuleEvent()); } return $this->event; } /** * Set the module event * * @param ModuleEvent $event * @return ModuleManager */ public function setEvent(ModuleEvent $event) { $event->setTarget($this); $this->event = $event; return $this; } /** * Set the event manager instance used by this module manager. * * @param EventManagerInterface $events * @return ModuleManager */ public function setEventManager(EventManagerInterface $events) { $events->setIdentifiers([ __CLASS__, get_class($this), 'module_manager', ]); $this->events = $events; $this->attachDefaultListeners($events); return $this; } /** * Retrieve the event manager * * Lazy-loads an EventManager instance if none registered. * * @return EventManagerInterface */ public function getEventManager() { if (! $this->events instanceof EventManagerInterface) { $this->setEventManager(new EventManager()); } return $this->events; } /** * Register the default event listeners * * @param EventManagerInterface $events * @return ModuleManager */ protected function attachDefaultListeners($events) { $events->attach(ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULES, [$this, 'onLoadModules']); } }