ibasetrans = IBASE_DEFAULT; } // returns true or false function _connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename,$persist=false) { if (!function_exists('ibase_pconnect')) return null; if ($argDatabasename) $argHostname .= ':'.$argDatabasename; $fn = ($persist) ? 'ibase_pconnect':'ibase_connect'; if ($this->role) $this->_connectionID = $fn($argHostname,$argUsername,$argPassword, $this->charSet,$this->buffers,$this->dialect,$this->role); else $this->_connectionID = $fn($argHostname,$argUsername,$argPassword, $this->charSet,$this->buffers,$this->dialect); if ($this->dialect != 1) { // http://www.ibphoenix.com/ibp_60_del_id_ds.html $this->replaceQuote = "''"; } if ($this->_connectionID === false) { $this->_handleerror(); return false; } // PHP5 change. if (function_exists('ibase_timefmt')) { ibase_timefmt($this->ibase_datefmt,IBASE_DATE ); if ($this->dialect == 1) { ibase_timefmt($this->ibase_datefmt,IBASE_TIMESTAMP ); } else { ibase_timefmt($this->ibase_timestampfmt,IBASE_TIMESTAMP ); } ibase_timefmt($this->ibase_timefmt,IBASE_TIME ); } else { ini_set("ibase.timestampformat", $this->ibase_timestampfmt); ini_set("ibase.dateformat", $this->ibase_datefmt); ini_set("ibase.timeformat", $this->ibase_timefmt); } return true; } // returns true or false function _pconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename) { return $this->_connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename,true); } function MetaPrimaryKeys($table,$owner_notused=false,$internalKey=false) { if ($internalKey) { return array('RDB$DB_KEY'); } $table = strtoupper($table); $sql = 'SELECT S.RDB$FIELD_NAME AFIELDNAME FROM RDB$INDICES I JOIN RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS S ON I.RDB$INDEX_NAME=S.RDB$INDEX_NAME WHERE I.RDB$RELATION_NAME=\''.$table.'\' and I.RDB$INDEX_NAME like \'RDB$PRIMARY%\' ORDER BY I.RDB$INDEX_NAME,S.RDB$FIELD_POSITION'; $a = $this->GetCol($sql,false,true); if ($a && sizeof($a)>0) return $a; return false; } function ServerInfo() { $arr['dialect'] = $this->dialect; switch($arr['dialect']) { case '': case '1': $s = 'Interbase 5.5 or earlier'; break; case '2': $s = 'Interbase 5.6'; break; default: case '3': $s = 'Interbase 6.0'; break; } $arr['version'] = ADOConnection::_findvers($s); $arr['description'] = $s; return $arr; } function BeginTrans() { if ($this->transOff) return true; $this->transCnt += 1; $this->autoCommit = false; $this->_transactionID = $this->_connectionID;//ibase_trans($this->ibasetrans, $this->_connectionID); return $this->_transactionID; } function CommitTrans($ok=true) { if (!$ok) { return $this->RollbackTrans(); } if ($this->transOff) { return true; } if ($this->transCnt) { $this->transCnt -= 1; } $ret = false; $this->autoCommit = true; if ($this->_transactionID) { //print ' commit '; $ret = ibase_commit($this->_transactionID); } $this->_transactionID = false; return $ret; } // there are some compat problems with ADODB_COUNTRECS=false and $this->_logsql currently. // it appears that ibase extension cannot support multiple concurrent queryid's function _Execute($sql,$inputarr=false) { global $ADODB_COUNTRECS; if ($this->_logsql) { $savecrecs = $ADODB_COUNTRECS; $ADODB_COUNTRECS = true; // force countrecs $ret = ADOConnection::_Execute($sql,$inputarr); $ADODB_COUNTRECS = $savecrecs; } else { $ret = ADOConnection::_Execute($sql,$inputarr); } return $ret; } function RollbackTrans() { if ($this->transOff) return true; if ($this->transCnt) $this->transCnt -= 1; $ret = false; $this->autoCommit = true; if ($this->_transactionID) { $ret = ibase_rollback($this->_transactionID); } $this->_transactionID = false; return $ret; } function MetaIndexes ($table, $primary = FALSE, $owner=false) { // save old fetch mode global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $false = false; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; if ($this->fetchMode !== FALSE) { $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(FALSE); } $table = strtoupper($table); $sql = "SELECT * FROM RDB\$INDICES WHERE RDB\$RELATION_NAME = '".$table."'"; if (!$primary) { $sql .= " AND RDB\$INDEX_NAME NOT LIKE 'RDB\$%'"; } else { $sql .= " AND RDB\$INDEX_NAME NOT LIKE 'RDB\$FOREIGN%'"; } // get index details $rs = $this->Execute($sql); if (!is_object($rs)) { // restore fetchmode if (isset($savem)) { $this->SetFetchMode($savem); } $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; return $false; } $indexes = array(); while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { $index = $row[0]; if (!isset($indexes[$index])) { if (is_null($row[3])) { $row[3] = 0; } $indexes[$index] = array( 'unique' => ($row[3] == 1), 'columns' => array() ); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM RDB\$INDEX_SEGMENTS WHERE RDB\$INDEX_NAME = '".$index."' ORDER BY RDB\$FIELD_POSITION ASC"; $rs1 = $this->Execute($sql); while ($row1 = $rs1->FetchRow()) { $indexes[$index]['columns'][$row1[2]] = $row1[1]; } } // restore fetchmode if (isset($savem)) { $this->SetFetchMode($savem); } $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; return $indexes; } // See http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,25844,00.html function RowLock($tables,$where,$col=false) { if ($this->autoCommit) { $this->BeginTrans(); } $this->Execute("UPDATE $table SET $col=$col WHERE $where "); // is this correct - jlim? return 1; } function CreateSequence($seqname = 'adodbseq', $startID = 1) { $ok = $this->Execute(("INSERT INTO RDB\$GENERATORS (RDB\$GENERATOR_NAME) VALUES (UPPER('$seqname'))" )); if (!$ok) return false; return $this->Execute("SET GENERATOR $seqname TO ".($startID-1).';'); } function DropSequence($seqname = 'adodbseq') { $seqname = strtoupper($seqname); $this->Execute("delete from RDB\$GENERATORS where RDB\$GENERATOR_NAME='$seqname'"); } function GenID($seqname='adodbseq',$startID=1) { $getnext = ("SELECT Gen_ID($seqname,1) FROM RDB\$DATABASE"); $rs = @$this->Execute($getnext); if (!$rs) { $this->Execute(("INSERT INTO RDB\$GENERATORS (RDB\$GENERATOR_NAME) VALUES (UPPER('$seqname'))" )); $this->Execute("SET GENERATOR $seqname TO ".($startID-1).';'); $rs = $this->Execute($getnext); } if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $this->genID = (integer) reset($rs->fields); } else { $this->genID = 0; // false } if ($rs) { $rs->Close(); } return $this->genID; } function SelectDB($dbName) { return false; } function _handleerror() { $this->_errorMsg = ibase_errmsg(); } function ErrorNo() { if (preg_match('/error code = ([\-0-9]*)/i', $this->_errorMsg,$arr)) return (integer) $arr[1]; else return 0; } function ErrorMsg() { return $this->_errorMsg; } function Prepare($sql) { $stmt = ibase_prepare($this->_connectionID,$sql); if (!$stmt) return false; return array($sql,$stmt); } // returns query ID if successful, otherwise false // there have been reports of problems with nested queries - the code is probably not re-entrant? function _query($sql,$iarr=false) { if (!$this->autoCommit && $this->_transactionID) { $conn = $this->_transactionID; $docommit = false; } else { $conn = $this->_connectionID; $docommit = true; } if (is_array($sql)) { $fn = 'ibase_execute'; $sql = $sql[1]; if (is_array($iarr)) { if ( !isset($iarr[0]) ) $iarr[0] = ''; // PHP5 compat hack $fnarr = array_merge( array($sql) , $iarr); $ret = call_user_func_array($fn,$fnarr); } else { $ret = $fn($sql); } } else { $fn = 'ibase_query'; if (is_array($iarr)) { if (sizeof($iarr) == 0) $iarr[0] = ''; // PHP5 compat hack $fnarr = array_merge( array($conn,$sql) , $iarr); $ret = call_user_func_array($fn,$fnarr); } else { $ret = $fn($conn, $sql); } } if ($docommit && $ret === true) { ibase_commit($this->_connectionID); } $this->_handleerror(); return $ret; } // returns true or false function _close() { if (!$this->autoCommit) { @ibase_rollback($this->_connectionID); } return @ibase_close($this->_connectionID); } //OPN STUFF start function _ConvertFieldType(&$fld, $ftype, $flen, $fscale, $fsubtype, $fprecision, $dialect3) { $fscale = abs($fscale); $fld->max_length = $flen; $fld->scale = null; switch($ftype){ case 7: case 8: if ($dialect3) { switch($fsubtype){ case 0: $fld->type = ($ftype == 7 ? 'smallint' : 'integer'); break; case 1: $fld->type = 'numeric'; $fld->max_length = $fprecision; $fld->scale = $fscale; break; case 2: $fld->type = 'decimal'; $fld->max_length = $fprecision; $fld->scale = $fscale; break; } // switch } else { if ($fscale !=0) { $fld->type = 'decimal'; $fld->scale = $fscale; $fld->max_length = ($ftype == 7 ? 4 : 9); } else { $fld->type = ($ftype == 7 ? 'smallint' : 'integer'); } } break; case 16: if ($dialect3) { switch($fsubtype){ case 0: $fld->type = 'decimal'; $fld->max_length = 18; $fld->scale = 0; break; case 1: $fld->type = 'numeric'; $fld->max_length = $fprecision; $fld->scale = $fscale; break; case 2: $fld->type = 'decimal'; $fld->max_length = $fprecision; $fld->scale = $fscale; break; } // switch } break; case 10: $fld->type = 'float'; break; case 14: $fld->type = 'char'; break; case 27: if ($fscale !=0) { $fld->type = 'decimal'; $fld->max_length = 15; $fld->scale = 5; } else { $fld->type = 'double'; } break; case 35: if ($dialect3) { $fld->type = 'timestamp'; } else { $fld->type = 'date'; } break; case 12: $fld->type = 'date'; break; case 13: $fld->type = 'time'; break; case 37: $fld->type = 'varchar'; break; case 40: $fld->type = 'cstring'; break; case 261: $fld->type = 'blob'; $fld->max_length = -1; break; } // switch } //OPN STUFF end // returns array of ADOFieldObjects for current table function MetaColumns($table, $normalize=true) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; $rs = $this->Execute(sprintf($this->metaColumnsSQL,strtoupper($table))); $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; $false = false; if ($rs === false) { return $false; } $retarr = array(); //OPN STUFF start $dialect3 = ($this->dialect==3 ? true : false); //OPN STUFF end while (!$rs->EOF) { //print_r($rs->fields); $fld = new ADOFieldObject(); $fld->name = trim($rs->fields[0]); //OPN STUFF start $this->_ConvertFieldType($fld, $rs->fields[7], $rs->fields[3], $rs->fields[4], $rs->fields[5], $rs->fields[6], $dialect3); if (isset($rs->fields[1]) && $rs->fields[1]) { $fld->not_null = true; } if (isset($rs->fields[2])) { $fld->has_default = true; $d = substr($rs->fields[2],strlen('default ')); switch ($fld->type) { case 'smallint': case 'integer': $fld->default_value = (int) $d; break; case 'char': case 'blob': case 'text': case 'varchar': $fld->default_value = (string) substr($d,1,strlen($d)-2); break; case 'double': case 'float': $fld->default_value = (float) $d; break; default: $fld->default_value = $d; break; } // case 35:$tt = 'TIMESTAMP'; break; } if ((isset($rs->fields[5])) && ($fld->type == 'blob')) { $fld->sub_type = $rs->fields[5]; } else { $fld->sub_type = null; } //OPN STUFF end if ($ADODB_FETCH_MODE == ADODB_FETCH_NUM) $retarr[] = $fld; else $retarr[strtoupper($fld->name)] = $fld; $rs->MoveNext(); } $rs->Close(); if ( empty($retarr)) return $false; else return $retarr; } function BlobEncode( $blob ) { $blobid = ibase_blob_create( $this->_connectionID); ibase_blob_add( $blobid, $blob ); return ibase_blob_close( $blobid ); } // since we auto-decode all blob's since 2.42, // BlobDecode should not do any transforms function BlobDecode($blob) { return $blob; } // old blobdecode function // still used to auto-decode all blob's function _BlobDecode_old( $blob ) { $blobid = ibase_blob_open($this->_connectionID, $blob ); $realblob = ibase_blob_get( $blobid,$this->maxblobsize); // 2nd param is max size of blob -- Kevin Boillet while($string = ibase_blob_get($blobid, 8192)){ $realblob .= $string; } ibase_blob_close( $blobid ); return( $realblob ); } function _BlobDecode( $blob ) { $blob_data = ibase_blob_info($this->_connectionID, $blob ); $blobid = ibase_blob_open($this->_connectionID, $blob ); if( $blob_data[0] > $this->maxblobsize ) { $realblob = ibase_blob_get($blobid, $this->maxblobsize); while($string = ibase_blob_get($blobid, 8192)){ $realblob .= $string; } } else { $realblob = ibase_blob_get($blobid, $blob_data[0]); } ibase_blob_close( $blobid ); return( $realblob ); } function UpdateBlobFile($table,$column,$path,$where,$blobtype='BLOB') { $fd = fopen($path,'rb'); if ($fd === false) return false; $blob_id = ibase_blob_create($this->_connectionID); /* fill with data */ while ($val = fread($fd,32768)){ ibase_blob_add($blob_id, $val); } /* close and get $blob_id_str for inserting into table */ $blob_id_str = ibase_blob_close($blob_id); fclose($fd); return $this->Execute("UPDATE $table SET $column=(?) WHERE $where",array($blob_id_str)) != false; } /* Insert a null into the blob field of the table first. Then use UpdateBlob to store the blob. Usage: $conn->Execute('INSERT INTO blobtable (id, blobcol) VALUES (1, null)'); $conn->UpdateBlob('blobtable','blobcol',$blob,'id=1'); */ function UpdateBlob($table,$column,$val,$where,$blobtype='BLOB') { $blob_id = ibase_blob_create($this->_connectionID); // ibase_blob_add($blob_id, $val); // replacement that solves the problem by which only the first modulus 64K / // of $val are stored at the blob field //////////////////////////////////// // Thx Abel Berenstein aberenstein#afip.gov.ar $len = strlen($val); $chunk_size = 32768; $tail_size = $len % $chunk_size; $n_chunks = ($len - $tail_size) / $chunk_size; for ($n = 0; $n < $n_chunks; $n++) { $start = $n * $chunk_size; $data = substr($val, $start, $chunk_size); ibase_blob_add($blob_id, $data); } if ($tail_size) { $start = $n_chunks * $chunk_size; $data = substr($val, $start, $tail_size); ibase_blob_add($blob_id, $data); } // end replacement ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $blob_id_str = ibase_blob_close($blob_id); return $this->Execute("UPDATE $table SET $column=(?) WHERE $where",array($blob_id_str)) != false; } function OldUpdateBlob($table,$column,$val,$where,$blobtype='BLOB') { $blob_id = ibase_blob_create($this->_connectionID); ibase_blob_add($blob_id, $val); $blob_id_str = ibase_blob_close($blob_id); return $this->Execute("UPDATE $table SET $column=(?) WHERE $where",array($blob_id_str)) != false; } // Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D // Only since Interbase 6.0 - uses EXTRACT // problem - does not zero-fill the day and month yet function SQLDate($fmt, $col=false) { if (!$col) $col = $this->sysDate; $s = ''; $len = strlen($fmt); for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) { if ($s) $s .= '||'; $ch = $fmt[$i]; switch($ch) { case 'Y': case 'y': $s .= "extract(year from $col)"; break; case 'M': case 'm': $s .= "extract(month from $col)"; break; case 'Q': case 'q': $s .= "cast(((extract(month from $col)+2) / 3) as integer)"; break; case 'D': case 'd': $s .= "(extract(day from $col))"; break; case 'H': case 'h': $s .= "(extract(hour from $col))"; break; case 'I': case 'i': $s .= "(extract(minute from $col))"; break; case 'S': case 's': $s .= "CAST((extract(second from $col)) AS INTEGER)"; break; default: if ($ch == '\\') { $i++; $ch = substr($fmt,$i,1); } $s .= $this->qstr($ch); break; } } return $s; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Name: Recordset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class ADORecordset_ibase extends ADORecordSet { var $databaseType = "ibase"; var $bind=false; var $_cacheType; function __construct($id,$mode=false) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $this->fetchMode = ($mode === false) ? $ADODB_FETCH_MODE : $mode; parent::__construct($id); } /* Returns: an object containing field information. Get column information in the Recordset object. fetchField() can be used in order to obtain information about fields in a certain query result. If the field offset isn't specified, the next field that wasn't yet retrieved by fetchField() is retrieved. */ function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1) { $fld = new ADOFieldObject; $ibf = ibase_field_info($this->_queryID,$fieldOffset); $name = empty($ibf['alias']) ? $ibf['name'] : $ibf['alias']; switch (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE) { case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_UPPER: $fld->name = strtoupper($name); break; case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_LOWER: $fld->name = strtolower($name); break; case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_NATIVE: default: $fld->name = $name; break; } $fld->type = $ibf['type']; $fld->max_length = $ibf['length']; /* This needs to be populated from the metadata */ $fld->not_null = false; $fld->has_default = false; $fld->default_value = 'null'; return $fld; } function _initrs() { $this->_numOfRows = -1; $this->_numOfFields = @ibase_num_fields($this->_queryID); // cache types for blob decode check for ($i=0, $max = $this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++) { $f1 = $this->FetchField($i); $this->_cacheType[] = $f1->type; } } function _seek($row) { return false; } function _fetch() { $f = @ibase_fetch_row($this->_queryID); if ($f === false) { $this->fields = false; return false; } // OPN stuff start - optimized // fix missing nulls and decode blobs automatically global $ADODB_ANSI_PADDING_OFF; //$ADODB_ANSI_PADDING_OFF=1; $rtrim = !empty($ADODB_ANSI_PADDING_OFF); for ($i=0, $max = $this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++) { if ($this->_cacheType[$i]=="BLOB") { if (isset($f[$i])) { $f[$i] = $this->connection->_BlobDecode($f[$i]); } else { $f[$i] = null; } } else { if (!isset($f[$i])) { $f[$i] = null; } else if ($rtrim && is_string($f[$i])) { $f[$i] = rtrim($f[$i]); } } } // OPN stuff end $this->fields = $f; if ($this->fetchMode == ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) { $this->fields = $this->GetRowAssoc(); } else if ($this->fetchMode == ADODB_FETCH_BOTH) { $this->fields = array_merge($this->fields,$this->GetRowAssoc()); } return true; } /* Use associative array to get fields array */ function Fields($colname) { if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) return $this->fields[$colname]; if (!$this->bind) { $this->bind = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) { $o = $this->FetchField($i); $this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i; } } return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]]; } function _close() { return @ibase_free_result($this->_queryID); } function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false) { if (is_object($t)) { $fieldobj = $t; $t = $fieldobj->type; $len = $fieldobj->max_length; } $t = strtoupper($t); if (array_key_exists($t,$this->connection->customActualTypes)) return $this->connection->customActualTypes[$t]; switch ($t) { case 'CHAR': return 'C'; case 'TEXT': case 'VARCHAR': case 'VARYING': if ($len <= $this->blobSize) return 'C'; return 'X'; case 'BLOB': return 'B'; case 'TIMESTAMP': case 'DATE': return 'D'; case 'TIME': return 'T'; //case 'T': return 'T'; //case 'L': return 'L'; case 'INT': case 'SHORT': case 'INTEGER': return 'I'; default: return ADODB_DEFAULT_METATYPE; } } }