0) { $targetValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($arguments[0]); $argc = count($arguments) - 1; $switchCount = floor($argc / 2); $hasDefaultClause = $argc % 2 !== 0; $defaultClause = $argc % 2 === 0 ? null : $arguments[$argc]; $switchSatisfied = false; if ($switchCount > 0) { for ($index = 0; $index < $switchCount; ++$index) { if ($targetValue == $arguments[$index * 2 + 1]) { $result = $arguments[$index * 2 + 2]; $switchSatisfied = true; break; } } } if ($switchSatisfied !== true) { $result = $hasDefaultClause ? $defaultClause : Functions::NA(); } } return $result; } /** * IFERROR. * * Excel Function: * =IFERROR(testValue,errorpart) * * @param mixed $testValue Value to check, is also the value returned when no error * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $errorpart Value to return when testValue is an error condition * Note that this can be an array value to be returned * * @return mixed The value of errorpart or testValue determined by error condition * If an array of values is passed as the $testValue argument, then the returned result will also be * an array with the same dimensions */ public static function IFERROR($testValue = '', $errorpart = '') { if (is_array($testValue)) { return self::evaluateArrayArgumentsSubset([self::class, __FUNCTION__], 1, $testValue, $errorpart); } $errorpart = $errorpart ?? ''; return self::statementIf(Functions::isError($testValue), $errorpart, $testValue); } /** * IFNA. * * Excel Function: * =IFNA(testValue,napart) * * @param mixed $testValue Value to check, is also the value returned when not an NA * Or can be an array of values * @param mixed $napart Value to return when testValue is an NA condition * Note that this can be an array value to be returned * * @return mixed The value of errorpart or testValue determined by error condition * If an array of values is passed as the $testValue argument, then the returned result will also be * an array with the same dimensions */ public static function IFNA($testValue = '', $napart = '') { if (is_array($testValue)) { return self::evaluateArrayArgumentsSubset([self::class, __FUNCTION__], 1, $testValue, $napart); } $napart = $napart ?? ''; return self::statementIf(Functions::isNa($testValue), $napart, $testValue); } /** * IFS. * * Excel Function: * =IFS(testValue1;returnIfTrue1;testValue2;returnIfTrue2;...;testValue_n;returnIfTrue_n) * * testValue1 ... testValue_n * Conditions to Evaluate * returnIfTrue1 ... returnIfTrue_n * Value returned if corresponding testValue (nth) was true * * @param mixed ...$arguments Statement arguments * Note that this can be an array value to be returned * * @return mixed|string The value of returnIfTrue_n, if testValue_n was true. #N/A if none of testValues was true */ public static function IFS(...$arguments) { $argumentCount = count($arguments); if ($argumentCount % 2 != 0) { return Functions::NA(); } // We use instance of Exception as a falseValue in order to prevent string collision with value in cell $falseValueException = new Exception(); for ($i = 0; $i < $argumentCount; $i += 2) { $testValue = ($arguments[$i] === null) ? '' : Functions::flattenSingleValue($arguments[$i]); $returnIfTrue = ($arguments[$i + 1] === null) ? '' : $arguments[$i + 1]; $result = self::statementIf($testValue, $returnIfTrue, $falseValueException); if ($result !== $falseValueException) { return $result; } } return Functions::NA(); } }