1; --$i) { if (($value % $i) == 0) { $factorArray = array_merge($factorArray, self::factors($value / $i)); $factorArray = array_merge($factorArray, self::factors($i)); if ($i <= sqrt($value)) { break; } } } if (!empty($factorArray)) { rsort($factorArray); return $factorArray; } return [(int) $value]; } /** * LCM. * * Returns the lowest common multiplier of a series of numbers * The least common multiple is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple * of all integer arguments number1, number2, and so on. Use LCM to add fractions * with different denominators. * * Excel Function: * LCM(number1[,number2[, ...]]) * * @param mixed ...$args Data values * * @return int|string Lowest Common Multiplier, or a string containing an error */ public static function evaluate(...$args) { try { $arrayArgs = []; $anyZeros = 0; $anyNonNulls = 0; foreach (Functions::flattenArray($args) as $value1) { $anyNonNulls += (int) ($value1 !== null); $value = Helpers::validateNumericNullSubstitution($value1, 1); Helpers::validateNotNegative($value); $arrayArgs[] = (int) $value; $anyZeros += (int) !((bool) $value); } self::testNonNulls($anyNonNulls); if ($anyZeros) { return 0; } } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } $returnValue = 1; $allPoweredFactors = []; // Loop through arguments foreach ($arrayArgs as $value) { $myFactors = self::factors(floor($value)); $myCountedFactors = array_count_values($myFactors); $myPoweredFactors = []; foreach ($myCountedFactors as $myCountedFactor => $myCountedPower) { $myPoweredFactors[$myCountedFactor] = $myCountedFactor ** $myCountedPower; } self::processPoweredFactors($allPoweredFactors, $myPoweredFactors); } foreach ($allPoweredFactors as $allPoweredFactor) { $returnValue *= (int) $allPoweredFactor; } return $returnValue; } private static function processPoweredFactors(array &$allPoweredFactors, array &$myPoweredFactors): void { foreach ($myPoweredFactors as $myPoweredValue => $myPoweredFactor) { if (isset($allPoweredFactors[$myPoweredValue])) { if ($allPoweredFactors[$myPoweredValue] < $myPoweredFactor) { $allPoweredFactors[$myPoweredValue] = $myPoweredFactor; } } else { $allPoweredFactors[$myPoweredValue] = $myPoweredFactor; } } } private static function testNonNulls(int $anyNonNulls): void { if (!$anyNonNulls) { throw new Exception(Functions::VALUE()); } } }